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McCain: Trump never apologized for saying I wasn't a war hero


President Donald Trump never apologized to John McCain for saying the senator is not a war hero. But the Arizona senator says in an interview airing tonight that while the two are “very different people,” he would never close the door to rapprochement.

“Sure. I'd be glad to converse with him,” McCain (R-Ariz.) told Lesley Stahl of “60 Minutes.” “But I also understand that we're very different people. Different upbringing. Different life experiences.”

Chalking up most of their differences to upbringing, McCain, son and grandson of Navy admirals, said Trump, son of a New York real estate maven, just values different things than he does.

“He is in the business of making money and he has been successful both in television as well as Miss America and others. I was raised in a military family,” McCain said. “I was raised in the concept and belief that duty, honor, country is the — is the lodestar for the behavior that we have to exhibit every single day.”

But McCain stressed that his no vote in July had nothing to do with animosity for the commander-in-chief.

“If I took offense at everybody who has said something about me, or disparaged me or something like that — life is too short,” he said. “And on an issue of this importance to the nation, for me to worry about a personal relationship, then I'm not doing my job.”

The 81-year-old also spoke about his cancer diagnosis.

Like then-Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), McCain was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a severe kind of brain cancer. And like Kennedy, McCain has opted to continue serving in the Senate while he receives treatment and chemotherapy, sometimes on the same day of his official duties. (Kennedy died in 2009 at the age of 77.)

“I think about Ted a lot. Ted stayed at his job, kept working,” McCain said. “Kept going even when he was in a wheelchair. And he never gave up because he loved the engagement.”


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Not surprising. Would be absolutely floored if Trump ever apologized to anyone for anything.


"He never apologised for being captured," Trump, probably.

I remember tuning into one of his hateful rallies during the primary where he actually said being captured was a disgrace and the soldier would be better left in enemy hands. He was talking about Bergdahl, I think.

Of course so much hateful shit constantly flows out his mouth that people don't even blink at something that'd be a career ender for anyone else.
Historians will remember Senator John McCain well.

They will try to pretend Trump never happened.

McCain is going to win this one in the end.
He doesn't apologize for anything, that's his shtick.

At least it seems that McCain doesn't want to leave office with anything major on his chest.
Well obviously, Trump's whole method is that he is never wrong and is the font of all wisdom. Even when he is proven completely wrong, which is the case nearly all the time, he just doubles down and shouts even louder. It's like expecting the Great White Shark to apologise for biting your leg off.
In the interview he doesn't say it himself, he was asked "did he apologize to you for saying that" and he was like, "lolno", like he was aware he wasn't going to and didn't expect it to come from him


The same person going on and on about respecting the troops.

Guess it's only anti-American when Black people do it, huh Trump. Which of course they actually aren't and he has.But who needs reality in Trump's America?


No Scrubs
Makes me wonder if Trump will get one of those presidential libraries.

New Yorkers will fight it tooth and nail. Unless he just puts it in Trump Tower, I'm not sure how it gets made. Opposing it would be the most politically advantageous position a politician could take.


Junior Member
Trump said "I don't like soldiers who are captured" Why did Republicans, who tend to hold military service/ soldiers in high regard, still vote for him after this?


Drumpf said "I don't like soldiers who are captured" Why did Republicans, who tend to hold military service/ soldiers in high regard, still vote for him after this?

1) They don't actually give two shits about troops and veterans, they just use them for political gain. The GOP is one of the biggest reasons why the VA is the mess it is.

2) Republican voters will vote for anyone who has an R next to their name, no matter what. Satan himself could announce he's running for the presidency on the GOP ticket and they'd vote for him.

They're some of the biggest hypocrites in this country.


Of course not. He doesn't respect you. You supported him despite all the shit he talked about you. I don't respect you either, John.


Makes me wonder if Trump will get one of those presidential libraries.

It's just a clear box in the middle of Time Square with a copy of The Art of the Deal ripped to shreds with the caption:

Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
- George Santayana

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
The 81-year-old also spoke about his cancer diagnosis.

Like then-Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), McCain was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a severe kind of brain cancer. And like Kennedy, McCain has opted to continue serving in the Senate while he receives treatment and chemotherapy, sometimes on the same day of his official duties. (Kennedy died in 2009 at the age of 77.)

“I think about Ted a lot. Ted stayed at his job, kept working,” McCain said. “Kept going even when he was in a wheelchair. And he never gave up because he loved the engagement.”

I bet McCain is sad that he wouldn't have Obama doing his eulogy as president, unlike Kennedy.

I don't even want to imagine a McCain eulogy by Trump.

I hope he beats cancer.

Makes me wonder if Trump will get one of those presidential libraries.

Would any scholar want to work on that?
It’ll contain all the book he’s ever read.



yes, that talented of a member
Of course not. He doesn't respect you. You supported him despite all the shit he talked about you. I don't respect you either, John.

This hits the nail on the head.

The sad thing is, when McCain is gone, all these late game moves he's made to challenge his party are going to be for naught. I'm sure whoever is senator for Arizona is gonna happily vote for Trump's horrible healthcare reforms in the future.
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