donkey show
Yeah actually performing Zan Datsu never gets tiring, it just feels so good.
Grip your fist IRL for dat badass feel.
Yeah actually performing Zan Datsu never gets tiring, it just feels so good.
Oh speaking of it, a protip: manually zandatsuing is a complete waste of time. Horizontally adjusting with the left stick and slicing with square or triangle is the right way to do it. At least, so far, THANKFULLY, I haven't seen anything that requires diagonal slices.
Personally, I've zandatsu'd hundreds of times and somehow it hasn't become tired. It's definitely a lot better doing it than watching someone else do it. I imagine it'll be a lot better with the ability to do multiple zandatsus in a row unlocked.
That doesn't give you the bonus points for the ranking.
Man I'm playing the demo again and these guys constantly getting into a loop of throwing grenades is annoying.
What was the break down on enemy bp? 100 for each body part and destroying them? Does the head count?
I personally enjoy the manual blade mode.
Oh just so im not confusing myself? isnt zandatsu the act of ripping an energy core out when the kanji comes on screen and blade mode is just when you cut stuff?
as in you enter blade mode to perform a zandatsu, but if you parry an enemy at the right time/weaken him enough and use the QTE prompt you perfom zandatsu automatically?
Oh just so im not confusing myself? isnt zandatsu the act of ripping an energy core out when the kanji comes on screen and blade mode is just when you cut stuff?
I recall having problems lining up the cut just right manually. Then I realised you don't need to perform the cut by taking the stick to the opposite direction; you jut hold back, line up and let go. Now Im a fucking pro lol.
I recall having problems lining up the blade just right manually in blade mode. Then I realised you don't need to perform the cut by taking the stick to the opposite direction; you jut hold back, line up and let go. Now Im a fucking pro lol.
Right right, I'm mistakenly using zandatsu for entire blade mode process.![]()
Yeah fuck that mashing shit
In the demo the most satisfying thing was taking the cores out of gekkos after the execution with one clean, accurate vertical cut.
Just like my japanese animes for real
It's easier to just hit square once(no mashing), it will cut exactly where you lined it up. You risk slight change of movement when you use the right analog stick, and you don't have to worry about mistakenly executing an unwanted slice.
I'm not sure about Zandatsu (or Blade Mode, w/e). I like the concept a lot, but I don't think they will be using it to its full potential. For starters I kind of wished it was used more for debilitating enemies rather than as a finisher. For the recovery from doing it seems way overpowered.
Wish the game actually gave bonus points for just performing a clean cut to the core.
Feels better manually to get the core. I only use face buttons when I was to destroy the body.
I kinda hope there are more enemies and overall content that they've left out of the trailers. Cause boy there are a lot of trailers
Welp, when I'm after a high ranking, I only care about what's most effective.
Although personally, I don't like manual slicing either way.![]()
I wish I had the money for that sweet lamp. Does any site have any first impressions of the LE yet?
If I have this sent to me from gamestop, will I still get the preorder bonus? How does that work usually? Normally the code is on the receipt.
Online Customers : A code with instructions will be emailed within 2 business days after your order ships.
If I have this sent to me from gamestop, will I still get the preorder bonus? How does that work usually? Normally the code is on the receipt.
I'm not sure about Zandatsu (or Blade Mode, w/e). I like the concept a lot, but I don't think they will be using it to its full potential. For starters I kind of wished it was used more for debilitating enemies rather than as a finisher. For the recovery from doing it seems way overpowered.
Oh I see :lol
It is used that way in the game. Not always the entire body of the enemy is vulnerable. Sometimes just a limb which will result in a different attack pattern for the enemy.(Ex. Taking both gorillabot arms results in them being more aggressive, but only being able to attack you with drop kicks IIRC)
I think Platinum has done a pretty remarkable job making a game that takes full use of a mechanic that really only sounds good on paper
Going for the arms and legs BP bonus is also easier manually, about the only thing face buttons are good for is destroying BP.
You're right. Blade Mode is the free cut mechanic and Zandatsu is taking the core after an accurate cut
Someone said on these forums the campaign is only 4 hours long? Is this true? Seems awfully short.
Someone said on these forums the campaign is only 4 hours long? Is this true? Seems awfully short.
A few days ago an ending screen of Metal Gear Rising Revengeance appeared on the internet, displaying a finish time of around 5,5 hours. Since then, people have been worried about the game’s length, assuming this was an accurate representation. But accroding to the game’s producer Atsushi Inaba, the game is much longer than that timer indicates. He explained:
It seems someone posted their MGR results screen and that people (mainly in the West) are shocked it says the clear time is 5.5hr.
Here’s the truth: First of all, cutscenes ARE NOT INCLUDED in that counter.
Next: For every chapter you play in the game, it ONLY COUNTS YOUR FASTEST TIME. It doesn’t track your total play time.
What that means is if you replay a chapter for 10 hours, but you finally clear it in a time of 10 mins. Only 10 mins will be counted.
So please don’t get fixated on that end screen Clear Time being total game time because it is not.
As I said, it is not how long you’ve had the power on playing MGR, it is a record of your best efforts playing the game.
We came up with this clear time counting system as a way to fairly evaluate players. It hasn’t changed since Bayonetta.
However, I will say it is really disappointing that people try to use a single screen in the game to try and create negative buzz.
So in other words, don’t let this judge whether to get the game or not. It will obviously last you longer.
How long is the campaign?
How long is the campaign?
Someone said on these forums the campaign is only 4 hours long? Is this true? Seems awfully short.
MoonsaultSlayer said:How do I trigger Zandatsu, exactly? I've been wanting to ask since the demo but limited my time in Rising threads.
What else gets bp. Cause I got like 3000 out of nowhere from killing two of the first three enemies in the demo. And the bladewolf fight sucks cause of those interruptions.
I never knew they did. If it helps, hoodies and shirts will soon be available from UNIQLO stores. At least that's what Google translate tells me.
Not really relevant to the game itself but relevant to Kojima. DAT BUSINESS CARD.
After playing the demo several times I know that I'll never get this one. I'll never get this.
Yes.The PS3 DLC exclusive is US only, right?
Damn. Why.jpg![]()
After playing the demo several times I know that I'll never get this one. I'll never get this.
After playing the demo several times I know that I'll never get this one. I'll never get this.
You'll never be a Master Cyborg Ninja with that attitude
After playing the demo several times I know that I'll never get this one. I'll never get this.