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Metal Gear Community Thread: Made you wait, didn't I?

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I'm happy about it as well. Playing through Peace Walker right now, and I can't help but laugh at some of Hayter's delivery. From what I've heard of Sutherland in GZ, I think he's a good replacement.

I think he was the right replacement. TPP's dark themes will demonstrate that.


It seems people firmly believe and consider a fact that that kid in a trailer for Phantom Pains is actually Liquid, when did that turn from a theory to a fact ?


Junior Member
It seems people firmly believe and consider a fact that that kid in a trailer for Phantom Pains is actually Liquid, when did that turn from a theory to a fact ?

He's the same age that Liquid would be then and looks like a young Big Boss.

He also has a jackal tooth around his neck.


He's the same age that Liquid would be then and looks like a young Big Boss.

He also has a jackal tooth around his neck.

And that line about fate. I'd be more surprised if it wasn't him at this point.

I'm interested in what happens with Miller and Big Boss, and if anything happens with Miller and Liquid.


Junior Member
Playing through MGS2 and realizing how much of an asshole Otacon is because of what he did to Huey.

It also reminded me of Huey's tragic end... :(


Dot Hacked
Alil over 2 hours ta topple the tanker! Pro-Tip: even if you're playing on very easy don't try to hold someone up without a weapon equipped. It only ends badly x_x! I didn't die to Olga this time, btw knifegun is silly. I died to the hallway battle again but at least it was only once this time. I simply can't handle boss/alert battles in this game cause the controls & shootings to complicated for me. Got caught by the marines twice and nearly ran outta time for picture taking! I like how Liquid foreshadowed Snake getting old fast but why'd he say BB's clones were made his materials when he was in his late 50's? Cause that's way off according ta everything that came afterwards I think?


Alil over 2 hours ta topple the tanker! Pro-Tip: even if you're playing on very easy don't try to hold someone up without a weapon equipped. It only ends badly x_x! I didn't die to Olga this time, btw knifegun is silly. I died to the hallway battle again but at least it was only once this time. I simply can't handle boss/alert battles in this game cause the controls & shootings to complicated for me. Got caught by the marines twice and nearly ran outta time for picture taking! I like how Liquid foreshadowed Snake getting old fast but why'd he say BB's clones were made his materials when he was in his late 50's? Cause that's way off according ta everything that came afterwards I think?

Liquid had bad information. Lots of info about Big Boss was fabricated or exaggerated, and Liquid was not a good source of information, let's not forget he actually thought he was the inferior clone.


Junior Member
Liquid had bad information. Lots of info about Big Boss was fabricated or exaggerated, and Liquid was not a good source of information, let's not forget he actually thought he was the inferior clone.

I think it's a retcon but it's certainly a cool way to explain it.

Just like the Dr. Clark (Paramedic) retcon.


Dot Hacked
Raiden is a "VR Trooper" lol. Just about 3 hours of infiltation/bomb disposal... an there's still one bomb left! I got alot of alerts on that one connecting bridge with the claymores cause of that soldier up top with insane vision! Even the Cyphers dun got a vision cone that long. From what I can tell this game doesn't count cutscenes as part of the playtime counter which is dumb cause MGS did, and GZ for that matter.

Liquid had bad information. Lots of info about Big Boss was fabricated or exaggerated, and Liquid was not a good source of information, let's not forget he actually thought he was the inferior clone.
Hmm but didn't they meet? In MGS Liquid was like "he always treated me like dirt!" or something likes that.

I think it's a retcon but it's certainly a cool way to explain it.

Just like the Dr. Clark (Paramedic) retcon.
Maybe TPP will fix this! Or make it much more confusing. Either way Liquid never did seem like the brightest guy around.


Junior Member
Got the Peace Walker secret ending last night. Almost done with MGS2. Going to take a MG break after that and then play 4 lol.


The #1 thing that I hate most about Metal Gear is the long ass wait for the next one! Every time a new one comes out snake always says "Kept you waiting huh", well yes you did actually and its extremely frustrating. TPP needs to have that open world feel of Skyrim to be able to fulfill the promises made by Kojima before he started production.

Metal Gear as a franchise will fail if they keep releasing titles like Ground Zeroes that have little to no replayability. I know GZ has all the extra missions but its still not nearly enough content to satisfy fans that have waited 5-6 years for this one game. Metal Gear 4 had the right idea but spent too little time in each area for it to be open world. IF they had focused on 2 or 3 larger areas, Metal Gear 4 would have been Game of the Forever!


Think the wait would be much more bearable if they kept MGO up and running between entries. Would give us at least some way to play around in the MG universe without having to relive every iteration over and over again.

...granted, I still do that, but more MGO in the interim would be nice.


Think the wait would be much more bearable if they kept MGO up and running between entries. Would give us at least some way to play around in the MG universe without having to relive every iteration over and over again.

...granted, I still do that, but more MGO in the interim would be nice.

YES, this exactly. How has Kojima not learned yet that multilayer means more stupid Americans will buy your game at Walmart lol. But seriously, MGO was an awesome addition to MGS3 and I cant even remember if it was announced before it released. When MGS4 came out with MGO i was so happy but with the stupid Konami ID bullshit and the hackers with their stupid lag switches I slowly stopped playing. MGO3 has the opportunity to steal the show when it releases with TPP!


For all its problems (the Konami ID, shady hit detection, laggy controls, the hacks, etc.), MGO(4) was still a very solid multiplayer game that really brought some new elements into online gaming.

Sneaking and Team Sneaking were pretty much unheard of before MGO, and was a completely new experience for most gamers, while capturing some of what made MGS special. Survival was a blast - I remember it as this weekly event that was something to get excited for, and actually rewarded gamers for playing as a team.

Customization was fun. Using the points earned in game to tweak your avatar's looks differentiated everything quite a bit - even if there were multiple FROG replicas running about the place.

Hopefully Konami will learn from the sins of the past, and the next MGO will be that much better for it. Either way, I can't wait.


GZ isn't replayable at all.

As soon as I tried to replay it, the disc erased itself then shot out at me like a deadly frisbee

Kojima why? :(


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
this confused me a little did otacon sleep with his dads wife willingly, or was he seduced and forced to do it, then Huey found out and couldn't handle it and he drowned himself.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
which ISNT Strangelove...right?
Otacon slept with Huey's second wife. His first wife still has zero backstory and could be Strangelove or anyone else. Seeing as how the MGS universe is all about making everyone and everything related to everyone and everything, I wouldn't be surprised if Strangelove is Otacon's mother.


GZ isn't replayable at all.

As soon as I tried to replay it, the disc erased itself then shot out at me like a deadly frisbee

Kojima why? :(

Erm, I think that might be related to the 1.70 update bug. Several instances of discs ejecting unexpectedly. Also why my screen flickers and I can't watch Hulu Plus until it's fixed (and I NEED my MXC on Hulu!)

I wouldn't be surprised if Strangelove is Otacon's mother.

That's what I assumed after PW's ending.

Wait, didn't EE and Otacon have the same mother? Does she look like Strangelove?


Erm, I think that might be related to the 1.70 update bug. Several instances of discs ejecting unexpectedly. Also why my screen flickers and I can't watch Hulu Plus until it's fixed (and I NEED my MXC on Hulu!)

That's what I assumed after PW's ending.

Wait, didn't EE and Otacon have the same mother? Does she look like Strangelove?

I...I was joking. I didn't know that really happened o_o


I...I was joking. I didn't know that really happened o_o

Ejecting discs, yes. Shooting out like a deadly frisbee, no, but that would be hillarious. Both tragic and hillarious. I'm sure I would laugh myself straight to hell if I read about someone being injured by a PS4 propelled disc shot out of the console like the Ripper from Unreal Tournament.


I haven't been following MGS5 new too much for the blackout but has Konami said anything about a new MGO being included or in delvelopment?

Nothing has really been said about it at all apart from the early tidbits we got. Some people think we'll hear something on it at E3 but I'm not so sure, I don't see The Phantom Pain coming until earliest late Q2 2015. But there will be a beta and the likes (open and early access it seems) so I imagine if my idea of the release date is right, we should hear something about it at some stage soon. Maybe TGS.


Dot Hacked
Fatman is the best. The worst however is the whole retinal scan thing! It took me forever to grab that guard and stuff his face in that thing! Sooooo many accidental bumps and throws. Just how cyborgy is Olga supposed ta be anyway? Besides deflecting bullets with the sword she's not done anything half ass flashy as Gray Fox did, not even a single super jump yet! I'd call her a try hard but she's just not trying at all if ya ask me.


Fatman is the best. The worst however is the whole retinal scan thing! It took me forever to grab that guard and stuff his face in that thing! Sooooo many accidental bumps and throws. Just how cyborgy is Olga supposed ta be anyway? Besides deflecting bullets with the sword she's not done anything half ass flashy as Gray Fox did, not even a single super jump yet! I'd call her a try hard but she's just not trying at all if ya ask me.

She's wearing a power suit, much like Solidus. It gives her superhuman reflexes, speed and strength. She's completely human, though, no cyborg parts.


Neo Member
The #1 thing that I hate most about Metal Gear is the long ass wait for the next one! Every time a new one comes out snake always says "Kept you waiting huh", well yes you did actually and its extremely frustrating. TPP needs to have that open world feel of Skyrim to be able to fulfill the promises made by Kojima before he started production.
Yes, actually I love the idea of a new open world MGS, maybe with a camouflage system MGS3-like and a customization of weapons in real time (like installing many types of optics, silencer, or a particular type of ammo etc...).
I hope that a open world MGS won't imply a deterioration in the story...


Peace Walker is so limited and boring, I have no reason to use the magazines or the box, I feel like those things are pointless.


Neo Member
Peace Walker is so limited and boring, I have no reason to use the magazines or the box, I feel like those things are pointless.
If you refer to the gameplay, yes generally is boring and the stealth component is missing, however it has a pretty good story compared with Portable Ops.
If you refer to the gameplay, yes generally is boring and the stealth component is missing, however it has a pretty good story compared with Portable Ops.

I didn't play Portable Ops but I thought the story in Peace Walker was pretty terrible to be honest. Simplified though it may be, I enjoyed PW solely for the gameplay.


Junior Member
Oh man, I'm at the crazy part of MGS2.... Forgot how this went down.This reminds me of why I like the Big Boss games more. At least the story is able to be followed more easily.

Also MGS2 needed more Cam Clarke.


Part 3 of my playthrough while knowing nothing of the series beforehand:

Metal Gear Solid

Oh boy. This game was fucking awesome. I can definitely tell why this is the one that really brought the series to the spotlight. Even with the outdated graphics and the gameplay that's surprisingly nearly identical to the almost decade older Metal Gear 2, this one just seemed to be an extremely well-crafted experience.

On the gameplay side of things, they finally consolidated all of those key cards into one, and that is muuuuch appreciated, and the cones of vision were nice to have after the nearly impossible to avoid guards of Metal Gear 2, even if I may have gotten too dependent on the radar instead of the environment at times. But the boss fights were memorable, the stealth was enjoyable, and the environments were nice and varied. One thing that I did not like at all was the fetch quest at the very end of the game with the launch codes - I actually am a fan of backtracking in games when it's implemented well - it just seemed extremely boring when the progression went
First Key:  M.G. REX hangar -> Control Room -> M.G. REX hangar -> Control Room 
Second Key: M.G. REX hangar -> Freezer -> M.G. REX hangar -> Control Room 
Third Key:  M.G. REX hangar -> Freezer -> Furnace -> Freezer -> M.G. REX hangar -> Control Room
without any changes in gameplay throughout this stretch, unless I missed a shortcut or something. I liked all of the unique and clever ideas that were present beforehand though. Sadly, I had already heard about the Psycho Mantis boss trick, but it's still a fantastic fight in its own right, and just one of dozens of moments that had me grinning. I just wish that the end section didn't feel like such obvious padding.

Speaking of the that fetch quest, I found it interesting how many things they borrowed from Metal Gear 2 and reused in this game: namely the already mentioned temperature keys, the women's bathroom segment, and the fist fight boss battle. Those must have just been ideas that Kojima really liked and wanted to use in this worldwide release, where MG2 was not.

The presentation is where this one really stands out. I can't even imagine what it was like back in 1998 to pop this in. I had skipped this gen so I was still playing on SNES, but I can't even imagine going from games like Mario 64 or Resident Evil 1 to something with production values like this game. Really impressive stuff. I do think that the huge emphasis on story and atmosphere may have caused the gameplay to "suffer" slightly, since it still feels like an arcade-y experience or something; it just feels odd that's it's basically identical to Metal Gear 2, which was released eight years earlier. I don't know, it's still fun, but it may not have felt as "next-gen" as something like Mario 64 in terms of gameplay, but the story and presentation must've been unprecedented.

As for the story itself, I really enjoyed it, especially as the layers unfolded. The whole nuclear missile plot thread by Liquid actually seemed fairly smart, and I liked the "you were actually helping us the whole time!" reveal even if it's a bit cliche. In fact, this game seems to thrive on cliches and embrace them, and I'm all for that. The cornball post credits scene was just awesome - I love teases like that. Also, Solid Snake is an action hero straight out of the 80s, and it's an unique but interesting choice to have him be the vessel for the obviously "anti-war" message that the game has. I'm also glad that I played the MSX games first, because it gave more weight to the whole Big Boss and Gray Fox plots. I'd say that the entire Gray Fox death, Metal Gear REX, Solid and Liquid fist fight, final chase scene sequence was completely fantastic.

I am pretty confused on the whole FoxDie plot, but it was able to get us to the good stuff, so I'm okay with it. From what I got out of it, the US government wanted the rogue members of FOXHOUND dead, so they implanted Snake with the FoxDie virus and had him infiltrate Shadow Moses, infecting all of them in the process. They would then target each of the victims through the nanomachines in their blood and kill them based on their DNA sequences (I guess that FOXHOUND implants their members with the nanomachines to enhance their physical abilities? Which is why Meryl and Otacon didn't get affected?) Naomi then altered the virus so that Solid Snake would die at a random time as a "wild card" as revenge for Gray Fox. But since Liquid has the same DNA, it also affected him in this way, so his random death switch was turned on at the end of the game because he's really unlucky I guess. And Solid was fine because his random death switch didn't activate yet because of plot armor, while Ocelot survived because he was actually a mole from the President so never was a target in the first place? I'm also confused about the second guy that died from the virus - the guy strapped to the C4. He wasn't in FOXHOUND but died: how was he implanted with the nanomachines that were used to kill him? If it were FOXHOUND, then shouldn't they have sniffed the whole "Snake's gonna infect you all" plot coming?

Oh well, I'll just stick with the nuclear missile storyline because that one was simple enough! Though it was pretty funny to hear Snake shocked at the nuclear abilities of Metal Gear, when he's clearly already fought two before, but such is the case with this game needing to reach a much larger audience!

Wall o' text is done! Now I just gotta figure if I want to play VR Missions or MGS2 next...


If you refer to the gameplay, yes generally is boring and the stealth component is missing, however it has a pretty good story compared with Portable Ops.

Hmm no... Peace Walker has higher production values but the story is really shitty.

Why did Big Boss forget Eva's speech at the end of MGS 3 clearing up The Boss's motivations, why is the boss on this random machine, why are the characters so boring...

Portable Ops was atleast entertaining and there was nothing super offensive about it.. Except for the way they handled Grey Fox imo.
Oh man, I'm at the crazy part of MGS2.... Forgot how this went down.This reminds me of why I like the Big Boss games more. At least the story is able to be followed more easily.

Also MGS2 needed more Cam Clarke.

The crazy part is the best part! This is where all the super interesting themes come together


Dot Hacked
An so ends the best metal gear! aka Hold Up Guys: The Game! It only goes perpertually downhill from here, Rising aside!

"they got my eye!" thats your reaction? And it was a delayed one at that! And then... "Vamp, I choose you!" I mean "Vamp, go!" >.> <.<

Even though I accidentally Emma I still like the swimming parts. Disorienting but nifty. I didn't realize asking for help sniping meant they'd do all the work for me so I ended up having to tranq Snake lol. I also tranq'd Emma by mistake which caused her to fall off...

save: 24
continue: 16
alert: 15
persons: 14 killed
rations: 5 used

My actual playtime was 13:27 sooo this game only has an hour of cutscenes? Maybe they only count the ones where ya can't camera zoom/pan as actual cutscenes not to be added to the play timer? An before I get yelled at, much of those kills were unintentionally cause by accidentally double shooting "tough guy" guards I held up. Most alerts from the dumb retinal scanner part. And continues from either blowing up the 1-2 connecting bridge or falling off of it >_<


Is there an upload or transcript of the stuff Miller says when you contact him while looking at the GZ Vu mission game logos?

E.G. when I looked at the Snake Eater in Jamais Vu Miller quotes The Boss "Jack, let's make this the greatest ten minutes of our lives!"


I'm also glad that I played the MSX games first, because it gave more weight to the whole Big Boss and Gray Fox plots.

Not enough people got to have this experience. It's really cool seeing the steady progression of game design and presentation values through the first three games, making note of what Kojima kept and what he removed between them.

Curious to see if what you think of MGS2 matches up with my impressions.


An so ends the best metal gear! aka Hold Up Guys: The Game! It only goes perpertually downhill from here, Rising aside!

"they got my eye!" thats your reaction? And it was a delayed one at that! And then... "Vamp, I choose you!" I mean "Vamp, go!" >.> <.<

Even though I accidentally Emma I still like the swimming parts. Disorienting but nifty. I didn't realize asking for help sniping meant they'd do all the work for me so I ended up having to tranq Snake lol. I also tranq'd Emma by mistake which caused her to fall off...

save: 24
continue: 16
alert: 15
persons: 14 killed
rations: 5 used

My actual playtime was 13:27 sooo this game only has an hour of cutscenes? Maybe they only count the ones where ya can't camera zoom/pan as actual cutscenes not to be added to the play timer? An before I get yelled at, much of those kills were unintentionally cause by accidentally double shooting "tough guy" guards I held up. Most alerts from the dumb retinal scanner part. And continues from either blowing up the 1-2 connecting bridge or falling off of it >_<

The game has like 8 hours of cutscenes.


Neo Member
Hmm no... Peace Walker has higher production values but the story is really shitty.

Why did Big Boss forget Eva's speech at the end of MGS 3 clearing up The Boss's motivations, why is the boss on this random machine, why are the characters so boring...

Portable Ops was atleast entertaining and there was nothing super offensive about it.. Except for the way they handled Grey Fox imo.

Yes, probably the plot wasn't so good, but in my opinion describe a "missing link" in MGS series, it is a premise to the events that brings to Outer Heaven.
Things that I deeply hate of PW are Extra Ops and Boss Battles...
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