What is going on?!
Vote for Snake in smash!
Smashbros.com and look for the ballot.
Doesn't matter they can add the costumes I'm sure.Which Snake?Forgive me, I voted for Solid Snake
Vote for Snake in smash!
Smashbros.com and look for the ballot.
if this man doesn't show up in TPP i'll be upset
I was playing GZ today and just trying to use all the equipment and different tactics. I love using smoke grenades. Use them to stun a group of enemies, use them to obscure enemy sight, hide while you shoot. I plan using them a lot inTPP.
Correct me if i'm wrong though, but it's going to be a different actor playing him though. right. ?He's in it.
Correct me if i'm wrong though, but it's going to be a different actor playing him though. right. ?
if this man doesn't show up in TPP i'll be upset
He has to be in it... and there was this slide from the GDC 2013 presentation, he kinda looks like Zero
Oh dang, it's happening.
For any of you other fucking degenerates who're still up, uKnightmare and Threedogg are intoxicated and commentating on MGS5 trailers.
What else would you rather be doing?
Oh dang, it's happening.
Damn, they're on fire with all these interviews, looking forward to it! Hopefully they get to interview Kiefer too
They really are. I swear if they get Kiefer, he's probably the hardest to get.
and no there is no way in hell we get Kojima ...LOL
What the hell? :lol
Stefanie is the new Lady Gaga.
Lol what's going on? I've been so confused lately.
Edit: Smokestack Lightnin' by Howlin' Wolf just came on my iPod. I'm going to be playing this song on repeat while I rescue Kaz.
She is doing a photo shooting.
Tfw Stefanie will never do artsy noodz
...too far?
They really are. I swear if they get Kiefer, he's probably the hardest to get.
and no there is no way in hell we get Kojima ...LOL
i wonder what kind of interview that would be.
TBH... i don't think these guys getting the latest interviews ask any interesting questions.
Unfortunately they usually can't. It's the bullshit condition of landing the interview. Ask the wrong questions and you get blacklisted.
OH yea? this i didn't know.
Blacklisted by who? The lalelulelo?
I do think most interviews.. and not just these guys, tend to ask predictable questions, instead of something truly interesting.
It's not exclusive to these guys. It's just in the way that journalism has become so yellow all around. Look at the Yong interview with Hayter. Avoiding questions about MGSV was a stated prerequisite. I think those questions had the potential all to be the most interesting. If they broke that rule, do you think they had a shot of Hayter ever agreeing to do another interview with them? Probably not... Not to mention, other figures with probably avoid you because you play hardball. La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo indeed.
Politics are the best example. I remember reading in one of Hunter S. Thompson's books that he actually got to interview Nixon, who he openly despised. When he got this chance, he was told to keep it explicitly about football, which he did for fear of being blacklisted. Kind of strange, considering he spread rumors about a presidential candidate taking some obscure drug.
This is pretty interesting. Considering that this is the same kind of behaviour that we are looking at with the whole Kojima Konami fiasco.
In a time where we think that it is encouraged to have freedom of speech,this is just not true anymore. We are hold to having a conscience and moral responsibility... but even if we do consider that we are banned for expressing one concern or going against the big man. It really sucks.
But hey.. as long as the people keep doing what they are told, they should be alright, eh? I mean.. people like Yong Yea do the exact same thing video after video not for the love for the series... but for views. At least that is the impression i get from him.
I agree with you, but there's some nuance about Yong. Sure, when all is said and done, he's trying to earn money via YouTube. But the amount of effort he pours into those videos shows that he has to have some love for the series. Although those one or two minute videos are almost certainly clickbait because there's nothing of interest in them.
Edit: Speaking of yellow journalism, Kotaku did a piece on Akio that's pretty decent.
I dunno... i felt like his videos at first were detailed. But then i realized he just say a lot of the same things. Most that other people have already mentioned, and he doesn't even quote or give credit. So thats kinda shitty.
His last MGSO had him talk about the same thing for 5 mins haha over 40 mins. talk about dragging it out.
Sure.. in the end he wants to get paid. But for example, i follow threedog, he has a very cool insight on MGS games, plays the games and gives detailed exposition, thoughts and interacts with the community through twitch and twitter. You can tell how passionate he is about MGS, and he does it for fun i believe. He gets paid because he enjoys it. Pretty big difference imo.
I aught to give threedog a shot. Twitch, right? I haven't explored much twitch tbh. I see where you're coming from with Yong. You could look at it two ways I guess; 1.He's capitalizing on the lack of news and producing content to fill the void, 2.He's doing fans a favor by producing content to fill the void.
By the way, I think this gif is the best representation of yellow journalism
Browsing MetalGearGAF instead of working...this plays in my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THR3LIK9yIs
This is the work of a rookie (Ludvig Forssell).
TPP's soundtrack will be by Harry Gregson-Williams.
That is true. I really love Harry Gregson Williams work. You know he knows what he is doing when he adds some Ennio.
Love all his work.
wow, yellow journalsm? can't believe the racisim in this thread at the moment