lovely ladies
I actually bought Ride when it was on clearance many years back. Still haven't opened it yet lol, it does have that board controller though.They have heritage with the series. They also made Shred and Ride.
I actually bought Ride when it was on clearance many years back. Still haven't opened it yet lol, it does have that board controller though.They have heritage with the series. They also made Shred and Ride.
Plus Zayn injured himself in his goddamn entrance.
"Who is this, I can't see "
I don't think you read the thread, everyone was happy about Raw
and Vince booked the show
wait what?
edit: just saw a webm of it, wow that fucking sucks
I actually bought Ride when it was on clearance many years back. Still haven't opened it yet lol, it does have that board controller though.
Cena needs stop using that spring board stunner. It looks aweful
My dad is about 72 now and he can't see shit anymore. It's enough that he can't drive on his own now.
He's also the kind that never goes to the Doctor unless it's too late.
I wonder if Vince is once of those types.
I'm sure you guys are never going to let the blindness rumor from REDDIT go.
A rumor from Reddit.
Why doesn't Rusev keep answering Cena's open challenges?
It kinda is crazy that a dude as big as Cena is doing a springboard stunner.
What was that flipping neck breaker thing Cena used to do? I remember it from his early B-Squared Cena days.
Anyone knows how was Raw's rating last night? Personally, I really enjoyed the show.
JTG is releasing a tell-all book.
This could really hurt his chances of coming back.JTG is releasing a tell-all book.
Someone hook Cena up with boss Brock's tailor
JTG is releasing a tell-all book.
Could you imagine having to measure that mother fucker?
So I read Michelle Beadle's rant on why she's no longer supporting WWE after 18 years of being a fan.
I get that she's doing this to use her voice against supporting someone with a criminal past like Mayweather, but really?
There are far worse things that have happened over the past 18 years to drop your support of WWE over. Far worse things than a tweet congratulating Mayweather for his victory in the biggest boxing match of the century.
Even if she gets Triple H to issue some apology or statement, I hope she enjoys having her super fan access revoked.
I'm getting far too used to WWE Network and NJPW World just giving me wrestling on demand now. It's great. I'd be over the moon if AAA/CMLL worked something out, so I can finally see more than the handful of Lucha shows I've ever seen - most of which were from the 90s.
AJPW please. They're the only one with a comparable backlog.
AJPW please. They're the only one with a comparable backlog.
NOAH has a pretty great backlog, though their current cards aren't as great.
JTG is releasing a tell-all book.
NOAH is pretty much NJPW's WCW now, so that's just a matter of time before they show up on NJPW World.
Oh nice, I didn't realise NJPW had NOAH rights too. What was that Joshi promotion? Do they have those rights too?