To be fair, if by some bizarre reason Russia decided to nuke the UK, I very much doubt America would nuke Russia, regardless of what agreement is in place. It's not in America's interest, as they know they'd just get wiped out by Russia.
I disagree. Unlike the US the UK doesn't require an operating government to retaliate, if command falls then orders left by the Government are opened on the Sub and followed. One sub could wipe out a huge portion of Russia's command structure including the mechanism they use for authorizing Nuclear strikes. You can also put a bet on that they'd target current leadership based on intelligence reports. Given this opportunity and a very good chance that Russia's leadership would be in turmoil or dead it would make sense for the US to finish the job once and for all. Russia doesn't have a known policy for control of the Nuclear option if the leadership is wiped out. Once this happened and presuming the Nuclear authorization system is gone, then it comes down to individual Commanders in control of a Nuclear option to decide. No way the US is going to risk that happening, the only logical route is hitting them with everything and hoping due to a borked command structure that the retaliation will be subpar.
This is all rubbish anyway, Putin likes money and power, having Moscow and himself wiped out would ruin that somewhat. All his recent crap is posturing to make himself look like a tough brute man.
But I do believe the UK needs a Nuclear deterrent at least until that crazy bastard is gone. Because without it there is a possibility the US wouldn't step in.