Megaman Legacy Collection 2 |OT| For heaven's sake, please don't mention the Switch!


I'm getting random 1 second freezing on Megaman 9 and 10 on the PC version, very annoying but overall very please with it so far, I don't even know if it's actually a port or emulation.


MM9 and MM10 look wrong on the PC.
the life bar in particular bugs the hell out of me:


I'm guessing since this is a port of a 360/PS3 game that pixel perfect resolution is impossible. The games run and sound good otherwise
My ps4 copy came. Disc was rattling loose in the case.

unfortunately, that's a common issue with new ps4 games.



Ugh, I was hoping the checkpoint saves let me save and continue anywhere in the level. Seem pointless if I have to redo large parts of levels.

Same for me :(

Around one out of every three PS4 games I have shipped to my house has a loose disc. Pretty annoying.
Ok, put some time in with this collection this evening. Thoughts are almost universally positive:

Graphics - The CRT filter does a brilliant job of making the games look nice on an HDTV, so glad the awful blur from 9 and 10 are gone now.

Controls - Spot on from what I could tell, only time I had questionable controls was one of the "jump" "slide" sections in 8 but I'm blaming that crappy section because... well its crap. Again 9 and 10 feel so much better compared to their 360 and PS3 counterparts.

Presentation - The rough spot for me. I don't like the menu's as much as Legacy Collection 1, not to mention accessing the original challenges for 9 and 10 are now moved into the challenges area which is not intuitive in the least in my opinion, especially for 9 as all the challenges are stuff tied to the main game, so if you want to see which your short, you seemingly need to quit the game, go to the challenges area, select 9, select original challenges just to view the challenges. It was much simpler originally. Guess this is the part which Capcom had to screw up!

Challenge mode - still forming an opinion on this bit. Its like Legacy Collection 1 in that you have to clear areas in certain times but they take larger chunks of fewer levels this time (usually 33-50% of 3 levels per challenge) to have you run through. I think I just preferred the rapid switching up of stages that Legacy 1 gave you. Also you get fewer challenges - with just a couple of stage challenges then boss fights. 9 and 10 have more challenges but these just look like the same thing but with different characters.

So in terms of presentation and extras I'd probably say Legacy Collection 1 wins at the moment. However Legacy Collection 2 has Mega Man 9 and boy have I forgotten how bloody brilliant this game is. It feels so damn good to play thanks to no lag in the controls, and I just love the levels and bosses in this one, I don't think there is a bad stage among them. It pretty much justifies the price of the collection on its own.

MM7 is still ace as well, but it'll never be my favourite in the series (that intro stage needs a fast forward option for crying out loud) and the soundtrack is very hit and miss in places. Still, it has Shade Man so I can't really be all that mad at it.

MM8... I still don't quite like. It just feels so slow, and the non platforming sections/mini game sections just suck. And I'm not a great fan of Clown Man's stage... Looks fantastic though and the boss battles rock, but its definitely my least favourite of the 10 main games (or 11 if you count Rockman & Forte which I still prefer to 8).

Also, weird thing of note but do the intro's for 7 and 9 (at least) not play on first boot up? I had to idle on the title screen to have them launch. Not really a complaint, just a little oddity I noticed.

All in all I love it, the games seem to have been ported/emulated? really well with no lag or other issues and they remain just as fun as I remember. I'll for sure enjoy replaying these and clearing all the challenges. Not sure if I'll aim for Mr Perfect again though on MM10!
Hot Spicy Take: Megaman 8 & 10 are the best Classic MM games.

I mean. c'mon, MM8 just looks so freaking gorgeous!


Also, it's OST is surprisingly soothing.

I get the complaint that the game feels a bit too slow when compared to previous entries, but the level design is so varied, always introducing fun ideas ("jump, jump, slide, slide" isn't hard and it's enjoyable both in Frost Man's stage and in Wily's Castle). Plus, the bosses have a large pool of moves to use and aren't as simple to defeat as previous installments.

MM10 is also great thanks to it's great stages and balanced difficulty. MM2 and 3 are so overrated. Poorly designed and pretty generic when compared to later entries.

As much as I love MM8 and 10, I'll wait for a discount or get it secondhand. This is just such a lazy and cheap attempt at further milking desperate MM fans. Both LEgacy Collections should have been one game from the beginning.


Hot Spicy Take: Megaman 8 & 10 are the best Classic MM games.

I mean. c'mon, MM8 just looks so freaking gorgeous!


Also, it's OST is surprisingly soothing.

I get the complaint that the game feels a bit too slow when compared to previous entries, but the level design is so varied, always introducing fun ideas ("jump, jump, slide, slide" isn't hard and it's enjoyable both in Frost Man's stage and in Wily's Castle). Plus, the bosses have a large pool of moves to use and aren't as simple to defeat as previous installments.

MM10 is also great thanks to it's great stages and balanced difficulty. MM2 and 3 are so overrated. Poorly designed and pretty generic when compared to later entries.

As much as I love MM8 and 10, I'll wait for a discount or get it secondhand. This is just such a lazy and cheap attempt at further milking desperate MM fans. Both LEgacy Collections should have been one game from the beginning.

I dunno man $35 for all 10 games is a decent price to me.

BTW Arrow Shot is better than Line shot.
The mini shots that fly out deal as much dmg as a charged shot
As much as I love MM8 and 10, I'll wait for a discount or get it secondhand. This is just such a lazy and cheap attempt at further milking desperate MM fans. Both LEgacy Collections should have been one game from the beginning.

A collection like this would have retailed for around $40.

And both collections together are $35.
Don't you just hate it when you're fighting Dr. Wily in Mega Man 7, you use up all your E and S cans...and then you die? *throws progress out window*
Don't you just hate it when you're fighting Dr. Wily in Mega Man 7, you use up all your E and S cans...and then you die? *throws progress out window*

Yeah, that's probably the worst fight and the only sudden/unreasonable difficulty spike in the entire Classic series. The fight does get easier once you figure out how to lead the Wily Capsule's shots, but even then your execution has to be perfect or you'll still get hit. Not sure what Mega Man 7's dev team was thinking back when they designed this fight; nothing else in the game requires anything close to that level of mastery.

A little tip: If you know you're going to take a hit anyway, aim to get hit by the lightning (yellow) shots. Of the three elemental shots, the lightning ones do the least amount of damage and don't hit you with other effects (like the fire shot's continuous damage/stunlock and the ice shot freezing Mega Man in place).

Also, not sure if this applies to you, but it really helps to practice the fights prior to the Wily Capsule (the Robot Master refights and Wily Machine 7). Once you're good enough at those, you won't need to burn any E or S Tanks prior to the Wily Capsule fight and can thus go into the final battle with a full stock of replenishing items. Most of the Robot Masters are trivial if you're using the right Special Weapons against them, and it's fairly easy to get through Wily Machine 7 with little/no damage once you know its patterns.

So, is it better to get the XBox One version of MMLC1?

I reviewed the PS4 version of MMLC 1, so I can't speak to the Xbox One version specifically, but MMLC 1 is great on PS4 (with a couple of minor emulation issues, such as music stuttering VERY occasionally) and I confidently recommend it. I have not heard anything about the Xbox version being better or worse, though I personally find the DualShock 4 to be much more agreeable for Mega Man games in general than the Xbox One controller.

I haven't played the PC version of MMLC 1, but based on what others in this thread have said about it, you should probably avoid that one at all costs.


To go with the Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 I invite anybody to try the 8-bit demakes of Mega Man 7 and 8.
They faithfully add the 8bit charm back to the episodes 7 and 8 of the Mega Man classic series. The demakes are better than the original releases and permit to rediscover the post-NES episodes and appreciate their design with a more classic feel and gameplay.
Rockman 7 Famicom
Rockman 8 Famicom

These are neat but 7 and 8 have their own charm and they are great in their own right


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Found this on the PS4 version.

Could be wrong, but pretty sure that's a no-no for these titles on non-Nintendo platforms.

Is this pre-update or post-update?

When I booted MM7, it skipped this part and went straight to the title screen.


IGN - 6.0

IGN put up their review. No negative points regarding performance but a few complaints listed below.

-Only 4 games
-The games are hard and not enough features for modern audiences (although you can save a certain areas throughout the levels)
-Lack of save anywhere feature
-8,9,10 are good but 7 is too slow an clunky and the charge shot takes awhile.

I'm just glad there doesn't seem to be much performance issues that's the main issue as long as it runs good then all is good.

Yeah, sorry, if you're docking points off a re-release of classic Mega Man games because you can't save anywhere or freaking rewind the game whenever you want, you've written a bad review and I'll be ignoring it.


Yeah, sorry, if you're docking points off a re-release of classic Mega Man games because you can't save anywhere or freaking rewind the game whenever you want, you've written a bad review and I'll be ignoring it.

They miss those Dr. Light hints from Anniversary Collection, clearly.
Some of these challenges have super lenient times for the gold medals. The boss rush in MM9 gives you 7 minutes for the gold, but its insanely easy to do it in half that (and that was me dying once as well!). Not looking forward to that Wily Machine 7 challenge though...


IGN - 6.0

IGN put up their review. No negative points regarding performance but a few complaints listed below.

-Only 4 games
-The games are hard and not enough features for modern audiences (although you can save a certain areas throughout the levels)
-Lack of save anywhere feature
-8,9,10 are good but 7 is too slow an clunky and the charge shot takes awhile.

I'm just glad there doesn't seem to be much performance issues that's the main issue as long as it runs good then all is good.

lol nitpicking much?

game is too hard... can't save anywhere...really?
Found this on the PS4 version.

Could be wrong, but pretty sure that's a no-no for these titles on non-Nintendo platforms.

Not only that. Capcom is about to be banned from NeoGAF for mentioning *that company* on this thread.

I wonder if this is the same case with previous versions on other systems and we never even noticed.


Am I crazy or is it not possible to go to Auto's workshop in 7? I have the big screw, but as far as I can tell there isn't a select button on PS4.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Just wondering, how hard are 7-10 compared to 1-6?


Not only that. Capcom is about to be banned from NeoGAF for mentioning *that company* on this thread.

I wonder if this is the same case with previous versions on other systems and we never even noticed.

It's not even an issue on the PC version (which seems to just cut out the whole intro and jump straight to the title screen to bypass it).

Just wondering, how hard are 7-10 compared to 1-6?

7 and 8 are significantly easier. 9 and 10 are more in line with 2 and 3's difficulty level, but they give you ways to reduce the difficulty or just outright cheese it.


Perhaps my memory is just bad, but is there any reason to play this or the previous legacy collection over the PS2/GCN anniversary collection which included 1-8 and the arcade games? Was there some massive input lag or display problem with that version?

Obviously there's no 9 or 10, but besides that.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
7 and 8 are significantly easier. 9 and 10 are more in line with 2 and 3's difficulty level, but they give you ways to reduce the difficulty or just outright cheese it.

I'm aware 10 has an easy mode but does this version of 9 have an easy mode? I know 9 is one of the more punishing Mega Man games.


Perhaps my memory is just bad, but is there any reason to play this or the previous legacy collection over the PS2/GCN anniversary collection which included 1-8 and the arcade games? Was there some massive input lag or display problem with that version?

Obviously there's no 9 or 10, but besides that.

The controls are totally borked on the GCN with no way to change it version so you can write it off completely. In addition the graphics had an awful filter on them which made them look like a blurry mess, 7 and 8 and the arcade games had all sorts of oddities (like the ending to 7 being cut because they couldn't emulate the mode 7 scene), and input lag was intermittent.


Is this pre-update or post-update?

When I booted MM7, it skipped this part and went straight to the title screen.

What I did was wait until past the title menu, let the intro play, press Options on the title screen, and then the copyrights showed up.
Am I crazy or is it not possible to go to Auto's workshop in 7? I have the big screw, but as far as I can tell there isn't a select button on PS4.

Oh, I actually mentioned this issue in my review. Did you happen to remap the controls in Mega Man 7, or at least the touch pad button? The touch pad button's default function is to call up Auto's shop from the stage select screen, and if you remap that button to do anything else (like I did; I set it to bring up the settings menu, like in MMLC 1), you won't be able to go to Auto's shop at all and a first-time player might not know it even exists in that case. It's an oversight.


Just wondering, how hard are 7-10 compared to 1-6?

9 is probably the hardest game in the series, 8 is pretty easy, 10 has regular MM difficulty, and while 7 is not hard normally, the final boss is the hardest thing in the entire series.
Just started this. Man, I am rusty. First, I'm having a hrad time learning the controls. At first I was kind of getting used to the default controller buttons, but then I switched it to jump on the right button and shoot on the bottom button.
Started Mega Man 7 with Cloud Man. He was really giving me a hard time and I don't remember struggling so much.


Saving anywhere was a feature of MMLC1, it is a relevant complaint that the 2nd collection is missing features from the 1st.

I haven't played MMLC1, but I actually like how they handle save states in MMLC2.

It saves the state of your character (lifes, energy, munition...), but it returns you to the nearest checkpoint and there's around 3 in each stage.

You can use it to avoid losing lives or to farm energy, but it doesn't break the game's difficulty. It jus lowers the frustration.

9 is probably the hardest game in the series, 8 is pretty easy, 10 has regular MM difficulty, and while 7 is not hard normally, the final boss is the hardest thing in the entire series.

I can see I have my work cut out for me....
Currently playing 9 and those early stages were a surprise.

I am happy thought, that I am not seeing Willy for MM7 ever again.
Just wondering, how hard are 7-10 compared to 1-6?

The final boss in 7 is obnoxiously difficult. 9 is tough as nails in general, but man that final boss in 7 is fucking rough. 9 kinda apes 2 a little too much, where as 10 is more experimental and leans more heavily on the later NES titles for inspiration - so it's a little kinder and more generous than 9 is.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'm aware 10 has an easy mode but does this version of 9 have an easy mode? I know 9 is one of the more punishing Mega Man games.

This collection added Super Armor in options which gives you half damage when turned on. Should help anyone that needs it.
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