Damn you. Beat me to it.
Damn those people all look so excited.
Wow those avatar's are fantastic. I'd like to take this one if you don't mind
It's funny, the original Phantom Pain Trailer at the VGAs was what got me into Metal Gear. Since then ive played most of the games and know nearly everything 1964-2014. And the game still isnt out yet -_-
It's funny, the original Phantom Pain Trailer at the VGAs was what got me into Metal Gear. Since then ive played most of the games and know nearly everything 1964-2014. And the game still isnt out yet -_-
I tried to do Ground Zeroes with no shots. Even holding people up, I have never seen a stealth game so meticulously designed to screw the player over at every opportunity. The game teleports guards around with each scripted event so you can't create a safe route beforehand and has enemies patrol areas and spots that the developers know players will be going through, yet in-game makes no sense. I tried to take Paz to the spot where you generally rescue Chico, where I had already disabled all of the guards, and the game had already spawned another guard, woke them up, and had them investigate the area. I specifically made sure to hide and then hold up the guards that would have been a problem, yet the game simply disagrees with that and wakes them up while I'm off somewhere else.
nope. there are specific moments in the game where the guards change shifts, you, the player need to adapt to these moments. there is no spawning or whatever else you're going on about. the game is not unfair at all. try again bro
The guard that appears facing left after the Paz cutscene, for example. For some reason this guy has superhuman hearing and reactions and will immediately alert if you do anything other than creep. He's the only guard I've ever seen who can alert before you can grab him. I have no idea why.
Then as soon as you exit the underground area and get past the camera, there's a guard waiting at the door looking right at you, and you have to just wait for him to get up on the walkway or else he'll spot you. It gets very frustrating needing to use retries because the game places a guard in a vital spot and I have to find the exact right pattern (wait for guard to walk up stairs then walk under him) and right spot to stand (behind the boxes, not behind the radiators) or else he'll spot me.
The guards are programmed to wander (or appear in) into specific areas and do specific things that make no logical sense, but clearly make things more difficult for the player. It sounds odd to criticize a stealth game because the guards are "in the player's way," but there's just something about the way this game does it that is significantly more frustrating and inexplicable than it ever was in MGS3, Splinter Cell, any stealth game I've played at all. Probably because this game has no actual "stealth" mechanic like camo or shadows and you can't use distractions on no weapons, so your only option is to lie prone and wait when guards are where you don't want them to be.
I know the guards change shifts at scripted points, that's exactly what I was saying. The game shuffles guards around and has them investigate areas in ways deliberately designed to disrupt the player. It's not dynamic, it's scripted. It bugs me because other stealth games typically have guards investigating because something happens in a cutscene or some other event, not because the game knows you're going to go that way, but there's absolutely no logical reason for guards to meander that way and stare exactly where you need to go. It feels transparent and frustrating.
And I noticed the footsteps sound louder, but I can't tell if they actually are louder to the AI. I'm saying that typically an enemy will hear you if you crouch-walk but don't sneak, but you'll still have time to grab him and it won't count as an alert. For some reason even if you try to grab this guy, he still gets off an alert, or at least gives me the "trial failed" message But I figured out it's easier and faster just to sneak with your pistol out than try to grab people as long as there's only one. Just a lot of bad luck and bad timing trying to figure it out.
I said I was doing no weapons, I can't do any of those things. It's a trial. It's just this challenge that's ridiculous, on a mission as densely-guarded as Ground Zeroes.
I don't think it's a mistranslation, both Gematsu and JunkerHQ have translated it as 'window' instead of date. They will probably confirm if it's Q2/Q3 or whatever
Has anyone else interrogated Glaz and Palitz in "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" in Ground Zeroes?
When you interrogate Palitz, he says, "A phantom comes..."
Subsequently, when you interrogate Glaz, he asks, "Are you a phantom too?"
Additionally, I can't remember which mission it is -- as I discovered this when I first played the game -- but when you rescue one of the POWs, the prisoner gives a long monologue about how a man came to visit his cell claiming to be Big Boss, and that the mysterious impersonator boasted about all the atrocities he'd committed. He then proceeded to quote a line from Big Boss word for word. I cannot freakin' remember what he says, though.
I REALLY wish I could find the prisoner who says this so I can record it this time, but I haven't since stumbled upon the right prisoner that provides this monologue, nor do I remember what mission it was. I believe it was a daytime mission.
One thing seems increasingly clear to me -- someone is impersonating Big Boss in MGSV's plot. Skullface, perhaps. Or maybe even multiple people.
sooooo...you're complaining that an admittedly difficult task that's not supposed to be easy is difficult? ok!
Additionally, I can't remember which mission it is -- as I discovered this when I first played the game -- but when you rescue one of the POWs, the prisoner gives a long monologue about how a man came to visit his cell claiming to be Big Boss, and that the mysterious impersonator boasted about all the atrocities he'd committed. He then proceeded to quote a line from Big Boss word for word. I cannot freakin' remember what he says, though.
I REALLY wish I could find the prisoner who says this so I can record it this time, but I haven't since stumbled upon the right prisoner that provides this monologue, nor do I remember what mission it was. I believe it was a daytime mission.
One thing seems increasingly clear to me -- someone is impersonating Big Boss in MGSV's plot. Skullface, perhaps. Or maybe even multiple people.
Guys I am going to heavily change the Metal Gear Hype picture, it will even have a background image but I am not showing that right now.
My question is, which version do you prefer? Rex & Ray in normal colors or in NeoGAF colors? Note: The NeoGAF symbol on Rex is on both versions.
Has anyone else interrogated Glaz and Palitz in "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" in Ground Zeroes?
When you interrogate Palitz, he says, "A phantom comes..."
Subsequently, when you interrogate Glaz, he asks, "Are you a phantom too?"
Additionally, I can't remember which mission it is -- as I discovered this when I first played the game -- but when you rescue one of the POWs, the prisoner gives a long monologue about how a man came to visit his cell claiming to be Big Boss, and that the mysterious impersonator boasted about all the atrocities he'd committed. He then proceeded to quote a line from Big Boss word for word. I cannot freakin' remember what he says, though.
I REALLY wish I could find the prisoner who says this so I can record it this time, but I haven't since stumbled upon the right prisoner that provides this monologue, nor do I remember what mission it was. I believe it was a daytime mission.
One thing seems increasingly clear to me -- someone is impersonating Big Boss in MGSV's plot. Skullface, perhaps. Or maybe even multiple people.
My question is, which version do you prefer? Rex & Ray in normal colors or in NeoGAF colors? Note: The NeoGAF symbol on Rex is on both versions.
My question is, which version do you prefer? Rex & Ray in normal colors or in NeoGAF colors? Note: The NeoGAF symbol on Rex is on both versions.
Do we think that the fact that The Phantom Pain will chronicle Big Boss's transformation from morally questionable leader of a private army of soldiers who worship him into a fully-blown villain out for revenge against the world will affect how we handle killing in the game?
Are we still going to be encouraged to use non-lethal methods or are we going to be encouraged to become monsters and killers ourselves?
I like the normal one with the neogaf symbol.
I think that the re-colored one is too much, so i'd say stick to the regular.
Holy crap, those are (Big) Boss images! Especially Ray! <3
Normal colors, as well!![]()
Are we still going to be encouraged to use non-lethal methods or are we going to be encouraged to become monsters and killers ourselves?
Additionally, I can't remember which mission it is -- as I discovered this when I first played the game -- but when you rescue one of the POWs, the prisoner gives a long monologue about how a man came to visit his cell claiming to be Big Boss, and that the mysterious impersonator boasted about all the atrocities he'd committed. He then proceeded to quote a line from Big Boss word for word. I cannot freakin' remember what he says, though.
I REALLY wish I could find the prisoner who says this so I can record it this time, but I haven't since stumbled upon the right prisoner that provides this monologue, nor do I remember what mission it was. I believe it was a daytime mission.
One thing seems increasingly clear to me -- someone is impersonating Big Boss in MGSV's plot. Skullface, perhaps. Or maybe even multiple people.
Boss I never expected you would come This place is full of enemy combatants renditioned from all over the world. But I couldnt believe how many groups were asking the questions. They gotta have some kind of secret agreement. At a guess, Id say there were MI6, BND, ISI I even heard one guy speaking Russian. Yeah, theyre making deals with the East too. Local agencies will snatch dissidents whove defected to the West and then send em back across the Iron Curtain after a stopover here. Theyre dealing in leverage on foreign administrations. Backdoor money. Scandals. Financial fraud. By sharing information that governments want to sweep under the rug, they, they gain leniency for their agencies. Theyre trying to create some kind of HUMINT network without borders. Sorry, thats all I know. Can't believe I got captured... I should have known I wasn't up to your standard... The torture was... was beyond anything I ever imagined. They were breaking guys left and right... I came pretty close too. But don't worry, Boss. I, I didn't tell them a thing. But... just one time... I was questioned by this other guy. He was different from the rest. I'll never forget him... or what he said. It cut right into me. "Nothing to be ashamed of. Pain gets the better of us all." "Let the words comfort you." "Now what did your boss tell you?" I nearly talked. This guy was so... so weird. I know I saw his face. I, I just... I can't remember it... The administration here knew about the operation. There was a leak. The brass are long gone. All that's left are the grunts kept out of the loop and us "enemy combatants"... Dunno why they left witnesses like us here alive. Mind if we stop a minute, Boss? I gotta rest. Let's get outta here. I wanna go home. Our home...
Has anyone else interrogated Glaz and Palitz in "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" in Ground Zeroes?
When you interrogate Palitz, he says, "A phantom comes..."
Subsequently, when you interrogate Glaz, he asks, "Are you a phantom too?"
Additionally, I can't remember which mission it is -- as I discovered this when I first played the game -- but when you rescue one of the POWs, the prisoner gives a long monologue about how a man came to visit his cell claiming to be Big Boss, and that the mysterious impersonator boasted about all the atrocities he'd committed. He then proceeded to quote a line from Big Boss word for word. I cannot freakin' remember what he says, though.
I REALLY wish I could find the prisoner who says this so I can record it this time, but I haven't since stumbled upon the right prisoner that provides this monologue, nor do I remember what mission it was. I believe it was a daytime mission.
One thing seems increasingly clear to me -- someone is impersonating Big Boss in MGSV's plot. Skullface, perhaps. Or maybe even multiple people.
The mission you're talking about is Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements and the quote Skull Face uses is: "Nothing to be ashamed of, pain gets the better of us all."
Skull Face also uses another Big Boss quote when he is torturing Chico. He says: "Chico, growing up means choosing how you're going to live your life."
This is exactly what Big Boss says during Peace Walker when he meets Chico.
Skull Face and Big Boss are obviously connected somehow. What's also strange is that in every Metal Gear game, the first real character shot you see is Snake. Look at all the intro's of MGS1, MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, MGS PW. Snake is always the first character that's introduced. But in Ground Zeroes the first character is Skull Face.
That's very bizarre and it's certainly a detail that shouldn't be overlooked. For Skullface to never have crossed paths with Big Boss, he seems to have a huge stockpile of information on him, and always seems to be one step ahead of him. I'm itching to know what the hell this is all about.
He has. In one of the audio tapes, Skull Face asks Chico or Paz about if Big Boss is still a good listener.
what if skullface is like the first (for want of a better word) aborted attempt at like les enfants terrible project so hes like this game's liquid to like bb's solid?
no, im not hungovered
what if skullface is like the first (for want of a better word) aborted attempt at like les enfants terrible project so hes like this game's liquid to like bb's solid?
no, im not hungovered
Shit, you're right. He also says something along the lines of, "...the Boss and I go way back..." Just what the hell is going on?
Shit, you're right. He also says something along the lines of, "...the Boss and I go way back..." Just what the hell is going on?
But you're getting there.
I'd say it's likely if it weren't for his background cassette tape.
I hold to the hypothesis that Big Boss's horn is a cutaneous horn:
Many sources point to the rare condition as being a delayed result of exposure to radiation. Naked Snake was undoubtedly exposed to high levels of fallout radiation when Volgan fired that nuke in the beginning of MGS3. It seems very probable that this growth had been festering for a long period of time.
"Let me tell you how I got these burns".but what if the tape is a lie or a false memory?
I hold to the hypothesis that Big Boss's horn is a cutaneous horn:
Many sources point to the rare condition as being a delayed result of exposure to radiation. Naked Snake was undoubtedly exposed to high levels of fallout radiation when Volgan fired that nuke in the beginning of MGS3. It seems very probable that this growth had been festering for a long period of time.
That would also explain the "I'm nuclear" theme from the 2014 E3 trailer. I refuse to believe the protrusion from his skull is just "shrapnel."