He mentioned it awhile back on twitter too happy to hear its still in the works.
I'm buying one of each collector's edition because I'm a fool and I spend my money recklessly.
I'm just really interested in seeing the modding community for the game. I doubt there will be any official modding but still want to see the crazy for myself.
So today I finally decided to grind my ass off and finish Peace Walker.
The final boss was... something.
The music, the clothing (fitting cause my BB was wearing swim trunks), the dialog...
Oh yeah and the freaking missile thing Miller yapped about never worked lol.Old news bro.
Scrub ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
"Soon you will witness true Hell!"
Oh yeah and the freaking missile thing Miller yapped about never worked lol.
So today I finally decided to grind my ass off and finish Peace Walker.
The final boss was... something.
The music, the clothing (fitting cause my BB was wearing swim trunks), the dialog...
lol, it does actually work. You need to press the button, press yourself against the wall and then target the enemy. That's also how you tag enemies in PW.
I tried it 3 times and every time Zeke had the lock on tag symbol and nothing would happen. One time the missiles actually turned at him and they just sat there.lol, it does actually work. You need to press the button, press yourself against the wall and then target the enemy. That's also how you tag enemies in PW.
The other day I found out you can also tag enemies while laying down on the ground... 120 hours in and I still keep learning new things about PW
The other day I found out you can also tag enemies while laying down on the ground... 120 hours in and I still keep learning new things about PW
Wait what? You can tag enemies in PW?
Wait what? You can tag enemies in PW?
Sorry if this has been posted already. I remember someone mentioning this image being in a magazine but this doesn't look like a scan.
Edit: let me know if you think it is and I'll delete.
Hello people, I'm new to this thread.
I finally played a Metal Gear game for the first time since Ground Zeroes went up on PS+. I never really got into stealth games and tried an MGS3 demo a few years ago, but it never really clicked with me. Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed playing Ground Zeroes. It controls great and I got into the rhythm of things pretty quick. So I ended up making my backlog even worse by picking up The Legacy Collection for $33, but it was a pretty good deal. I might not start playing right away and even when I do, I'll probably take my time with it. I'm not in any rush to play them all before The Phantom Pain comes out since I can always pick it up later.
The only thing I'm on the fence about is that when I do eventually get started, I'm not sure if I should try out Metal Gear first or dive straight in to Metal Gear Solid.
Yeah I don't trust that poll at all. We all know PS4 and Xbone are going to easily double PC sales by themselves.
I'm hoping MGSVTPP wow me at this year's E3, because my excitement for this game is starting to dwindle.
I'm hoping MGSVTPP wow me at this year's E3, because my excitement for this game is starting to dwindle.
Two Hard Softman's
Haha, good eye
Top Kekman is my favorite
Hello people, I'm new to this thread.
I finally played a Metal Gear game for the first time since Ground Zeroes went up on PS+. I never really got into stealth games and tried an MGS3 demo a few years ago, but it never really clicked with me. Much to my surprise, I really enjoyed playing Ground Zeroes. It controls great and I got into the rhythm of things pretty quick. So I ended up making my backlog even worse by picking up The Legacy Collection for $33, but it was a pretty good deal. I might not start playing right away and even when I do, I'll probably take my time with it. I'm not in any rush to play them all before The Phantom Pain comes out since I can always pick it up later.
The only thing I'm on the fence about is that when I do eventually get started, I'm not sure if I should try out Metal Gear first or dive straight in to Metal Gear Solid.
Truth be told, there's other games that will come from E3 that will overhype MGS5. Only way to pull it off is Kojima doing a full on story plot trailer to ruin it all.
Dat Last Guardian ( ._.)
Can imagine though if that is real?
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling. Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria!
I've bought PS3 for this game.Dat Last Guardian ( ._.)
I've bought PS3 for this game.
Will buy PS4 also.
New PAK Sneaking Suit Venom Snake seems to show that the giant shoulder penis is now gone.
New PAK Sneaking Suit Venom Snake seems to show that the giant shoulder penis is now gone.
I can still see the penis. lol
I see underwear .
It feels great! Took about 73 hours. Man some of those VR missions were tough as nails. I can't even imagine going back to them to get 1st rank.
Time to move onto MGS3 though, really looking forward to playing as Big Boss!
Congrats! Remember in MGS3 to NOT eat the Tsuchinoko.
But you actually should eat the Tsuchinoko.
You know, I was always torn by that decision. Even with ammo. Say I max out my capacity, right? My need to preserve it always overtook my need to use it and so I'd end up just using CQC or sneaking by unnoticed save for most boss battles of course.All the mouse traps