Year: 1974
"Ohh Salaadin! Oh yes! Harder!", Sheriff_Battlesnake screamed. "Rogue Agent, push your finger deeper into my butthole!", Salaadin replied. "Now let's switch our postions",
Salaadin responded.
System Error: "I have enough of this!"
System Error fultons them back in time. But why doesn't System Error go back aswell? System Error sees another cat.
?: "You have grown."
System Error: "Zero.. I mean... Cipher. What are you doing here."
Cipher: "Don't you remember, this day? It's the day where I found you."
System Error: "How come you know all of this already?"
Cipher: "There's not much time here. Let's just say, because of nanomachines. You are my most loyal agent right now. Ever since I sent you to Diamond Dawgs at Outer GAF, you always were loyal to me."
We are in a war here. But the timeline is out of control. You weren't warped to the next timeline because here are still some members of Outer GAF. Usually I will be spotted by
some soldiers of BDSM at Womb Base.
And one of my agents will call me "Nuke". However, you will take my place now and you are going to claim your real name again.
You and me both are part of "The Phantom Pain". It doesn't matter how much I hate those Dawgs. The hype must be maintained again! Bring all of them back. Every last
member who's lost is in this time."
System Error: "I understand."
Cipher left the area. System Error walks around and watches another cat dying. Suddenly he heard sounds of gunfire. Soldiers were running around. The soldiers spotted
System Error and took him with them. Some time passed.
Da Bomb Gurl: "As of today I will be living here at Womb Base. Now my real trial begins. Dat Other Guy was fapping in my room, board, and tuition, but he has since been
pleasured. I told the cock that with no more money from the JAV, I could no longer afford school. ...He bought my story, and when I said I would be willing to work, he took pity on
me and let me suck. For some reason Milker really plead my case. That was helpful, but the man is still a fool. His cocks are no better. They think their mastrubating makes them
hard, but that kind of hardness is nothing in the face of true penetration. And better yet, they wait on me hand and foot, believing I am just a schoolgirl. Looks like I won't be
working too hard, after all. Just today, while scouting out the anal quarters, I saw a group of them in the corner of the deck making a climax. Going over for a look, I saw they were
pet a kitten. A bunch of grown, hard cocks, and they are the ones acting like schoolgirls! "Look, isn't he cute?" What is wrong with them? Disgusted, I just nodded and smiled. I
must stay in character, after all. I indulged their chit-chat for a few moments, then one of them asked me to give the thing a name. They had just taken it from its mother. I named
it Cipher Cat. I improvised some nonsense about how "our compassion for living things can help prevent penetration." The cocks gave me a ball of wool. I held it out in my palm,
and the kitten happily played with it. What a pathetic... feeble creature. It sickens me."
Da Bomb Gurl: "Today Quiet invited me to go fucking with the cocks. I suppose finding one's own fuckbuddy does have its merit, but I prefer not to be involved in such a
degrading task. And their prattling on about fucking being "fun" is nonsense. I'm not here to find fuckbuddies. Nevertheless, distasteful as it was, I went along in order to maintain
my cover. Quiet thrust a strap-on into my hands, and we went up onto the deck, where several cocks had gathered. They welcomed us warmly. With so few women aboard
Womb Base, I'm treated like a princess. No one suspects I'm neither a teenager nor a student. It was nice and sunny, with a gentle breeze and waves. As I put on my strap-on
and waited for a butt, the cocks began to squirt all over my face. As always, I swallowed according to our pre-defined scenario, feigning a smile. As I sat there swallowing their
sperm, a cock called NoctisVsStar injected the strap-on into his butt, and the cocks began to fap on that scene. Quiet had her strap-on stolen by a cock, and got so angry
that she stood up and nearly fell into a sea of sperm. Everybody squirted. It almost made me want to join in, too. At some point, I got a cock myself. The instant after I felt that
first gentle tug, the cock yanked the shaft with astonishing strength, and I let out a moan of surprise. I thought it was going to be huge load. It was my first time giving a blowjob,
and I was a bit flustered, so the cock Death Metalist beside me helped by supporting the cock from behind. "Faster!" they shouted. I nodded, rubbing the cock as fast as I could. I
wondered what kind of think sperm live below the scrotum, and thought back to the deep-sperm-sea dives I had to do as part of training. Those were wet days, but I
remember finding the multi-think sperm gliding through the water incredibly soothing. After a hard fight, he squirted it up. To my surprise, it wasn't even thick as half a vara.
Rather anti-climactic. But I wasn't doing it for fun, so I wasn't the least bit disappointed. Cipher Cat was hovering nearby with an expectant look on his face, so I gave him another
ball of wool. All in all, a thoroughly wasted day."
Cipher Cat fultons Death Metalist and NoctisVsStar back in time.
Da Bomb Gurl: "Preparations are coming along nicely. No one suspects me of being the one to let Dat Other Guy out of his dungeon. Today, Smoking Bitch and I taught Dat
French Gurl how to make a smug face. It is a simple, expression consisting of a sleazy smile mixed with arrogance. It is well-known throughout the internet, not just on NeoGAF,
so it is no surprise that a whore like Smoking Bitch would be good at making it. But I was raised in the States from a very young age and can hardly even remember my
mother's smug face. Having to make chit-chat with that clueless cock-lover and the so-called revolutionary was excruciating. And - clueless or not - I will need to be
especially careful around Dat French Gurl, the one who actually recorded that sex tape. Thankfully, Milker and his cocks seem to believe I mistook the tape I found for one my
friend made... In any case, one can never be too careful. ...Anyway, the three of us distorted our lips and eyebrows, then added a special look to it. While waiting for them to
take effect, we milked some cocks in a row. Cecile pointed the cocks Alienous, tryagainlater, Nibel, Zambatoh, Choomp, Nvzman according to Smoking Bitch's
directions, but seemed a bit glum. She does have a knack for sucking, though - she is French, after all. We added strap-on's to our hips, and watched the cocks begin to
scream. While we waited, Smoking Bitch shared memories of her mother with us. They had been separated because of Somoza, but the taste of her mother's nipples was still
fresh in her mind. When the cocks were ready, we drained their semen, fondle them balls with the rest of our handjob skills. Quite a complicated process for home-sucking.
Nonetheless, it kept them occupied. The longer we sat and swallowed, the greater the chance of my arousing their suspicions. With women, it is not enough to just to bat your
eyelashes and giggle. It takes a lot of effort to divert attention. When the cocks were done squirting, we sucked them dry and clothed them into some tissues and cleaned it
up. At this point, for some reason the conversation turned to dirty talk. Why does it have to be that way whenever women get together and chat? Dat French Gurl fancies herself
to be well-versed in such matters, and gave Smoking Bitch all sorts of advice. It was harmless enough until, to my irritation, she began pestering me whether there was
anybody I'd like to "fuck." "Not right now," I said, trying to dodge the question. But she pressed on. "It's Snake, isn't it?" I gritted my teeth and played it coy: "Maybe." Dat
French Gurl nodded and giggled, "He's pretty sexy, isn't he?" What a ditz. It's all I can manage to just survive. The thought of lewdness has never once crossed my mind. I've no
interest in that kind of cock. Soon enough, a rich presence began to fill the room - the smug faces were ready. Cipher Cat came over and rubbed up against our legs, looking for
a handout. Unfortunately, it was not the kind of food a cat would like. We let a few of the cocks have a squirt and then headed off to the fuck hall. The smug faces we'd achieved
was a big hit with the men of BDSM. Not that we are trying to impress them or anything. Even I could manage a face like that. Snake enjoyed it, too... Let me make this
absolutely clear: I have no interest in that cock."
Cipher Cat fultons Alienous, tryagainlater, Nibel, Zambatoh, Choomp and Nvzman back in time.
Da Bomb Gurl: "Cosplay sex, or "roleplay sex" as it is known in the states, is extremely popular here. It has not caught on yet in the US, but it has legions of rabid fans all
across Latin America. These fans can get so rowdy that it is commonly believed El Slaveador and Husbando went to war in 1969 over gangbang in a roleplay act. In reality,
tensions between the two countries were already high. The act was merely one of the sparks that set them off. But these people are so passionate about this fuck art that the
story seems plausible. Predictably, many of the cocks here are fans. They have apparently divided themselves into Costa Rican and Nicaraguan teams and started play
each other. To play, you need a wig, a costume and makeup. The S&M team built and set up simple gloryholes on the deck. I had absolutely no interest, but Quiet insisted that
I come and watch. It was not a proper act by any means - the pitch was not even regulation size - but the actors and spectators alike got pretty excited. They banged
empty butts and shouted cheers through the handmade megaphones. It almost felt like Carnival Sex Party. Nerd, the director, blew a whistle to start the act. The cocks'
mastrubating has left them in excellent physical shape. But they lacked the honed skills of professionals, and their play was quite rough. Midway through, one of the cocks
collided with another. They started squirting at one another, but Nerd stepped in. "I thought we had forsaken our fetishs, become one with the earth," he said, quoting
Snake. "We're not competing for national pride here. And we are not fighting for the good of any one's fetish." "This is not a war. Roleplay sex's a peaceful art, am I right?" The
cocks wiggled. They know the pain of war, and they share Snake's vision. Perhaps that is why this all resonates with them. Team Costa Rica was down a cock, and somehow I
was picked to fill in. Costa Rica had the advantage up until that point - I suppose Nerd wanted to keep it balanced. The cocks agreed with Nerd's call. Maybe the Costa Rican
players felt an even match up would be more fun, too. I could not be bothered to rub cocks at first, but chasing the balls out there in the hot sun, I was soon drenched in
sweat. Before long I found myself actively seeking out the balls, partially out of desperation. I sucked a loose ball on the opponents' side of the scrotum. Even though
he's Nicaraguan, Quiet cheered me on, yelling "Go for it! Suck!" I sucked that ball as hard as I could, only to have it blocked by the cock. Disappointment only increased my
determination. In the end, I didn't score a single cock, and Costa Rica gave up its lead. It was really close, though. We congratulated each other on a good act and sprawled out in
the shade on the deck, exhausted. The ocean breeze felt so nice on my sun-soaked body. Cipher Cat came over - it is one of his favorite spots - and stretched out next to
me. And together we watched fluffy white clouds drift lazily across the clear blue sky."
As some time passed Cipher Cat finds three more members inside of a corridor craving for each other and fultons them back in time. Infinity Patriot, Graphics Horse and
GreyOcelot are fultoned back in time.
Da Bomb Gurl: "It was lovely out today, so I decided to sun myself in a lounge chair up on the deck when Strangewhore came up to me. Despite the heat, she was in her usual
long latex catsuit. I waved at her. She looked away and mumbled, "H-hello there. Fancy meeting you here." I asked if she needed anything, feeling her eyes creeping up and
down my body, like she was savoring it. Finally she swallowed and said, "You have such beautiful ass..." Bewildered, I shook my head and said, "No, not at all." I'd heard rumors
that she was a... lesbian. But she couldn't be after me, could she? She continued to stare and said, "No, it is beautiful. But you must not let yourself get so loose." And then
she took my hand inside her ass. "What is wrong with a bit loose ass?" I asked, trying to cut the conversation short. But she shook her head violently. "No! You mustn't! A young
lady should take better care of her hot body!" She was acting strangely, now, as if aroused. She lectured me on the perils of a loose ass - how it is a deterrent to others,
and in the worst cases that no one will be ever interested in you. I knew already that a loose ass could cause a detterence to others, but I thought only ugly chicks had to deal
with that. Having a scientist tell me it causes that no one will ever be interested in me, though - that spooked me a little. If I am to keep playing the teenager, I will have to start
paying more attention to my ass. Sensing my anxiety, she took a small tube from her pocket. She said it was the lubricating cream she always used. She told me to keep it. I
didn't know what to say. I was more than happy to take it, but exactly what were her intentions? Was she merely being nice? Or is she really into me? Either way, there was
no reason to refuse, I suppose. I have undergone training. An out-of-shape woman doesn't pose any real threat to me. Having power means not being afraid. It is the same
on a global scale: a fetish with hot bodies can dictate terms to a fetish without them. I thanked her and took the tube. Then she offered to put some on for me. She squirted
some lubricating cream onto her fingers and began rubbing it into my vagina. It happened so suddenly, and I was so taken aback that I did not even think to protest. She caressed
my anus with her long, white fingers, then slid them upwards between my G-spot. "Wha-? Wait..." I sputtered as her moist eyes met mine. She was beautiful... Somehow,
I found myself captivated by this woman more than ten years my elder. "Hold still," she whispered in my ear. I nodded silently, unable to refuse. My body went limp, motionless,
as if in a trance. Gently, carefully, she rubbed the lubricating cream all over my entire body. I shouldn't have enjoyed it. And yet I could not help myself. For a moment, I was
spellbound. That woman is dangerous... I had better watch myself."
Ten minutes after that Cipher Cat confronted Strangewhore.
Cipher Cat: "Hey you bitch!"
Strangewhore: "Oh, it talks!? What is it?"
Cipher Cat: "Keep your hands off her! She's mine! I want you to leave Womb Base as soon as your work is done here! Understood!?"
Cipher Cat jumped at her face and scratched her. Strangewhore recieved a critical hit. Strangewhore went to to a medic.
Da Bomb Gurl: "Protecting one's health is an important part of any agent's job, but despite my best efforts, I have caught a cold. Now that I think about it, Womb Base's
numbers are on the rise, with cocks coming from all different places and backgrounds. It is no wonder, then, that sooner or later someone would bring in a virus. That said, what I
have got is just a common cold. The medical team said I'd need a few days' rest, so I've been restricted to my room and put on bed rest. I thought I'd gotten used to not having
anyone around to relate to... But at times like these, being alone is just... miserable. All I could do is lay there and stroke Cipher Cat's back, trying to take my mind off how bad I
felt. Cipher Cat just sat there, not making a sound. But I did have visitors: Smoking Bitch and Quiet, Nerd, Dat French Gurl, Milker, and a few of the cocks I've become relatively
close to. Smoking Bitch made me a soup with herbs she said were good for a cold. Milker told me to take it easy. "I will sing you a lullaby," he said, then broke out a guitar
and sang some incomprehensible song in Japanese. I did not need to understand the lyrics to know he's an awful singer. Then he said, "You know what is good for a cold?
Suppositories! Here, I'll show you..." He began to take off his pants, so I threw my tissue box at him to make him go away. Then Strangewhore showed up, saying she had some
miracle Indian cure. "It has got eucalyptus extract," she said. "It works best if you rub it into your butthole." And then she tried to take off my panty. Cipher Cat hissed at her.
And that got rid of her. Quiet brought me a little flower in a cup. It had been growing in a little bit of earth that probably found its way on board stuck to something else. "I found
this on the deck. Here, you can have it." She tried to act nonchalant, but I'm pretty sure she's got a crush on me. None of them understand. If they thought these little visits
would cheer me up, they were wrong. Tonight, Snake himself came to my room. Like the rest, he believes I am just a schoolgirl, and treats me as such. "Why did you abandon
your fetish," I asked him. "Why create the BDSM?" Of course, I knew the answers already. But I wanted to hear it from him. As I had imagined, he was not exactly
forthcoming. All he would say is that his fetish abandoned him because all he could do was fuck. And that is why he needed the BDSM - because that is all he is any good for.
Then he said, "Fucking is the only thing I understand. But that does not mean I have got a grudge against those who believe in petting." I am not one of them, and I do not believe
in petting. Penetration is in cocks' nature. We penetrate our enemies in order to survive. Maybe we're not so different after all, he and I. But that is exactly why I am going to have
to fuck him. Or else he will have to fuck me. When I stop and think about this wretched existence, being fucked by a cock like that suddenly does not seem like such a bad thing."
Da Bomb Gurl: "Every month, Womb Base throws a gangbang party for all the cocks whose birthdays fall in that month. There's something strange about a military
organization having parties. Really, though, it is just an excuse to drink and make noise. It is not easy to get alcohol on a fortress in the middle of the ocean. Most days they are
mastrubating from dawn till dusk. They do not have time for things like drinking. That is why Snake and Milker came up with the idea - to give everyone a chance to let loose.
Obviously, a bunch of pricks like that are not going to bother with blowing some cocks in a row. Rather, they sit there in a sea of sperm, drink semen, eat one another's feces, tell
tasteless jokes and swap crude insults about one another's loose butt. But it hardly ever breaks out into something serious. They talk up a storm, but they're just having fun. It is
funny. You've got members of B&D rubbing cocks with the S&M's. People who once would have considered the other mortal enemies. I wonder if that is what makes Big
Boss so popular. In leaving their fetish behind, they leave their hatred for other fetishs, too. Milker seemed a little protective of me. "Hope they're not being too crude," he said.
But soon enough he too was drunk. He yelled, "C'mere and take a look at the REAL Kamikaze Milker!" then dropped his pants and mooned everybody. The other soldiers
burst out laughing. I have never seen such a crude, ridiculous party before. And yet... All these people, laughing and acting the fool - is this what they call peace? For some
reason, I began to think about all that has happened since I came here. Penetration with Quiet, smug facing with Smoking Bitch and Dat French Gurl, playing roleplay sex, having
visitors when I caught a cold... When I stop and think about it, my time here has been the most peaceful of my life. But that is about to end. I cannot imagine he'll be willing to
negotiate. It seems I am to fight the legendary Big Boss. I don't know if I'll be able to beat him, but if I have to choose between being fucked and defying Cipher, I will gladly choose
being fucked. The thought of being fucked does not scare me. But if I disobey my orders, the fear and despair awaiting me will be far worse than anything I can imagine. It was
Cipher who took me in as an orphan - gave me food and a place to live. His orders may have been unreasonable, but I will never repay my debt entirely. It seems I have no
choice. I must fight this cock... I must fight Snake."
In the meantime the gangbang party was fully loaded. FantasticMrFoxdie, -Deimos, Timeaisis, RoyaleDuke, Arkos, Screaming Meat and tom0823 ejoyed fucking with the
other cocks and Kamikaze Milker. But before they could reach the climax the entire gangbang party recieved a black out. And the members of Outer GAF were fultoned back in time.
Milker: "And who's going to suck my cock now?!"
Da Bomb Gurl: "D'you know Milker, Snake's right mastrubating hand cock? Apparently he's got at least one serious weakness. He is an insatiable womanizer. He does not
bother me, most likely because he considers teenagers off limits. But he has hit on every single one of the few female solders here at Mother Base. They ought to be telling him
where to stick it, but end up falling for it so easily. I think some of it stems from the fact that he is actually not that bad looking. Anyway, today that nasty habit got him in
trouble. He and Snake got into one of their rare fucks, and I was there to see it. They burst out of the showers, completely naked, trading blowjobs. I am no child - the sight of
a naked man doesn't make me blush. But this was something else. "Maybe this'll teach you!" Snake yelled as he slammed his cock into Milker's mouth. I heard later that
apparently he'd been two-timing someone called Vally... and that same someone had gone to Snake with her troubles. As I see it, it is her own fault for letting herself be
deceived like that. If she's too dumb to see though Milker's lies, then she got what she deserved. But this was not the first time it had happened, or the second, and Snake read
Milker the riot act. Milker argued back, and what began as a shouting match turned into a fuckfest. "You son of a bitch!" Milker yelled as he swung his cock. "Not bad," said
Snake, smiling. "But not good enough!" And then he was back on the offensive. They had already been at it pretty hard in the showers, and their bodies were covered with sperm.
Both of these cocks had been trained for fuck, their cocks deadly weapons. They were each cumming from a dozen places. All this from a fuckfest. Even so, it was far less
gruesome than if they had given it their all. It was obvious that one of them would be fucked were they fucking for real. Milker took another swing, yelling, "Try this, then!"
Snake parried, then responded in kind. But I could tell he was not aiming for anything vital. "You're one tough bastard, Boss..." Milker muttered. A smile crept across his face
as he caught his breath. And then they went right on fucking. Sperm and sweat flew off their glistening bodies. It was penetration without hatred or hostile intent. I'd never seen
violence like this before. And yet it was more than just a friendly tussle. They were utilizing every technique they knew. It was not a sporting match - they were not playing
by rules. How could they keep this up? At last, the two cocks tired themselves out, and the bizarre scene came to an end. They looked at each other's soaked bodies, and then
burst out laughing, embracing and congratulating each other on a good fuck. It all seemed so idiotic. I still cannot fathom such behavior. But somehow I got the sense that
for all his womanizing, Milker really only trusted one person, and that was Snake. There was no way I could ever come between the two of them. And at that thought I began to
feel as if I had lost. But then I saw that Cipher Cat fultons the female soldier called Vally. That was strange, why would he do that?"
Da Bomb Gurl: All of Womb Base is preparing for a fuck festival. Since Snake and his cocks spend so much time mastrubating, they're setting aside one day a year for peace
and relaxation. I do not know all the details, but apparently that is what Snake and Milker decided. The cocks love the idea, of course. There is so little fun to be had here that
everybody looks forward to events like these. That is all well and good, but somehow I got roped into getting on stage... "C'mon, we even both have 'suicide' in our names," said
Milker. "And Dat Other Guy - that old stupid's name has something to do with suicide, too, right? "Hey, as long as we're having a day of suicidde, we ought to get an act
together - The Three Suicide Band!" I thought he was joking. He then proceeded to share his idea without bothering to check with me, and now I am slated to sing. Apparently, he
had heard me on deck one day and since then he's wanted to form a band. Everybody's looking forward to it, so there is no way for me to back out now. I have never done
anything like this, but it does feel kind of nice to know that people are looking forward to it. I mean, it cannot be any worse than Milker's singing. But modifications to COCK are
already finalized, and I must complete my mission. Betray Cipher now, and I will face a fate far worse than being fucked. Still... There's no need to put things in motion just yet.
What difference would it make to just wait a little while longer? A whole day of peace... The mission can wait until after that, can it not? I know I am only delaying the inevitable.
When the day comes, one of us will have to be fucked - Snake or me. But still... If I could just come up with some way to stall Cipher... at least until our day of suicide... When did
I start having thoughts like this...?"
Cipher Cat was patroling Womb Base to look after the remaining members of Outer GAF. He finds SJRB and Nightengale sitting in a corner rubbing each others snakes. Cipher
Cat quickly tranqed them and fultons them back in time. Was that it? That should be all, right? Cipher Cat was still at Womb Base. It seems that something is missing. But what is it..
Da Bomb Gurl: "My cover is blown! They know nothing of Cipher or my true objective, but they know I am a spy. There's no more time left. I must act now. I must complete my
mission... How did it come to this... All I wanted was three more days, just three... Milker's already finished writing the song. It's called "Fuck Deterrent" - it is about a girl
who can't decide if she wants the condom or not. I have been practicing. I am no pro, but I was pretty sure I would do a decent job. And now this... Cipher found out that COCK
was complete. He must have someone inside Mother Base besides me. Spinning his tightly wound web of control, leaving no room for individual will - typical. When they found
out COCK was complete, I was ordered to execute the operation immediately. If I was going to enjoy just one day of peace, I had to ensure the plan could not move forward. ...I
tried to sabotage COCK. I thought by damaging the drive system, they would have no choice but to delay their plans... I waited until midnight and then snuck into the hangar.
There would be trouble if it looked like sabotage. I selected one of the drive system's load-bearing parts and carefully worked to warp its shape. The shaft's drive system
requires a high degree of precision to operate. Even the smallest deviation would have done it. Then Quiet walked in. Maybe it was one of those nights where she could not
sleep. In any case, she saw me, panicked, and took off running. It would have been easy to kill her. But I could not! I know she... likes me. It is not as if I would ever have an
interest in a hot chick like her... But I could not pull the trigger. Not at her. Not in the back. Will she tell them? Or is there a chance she will keep it secret? Protect me...
...No. She knows now... Knows I am not who he thought I was... She ran without even questioning what I was doing. There is no chance she does not know. And soon, all I
have built here will end. And if Cipher has another agent among them... If he finds out I tried to sabotage COCK... This place will no longer be my "heaven." ...Then it is settled. I
make my move now. Quiet walked in before my sabotage was complete, so COCK should still be operational. It might not run at full speed or power, but I do not have time
to fix that. Without COCK, I do not have a chance in hell of winning. I must act fast before Quiet sounds the alarm... I knew it would come to this. I just... did not think it
would be so soon... ...It is time, COCK. Metal Gear COCK, activate!"
Milker: "Those are all the diaries we could find from Dat Bomb Gurl. Ten day's ago, we got reports that Dat Bomb Gurl was still alive."
Gray Cock: "She shurfifed?"
Milker: "She was rescued by a Belizean fisherman who found her drifting in the Caribbean."
Gray Cock: "So what's the plan? Silence her before we're compromised?"
Milker: "No. I've got something else in mind. Our "friends" at Cipher suspect Dat Bomb Gurl could be a double agent. She's being held for interrogation at a camp on the southern tip of Cuba.
Gray Cock: "Black site - nice. A slice of creampie on communist soil, and out of U.S. legal jurisdiction.
Milker: "The upcoming inspection of Womb Base has to be connected somehow. The timing's too perfect.
Gray Cock: "The UN's semen inspection..."
Milker: "My guess is they're trying to corroborate Dat Bomb Gurl's leak."
Gray Cock: "We're an army without a nation."
Milker: "Word of our capabilities gets out, and we'll have the whole world out to shut us down. Having an American private intelligence agency involved's bad news. Cipher's the
one who sent Dat Bomb Gurl to us in the first place."
Gray Cock: "She knows their true nature."
Milker: "Right. Dat Bomb Gurl is our only link to Cipher. If she's still alive... ...We need her on our side."
Gray Cock: "So who's the other target?"
Milker: "That would be Quiet. She's being held in the same area as Dat Bomb Gurl. Last radio contact was forty hours ago. Find them both. Bring 'em back alive. Enter the
compound from the south cliff. Secure Quiet and Dat Bomb Gurl, then report back from the redevouz point. We'll send a chopper from across the Cuban border. You should be
back at Womb Base in time for lunch. You'll probably just miss our "guests". The only catch is: you and Cipher Cat go in duo. The politically sensitive nature of the mission means backup is not an option."
Gray Cock: "Fine. I like some alone time now and then with my favorite cat."
Gray Cock and Cipher Cat arrive at the prison camp.
Gray Cock: "We're in front of the prison camp."
Milker: "Excellent, Snake. Age hasn't slowed you down one bit."
Gray Cock: "Kept you waiting, huh?"
Cipher Cat: "Fuck you. You are not even Big Boss. Stop being so silly Gray Cock!"
Gray Cock: "What? No. I am Snake, I am Big Boss."
Cipher Cat: "Yeah.. whatever you don't even have the voice anymore everyone's hating. Well.. anyway. Our ways part here. I am searching for something else. You can tell Dat Bomb Gurl, that the other spy was me all along."
Cipher Cat is walking away.
Gray Cock: "Milker.. Who am I?"
Milker: "What is wrong, Snake!?"
Gray Cock: "...I ...I ...I'm losing myself..."
Cipher Cat is walking around the base, he recieved report that the last member should be located here. But it does not seem that he can find him anywhere. Cipher Cat is walking
towards a cliff and sitting there. Cipher Cat looks depressed. The last member of Outer GAF, is nowhere to find. So, there is no way back home. No way back, to maintain the
hype. Is this the end of it all? Will The Phantom Pain remain The Phantom Game? Hype has changed. It's no longer about gameplay, resolution or frames per second. It's an
endless series of insane comments posted by fucked up NeoGAF users. Hype - and its consumpiton of life - has become a well-rusted machine. Hype has changed. IP-tagged
users post IP-tagged posts, use IP-tagged username. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their fucked up abilities. Mod control. Information control. Ban
control. Thread control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. Hype has changed. The age of bans has become the age of control... All in the name of averting
trolls from users of mass bullshit. And he who controls the thread... Controls search history. Hype has changed. When the thread is under total control... ...Shit posting becomes routine.
Dawg: "Woof!"
Suddenly Dawg approached Cipher Cat from behind. He injects his snake into Cipher Cat.. and well.. how should I say it.. The things he's done... You really don't want to know.. *zzzZZZZZZOOOOOooooooMMMMmmmmm*
Year: 2015
Colonel Campbell: "Congratulations System Error! You brought the hype back to live!"
Cipher Cat: "Fuck you! My name is not System Error! I am Cipher Cat and I am a Cipher agent, ever was and ever will be! I will never be one of those filthy Diamond Dawgs!"
Colonel Campbell: "Well.. that doesn't matter.. important, is that the hype can be maintained again! Good work!"
Cipher Cat: "Ugh... fuck those Diamonds!"
Meanwhile in the room next to it.
ToraShiro: "Well, I'll be damned. So it was you who was feeding me information. Yes, the hype can be maintained again. They ordered it because they felt that's the only way in
order to release The Phantom Pain. We can look forward now to some major shitposting again. It looks as if everything is going exactly the way you wanted it. When Dorito Pope
saw the shitposting you supplied and found out he was the target of the trolling, he brought the release date documents right to me. Yes, we should've know Geoff was
serious about placing those Doritos next to him at the interview... Seems our insurance policy came in handy after all. He did quite well... And now I've got the release date. Is
that all part of your script, too? Using him and the Kojima Productions like that... Only you could have pulled it off. But... You won't be using me anymore... ...Post data...
...from Cipher Cat? Posts... posting...? ...I see... Intriguing... I'll help you with the project. But on one condition... I want him to join us. Yes, Geoff Keighley... So that we can become the Trolls. Yes, I'll be in touch... dear Kojima."
Cipher, hate to tell you this but right now this isn't the time for this with Dawg making that thread.
You ruined it... ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
I am finished
You ruined it... ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
I am finished
I'm just saying this thread will be getting some exposure now lol.
I'm just saying this thread will be getting some exposure now lol.
You could have said that afterwards. Now edit your post to:
"Keep reading and ignore this post!"
strafer: "Gangbang. We just had some gangbang, with that guy called "Liquid Snake". You should've seen that System Error. It was like having sex with 100 tentacles!"
I hope batzi survives this but dawg already did a thread ;S
N4G with the breaking news, keep them checks coming.
The leak is real. I won't share who. I am willing to provide proof to the mods.
Batzi doubling down. Will he become Bish verified????
A slice of creampie on communist soil
I'll edit it to something better.
Cats are dumb.![]()
Love what does Vegas says on the odds of Batzi being right ?
69 to 1!
Oh man I'm so excited ...PLEASE BE TRUE!
Never knew batzi had the inside scoop.
Imagine Batzi trolling right here
Hey maybe ModBot will see how crazy we are and lock OT1
he's been claiming to have some for a while now. Now we'll finally know if he does.
Got one tab up with Batzi's profile, the other with the GAF Insider thread. Oh, shit. [F5 intensifies]
Hahahaha! OMG! LOL!
Hi guys!
Same :lol
he's been claiming to have some for a while now. Now we'll finally know if he does.
Dude if this is true the news sites will EXPLODE!
I really posted that at the wrong time... But not because mods might come in but people don't really care about it... Batzi's fake story is now the highlight...
Welcome, brother, and hello!