Edit: that was directed at the update being only russian subs
Edit: that was directed at the update being only russian subs
Fair enough, man.
From the sounds of what you described, he didn't exactly repent/take back what he said, it sounds more like a poor attempt at damage control. Those fears of his about "losing tradition" are the calling card of any dyed in the wool racist. His support of Enoch Powell and his fear-mongering, anti-immigration "Rivers of Blood" hate speech, also speaks volumes.
I'm not arguing. The discussion's been nothing but civil from what I can see. That's a damn rarity!
Personally, I think racism is learned behaviour. I don't think there is categorical proof one way or the other though.
No. Racists aren't a race.
Yeah, fair point. I shouldn't have brought it up.
Can I just say, Meat, that I actually appreciate hearing your opinion on the matter and the civility with which you had expressed it.
It's clear to me that you have reason to be personally off put by those comments, and I never hoped to fully change your mind. At this point, I think I'll agree to disagree and vow to do more research on the topic.
Just so sad it seems like the MGO reveal hasn't gotten much coverage on some of the more mainstream podcasts ex. Giantbomb or podcast beyond
Makes my desire to do a podcast grow stronger haha
Damn. Sorry for bringin music talk into tbr forum guys. Didn't intend for things to take an argumentative turn. Let's bring it back to what's important:snake's ass
Did anyone else provide any mgo feedback to the MGO tWitter account? Seems like they are taking it very seriously
Of course it's not racism. I said sort of. It goes in the same direction. For example, I also can't stand people who are sitting felt like 24/7 and watching dumb soaps, which they think this is real and relate with the show. Those are points where I say: No, here I cross the line!
I am pretty sure I am more aware of what racism means than you think because I see you from a perspective where you have a tunnel-view.
Anyone have any 1080p wallpapers of that new Big Boss render from TGA?
Anyone have any 1080p wallpapers of that new Big Boss render from TGA?
Does any one know for sure if any of the Colonel's VO was redone at all in MGS2HD on PS3? I thought certain lines sounded weird because plot reasons but my friend says it is because some lines were redone. I haven't played the ps2 version in age so I don't remember.
I am pretty sure I am more aware of what racism means than you think because I see you from a perspective where you have a tunnel-view.
Does any one know for sure if any of the Colonel's VO was redone at all in MGS2HD on PS3? I thought certain lines sounded weird because plot reasons but my friend says it is because some lines were redone. I haven't played the ps2 version in age so I don't remember.
Does any one know for sure if any of the Colonel's VO was redone at all in MGS2HD on PS3? I thought certain lines sounded weird because plot reasons but my friend says it is because some lines were redone. I haven't played the ps2 version in age so I don't remember.
Your posts, while I'm sure have some deeper point, come off as confusing and obtuse. I don't think it's appropriate to accuse others of being narrow minded when you appear to be using the word "racist" where the word "prejudiced" should be used.
I left a comment about health bars. There's not a lot info to provide feedback on, all we can really do is give them a wishlist of the things we want.
Analyzing GZ Weather: Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Foggy, Sandstorm and Pouring. Trying to change GZ Weather.
Uh... There's gonna be a part in the hospital in TPP where you won't be able to use the R Stick... #UselessFacts
Near the Buddy system code, I find the word "Squad". Can we send a squad on the Battlefield with Snake?!
One thing is for sure, you can use your order menu to call Quiet or DD. (Even the helicopter for retreat)
You will be able to develop in TPP suits, types of bullets, weapons, and... "Battle Gear" ?!
WHAT THE FUCK?! Found "Horse Volgin Chase" in GZ CODE, VOLGIN CONFIRMED?!
My friend sent me this, seems legit.
This is old.
This is old.
I've never seen it.
Not totally. Last piece is interesting.
How come no one talked about it?
How come no one talked about it?
It was talked about. This happened during TGS. Redcode Interactive even mentioned NeoGAF in one of their Facebook posts.
I must have missed it. Weird.
How come no one talked about it?
I don't wanna brag about it but i was probably the first person ever who found that out![]()
I don't really see new information in there. Even knowing Volgin is there is useless because most smart people could probably figure out one of the hallucinations is him already.
I wonder what "Squad" is considering Kojima confirmed you can't use DD Soldiers as buddies (which sucks btw).
CHEEZMO;143630425 said:Drk playing Twin Snakes in the stream. Pretty hilarious.
drk is being fucking annoying and saying even the font used in the game sucks, it's a let down because maybe if the AVGN wasn't playing Twin Snakes it would be fun
CHEEZMO;143631418 said:TTS can never be fun because it is literally worse in every way.
Only things that were better were gameplay and graphics.