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May Wrasslin' |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread


There match quality has been great lately though they do repeat Smackdown matches on Raw quite a bit. I'm still looking for the last tv match on impact that was greater than 10 minutes?

Fair point. They've been topping out at 7-8 minutes these days.

Not sure how long the EY matches have been. Maybe more than 10 mins for a couple of them at least?
Because people don't watch cage matches to see pinfalls, perro.

Start thinking with your brain instead of your cock.

Bean. I expected better. No confidence.



Impact doesn't have commercial breaks interrupting their matches.

Cause none there matches go over 8 minutes. You have this Japanese talent that needs long matches to get over but giving him 4 minute matches isn't going to work if he can't cut a promo.

Being able to a do a good match is held at its highest point right now and KENTA will need that to get himself over.
I mean, wow. If this company really was expecting "Adam Rose" to be anything more than a Eugene-level bottom-of-the-card novelty, they have completely lost the plot and need to move NXT out of "Full Sail University."
How do they determine it was a failure based off of one week?

And he's a fucking goof, what do they expect?


It's better than working at K-Mart like some TNA talent, but I kinda feel embarrassed for the man saying shit like that willingly.

Why? No reason to be ashamed of filming a kid's film. If you're filming a kid's movie about a talking dog, then I think it's better and more professional to own that instead of keeping it at arm's length, like you're above it. Take pride in your work. Christopher Walken would.


Junior Member
Any of you familiar with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? I need to know which character is equivalent of John Cena.

If Cena had a stand, it would be Echoes Act 3 because it can hold anyone down, brother.

Or possibly King Crimson, since it can erase a chunk of time with his opponent still taking all the damage that should have happened in the erased time, with himself coming out smelling like a daisy.

I can't think of any characters that map to Cena personality-wise, though.
Why? No reason to be ashamed of filming a kid's film. If you're filming a kid's movie about a talking dog, then I think it's better and more professional to own that instead of keeping it at arm's length, like you're above it. Take pride in your work. Christopher Walken would.
Unless it is a David Decoteau movie. Which I don't know that it is, but if it is, shame is the only valid reaction. To watching one or starring in one.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
WWE can be really shitty about debuts,






I find this funny:

UFC fighter Tom Lawlor has been added to the Ring of Honor vs. New Japan show Saturday in New York City.

Man, is a big wrestling fan and is hilarious on the wrestling podcasts like his run in on Sunday professing his love of Alexa Bliss.

edit: Is Dana okay with this?
Well I hope everyone's happy now. Rumors abound that Bryan has a neck injury and needs time off.

WWE World Heavyweight champion Daniel Bryan will be taking several weeks off due to a neck injury.

Daniel Bryan is expected to announce the injury on tonight’s episode of WWE RAW.

Bryan will need several weeks off and he will most likely need a minimally-invasive neck “procedure.”

A source who is currently backstage at RAW says he’s been very quiet all day.

If the procedure goes well, he could be back in time for the June 1st WWE Payback pay-per-view in Chicago. Otherwise, he’ll be back by Money in the Bank.

This exclusive scoop comes from the same source who told us about Daniel Bryan suffering a concussion back in January, the night he broke away from the Wyatt Family during a steel cage match on RAW. We were the first site anywhere to report that story and nobody else is reporting this yet.

So believe what you believe yadda yadda don't kill the messenger.

Ugh at that last sentence though
Better have Kane keep the belt warm for him so he can win it back heroically at Payback.

But seriously though, that sucks if true, the title chase never ends with Bryan, even when he gets the belt things go wrong.


If Cena had a stand, it would be Echoes Act 3 because it can hold anyone down, brother.

Or possibly King Crimson, since it can erase a chunk of time with his opponent still taking all the damage that should have happened in the erased time, with himself coming out smelling like a daisy.

I can't think of any characters that map to Cena personality-wise, though.


I was hoping Jonathan Joestar would be the John Cena of JoJo's.


Junior Member

I was hoping Jonathan Joestar would be the John Cena of JoJo's.

Johnathan is a giant mountain of muscle and an excessively good-natured guy, so I could see it from that end. On the other hand, he also values his status as a gentleman and would be appalled by the poop jokes.

Joseph would be ok with the poop jokes, but his entire schtick is making up for his weakness with cleverness.

Jotaro could work. He has a limited move set that features a lot of punching, he has a catchphrase, and he's ok with poop jokes. But he's definitely not the smiley nice guy, he's stoic and a self-aware jerk.

The other Jojos get even further away from appropriate. Josuke's gimmick is that he can heal everyone's damage except his own, the exact opposite of what happens when Cena gets involved in a storyline. Giorno is a tiny fey mafia prince. Jolyne is a badass woman in prison. Johnny is a paraplegic jockey. Even if I expand my search to sidekicks and villains I'm not really coming up with anything.
If Cena had a stand, it would be Echoes Act 3 because it can hold anyone down, brother.

Or possibly King Crimson, since it can erase a chunk of time with his opponent still taking all the damage that should have happened in the erased time, with himself coming out smelling like a daisy.

I can't think of any characters that map to Cena personality-wise, though.
Cena is basically Pucci, he can steal heat from up to two other wrestlers at a time and the only people who like him are the world's biggest asshole and a brightly colored baby.
Kane WWE champion IN 2014

Kane in 2014!

Indeed, It makes perfect sense in current continuity as well.


Except the last time Kane was in a title feud and his opponent got injured midway through the angle we ended up with the Great Khali as champion so coming to think of it history is against me. Plus the ever present Cena factor.
I regret posting that news after knowing how this thread would react to it. Blame my thin skin but maaaaaaaaaan talk about rubbing salt in the wound.

Maybe I should pretend to like Cena.
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