Is that dive supposed to be a joke because I don't get it
Way to hijack my protein thread wrasslegaf
I could watch Stephanie talk for hours and hours and hours. HHH really is a lucky guy man.
She is= to winning the lottery, and she is really pretty on top of all the $$.
There are only a handful of women on earth like her. What a lucky guy.
That's not even a good one from LU. Mundo's leap earlier in the season was better IMOThat LU gif is already getting Foley Taker HIAC levels of overexposure
It's even bigger than that. The trolls on this site will constantly Cyberbully you just for showing up with the wrong avatar even if you don't draw attention to itThe danger of enjoying something too much and posting about it in this thread.
I'm afraid it only gets worse from here. The face of the BA* movement is back, and it looks like this.It's even bigger than that. The trolls on this site will constantly Cyberbully you just for showing up with the wrong avatar even if you don't draw attention to it
I could watch Stephanie talk for hours and hours and hours. HHH really is a lucky guy man.
She is= to winning the lottery, and she is really pretty on top of all the $$.
There are only a handful of women on earth like her. What a lucky guy.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Really, huh?
She has the looks and the (augmented) boobies.
She has the money.
But after an hour, I can only conclude that her personality is very off putting to me. I'd be done by the end of dinner on the first date, to be honest.
I'm sure Trips is very happy and I wish them all the best, but nope, not for me.
Don't tit-shame, friend.
I'm still watching 96 Raws. Golddust gave Ahmed mouth to mouth and the reaction by him and Vince is pretty shameful. They weren't mad that Golddust was taking advantage of someone who wasn't conscious so much as they were mad that a man put his lips on another man. Vince called it the most disgusting thing hes ever seen in the WWF and Ahmed went on a mild killing spree in the back. He unfortunately didn't kill Mero even though he was right there.
This is how you see us isn't it VinceBest Batista:
Best Batista:
replace with "unpaid LegitShook contributors"This is how you see us isn't it Vince
He could lift 100 big shows and throw them out the ring. He'll never draw a dime.we should just elevate today to #shootfridays
Fox18 doesn't like Cesaro just because he wants to support someone back when they were a nobody, because i dont believe anyone truly believes Cesaro will ever become a somebody in the WWE. #shootfridays
It's even bigger than that. The trolls on this site will constantly Cyberbully you just for showing up with the wrong avatar even if you don't draw attention to it
Best Batista:
I feel your struggle, fellow anime avatar friend.
I've heard that it's not doing great guns over the past couple of years (although thankfully I'm out of the broad street loop), so perhaps not that much... Who's in town?Hah, someone is running my old favourite University haunt, Gatecrasher in Birmingham:
Looks good! It's a big big club, I don't want to think how much that cost to keep closed on a Friday night.
She's also a phreak in the sack, so win-win.
Which is all the more amazing. HHH really is a lucky dude. Bastard.
Best Batista:
Only time the spinny belt looked good was on Brotista.
Depends if "fucking ability" is important to you as a person.
Depends if "fucking ability" is important to you as a person.
real talk - i think sexual compatibility with someone is fairly important.
Wow, Corny & Bischoff running creative for GFW...what could possibly go wrong?
Wow, Corny & Bischoff running creative for GFW...what could possibly go wrong?
Wow, Corny & Bischoff running creative for GFW...what could possibly go wrong?
Wow, Corny & Bischoff running creative for GFW...what could possibly go wrong?
Fox318 is just one of these contrarian gimmick poster guys that wants to buy in on a guy on the bottom, get in on the ground floor, and hopefully cash in when he makes it to the top and be able to say
"I supported this guy way back when, when he was nothing."
See Chamber and SoulPlaya for reference.
He doesn't actually give a f*ck about Cesaro.