Worse Tory shite. Without the LibDems, they can get on with removing us from the Bill of Human Rights (and replacing it with a 'British Bill of RIghts that I presume Cameron and Osborne will scribble on the back of a napkin while drunk on celebratory champagne).
Well the Human Rights thing is actually valid if you take the time to look into it, basically we gave more control and influence to the EU court than even Germany does, due to a poorly thought out clause in the rushed HRA bill.
Theresa May has already mentioned bringing back the snoopers charter.
This a thousand times over, although Labour were also supporters in fact being the party who started the ball rolling with RIPA years ago, so there's little to pick between the two largest parties. Unfortunately the Libdems were the only party speaking out against it and their previous supporters just kicked them to the curb for it.