Love Deterrence
Post anime stars and get this thread back on track. Jimmy, get a poll ready.
As far as I have read that, only Batzi wants such a thing.
Post anime stars and get this thread back on track. Jimmy, get a poll ready.
Post anime stars and get this thread back on track. Jimmy, get a poll ready.
I just catched up with all those posts. I have some things to clarify. I will stop posting all porn like images. But I don't agree with a total free NSFW zone here. This is Metal Gear after all. And Kojima is putting some serious shit in there. For example Beauty & Beast corps craving for you, where some of those pictures are NSFW too. But even then I would highlight those images as NSFW and not posting a picture in here. Also, those fan arts (for example what Dawg posted, that Big Boss x Ocelot) I'd like to keep it here. As this is fun, it's nothing porn like. We have a laugh and keep going.
What Aesop posted that gif on the other hand. I agree with it being stupid. But not because it was NSFW, which it wasn't. It's from Goofy the movie and it was poorly edited. There was no such a thing in there that would that rate that gif as sexual content. But as I said it was totally stupid. He came in here and said something like: "I guess this fits totally in here." But it was stupid, out of place and nothing at all Metal Gear related.
About the Off-Topic talk. I would like to keep it here aswell. As some of you said, like Dawg, it is a nice place to talk about all sort of things. And without even joking. If this place is now strict Metal Gear talk, I have no reason for being in here one moment longer.
As I said earlier. I don't know if it was for Batzi, but it was definitely not a fight for me. If it wasn't a fight for Batzi then it is just you guys who feel that way. I just had a conversation.
I wouldn't have imagined that people actually enjoyed it otherwise I would have stopped since I did the first part.
Not me.
And without even joking. If this place is now strict Metal Gear talk, I have no reason for being in here one moment longer..
So you're not interested in MGS?
Did someone actually read my post? I hate posting important stuff at the end of a page...
Edit: I'll quote it in here. As I feel no one has actually read it.
I read it.
The thread seems to have died last night after the toxic discussion. The only MGS talk I saw was that same old Psycho Mantis theory with literally nothing new. We just had that discussion only a few weeks back. If that is the fate of this thread according to the "pure MGS fans", then I'm not interested.
If I wouldn't be interested in Metal Gear, I wouldn't be here. I talked about a strict Metal Gear thread, which I don't appreciate.
I'm going to raid all your Mother Bases and kick your DeeDees in the ocean.
I read it.
The thread seems to have died last night after the toxic discussion. The only MGS talk I saw was that same old Psycho Mantis theory with literally nothing new. We just had that discussion only a few weeks back. If that is the fate of this thread according to the "pure MGS fans", then I'm not interested.
Usually Kojima posts his pic by now right?
Hopefully this time he posts a picture of him placing C4 in the chopper and in the next image he will blow it up.
C4 is old news son.
I should have been more clear earlier in what I agreed with that Batzi said. I definitely don't think this should be an MGS-only zone, and banning people for off-topic posts is overboard. I mean hell, I talk about off-topic stuff all the time just like the rest of you. I guess my frustration was more pointed at the porn/nsfw stuff that's been posted recently. Not only is it against the rules and/or highly discouraged, but I'm sure kids read these threads.Fuck that, please stay here, Para11ax.
I've had it with the elitist attitude I read here yesterday. Yeah, yeah, I agree... the NSFW shit should stop. Don't want this thread to get locked. I definitely agree there.
But what the hell did I read about this having to be a thread where you can ONLY discuss Metal Gear? Did I read that right... ban people who don't do that? What the fuck is up with that? Do you want a dead thread where people only discuss about the chopper pics Kojima posts? C'mon, you guys are acting like this thread doesn't talk about MGS anymore. It does. People still talk about Metal Gear all the time. But when there's nothing new, it's only normal for discussion to go a bit off-topic. But hey... people seem to like that. Why else you think this thread is moving so fast? You guys remember when OT1 took a full day just to go to the next page? You want that? I sure as hell don't.
Again, I agree 100% we should cut back the NSFW shit because that can actually get you banned and this thread might get locked. But I seriously don't mind the rest. I don't. And I have a hard time believing everyone else does have a problem with that. I like this community because everyone here is so laid back. Talking about rules where everyone not talking 100% MGS should be banned... smh.
I hate community threads that do that. It smells of elitism. There are community threads where people just ignore new guys because they ask something that doesn't align with their 'thread rules'. This community doesn't. Yeah, it goes off-topic a lot... but when someone comes in here, EVERYONE is ready to answer their question(s) and help out! I honestly don't see the problem. It's why I prefer this thread over the many other community threads.
Sorry for the wall of text.
I originally wasn't going to pick this up but on Sunday and said what the hell and decided to pre order. I've only played 4, 5, and Revelations (in progress on REmake and RE6) so far in the series with 5 probably being favorite because it was the first one I beat. I enjoyed the first Revelations though I have a thing for Jill so that might have something to do with lol. Joking aside, I did enjoy Rev. even with its flaws.
Rev. 2 is a budget title (full season for $25) and it tells at times. There isn't many cutscenes and there is some weird transitions to other areas. The game is cross gen but looks ok on PS4. More importantly it's 60 fps. Gameplay is pretty much copy and paste from Rev. 1 but with the change of being able to control two characters. The second character does not participant combat but is a support character that finds items in the world for you and does other things like spotting enemies or stunning them. I hear the two character thing is similar to RE0. Story is meh so far so I won't judge it until the full season is out.
The first episode took me about 2 hours or so. Felt good for what they are charging per episode ($6). But there is more than just the campaign since Raid Mode is returning from Rev. 1. I can see myself spending a lot of time with Raid Mode. It is basically a series of missions you do with an objective like kill all the enemies in the areas or defend a target. You can play as different characters, level up, and find loot. There's quite a few missions to go through too.
Looking forward to play the other episodes even if for just more Raid content.
there were others.
Hey Dawg! Have you heard some people believe that Chico is actually Quiet!?
Even YongYea made a video for it!
So can we use the robot in every mission?
I guarantee you that's not what Ocelot was referring to doe.A weapon to surpass Metal Gear!!!!
6/25/15 confirmed.
Ok that was out of nowhere! AMAZING!
I guarantee you that's not what Ocelot was referring to doe.
Either LET, or a new Metal Gear is my guess.
I want to know what that tweet before that was about. It was something about DD and Quiet being injured so Snake was lonely on the chopper? Translate failed me there lol.