She got to you. You should have blocked her right there and then. But you didn't. Don't you realize what you are doing? You are proving her right by doing this stuff. If you honestly think she is wrong, you should have cut contact with her. Make her realize she is just talking to a wall. Don't reply. In a way, it's already too late. If you blocked her when she was making shitty twitter comments, she would realize nobody is reading them and when she would look at your profile, she'd knew you blocked her for that shit.
just make sure you're busy. Workout, hang out with friends, etc.
You need to distract yourself. Try to avoid places that remind of her
That's what people always tell him but he doesn't listen.
Stop carrying if she thinks you've been a bad boyfriend or whatever. As i said in the other thread, delete and ignore her from everything then you can move on until then not a chance.
It's hard man, it might never happen. Or you might just one day wake up and realise that she doesn't mean shit and that you don't care anymore. Best thing to do is to keep yourself busy.
Some people say that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new.
This is not true at all.
There is only one person who should be on your mind, Infinity Patriot.
Edit: Great new page
She's deleted/ignored from everything. Everything but my own mind.
So there is no chance you can contact her ever again right?
I can if I wanted to because I simply know her email and social media, but do I want to? No... no I do not. Nor should I.
See? this is what I mean when I say you're still not listening to the advice people give you.
See? this is what I mean when I say you're still not listening to the advice people give you.
What? How the shit can I forget her social media account names? That's like me trying to forget my own username. Not happening.
What? How the shit can I forget her social media account names? That's like me trying to forget my own username. Not happening.
If you "DELETE" and "REMOVE" her from " EVERYTHING" you need to send a friend request first to contact her again but since you burned all bridges with that girl she probably wouldn't accept that request anymore and you know that.
So basically you lied through your teeth and didn't delete her at all.
You can contact someone on facebook & twitter without being friends and if you know the e-mail address, well...
Unless, well, IP deleted his facebook & twitter. But you'll always have an e-mail.
Is your avatar red because you've become a demon?
If you "DELETE" and "REMOVE" her from " EVERYTHING" you need to send a friend request first to contact her again but since you burned all bridges with that girl she probably wouldn't accept that request anymore and you know that.
So basically you lied through your teeth and didn't delete her at all.
You know the answer to that question, Jay.
You can contact someone on facebook & twitter without being friends and if you know the e-mail address, well...
Unless, well, IP deleted his facebook & twitter. But you'll always have an e-mail.
Dude, so many forms of social media don't need requests to contact someone. Her email doesnt, nor does twitter. She doesn't have FB. So how am I lying?
I'm half asleep so I'm not thinking clear right now.
It's all right. We've entered stage 2. All the conditions have been met.
Stage 1: Dawg
Stage 2: Punished Dawg
Stage 3: Venom Dawg
RaidawgPuppy Dawg.
Puppy Dawg.
That's stage 999.
Depends on the private settings i think.
Honestly the best for her and you would be she gets new social media accounts with different names so you can finally leave her alone. Sad but true.
You became a stalker don't you realize that? for the love of god stop before she calls the cops on you.
Remove that link, please.Listen to Quiet, IP!
Puppy Dawg.
While I think the puppy nick is cute, it wasn't that cute to wake up to this news at 6AM in the morning. I was reading through my twitter notifications when I saw it. It's funny how something trivial could shock me like that. It made me realize how much time I really spend here. And it made me realize how much stuff I post without giving things a second thought. These past few weeks, I've posted way too many threads. Loads of them got locked. In part because I was usually too slow.
However, I am dead serious when I tell you I didn't expect this thread to get locked. And I sure as hell never saw the junioring coming. Again, that's my own fault though. It's because I often forget the conflict of interest I have. I am a freelancer for said website. No matter how you look at it, I shouldn't have posted that. I realized my mistake once the thread got locked. I did send a PM to Jason Schreier because he (imo) misinterpreted a part of the article. He's a good guy, he replied right away.
Believe it or not, but I accept my punishment. Not just because of this one thread. I've posted a lot of vague threads. It was never my intention to deceive people or self promote the website I write for, though. For your information: GAF clicks do little to nothing. Only a small minority here is Dutch and/or Belgian and in most cases, they already know our website. I know some GAFfers are readers. Anyway, it isn't like I expect articles to get +1000% clicks through NeoGAF. Not my intention either. I just thought it was an interesting article so I decided to translate it. I just forget that I'm not allowed to post articles from there myself.
Nobody has any reason to believe me, I guess. If people want to believe I posted it to self promote our website, I can't... I can't really prove it's not true. So I guess all you have is my word. I'm not sure how much that is worth. But I want you to know I wouldn't lie about such a thing.
I believe you Dawg.
There wasn't really any need for explanation. Unfortunate mistake, but it happens, since you're really just as much a GAFer as you are someone in the games media industry.
I just hope you will get to do your MGSV OT.
It's ok Dawg, we know you didn't mean self promotion with the thread. And sorry if the puppy thing offended you:
I believe you Dawg.
I hope it's ok when I make here and there a Junior/Puppy joke :smugface:
All in good fun of course.
Did they say how long you're gonna be a puppy?
You know the answer to that question, Jay.
That sucks Dawg, hopefully you'll be back as a full member soon right?
Dawg, I hope you find your way out of this quickly and manage to make the coolest MGS OT ever. Got your back buddy.
Hope you get back to member status soon, Dawg. And dont worry about MGS V OT, Im sure many Outer GAF members, myself included, are willing to post it for you if cant work out a deal with mods.
Hope you get back to member status soon, Dawg. And dont worry about MGS V OT, Im sure many Outer GAF members, myself included, are willing to post it for you if cant work out a deal with mods.
You know, thinking about, if it wasn't for MGS-GAF... I wouldn't have a place to talk about these things.
Feel like I can talk about anything in here. It's not just about Metal Gear Solid. It's a really cool community.
yup, the same.
Feel like I can talk about anything in here. It's not just about Metal Gear Solid. It's a really cool community.
Wait, we can talk about anything? 'cos I have this ugly looking growth inbetween...
Wait, we can talk about anything? 'cos I have this ugly looking growth inbetween...
anyways, hope they let you post the MGSV OT