Release Date - 2000 (PlayStation), April 5th, 2016 (North American PlayStation Network)
Platforms - PlayStation 1 (2000), PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation TV/Vita TV
If you want to play the game with EU systems, you NEED to make a NA account, buy the game, then download it to your system. You don't need to stay logged in your NA account for the PS3 version to play the game, but you need to for the PS Vita version.
Found a link that has NA PSN Codes, so if you in the EU and want to get Legends 2, click this

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The Blue Bomber returns for another legendary adventure! Set after a year from Legends 1 events, Mega Man goes on a new adventure with Roll and Data to try to find a mysterious woman and discover the secrets of a new location. Will this unlock the mythical Motherload? Or will it unlock utter chaos upon the world?


Special Controls - PlayStation 3/PlayStation TV/Vita TV
Analog Stick - Walking/Running
Right Stick - Strafe Left/Right
X - Jump (Left/Right + X = Dodge Roll)
[] - Shoot
Triangle - Special Weapon
O - Interact/Pick Up
R2 - Lock-On
Special Controls - PlayStation Vita
Rear Touch Pad (Top Right) - Lock-On
Right Stick - Strafe Left/Right
X - Jump (Left/Right + X = Dodge Roll)
[] - Shoot
/\ - Special Weapon
O - Interact/Pick Up
Special Controls - PlayStation Portable
L & R - Strafe Left & Right
D-Pad - Moving around
Analog Stick (Different Directions) Lock-On
X - Jump (Left/Right + X = Dodge Roll)
[] - Shoot
/\ - Special Weapon
O - Interact/Pick Up
Its more of what you love from the original Mega Man Legends! Large worlds to explore, dungeons to loot and robots to blast into bits
This time out we got level design and gameplay matching 3D Zelda a bit more, with a lock-on feature that has Mega Man move around when locking-on, dungeons having unique themes and elements like maps/boss keys being brought into the picture.
Pictures (Thank you Manu for the help

Music: Have to share some links, as that really took my by surprised for my first half hour of the game. Great usage of remixing themes and having different versions of the same track

Calinca Tundra - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2LwY8ayQCI&index=8&list=PL4BA19208DDBE0C8F
Calinca Tundra Reverbots - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhuxt9CL15M&index=9&list=PL4BA19208DDBE0C8F
Abandoned mine (Calinca Island) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU2h0YCeayc&index=10&list=PL4BA19208DDBE0C8F
Abandoned mine (Calinca Island) Boss Fight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7-DDDFaSZw&list=PL4BA19208DDBE0C8F&index=11
The Flutter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSI7M3sUKdc&list=PL4BA19208DDBE0C8F&index=2
Fire in the Flutter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_8uWCnjbNk&index=3&list=PL4BA19208DDBE0C8F
Train Battle 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulercU9UJiM&index=13&list=PL4BA19208DDBE0C8F
First Impressions & Version Differences:

One thing I took note of right away was the long intro cut-scene. The game sets up its story in a nice, neat fashion and instantly sucks you in
Then we get to the core gameplay, which is Legends 1 but far more refined. Mega Man has a lock on that works closer to say.....a Hyrule Warrior, being able to move left & right as he fire's his Mega Buster.
Mega Man also has his high-jump ability from Legends 1 too, with other iconic abilities like his rocket skates, drill arm and so on returning when you gather enough items.
So, the core gameplay mirrors Legends 1, with one interesting thing to take note; a exploit in the combat system. If you press Up while shooting rapidly (Locked On or not), you can fire far faster bullets compared to normal. Very, very useful for fights XD!
Anyway the presentation of the game is very impressive, with detailed character models, strong texture work and a soundtrack that really took me by surprise! I posted a few tracks in the OP if you guys want to hear them. But very good stuff, mixing the atmospheric tunes from the original game alongside really strong melody's.
Dungeons are designed more like Zelda Temples compared to the labyrinths in Legends 1, with a full on map system, map item and boss key item. They are also themed like in Zelda too, making them have more personality.
Overall, really love my time with Legends 2 and I can't wait to play more!
Mega Man Legends 2 Retrospective Link!
Regarding how each version runs, I can comment with the following:
-PS3: Runs great with a smooth frame rate and tight control system.
-PS Vita: Runs great and a big improvement over Legends 1 on Vita (no more slowdown, issues with cut-scenes and the like). Controls work great with no re-mapping outside of maybe the Lock-On being pushed to one of the trigger buttons

Mega Man Legends - https://store.playstation.com/#!/en...e=Google&utm_term=ps-ga-871&utm_content=Brand
Misadventures of Tron Bonne - https://store.playstation.com/#!/en...e=Google&utm_term=ps-ga-871&utm_content=Brand
Mega Man Legends 2 - https://store.playstation.com/#!/en...e=Google&utm_term=ps-ga-871&utm_content=Brand

How to Get the Game on Your Vita!

- Buy it from Web Store
- It will appear in your Vita download list
- You can transfer it to your Vita via PS3 too Vita transfer
- Download from Web Download List
- Its on the native Vita store (type in Mega Man in the search box; it should be under Mega Man Legends)
Sony didn't update the game's listing yet on the game's home-page but it can now be downloaded from the PC Store's download list for all three systems (PS3/Vita/PSP).
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*Only working for North American PSN Accounts! Easy to make an extra one for PS3 users
If you guys want a refresher about Legends 1, give my Retrospective of Legends 1 a look
Lets rock on and explore the dungeons!