I was having a discussion off site with someone and came up with a question I was curious about. This doesn't solely have to do with Japan, but since we're talking about third party support and Saints Row, it feels appropriate.
For both Wii U and Vita (preferably listed separately), which third party publishers have a game announced that meets the following three requirements.
1.) Is a retail title (as in not PSN/eShop only).
2.) Is not a port of a game already released on another system (even if that port is upgraded). It can be a simultaneous release on multiple platforms, but it can't have already released on another platform before it came to the Wii U/Vita.
3.) The title is not published by Nintendo/Sony, so something like Super Smash Bros by Namco, FE x SMT by Atlus, Bayonetta 2 by Platinum, Soul Sacrifice by Marvelous, or Plants vs. Zombies by Sony Online Entertainment wouldn't count. I want to exclude these because generally the console vendor is footing the whole bill and it becomes much closer to a first/second party title than a third party title.
Atlus has Dragon's Crown for the PS3/Vita. Mind Zero from GungHo is coming to Vita. God Eater Burst 2 from Namco as well as Toukiden (SP?) from Omega are also coming to Vita. That Jump J game is also coming to Vita, but can't remember the publisher. That might be it for the Vita at the moment that fits your criteria.