They're pretty popular around here. You're basically getting the look of the Prada Wingtip Sneakers for 1/3 of the price.So I'm thinking of taking the plunge on this watch. Any updated impressions on this after you bought it?
I'm also considering picking up the Cole Haan Lunargrand Wingtip. Anyone here have any impressions of them?
With that said, they've always looked off to me for some reason. If I recall, these were one of the last shoe models they did when Cole Haan was owned by Nike, and to me they've always looked a little too Nike esque. I don't know. For what it's worth I'm not really a fan of the Prada ones either, so clearly it's just not my style.
If you like them go for it though. Seen a lot of guys wear them with success.
I figured the Bespoken stuff would be the best. The Baldwin collection is pretty decent too.There are a few decent pieces in the GQ x Gap collab, mostly the Bespoken stuff IMO.,7106519,HP_Main_2&clink=7106519
Not a fan of three button closures. Jacket looks sort of weird to me for some reason.Thoughts? Made of wool and cashmere. I'm just wondering if it'd be warm enough for winter. It's handmade as well. $240. Not sure if I want to spend that much, but the look has my eye.