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Media Create Sales 2/12 - 2/18

Monster Hunter is more suited for handhelds me thinks, especially with the portable co-op ways to play. I can wee why such an addicting game would garner good sales.

And while it's still too early to poo-poo FEWii sales... I'm really tired of seeing JUST Wii Sports and Wii play up there in the Top 10. FE and Naruto SHOULD be up there at least 2 weeks.
*wakes up*

*looks into thread*

Yup, regretted that post.

Now, where were we?

Oh, yeah. Somehow, I don't see Crisis Core breaking a million.


ethelred said:
Or maybe Nintendo just killed gaming.

:lol :lol :lol OMG

Pureauthor said:
They decided fighting their way through the rabid crowd wasn't worth it.

"Excuse me, if you could move a couple inches to the left, I could reach over and maybe brush that copy of Fire Emblem with my fingers..."


"Uh, hello? Do you speak Japanese? Hello? Hello?"


"Um, excuse me, sir? There's something wrong here."

"Aw, crud. Yo, Kensuke! We've got another dead one here!"

"Drag him out and dump him in the back with the rest!"

"... (Maybe I can come back next week.)"

LanceStern said:
Monster Hunter is more suited for handhelds me thinks, especially with the portable co-op ways to play. I can wee why such an addicting game would garner good sales.

And while it's still too early to poo-poo FEWii sales... I'm really tired of seeing JUST Wii Sports and Wii play up there in the Top 10. FE and Naruto SHOULD be up there at least 2 weeks.

KGKK said:
MGS:pO is doing quite well from what I heard.

300k for a 4mln system is not "doing quite well" for me... i mean, PSP has more or less the same userbase GC did and, besides MHP 1 & 2 there is no game above 500k

We will see a "resurrection" in PSP sales after MHP2 ? I don't think so, taking a look at amazon.jp chart and you can realize it will not happen, the next big thing for PSP, Gundam Seed vs. ZAFT (maybe another porting from PS2?) is in the bottom part of the top100.

PSP in Japan is like GC, a big title (MHP and Smash Bros) and slow sales for other games, meanwhile the opponent (PS2 and DS) is selling like cakes....


Moor-Angol said:
300k for a 4mln system is not "doing quite well" for me... i mean, PSP has more or less the same userbase GC did and, besides MHP 1 & 2 there is no game above 500k

We will see a "resurrection" in PSP sales after MHP2 ? I don't think so, taking a look at amazon.jp chart and you can realize it will not happen, the next big thing for PSP, Gundam Seed vs. ZAFT (maybe another porting from PS2?) is in the bottom part of the top100.

PSP in Japan is like GC, a big title (MHP and Smash Bros) and slow sales for other games, meanwhile the opponent (PS2 and DS) is selling like cakes....
Well, PSP has sold more hardware then GCN, but sells far less games. The Cube had quite a few 'MGS:pO' level successes, for example, and many even better then that.

And those expecting Monster Hunter 1 to sell more now that 2 is out - if they're based on the PS2 games, then I can't see why. MH2 was more of an 'upgrade', then a sequel, rendering the original obsolete, much like a sports series.


listen to the mad man
Moor-Angol said:
300k for a 4mln system is not "doing quite well" for me... i mean, PSP has more or less the same userbase GC did and, besides MHP 1 & 2 there is no game above 500k

300k for a 4m system is not "doing quite well", eh?
So, 600k for an 8m system is not "doing quite well"?
Or... 1.2m for a 16m system?
Or... 1.5m for a 20m system?

By this logic, a PS2 game (regardless of budget) needs to sell more than 1.5 million copies to "do quite well". A million units = megabomba!

Give me a break.


Stumpokapow said:
300k for a 4m system is not "doing quite well", eh?
So, 600k for an 8m system is not "doing quite well"?
Or... 1.2m for a 16m system?
Or... 1.5m for a 20m system?

By this logic, a PS2 game (regardless of budget) needs to sell more than 1.5 million copies to "do quite well". A million units = megabomba!

Give me a break.
He didn't mean it's not doing well as a game, but that it's not doing well as an example of 'awesome software sales' on the platform.

If the PS2's 2nd (or 3rd now) best selling game only sold 1.5 million, that would be a problem, and it would never have reached the success it did. Key titles galvanize platforms, and without a half-dozen or so games with huge sales the platform fails.
Stumpokapow said:
300k for a 4m system is not "doing quite well", eh?
Give me a break.

just take a look at GC japanese chart ;)

GC had 1 game over 1 mln, 9 games over 500k, 38 games over 100k

PSP has 1 game over 500k, 2 next week, 28 games over 100k

same userbase more or less

numbers are numbers, you can't interpretate, PSP is selling poor, that's all

ah, FYI PS2 sw sales are : 1 game over 3 mln, 2 over 2 mln, 14 over 1 mln and 47 games over 500k, i don't know how many over 100k


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
Moor-Angol said:
numbers are numbers, you can't interpretate, PSP is selling poor, that's all
the PSP has shitty sales and overall shitty software sales, but MGS:pO does sell well period.

And I say that as a ****ing nintard.


AFAIK Hot Shots Golf for PSP is also over 500k.

MGS:pO sales is over 360k by now. I think it will reach 410-430k LTD which is around half what the previous big MGS games did in Japan (each between 750-950k) on a home console with much bigger installed base.

The software sales for the PSP are generally bad, but comparing portable and home console software sales/tie ratio is a little stupid IMHO.
Masklinn said:
the PSP has shitty sales and overall shitty software sales, but MGS:pO does sell well period.

i agree with you, it's selling well for a PSP game (and i mean in Japan, honestly i don't know how it's going in US market), but on the other side it's like to say "Oh, FF:CC and REbirth sold well on GC"...

PSP is becoming a "one game selling system" in Japan, and it's normal developers are leaving the ship like last Sega decision to move games from PSP to DS...
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
GC also has a 9:1 ratio while DS doesn't even reach 5:1

I guess DS is selling too little software too.

Um, the DS has nearly quadrupled the GCN lifetime sales. In other words, in absolute values, the DS is slaughtering the GCN in terms of moved software.


Moor-Angol said:
300k for a 4mln system is not "doing quite well" for me... i mean, PSP has more or less the same userbase GC did and, besides MHP 1 & 2 there is no game above 500k

I dunno, how much did Twin Snakes sell in Japan, Moor? Since we're all so very keen to make the GameCube comparison here...

Moor-Angol said:
just take a look at GC japanese chart ;)

GC had 1 game over 1 mln, 9 games over 500k, 38 games over 100k
PSP has 1 game over 500k, 2 next week, 28 games over 100k

And how many of those GameCube games were from third parties?

D.Lo said:
Well, PSP has sold more hardware then GCN, but sells far less games. The Cube had quite a few 'MGS:pO' level successes, for example, and many even better then that.

Not for third parties, which is why every single one of them is going to consider the PSP a far better platform than the GameCube ever was or ever could have been, and which is why they have supported it accordingly.


Mario Kart DS Famitsu numbers:

17,978 (Feb 6-12, 2006)
16,165 (Feb 13-19, 2006)
17,235 (Feb 5-11, 2007)

Pokemon, Brain Training and... Mario Kart! Time to raise your predictions for this one.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
ethelred said:
I dunno, how much did Twin Snakes sell in Japan, Moor? Since we're all so very keen to make the GameCube comparison here...
Not that I'm trying to defend this guy's argument since I do believe that PSP software sales will at least end up better than GCN software sales in the end. But MGS:TT isn't really a fair comparison to MGS:pO. We're talk about a system with no fanbase, a game with no strategic release date (they released it in the middle of March), and a remake (which to top it off was not taken well by the fanbase and done by a western developer instead of KCEJ) vs. a system with an established fanbase (due to MGA), a game release in the middle of the Christmas/New Year season, and a new game.


jj984jj said:
Not that I'm trying to defend this guy's argument since I do believe that PSP software sales will at least end up better than GCN software sales in the end. But MGS:TT isn't really a fair comparison to MGS:pO.

backtracking already? ethelred's not the one who started the GC vs PSP comparison


First off you can't really say the GCN is better at selling software since it had better software sales than the PSP cause the GCN had much higher profile games than the PSP.

If system 1 sells 500K copies of DQ10

while system 2 sells 499K of BOF 6

I'd say system 2 is better at selling software than system one.

Thats exactly the case concerning the GCN and PSP.

I mean what big name japanese title has the PSP had. Some might say MHP but is that even a big title?

Now compare that to

Mario Kart
Soul Calibur 2
Mario Parties
Paper Mario 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros Melee
Zelda WW (A zelda made with the Japanese taste in mind)

People forget how many sequels of great selling games the GCN had (Not side games but sequels). Just check out how these games performed on the N64.

The GCN failed at selling previously great selling software, the PSP fail at selling software few wanted to start with. Big difference.
ccbfan said:
First off you can't really say the GCN is better at selling software since it had better software sales than the PSP cause the GCN had much higher profile games than the PSP.

If system 1 sells 500K copies of DQ10

while system 2 sells 499K of BOF 6

I'd say system 2 is better at selling software than system one.

Thats exactly the case concerning the GCN and PSP.

I mean what big name japanese title has the PSP had. Some might say MHP but is that even a big title?

Now compare that to

Mario Kart
Soul Calibur 2
Mario Parties
Paper Mario 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros Melee
Zelda WW (A zelda made with the Japanese taste in mind)

People forget how many sequels of great selling games the GCN had (Not side games but sequels). Just check out how these games performed on the N64.

The GCN failed at selling previously great selling software, the PSP fail at selling software few wanted to start with. Big difference.

Well to be fair the PSP has seen the likes of franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Hot Shots Golf, Winning Eleven, Tales, and Gundam.


Rock_Man said:
Mario Kart DS Famitsu numbers:

17,978 (Feb 6-12, 2006)
16,165 (Feb 13-19, 2006)
17,235 (Feb 5-11, 2007)

Pokemon, Brain Training and... Mario Kart! Time to raise your predictions for this one.

It's very interesting.

What are the other long sellers ? NSMB ? AC WW ?


Stopsign said:
Well to be fair the PSP has seen the likes of franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Hot Shots Golf, Winning Eleven, Tales, and Gundam.

And to be fair, those franchises are largely doing better on the PSP than the GameCube, when applicable.

I'd say the 300k plus (and more) that Portable Ops is raking in far demolishes the measly 70k Twin Snakes did. And Tales? Well, Radiant Mythology is up to 240k... I wonder how well it'll ultimately end up doing compared to the 311k of Symphonia?


Stopsign said:
Well to be fair the PSP has seen the likes of franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Hot Shots Golf, Winning Eleven, Tales, and Gundam.
Yes, I would say PSP did a very good job at not selling well big names of video games...


Stopsign said:
Well to be fair the PSP has seen the likes of franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Hot Shots Golf, Winning Eleven, Tales, and Gundam.

Well other than Winning Eleven, I wouldn't really call any of those Big name franchises. Plus comparing portable winning eleven is like comparing DS Madden sales to PS2 ones.

Tales, MGS, Gundam, ridge racer have never sold over a million.

While none of the above have sold over 1.5 million.

Plus most of these aren't even true sequels, most are ports and side games.


ccbfan said:
I wouldn't really call any of those Big name franchises.

Tales, MGS, Gundam, ridge racer have never sold over a million.

While none of the above have sold over 1.5 million.

Plus most of these aren't even true sequels, most are ports and side games.

Um... and compare that to your list, which included games like Crystal Chronicles (new spinoff), Paper Mario (spinoff, and never sold even close to over a million), Soul Calibur (never sold over a million), Mario Party (spinoff, never sold over a million)...

Try not to be quite as transparently tendentious, please?

btrboyev said:
thats just not true...I remember namco and sega claiming it as one of the first million sellers worldwide for DC.

According to Famitsu it sold under 300,000. We're talking Japanese sales here.


ethelred said:
Um... and compare that to your list, which included games like Crystal Chronicles (new spinoff), Paper Mario (spinoff, and never sold even close to over a million), Soul Calibur (never sold over a million), Mario Party (spinoff, never sold over a million)...

Try not to be quite as transparently tendentious, please?

Mario Party, I'm pretty sure sold over a million on the N64.

Crystal Chronicles, I was just trying to use as a comparison with MSG:pO except for the fact that in Japan FF franchise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MSG franchise.

Paper Mario 2, I was including SMRPG (I guess it depends who you ask whether its should be included or not)

As for Soul Calibur, I have no idea what I was thinking.

Also a new spinoff and a sequel to an already successful spinoff are two very different things.
I just made a PSP vs. GC comparaison cause they have similar userbase, if we have to remain on handheld market, so PSP lost a lot against GBA and DS and won a lost against Wonderswan and Neo Geo Pocket.

MGS on GC sold poor, around 60k if i remember good, but don't forget it was a remake, meanwhile MGS:pO is a brand new game.
Damn, i didn't say "it's not selling well", i just said "it's not selling QUITE well", that's a little difference :)

My intention was to create a discussion if PSP fate could be similar to GC one, a big one franchise and some other good sales against another system which sells very well (PS2 and DS).

That's all :)


ccbfan said:
Mario Party, I'm pretty sure sold over a million on the N64.
Second one and Third one, yes, just over one million. All everybody's golf too (first one even passed TWO millions). So ?


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Link316 said:
backtracking already? ethelred's not the one who started the GC vs PSP comparison
I never said ethelred started the argument, the "guy" I was referring to was Moor-Angol.


ethelred said:
I dunno, how much did Twin Snakes sell in Japan, Moor? Since we're all so very keen to make the GameCube comparison here...

Invalid comparison. MGSTTS is a remake on a console without a prior established userbase for MGS. MGSPO is a brand new game, was released in the holiday season and is the third MG game for the system.

I suppose Portable Ops doing better than Ghost Babel lends the PSP some kind of credence compared to the GBC?

And how many of those GameCube games were from third parties?


Well, other than that, I pretty much agree with you ethelred.


cvxfreak said:
Invalid comparison. MGSTTS is a remake on a console without a prior established userbase for MGS.

Was there a userbase for Final Fantasy on the NDS before a remake of Final Fantasy III sold a million copies?

cvxfreak said:
MGSPO is a brand new game, was released in the holiday season and is the third MG game for the system.

Well, and it's sold almost 4.5 times as much (and it's still selling)... so even if you knock off a few points of Twin Snakes, Portable Ops' performance is still well, well ahead.


ethelred said:
Was there a userbase for Final Fantasy on the NDS before a remake of Final Fantasy III sold a million copies?

No, but there wasn't one for Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest on the PS2, either. On Resident Evil on the GameCube, even. This also isn't a fair comparison because people knew DS would be THE system for Final Fantasy games (original ones that'll actually come out, that is...), while no one exactly thought the GC would be a system for MGS games what with Kojima blasting the system back in 2001 and all, and with MGS3 coming in the same year. There's also the fact MGS wasn't even developed by Kojima's team (Portable Ops was, right?).

I personally find it as fair as comparing Rockman X Command Mission and Rockman EXE Transmission to the Rockman remakes on PSP... i.e., not a fair comparison.

Well, and it's sold almost 4.5 times as much (and it's still selling)... so even if you knock off a few points of Twin Snakes, Portable Ops' performance is still well, well ahead.


How about comparing the PSP and GC Naruto games? I think those, Tales and Gundam are the fair comparisons.
Next week should be interesting. I think the PSP won't sell as much as you think though. I mean, if you say Monster Hunter 2 will drive hardware, then wouldn't Monster Hunter 1 already have done the job? If there are fans for Monster Hunter, then they would already have a PSP and the original.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Er... are we arguing GC's software sales are worse than PSP's? Or the other way around?


ethelred said:
Not for third parties, which is why every single one of them is going to consider the PSP a far better platform than the GameCube ever was or ever could have been, and which is why they have supported it accordingly.
Er, what? Naruto 2, Naruto 3, REmake, Rezero, Crystal Chronicles, Tales of Symphonia and One Piece have had similar or better sales then MGS:pO.

And it's not just about MGS:pO anyway. Even just counting 3rd parties, the GCN has had better software sales with a smaller userbase. GCN (userbase 4m) has 13 3rd party games at over 200,000, and double that if 1st/2nd party is counted (including namco devd games like Donkey Konga).

PSP, with a 5 million userbase has 9 3rd party games over 200,000 (10 with MH2). And that's with huge names like metal gear, Dynasty Warriors, Winning 11, Gundam, Ridge Racer, Tekken etc. Some of these names are fading now, but they're still 'solid' franchises.


D.Lo said:
Er, what? Naruto 2, Naruto 3, REmake, Rezero, Crystal Chronicles, Tales of Symphonia and One Piece have had similar or better sales then MGS:pO.

You sure about that? Portable Ops is currently at 360k. That means it's outsold:

Resident Evil Remake: 267,470
Crystal Chronicles: 355,470
Tales of Symphonia: 322,779

It should easily outsell:
Naruto 2: 396,608
Naruto 3: 404,951
Resident Evil 0: 400,750

Care to try again? And Portable Ops isn't even the best-selling third party game! How many GameCube third party games did what Monster Hunter and MH2 are doing right now? Certainly none of Capcom's titles!

D.Lo said:
And it's not just about MGS:pO anyway. Even just counting 3rd parties, the GCN has had better software sales with a smaller userbase. GCN (userbase 4m) has 13 3rd party games at over 200,000, and double that if 1st/2nd party is counted (including namco devd games like Donkey Konga).

PSP, with a 5 million userbase has 9 3rd party games over 200,000 (10 with MH2). And that's with huge names like metal gear, Dynasty Warriors, Winning 11, Gundam, Ridge Racer, Tekken etc. Some of these names are fading now, but they're still 'solid' franchises.

Here's the thing. You can't say "And PSP had huge series names like X" when we've already established that the GameCube had huge series names, too. Like, oh, say... Final Fantasy, Naruto, One Piece, Resident Evil, and Tales Of.

As to the numbers? I think it speaks pretty well of the PSP that it's achieved 2/3rds the number of GameCube third party 200k'ers in half the time, while racking up better hardware sales (in half the time). Why, it sure does sound like it's a stronger system for third parties after all.

Anyway, thank you for doing the legwork to prove my point that while the PSP is stronger than the GameCube, publishers have given it plenty of support... and comparable to that they gave to the GameCube.


^^I did say 'similar' sales.

And all this proves is that IN JAPAN, PSP has had similar 3rd party sales to gamecube, but has been smashed out of the park if 1st party games are also included. And if you look at how Japanese devd games have done on both platforms worldwide, well, try comparing MGS:pO to REmake worldwide and you'll get the picture.

Japanese 3rd parties mostly gave the cube their shit, and then said "OMG our garbage PS2 ports sold slightly badly, BAIL OUT!!!!!"

But with the PSP, while the cycle went much faster, Japanese 3rd parties said "OMG our garbage PS2 ports sold badly, KEEP UP THE SUPPORT!!!!" (at least for a while).


D.Lo said:
And all this proves is that IN JAPAN

Right. We are talking about Japan, after all...

D.Lo said:
PSP has had similar 3rd party sales to gamecube, but has been smashed out of the park if 1st party games are also included.

Why would first party games be included? We're talking about third party games; first party is irrelevant. Dunno why folks consistently try to steer the topic back to that.

D.Lo said:
And if you look at how Japanese devd games have done on both platforms worldwide

Why do you keep trying to derail the subject?

D.Lo said:
Japanese 3rd parties mostly gave the cube their shit, and then said "OMG our garbage PS2 ports sold slightly badly, BAIL OUT!!!!!"

They allocated a lot of high profile series to the GameCube and the games didn't pull in the expected or necessary numbers. Too bad; that's how business works.

D.Lo said:
But with the PSP, while the cycle went much faster, Japanese 3rd parties said "OMG our garbage PS2 ports sold badly, KEEP UP THE SUPPORT!!!!" (at least for a while).

Because the games are selling better and seem to still be pulling in a profit. I'm sure Konami's making out just fine from Portable Ops, and Capcom's got to be loving their Monster Hunter sales -- two million sellers? Wow.

That being said, support largely has been shifted away from the PSP at this point, but the publishers that are still delivering some products to it are doing so because the market's strong enough that they feel they'll profit off their efforts.


His points are valid, even if it's off-topic, ethel. ;)

Radiant Mythology matching Symphonia on GC isn't going to mean a whole lot in the end if it can't put up Symphonia's numbers in the US. That's the big difference between the PSP and the GC in the end. For the most part, Japanese 3rd party publishers could count on western sales of their GC games, but not for the PSP.


rollin' in the gutter
Seriously, the whole "which company's worst console is superior" is probably the worst argument we can be having :lol
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