Don't think this has been linked yet here: some japanese players are pretty disappointed with MGO3 and have been an online petition to port MGO2 to PS4.
Also a twitter account.
Also a twitter account.
Don't think this has been linked yet here: some japanese players are pretty disappointed with MGO3 and have been an online petition to port MGO2 to PS4.
Also a twitter account.
That's me as a scout. Just hiding and marking. I've gotten most xp on my team several times without any kill the whole match.Haha I actually keep changing away from scout to enforcer if the team has a couple of scouts already but the marking usually ends up lacking.
I think hiding out doing nothing besides marking most of a round is more useful than people might imagine.
I'm okay with this.
Didn't they release MGO2 as a standalone in Japan? How hard can it be.
MGO2 & 3 Desert Chocolate Chip might as well be snow camoMG:![]()
Real Life:
Real Life:![]()
Real Life:![]()
Don't think this has been linked yet here: some japanese players are pretty disappointed with MGO3 and have been an online petition to port MGO2 to PS4.
Also a twitter account.
Didn't they release MGO2 as a standalone in Japan? How hard can it be.
Is this no good or something?
I'm inclined to say it's a decent drop, because 99% of the players I encounter now are Japanese. I get the occasional North/South American, but mostly glorious Nippon.I'd love to see the metrics for the player population fall-off for the first week of MGO.
I'm inclined to say it's a decent drop, because 99% of the players I encounter now are Japanese. I get the occasional North/South American, but mostly glorious Nippon.
So... typical MGO then? The bigger question is: Will they fix the issues MGO has unlike the MGS4 version which was completely ignored.
It's not typical at all. MGO2 had regular weekly tournaments and survival modes, which were official modes hosted by Konami. Hell, they even hosted world tournaments in Japan. It had a proper clan system and ranking system. They didn't plan on having MGO2 last that long, so I'm guessing they did pretty well.
Plus wasn't MGO2's servers region locked? I remember the EU server doing decently, the main server Otacon was always near full and completely full when survival was on.
It's a couple patches away from being something really cool but as it stands this is gonna die faster than you can say "Evolve"Is this no good or something?
It's not typical at all. MGO2 had regular weekly tournaments and survival modes, which were official modes hosted by Konami. Hell, they even hosted world championship tournaments in Japan. It had a proper clan system and ranking system. They didn't plan on having MGO2 last that long, so I'm guessing they did pretty well.
Yeah. But those did not come until later. MGO2 at launch is kinda similar to 3. A few maps and game modes, no tourneys or clans. But who knows what Konami has lined up for DLC or anything for this. I expect more maps maybe and that's probably it.
It's not typical at all. MGO2 had regular weekly tournaments and survival modes, which were official modes hosted by Konami. Hell, they even hosted world championship tournaments in Japan. It had a proper clan system and ranking system. They didn't plan on having MGO2 last that long, so I'm guessing they did pretty well.
I don't recall tournaments and survival modes at launch. I could be wrong.
Online has changed since 2008. It's no longer about the novelty of playing with others. It has become a feature with expectations.
MGO3 is closer to the tacked on multiplayer you see with games like Spec Ops: The Line or Tomb Raider than it is to something that will last. It won't survive the winter. I doubt it'll make it two weeks before it's in worrying shape.
This is exactly how I feel about MGO3 is as well.
It is generic, and I think most people saw this coming as it wasn't made by the same devs that worked on the previous two.
I dont really feel like it generic at all. I just think their have been some very poor decisions made about the design and its lacking content. This game could be good but i dont think it with survive the wait it will take to get it there. Still having more fun with it than the SW Beta, that feels generic as fuck
Yeah same. I loved MGO 2 but this is a pretty great follow up. I've been having some of the most fun I've had playing multiplayer since MGO 2.Well, I'm having tons of fun.
It didn't, Survival was released with the GENE DLC, Tournament came afterwards.
Opening up a new studio for the online mode sure was worth it.
Well then you can hardly use those two as examples of the game being barebones in comparison. It's pretty obvious to me that they have DLC plans, for good or ill.
I'm having a blast with this game. Seeing infiltrators thinking they're sneaky when I can see them plain as day is funny as hell.
Goofy outfits confirmed as DLC?
3 modes vs 7/9, no clan system, no actual lobby systems. It's pretty barebones to me.
You didn't read my post did you?
Info on the unlocks for each type, and the prize for Ascending.
There's like 8 ascensions IIRC. Who knows if they'll unlock anything worthwhile aside from more colorsDon't see squid or croc headwears on there. And level 37+ it's the same suits(battle dress, sneaking) but you can change the colors? One player was wearing a battle bikini at TGS
Don't see squid or croc headwears on there. And level 37+ it's the same suits(battle dress, sneaking) but you can change the colors? One player was wearing a battle bikini at TGS
Is this no good or something?
Is this no good or something?