That reminds me, I didn't get my share of the gate from my GFW matches.
What's up Seph Gagne?!
One Day of BewareTheBatsie: Day One
Today we chronicle the journey of GWF's leading merch seller, BewareTheBatsie
That reminds me, I didn't get my share of the gate from my GFW matches.
What's up Seph Gagne?!
You sold me.Its more inbetween Bioshock and System Shock
The little mimick assholes are like fighting 50 genjis
Its more inbetween Bioshock and System Shock
The little mimick assholes are like fighting 50 genjis
So many ironies here.Let me know when 30 Days o' Kane gets to when he lost his mask, turned into a full on bastard who murdered everyone and had to be chained up between matches and was the most compelling he had been since he first appeared..
..then got superkicked into fire by Shane O Mac because lol 'burn in hell you sonofabitch' reasons and somewhat ironically lost his heat dude.
Fine speech.One Day of BewareTheBatsie: Day One
Today we chronicle the journey of GWF's leading merch seller, BewareTheBatsie
I'll say this about GWF: there's been no character assassinations like when Dixie "Sunflower" Carter was running the asylum.
New GWF is the land of opportunity! I can publicly bury friend Batsie because he still sells merch and has the most famous streak in digital Sports Entertainment.
Friend Beef, might I offer you a GWF contract?
You just need to see one match of his to realize thisTakayama's been living on borrowed time for a long while
Maybe in the future, but for now I'll stay a free agent. Sinatar almost worked me into a shoot, though, when he dissed Little Caesars. I was ready to lace up those boots right then and there.
i await your opinions of prey the further you get into it, Data.
From everything I've seen it looks like a boring Bioshock wannabe.
I'll get the blood drop from the ceiling ready for Menome.GWF 4: New Blood Rising.
GWF 4: New Blood Rising.
What will be the main event of GWF 4?
What will be the main event of GWF 4?
You drive a hard bargainI would have given you a Pizza in the Bank Ladder Match. The briefcase would contain one coupon** for a pizza of your choice*
* Pizza of your choice cannot be Papa Johns because I expect you to have taste
** Not a real coupon
EDIT: Pizza in the Bank Ladder matches are my *specialty*. I've never been defeated in one, Professor Beef don't want none of this.
Also Little Caesers is garbage.
Little Caesar's is the best chain pizza because there's zero deviation
I know exactly how it'll taste
Little Caesar's is the best chain pizza because there's zero deviation
I know exactly how it'll taste
You drive a hard bargain
Also the only good Papa in pizza is Papa Murphy
You're like the Shawn to my Undertaker, you won't sucker me into a match!
I found this highly scientific video detailing the low quality ingredients in Little Caesars. I've not seen his videos before, but he sounds legit, I thought the ominous music was a nice touch.
Means he can wrestle but not deal with the writers.batista saying he'd only come back to wwe for a triple h feud
it'd be cool to see batista again but then it means a triple h feud
Triple H will write some terrible shit for them to do.Means he can wrestle but not deal with the writers.
The red liquid!!I'll get the blood drop from the ceiling ready for Menome.
What will be the main event of GWF 4?
At least one member of each row is in the wwe. That's funnyIs there a GWF roster poster? Like this:
Kane is a solid number 2 in pushes ended abruptly by HHH, only barely behind Booker T, which is saying something as that angle involved WRESTLEMANIA and the racist guy going over.
Kane, let's be honest here, was never a guy who could sustain a main event push but HHH handicapped his best chance at a title run and is basically the first victim of him having real power in booking due to his relationship with Stephanie.
You went for Peebee?
*shakes hand*
one day of prey:
i like it a lot more than persona 5
Imagine listening to Logic in 2017this Bronx-Man dweeb is hating on Logic in another thread
Seph please gimme a match against this LOSER