I'm trying to think about whether I'm crazy and that's why I'm such a loser or I'm crazy due to the fact that I'm treated like such a loser.
I couldn't get a job until recently. Graduated with Marketing and the only jobs that were calling were commission only door to door sales (yes those still fucking exist in 2017 for adults not just Girl Scouts apparently). I got a job at the local news station. While I'm learning quite a bit, I'm getting paid absolute trash. I have some health issues that I've put off addressing and since it took me so long to get a damn job, I finally signed up for Medicaid. Well, it only activated April 1st, and now that I have a job it's surely gonna go away. The health insurance at work has a fucking 3,500 hundred dollar deductible. I don't even comprehend how that qualifies as fucking health insurance, unless I go crazy with doctor visits or something truly grave happens, I'll be paying everything out of pocket. And again, I'm earning scraps for money (as a post college graduate). So now I'm scrambling to see the doctor to get my issues examined before I have to start paying everything but the fucking office won't answer the goddamn phone. Frankly I don't even wanna waste my small income on the health insurance but no doctor will even think of seeing you unless you have insurance. It's all bullshit, fuck these goddamn insurance companies and America's healthcare system.
But more on the loser part, the past few years I've been losing friends left and fucking right. Even super close friends have forgotten or abandoned me. I truly feel that, yeah I have some quirks and annoying traits, but I'm a good friend when I'm needed, i.e. listening to my friends and offering advice, helping them however I can, being dependable etc. Yet nobody cares enough about me to return those things and even stick around me. I also haven't made a new friend in years, again, because I seem to wear people repelant.
And it's not just that. I got dumped by my ex December of 2015. He found a new partner a month later and they're still together. As for me, every single date I've been on? Failure. No matter who the person was, nobody wanted to see me again after one date (if I could even get anyone to agree to that in the first place). Not even a case of I have people interested in me that I'm not back, nope, nobody no matter what wanted to see me again.
This even seeps into work. Every single phone interview I did for a job would either never contact me again or literally within hours email saying fuck off, so I must've been really easy to decide against.
I even thought about joining the Air Force. Met with a recruiter, took the test online, and tried to contact him to get my scores and see what the next steps were. NEVER FUCKING CONTACTED ME BACK. Never. I called his office and even texted and called his personal phone (which he suggested) and no fucking response. The Air Force, aka anyone is welcome (as long as you're 18). Supposedly teaches people how to be super respectful or some shit. NO FUCKING CONTACT BACK.
I dunno what it is about me that screams "hey, feel free to ignore me when I try to reach out, be friendly, or literally anything and anytime." But I'm fucking sick of it. I'm on the precipice of a mental shutdown, one (probably undeserving) person is gonna ignore me one time and I'm gonna explode and go insane.
I need therapy, I know. But like I said, my health insurance once it activates is gonna be fucking trash and I can't afford to go and pay hundreds for therapy out of pocket.
I'm still living at home in my shit hometown in my shit state. I can't see an out, but more importantly, I don't think there's an out for me. No matter what I do or try, nothing works out for me. I need to resign myself that my life will be trash, I'll always be poor, alone, and stuck in a meanginless life with nothing exemplary ever happening.
Sorry for this rant, feel 100% free to ignore it, everyone else would.