Kick me out of No10 if old..........
but this made me chuckle, which in a sea of mud slinging, is a good thing.
Don't tell me sky news has developed a sense of humour.
EDIT: Woops new page.
Kick me out of No10 if old..........
but this made me chuckle, which in a sea of mud slinging, is a good thing.
Actually they've acknowledged there is likely to be a pretty large shortfall which they'll fill by getting Councils to sell off more of their remaining housing stock.
The policy will require significant amounts of taxpayer input initially. No idea where that's coming from, probably the disabled.
I love how the papers are all partisan nonsense and then the FT and Indie are trying to be as balanced as possible. :| The fact that it's a tiny minority of read papers is saddening.
I don't understand what you mean when you say "a large shortfall they'll fill by getting councils to sell off" - a shortfall in budgets? But the whole point is that they're only selling the expensive ones anyway, right?
Edit: Sorry, I getcha. It's the expensive ones where they make the money to pay for the replacements. But surely this still means there'll be a shortfall in council homes, rather than budgets, since - whatever the value of the property - selling it nets them revenue (at the expense of a council house).
The have to pay the housing associations (which are private businesses they're strongarming into having to sell) the discount. That money needs to come from somewhere. They intend in the future for that money to come from the sale of council houses (and cure cancer/put a man on the moon) but as they cannot turf folk out to sell there's going to be a very big lag. That money also has to replace the sold off council stock.
The initial cost of the RTB policy is being put at £4.5 billion to £6.5 billion.
I love how the papers are all partisan nonsense and then the FT and Indie are trying to be as balanced as possible. :| The fact that it's a tiny minority of read papers is saddening.
Cameron doesn't care about his competitors. Even in the best case scenario where he stays as PM he'll be going in 2017 at the latest (this appears to be a largely open secret amongst the Tory press). Sure, maybe he'll do some manouvring to help his successor closer to the time but this is a massively dangerous way of doing that (not to mention the fact that Sajid, being as young as he is, won't be affected by this in any significant way).
While extending Right to Buy will see some people being able to buy their own home with help from the taxpayer, these are people already living in good secure homes on some of the countrys cheapest rents. It wont help the millions of people in private rented homes who are desperate to buy but have no hope of doing so, nor the three million adult children living with their parents because they cant afford to rent or buy. To use public assets to gift over £100,000 to someone already living in a good quality home is deeply unfair. Little wonder then that 60% of the public believe that it would be unfair for social housing tenants to get a discount to buy their home while private renters do not.
Beyond questions of fairness, the public simply dont buy that it will help people struggling with their housing costs. Just 16% think extending Right to Buy to housing associations is good way to tackle the affordability crisis, in comparison to 46% who want the Government to give more public money to housing associations and councils to build more affordable homes that will benefit more people.
Housing associations are private social enterprises that exist for the benefit of the community, who already build homes of all types for sale, private and social rent and shared ownership. As well as depriving future generations of decent affordable housing, the Conservative party are planning to raise £17.5 billion over the life of the next parliament from the sale of high value properties to fund the discount - no paltry sum in times of austerity and figure that could grow into the tens of billions as more become eligible. This £17.5 billion is enough to finance nearly one million new shared ownership homes open to everyone, not just the lucky few already well housed in secure social homes.
Political parties - especially smaller ones - should have a vision. This vision should go beyond the "oh we'll do this, we'll do that, and this will happen" short-term electioneering that established parties can safely carry out. If the Greens had any sense they'd be setting out 5-to-10 year plans and visions for how they will transform the country, not just upload a brochure filled soundbites with hashtags.
I don't even care much about "affordable" homes. Just build more homes. Their initial price is basically irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and if it puts developers off actually putting spades in the ground, scrap it. More supply will inevitably put prices down, even if it's only because people who already have homes are moving into these plush nice new ones. Someone's gotta live in their old house.
The National Housing Federation don't pull any punches on the RTB (for some) policy.
A (non-Kipper) friend shared this on Facebook. Quite scary.
A (non-Kipper) friend shared this on Facebook. Quite scary.
Im going to be blunt and say that I dont like sharing UKIP with Negroes who seem to command a lot of attention because of the colour of their black skin. My readers have always known me as a controversial writer but I feel that many of us within the party also feel the same way in regards to the Negro problem.
I mean, yes, but the cheaper these homes are to build, the more the government can build on a set budget, meaning the greater the increase in supply is.
A (non-Kipper) friend shared this on Facebook. Quite scary.
Negroes are an interesting form of creature to say the least, a strongly built type of animal that belongs roaming the plains of Africa as opposed to the halls of Westminster.
Yeah but at that point, the "affordability" is with the government, not whoever ends up with the house. Typically "affordable housing" means that it costs x% of the average local cost (or whatever). I'm not just talking about the government, either.
A (non-Kipper) friend shared this on Facebook. Quite scary.
The two are obviously related, though. A house which is affordable to the government is unlikely to be the sort of house which can command a top tier price on the market.
I think we have to get real and make it clear that the Negro man is not a White man, he does not have a place in the White mans land and nor should we give him sympathy because of his black skin colour. Negroes are an interesting form of creature to say the least, a strongly built type of animal that belongs roaming the plains of Africa as opposed to the halls of Westminster.
A Black menace
England is an Anglo-Saxon country, a White country and we must never lose sight of this one key fact. As UKippers we must defend the right to be white, we must champion white rights and above all, we must push the Negro back to his homeland of Africa.
I think the lesson of the campaign is kind of the opposite. The Greens have actually tried the hard but necessary long term vision stuff with the minimum income and lower working week proposals and got laughed at. It's probably best not to discuss them at election time. Long term planning doesn't happen there. You should focus on stuff you'd do in the first two years of government.
While I understand that setting out grandiose plans and visions (especially the utopian ideals of the Green party) in election season is just asking to be eviscerated by the mainstream media, there is a lack of "hows" and "whens" in this manifesto. That and I can't help but feel that this Green manifesto is the end result of a group project by some 2nd-year university students who're studying politics and marketing.
It's a bit OT, but I often wonder how these tub-thumping nationalists view our occupation of numerous foreign countries.Jesus Christ...
It's a bit OT, but I often wonder how these tub-thumping nationalists view our occupation of numerous foreign countries.
It's OK for "us" to be in "their" countries, but not for them to be in ours?, bizarre logic.
It's a bit OT, but I often wonder how these tub-thumping nationalists view our occupation of numerous foreign countries.
It's OK for "us" to be in "their" countries, but not for them to be in ours?, bizarre logic.
I believe the classic racist/imperialist line is "bringing civilization to the savages", or something to that effect.
A (non-Kipper) friend shared this on Facebook. Quite scary.
Is this official? Surely even UKIP wouldn't stand for this? Unless this guy is just a member and not standing for any seats?
Negro problem? What is this 1930s Germany?
I think he's being pretty generous by refering to that as an "article". Also, I think any time someone talks about having "the Negro problem", perhaps they're looking in the wrong place for "solutions".
Yeah, I agree. The problem with the grandiose, sweeping stuff is that there are so many variables that you can't give the required details which means it gets laughed at and picked a part. If you're going to tone it down and pick your battles, you can afford to get the specifics and the next-5-years stuff right, but it seems they've abandoned the big picture without actually benefitting from the more specific and succinct requirements of smaller policies.
It's also aimed at people with a very short attention span, apparantly.
It's a bit OT, but I often wonder how these tub-thumping nationalists view our occupation of numerous foreign countries.
It's OK for "us" to be in "their" countries, but not for them to be in ours?, bizarre logic.
Is this official? Surely even UKIP wouldn't stand for this? Unless this guy is just a member and not standing for any seats?
Negro problem? What is this 1930s Germany?
The Green Party actually has a proper, full length, detailed manifesto. It's just hidden. It's at
It's much more detailed. Sadly that means some of it is completely contradictory and absolutely insane.