We could help?
What are your main concerns?
What's most important to you?
And who have you ruled out?
I'm reading over the Manifestos on the BBC website now, but I don't think there's many parties even looking at what I'd be interested in.
- Increased funding for social projects such as sports in 'deprived areas', healthy eating programs for school children and their parents, etc
- A pledge to protect current funding for Council Sports Facilities (Gyms, Sports Halls, Youth Clubs, etc) offering after school activities and events.
- Funding for charities that provide services (such as PE, Healthy Lifestyles, etc) to schools and groups
- A pledge to look into and pressure the Premier League to subsidies ticket prices so the 'average fan' can return and watch football at the stadiums
- A pledge to protect net neutrality and to stop the policing of the internet started by David Cameron
- Tax Breaks for UK Game Developers
- Uni Fees Reduced (even though I've graduated)
- A pledge to focus interests of the country outside of London (I have no real basis for this one other than feeling like all investment is centered around the South - Yes I'm a Northern Monkey!)
Well, it helps the people trying to get elected. And at the end of the day, isn't that what's really important?
Not really, I shouldn't be voting for the person who's 'scared' me the most into voting for them. I should be voting for the person/party that is going to look after me and the country. It should be someone you trust and has your best interests in mind. Unless this was a joke comment that has went right over my head haha