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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


quickdraw does tons of damage, in ripper mode and can literally wipe out everything near you.
Palm strike is also good and quite powerful if you perform it as combo finisher.
Stinger is not wery useful, unless you wanna reach the target fast.
Dive kick is mandatory, especially against flying enemies, launcher too is very useful.
If you wanna try it,Raiden even has a combo laucher, which is y----y and also a sweep y----x, with similar properties to the breakdance kick.

Other moves are just stylish fillers imho

The stinger is awesome to cheese Sam and get an easy 50 hits combo on him. You just have to run away from him to bait his charge attack, dodge it and stinger him, and start running away again. It's by far the easiest way to S-rank him I reckon.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah an interesting property of stinger is that it's a multi hit move and it knocks down alot of enemies.

So Hypron brings up a good point about it in regards to the Sam encounter.


The stinger is awesome to cheese Sam and get an easy 50 hits combo on him. You just have to run away from him to bait his charge attack, dodge it and stinger him, and start running away again. It's by far the easiest way to S-rank him I reckon.

I know, but for me it's a bit unreliable, because sometimes it misses completely. I guess it's because the collisions in this game are not perfect.


Santa May Claus
Interest in Stinger rising, going to try it on Sam next time.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys.

Stinger is incredibly useful. The only reason I've had it miss is because I specifically aim it in the wrong direction. It doesn't really track that much, and if you're locked on, you can still Stinger in any direction. It does have a ton of recovery, but that can be BladeMode canceled.

The command launcher is one of the highest Damage Per Second moves in the game. I'm not sure why this is, and I only realized it until ViewtifulJC said something a few days after release, but it trumps practically every regular HF Blade combo in terms of damage if you simply toward, toward+X over and over again. It also has a tendency to launch or relaunch bosses in some stun states.
I finally got this game. So great so far, I just entered the sewers. That Blade Wolf boss destroyed me 10 times on normal until I got blocking\parry down... The chick after him was ezpz though.
Just finished the game tonight.

Overall i really, really enjoyed the game. Story-telling was excellent, characters very memorable and the combat is probably the most fun i have had in a hack & slash to date. The presentation of the game was very good and really enjoyed the kick-ass soundtrack too!

End boss gave me a little bit of angst (had to look up how to properly angle the Blade Mode, something the game never really taught) but once i had that down i got it done after a few attempts.

Very different from the MGS games in terms of gameplay, but everything else felt right at home.

Highlights -
Monsoon, Sundowner, Metal Gear Excelsus



Stinger is incredibly useful. The only reason I've had it miss is because I specifically aim it in the wrong direction. It doesn't really track that much, and if you're locked on, you can still Stinger in any direction. It does have a ton of recovery, but that can be BladeMode canceled.

The command launcher is one of the highest Damage Per Second moves in the game. I'm not sure why this is, and I only realized it until ViewtifulJC said something a few days after release, but it trumps practically every regular HF Blade combo in terms of damage if you simply toward, toward+X over and over again. It also has a tendency to launch or relaunch bosses in some stun states.

Yeah it's pretty awesome to dish out heaps of damage. However, there are a couple of cases where it's not the ideal attack. For example, when you stun
, if you use the launcher on him he'll recover a lot earlier than if just use regular combos.
Stinger is incredibly useful. The only reason I've had it miss is because I specifically aim it in the wrong direction. It doesn't really track that much, and if you're locked on, you can still Stinger in any direction. It does have a ton of recovery, but that can be BladeMode canceled.

The command launcher is one of the highest Damage Per Second moves in the game. I'm not sure why this is, and I only realized it until ViewtifulJC said something a few days after release, but it trumps practically every regular HF Blade combo in terms of damage if you simply toward, toward+X over and over again. It also has a tendency to launch or relaunch bosses in some stun states.

I basically never used the pole weapon because it locks out stinger. I can't live without stinger, need to close that space! Looking forward to playing these DLCs sometime later down the year.
Yeah I could never figure out the utility for the stinger replacement with polearm. The weapon is fun in general though, for aesthetics and for combo points, though strangely it's not as effective for crowd countrol as the pincers are.


Yeah I could never figure out the utility for the stinger replacement with polearm. The weapon is fun in general though, for aesthetics and for combo points, though strangely it's not as effective for crowd countrol as the pincers are.

it's the best weapon for crowd control, unless you're facing armored swordmen. pincer doesnt give you time to make a good amount of hits, because it kills weaker enemies with 1 or 2 blows.


Tried the command sweep and it seems to hit like a truck, looks like it might be effective against the guards who like to block.

The command launcher is one of the highest Damage Per Second moves in the game. I'm not sure why this is, and I only realized it until ViewtifulJC said something a few days after release, but it trumps practically every regular HF Blade combo in terms of damage if you simply toward, toward+X over and over again. It also has a tendency to launch or relaunch bosses in some stun states.

Wow, thanks for the tip. Now I know what I'm spamming when I have an opening.

Yeah I could never figure out the utility for the stinger replacement with polearm. The weapon is fun in general though, for aesthetics and for combo points, though strangely it's not as effective for crowd countrol as the pincers are.

it's the best weapon for crowd control, unless you're facing armored swordmen. pincer doesnt give you time to make a good amount of hits, because it kills weaker enemies with 1 or 2 its.

Yeah, the polearm is awesome.

As much as I like the HF blade and how Raiden's combos look with it I often find myself switching to the polearm.

Its great at crowd control and hits all over the place for many hits so its good at weakening multiple body parts at once.

Its Triangle, Triangle air attack is one of my fave moves in the game.

I'm not 100% sure but if feels like I get parried/blocked less when I'm fighting with it, compared to the HF blade. Don't know if its because of how many times it hits or if it has good stun


when you'll play on revengeance difficulty, get ready to be parried a lot even with the polearm.
By the way foward, foward, y It's a good guardbreaker even on the armored swordmen.


when you'll play on revengeance difficulty, get ready to be parried a lot even with the polearm.
By the way foward, foward, y It's a good guardbreaker even on the armored swordmen.

How much of a difference is Revengeannce difficulty from Very Hard? Frustrating or fun?


Not very much, but if you got the parry well, you can kill almost everything in 1 hit.
Parry does huge damage, You can almost instakill bosses if you perfectparry in rippermode.


Not very much, but if you got the parry well, you can kill almost everything in 1 hit.
Parry does huge damage, You can almost instakill bosses if you perfectparry in rippermode.

Ah, sounds interesting. I'll give it a try after a small break (pretty much finished the game thrice in a row back to back).

it's the best weapon for crowd control, unless you're facing armored swordmen. pincer doesnt give you time to make a good amount of hits, because it kills weaker enemies with 1 or 2 blows.

Anything you can inadvertently kill with charged pincers would be easily dealt with in blade mode, no? I've found that polearm is worse at clearing rooms or handling large groups of dangerous enemies unless you use ripper mode, but it deals the greatest number of hits over a period of time which makes it excellent to boost combo BP. Pincers can be parry canceled during charging, hits in a wide arc, knocks down armored enemies, and does a ton of limb/armor damage, which make it really useful for managing certain encounters. I had to learn this the hard way on VR18 because polearm was ass for dealing with the dwarf gekkos since it was unupgraded, but the pincers are always good.


every unupgraded weapon it's ass. In mission 18, you face only few dwarf in a quite large room. Try dealing with mistral or with the room at the beginning of ep-03, you will be grabbed to death.
Pincers are a better overall weapon, but The staff is better for increasing combos and dealing with enemies in small places.
You could also spam ninja run+X it's also very effective, against dwarfs.
So I've had the game for a week and am on my third play though, doing normal - hard and now very hard. I haven't bought the 2 dlc yet, are they worth the price ?


Santa May Claus
So I've had the game for a week and am on my third play though, doing normal - hard and now very hard. I haven't bought the 2 dlc yet, are they worth the price ?

They're a little overpriced, in my opinion, but I love the game so much that I didn't mind throwing down the cash. They're absolutely worth checking out, whether you pick them up now or wait for a sale. Both Sam and Bladewolf encourage different types of play.


So, I'm trying to No Damage Monsoon on Hard and I've quickly realized how much I hate this boss fight. Actually, a lot of gameplay/design related things that I didn't notice the first couple of times through the game are just now starting to bother me. I have Monsoon down up until a certain point. It's when I get him down to that below 40% mark where shit usually hits the fan. After his Lorentz Force, he sends his sai weapon at you and I usually try and perfect parry it. What's been happening is that I'm not very consistent with the parry and sometimes I find myself slashing forward instead of blocking. After tossing two of his sai "wires", he sends his little legs after you which I just get rid of with my polearm's downward strike. I then toss an EMP grenade which stuns him and the cycle loops. He's back to his stupid physic vehicle toss shit and his regular move set is sped up. It's how aggressive he becomes around 20% health which throws me off. I try and play more aggressively when this happens and I'm always caught off guard by his leg launcher or dive kick.

What bothers me MOST is having to sit through all of those physic vehicle toss waves. It's SO boring and it totally bogs the fight down. I hate getting him down to a part that I'm unfamiliar with only to have to sit through what are essentially cut scenes during the boss fight. Actually, the more I play, the only boss that I think I truly enjoy fighting is Sundowner. Sam's cool, but I don't even think I enjoyed that fight as much as the final Jeanne fight in Bayonetta.

Although they are two completely different types of action games, I vastly prefer Bayonetta to Rising. I'm on my 4th or 5th playthrough of Rising and not only am I starting to tire of these bosses, but the constant communication/Gears of War-like headset interruptions are driving me nuts as well. As fast as this game is, it needs to be faster on replays! Holding triangle to fast forward those boring codec conversations isn't fast enough, lol! I'll get him down, but right now I just gotta vent a little because I'm not digging the game the more I play it. =/


Unconfirmed Member
So, I'm trying to No Damage Monsoon on Hard and I've quickly realized how much I hate this boss fight. Actually, a lot of gameplay/design related things that I didn't notice the first couple of times through the game are just now starting to bother me.

Yep. My exact experience with the game.

Game is amazing on normal-hard-very hard just playing naturally

but when you go for trophies/ranks is when the game shows its true face, which is alot less attractive than your initial experiences.

fter his Lorentz Force, he sends his sai weapon at you and I usually try and perfect parry it. What's been happening is that I'm not very consistent with the parry and sometimes I find myself slashing forward instead of blocking.

Fatal flaw #2 of the parrying mechanic. With the first being that it requires a directional input combined with how the camera works.

This first became apparent to me in VR mission 19. I was trying to perfect parry the sword guys to stun them for the Zandatsu finishes. Through this attempt I had a similar experience as you. I would do the parry input outside of what the game recognized as an acceptable "range" for the move so instead I got an attack. Unfortunately this range was within the range of the enemies sword attack so I'd still get hit by their move.

I adapted by walking closer before doing the move after baiting it, but it's still an annoying occurrence within the game mechanics and really soured me on the maneuver as a whole. At least in its current form.(requiring a directional and being contextual based on the actions of the enemies)

After tossing two of his sai "wires", he sends his little legs after you which I just get rid of with my polearm's downward strike. I then toss an EMP grenade which stuns him and the cycle loops.

The following is what you're supposed to do to beat him. (and by supposed to I mean exactly that. Monsoon is very rigid in how you can approach him for reasons you describe later in your post)

Spoiler'd because I know you like figuring this stuff out yourself.

You can just mash parry through all his moves.(The arm toss and the leg toss) and EMP or Dystopia stun him when his upper body comes close. While hes stunned you're supposed to run really close to him to trigger the zandatsu symbol before triggering blade mode so that he's alot slower during it. Hitting his head while stunned with blade mode will break his body down allowing you to do damage

He's back to his stupid physic vehicle toss shit and his regular move set is sped up. It's how aggressive he becomes around 20% health which throws me off. I try and play more aggressively when this happens and I'm always caught off guard by his leg launcher or dive kick.

What bothers me MOST is having to sit through all of those physic vehicle toss waves. It's SO boring and it totally bogs the fight down. I hate getting him down to a part that I'm unfamiliar with only to have to sit through what are essentially cut scenes during the boss fight.

Hit the nail on the head. Fighting Monsoon is like playing a game of Warioware. You're forced to play all his stupid minigames and attack him only when the game decides it's ok for you to. and when the game says stop you have no choice but to stop. Doing anything else is counterproductive and you'll be punished for it.

Monsoon is easily the worst boss in the game to me. Which is sad since he looked like the most interesting in the pre-release trailers.

Actually, the more I play, the only boss that I think I truly enjoy fighting is Sundowner. Sam's cool, but I don't even think I enjoyed that fight as much as the final Jeanne fight in Bayonetta.

Sam and Armstrong are my favorites as they're both the most free form to me. Sam has alot of different methods and approaches and I love how Armstrong is all about just going full on offensive while recognizing and reacting to whatever move he throws out. Fantastic way to end the game being able to just go all out on a boss.

Sundowner is cool but the helicopter ruins it. Another design decision I hate about this game. Bullets seem to serve no other fucking purpose than to deny you the No Damage bonus and your sole defense against them is Ninja Run, which is almost never a good option in combat.

I think Excelsus is fun and he has my favorite song in the game. Mistral is boring and gimmicky though.(Her encounter is basically "Tripods are fucking dicks")

Monsoon is like the giant bosses in Bayonetta but way more limiting and tedious than any of those.

Although they are two completely different types of action games, I vastly prefer Bayonetta to Rising.

Same. By a country mile.

Bayonetta to me represents the best of what the studio is capable of, while Rising to me is Platinum at their worst.

Its production values far exceed those of Mad World and probably Anarchy, but I'm not sure I like its game design over those two. No actually I'm pretty sure I don't

I'm on my 4th or 5th playthrough of Rising and not only am I starting to tire of these bosses, but the constant communication/Gears of War-like headset interruptions are driving me nuts as well. As fast as this game is, it needs to be faster on replays! Holding triangle to fast forward those boring codec conversations isn't fast enough, lol! I'll get him down, but right now I just gotta vent a little because I'm not digging the game the more I play it. =/

It doesn't get better.

If you want to enjoy Rising my best advice is to ignore the ranking system, VR missions and trophy pack.

I envy all the people that just played it for what it was and walked away.


Well, as soon as I got done posting this I got the stupid No Damage trophy on Monsoon. I just got back from the gym too so that probably helped clear my head a bit.

...but yes, Retro, I completely agree with everything you just said. I love getting S-ranks and getting better at these cool Japanese action games, but the more I spend time with this one the less I find myself enjoying it. You're right too, I had more fun when I just nonchalantly played this game on Hard the first time and didn't worry about ranks or other dumb shit.


Well, as soon as I got done posting this I got the stupid No Damage trophy on Monsoon. I just got back from the gym too so that probably helped clear my head a bit.

...but yes, Retro, I completely agree with everything you just said. I love getting S-ranks and getting better at these cool Japanese action games, but the more I spend time with this one the less I find myself enjoying it. You're right too, I had more fun when I just nonchalantly played this game on Hard the first time and didn't worry about ranks or other dumb shit.

I agree with this. I haven't really touched the game since I got the Re-vengeance trophy.


Well, as soon as I got done posting this I got the stupid No Damage trophy on Monsoon. I just got back from the gym too so that probably helped clear my head a bit.

...but yes, Retro, I completely agree with everything you just said. I love getting S-ranks and getting better at these cool Japanese action games, but the more I spend time with this one the less I find myself enjoying it. You're right too, I had more fun when I just nonchalantly played this game on Hard the first time and didn't worry about ranks or other dumb shit.

Pretty much why I never ever bother with ranks or trophies, I just know I'll end up disliking a game I otherwise loved.


I still haven't beaten fucking Lost Chapters in bayo though. i've gotten up to Boss Mode Bayonetta, like, 3 times and she absolutely destroys me.
So I've had the game for a week and am on my third play though, doing normal - hard and now very hard. I haven't bought the 2 dlc yet, are they worth the price ?
It depends on how much you like the game. The amount of content doesn't really justify the price unless you really liked the base game.
Yep. My exact experience with the game.

Game is amazing on normal-hard-very hard just playing naturally

but when you go for trophies/ranks is when the game shows its true face, which is alot less attractive than your initial experiences.

Fatal flaw #2 of the parrying mechanic. With the first being that it requires a directional input combined with how the camera works.

This first became apparent to me in VR mission 19. I was trying to perfect parry the sword guys to stun them for the Zandatsu finishes. Through this attempt I had a similar experience as you. I would do the parry input outside of what the game recognized as an acceptable "range" for the move so instead I got an attack. Unfortunately this range was within the range of the enemies sword attack so I'd still get hit by their move.

I adapted by walking closer before doing the move after baiting it, but it's still an annoying occurrence within the game mechanics and really soured me on the maneuver as a whole. At least in its current form.(requiring a directional and being contextual based on the actions of the enemies)

I've never had the problem with parries not triggering, it's more an issue of Raiden parrying when I don't want him to. I found VR19 pretty easy once I figured out that sword cyborgs run faster than hammer cyborgs, saving me the trouble of doing any crowd control on that level.

The biggest issues with the parry mechanic in the game are how it works in large crowds, especially on later difficulties when enemies get more aggressive (or the Sam DLC where the enemies are hyperaggressive and your attacks don't do hitstun), and how it interacts with the camera. The "acceptable" parry window is quite large and it's very lenient on distancing or direction, but if multiple enemy types are attacking simultaneously it's very plausible for attack A to start before attack B but attack B will hit before attack A, which is very problematic if they're coming from two directions or if they hit at very similar times. It's very easy to parry in the wrong direction or need to parry very quickly in succession on something that wasn't meant to be parried that way. This issue is exacerbated in the Sam DLC since he can't evade cancel the parry and exit the mob around him like Raiden can. The camera also tends to screw you over a lot on parries since I think it wants to change directions to signal an enemy's attack animation or something. Really it's hard to say definitively what the faults of the game are because all of them are atleast tangentially related to the shit camera, so I don't know what will go away once the camera is fixed.

Hit the nail on the head. Fighting Monsoon is like playing a game of Warioware. You're forced to play all his stupid minigames and attack him only when the game decides it's ok for you to. and when the game says stop you have no choice but to stop. Doing anything else is counterproductive and you'll be punished for it.

Monsoon is easily the worst boss in the game to me. Which is sad since he looked like the most interesting in the pre-release trailers.
I think Monsoon improves a ton on higher difficulties since he gets attack variations on his strings, or if you try to fight him without the em grenade or sai, but there is very little you can do in that encounter. His design was meant to make the player feel like they're doing more than they actually are, and show them that they've mastered the parry mechanic while the bladewolf encounter was meant to teach it. Parrying attack strings or the smoke bit or the lorentz force is pretty simplistic and sort of boring if you're trying to s-rank him, but it does show a new player the possibilities of the mechanic without much of an execution barrier. He's not a bad boss, just not a particularly deep one. Being not as tough as he looks is sort of his role in the game

Sam and Armstrong are my favorites as they're both the most free form to me. Sam has alot of different methods and approaches and I love how Armstrong is all about just going full on offensive while recognizing and reacting to whatever move he throws out. Fantastic way to end the game being able to just go all out on a boss.

Sundowner is cool but the helicopter ruins it. Another design decision I hate about this game. Bullets seem to serve no other fucking purpose than to deny you the No Damage bonus and your sole defense against them is Ninja Run, which is almost never a good option in combat.

I think Excelsus is fun and he has my favorite song in the game. Mistral is boring and gimmicky though.(Her encounter is basically "Tripods are fucking dicks")

Monsoon is like the giant bosses in Bayonetta but way more limiting and tedious than any of those.

Ninja run is tremendously useful in a ton of situations, since both ninja run attacks are very good, but you're right that bullets in general make no sense in the game. They shouldn't have done damage since it doesn't match with the lore and really serve no mechanical purpose. Bullets and RPGs need a rethink.

The helicopter on Sundowner dies to a single rocket so it wasn't a big issue for my S-rank run (just shoot it whenever Sundowner puts the shields up), and I think it adds flavor. The biggest issue with that one was him dying too easily and the BP requirement for the S-rank. Maybe make it so that I can't get him past a certain health if the shields are up or just make the shields fall off when he gets to a certain health threshold. Fighting his first form is just boring.

I have the some complaints for Excelsus as you did against Monsoon. You spend most of the fight sitting around waiting for it to do stuff and trying to S-rank it is just stupid since it all relies on the laser bit. The camera not being shit on that fight actually surprised me.
Same. By a country mile.

Bayonetta to me represents the best of what the studio is capable of, while Rising to me is Platinum at their worst.

Its production values far exceed those of Mad World and probably Anarchy, but I'm not sure I like its game design over those two. No actually I'm pretty sure I don't
MGR is a very unfinished game mechanically, and I can't really make judgements on how it compares to Bayo or NG since it's so rough around the edges, since I don't know if the stuff I dislike is unfinished or just stupid. I want to see them flesh it out in a sequel, because this game had a lot of good design choices and I think their heads were in the right place, and it's still my favorite action game since Bayonetta (not a lot of choice in that regard).

It doesn't get better.

If you want to enjoy Rising my best advice is to ignore the ranking system, VR missions and trophy pack.

I envy all the people that just played it for what it was and walked away.

The game peaked for me around my second playthrough on Very Hard, since I got to play around with all the mechanics and see new enemy configurations.

VR missions are uninteresting and tedious for the most part, though I think you should attempt 18 and 19 a couple of times just to share in the misery. 17 is completely pointless and is the hardest one to boot.

If you're going to S-rank, do it on Revengeance since it's actually easier than on other difficulties because the god parry solves so much of the game. Enemies doing more damage is sort of moot since you can't get hit, and if they attack harder it's better because you get more chances to god parry.

"Hard" is the canonical game, I think, since everything else is obviously lacking in polish. Might be worth playing if you like challenges but most of the "solutions" are sort of silly.


Unconfirmed Member
So I've had the game for a week and am on my third play though, doing normal - hard and now very hard. I haven't bought the 2 dlc yet, are they worth the price ?

If you've gotten all you think you can get out of the base game and find that you want more of Rising's combat(along with more challenging content), get the Sam DLC

If you've gotten all you think you can get out of the base game and find that you wish Rising's stealth was better developed and want more of that, get Bladewolf DLC

If you've gotten all you think you can get out of the base game and find that you hate fun and videogames and possibly yourself all at the same time, get the extra VR mission DLC

If you don't find yourself thinking any of the above you should probably hold onto your money.

I've never had the problem with parries not triggering, it's more an issue of Raiden parrying when I don't want him to. I found VR19 pretty easy once I figured out that sword cyborgs run faster than hammer cyborgs, saving me the trouble of doing any crowd control on that level.

I did that as well. My problem arose when I would try to parry the sword guys after leading them from max distance of where they will trigger an sword swing. By standing at that range I was able to trigger a sword swing and was able to be hit by it, but Raiden was unable to go into any sort of parry stance, instead triggering a forward roll attack and getting hit by the sword.

Like I said I was able to make an adjustment by just taking a few steps closer during the startup frames of their attack(you have more than enough time) but it's still an annoying situation that occurs simply because of how the mechanic was designed. Fortunately for most of the game Platinum does a good job of making sure stuff like that doesn't happen. If it wasn't for the nature of that encounter I probably wouldn't have noticed it myself.

Ninja run is tremendously useful in a ton of situations, since both ninja run attacks are very good,

Depends on the terrain I think. Ninja run has gotten me hit more often than not when Raiden comes into contact with an obstacle and tries/fails to hop over it. Anything you can do with a Ninja run I feel you can do better with another move in Raiden's arsenal.(better gap closers, better evasive options, better moves than the slide)


Well, as soon as I got done posting this I got the stupid No Damage trophy on Monsoon. I just got back from the gym too so that probably helped clear my head a bit.

...but yes, Retro, I completely agree with everything you just said. I love getting S-ranks and getting better at these cool Japanese action games, but the more I spend time with this one the less I find myself enjoying it. You're right too, I had more fun when I just nonchalantly played this game on Hard the first time and didn't worry about ranks or other dumb shit.

Its not really a fair complaint I think, if you want S rank and no damage you are pretty much guaranteed to not have fun doing it most of the time.

Have you seen no damage runs for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2? I watched one the other day and it was the guy doing nothing but spamming UTs over and over, it was like other moves didn't even exist. Same thing for NGS1, watched a guy do no damage on the hardest difficulty and it was nothing but him literally doing just UTs and nothing else. Does that make the game bad or badly designed? No, it was their choice to play the games like that.

(UTs = Ultimate Techniques, you charge them and they have complete invinicbility when released, like Sundowner's swords)


Unconfirmed Member
Its not really a fair complaint I think, if you want S rank and no damage you are pretty much guaranteed to not have fun doing it most of the time.

Then there's a problem with the game. Scoring systems should encourage and reward skillful and creative play within the game's mechanics as best as they can

Have you seen no damage runs for Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2? I watched one the other day and it was the guy doing nothing but spamming UTs over and over, it was like other moves didn't even exist. Same thing for NGS1, watched a guy do no damage on the hardest difficulty and it was nothing but him literally doing just UTs and nothing else.

What about Bayonetta, of which No Damage clears were a result of playing naturally at a high level?

DMC is the same to a lesser extent.

Does that make the game bad or badly designed? No, it was their choice to play the games like that.

No but I think there's a case to be made that the scoring/ranking systems within them are poorly designed/conceived.

Ninja Gaiden is probably the worst offender in that regard in the genre. The Karma system ENCOURAGES the type of play you described above.


Then there's a problem with the game. Scoring systems should encourage and reward skillful and creative play within the game's mechanics as best as they can

Here's the thing though, are you skillful and creative enough? Do you personally care and strive to play in such a way (instead of hoping the game forces you to)?

I watched an awesome vid of a Japanese player getting an S Rank on DMD when fighting that first boss in DMC4. Dude was so skilled and did all this cool stuff.

Me? I just stayed the heck away from the boss on the other side of the screen and kept shooting him with Charge Shot 3 over and over, ended up with an A rank (iirc I didn't get a S because I didn't bother with collecting orbs, since I wasn't going for rank). Was it the game's fault or mine?

S-Ranking in Bayonetta is fun as hell

Bayonetta is also not a very challenging game, even on the hardest difficulty (aside from those assholes Gracious and Glorious (?) when they are golden).


Santa May Claus
Then there's a problem with the game. Scoring systems should encourage and reward skillful and creative play within the game's mechanics as best as they can

I'm sorry, but what you're talking about here is rare. The scoring system in actions games almost never encourages fun, ingenuity, or the integration of the game's best gameplay mechanics. Bayonetta is the only real example that's viable. DMC never did this successfully, really, and I fully admit this despite it being one of my favorite franchises of all time.


Holy fucking shit, NANOMACHINES, SON on Very Hard before the QTE... Longest three minutes of my fucking life.

I'm not too far on Revengeance mode (and I'm not looking to S rank everything ATM), but it seems like a Platinum just thought that in order to make the fights harder, they should just add Mastiffs everywhere. Fuck those guys.


I'm sorry, but what you're talking about here is rare. The scoring system in actions games almost never encourages fun, ingenuity, or the integration of the game's best gameplay mechanics. Bayonetta is the only real example that's viable. DMC never did this successfully, really, and I fully admit this despite it being one of my favorite franchises of all time.

Agreed. Scoring systems for one reason or another are borked.


Mastiffs are loving douchebags on Very Hard and Revengeance. Between the irrational camera swings, weirdly timed unblockable grabs, and directional inputs for blockings, they're just absolute bastards. the best bit is fighting them in the offices where the camera just flips out because of the walls.


Unconfirmed Member
Here's the thing though, are you skillful and creative enough? Do you personally care and strive to play in such a way (instead of hoping the game forces you to)?


because it's challenging and interesting

You have to think about the game in a different way than "kill all enemies don't get killed by enemies".

Good scoring systems demand a higher understanding of a game to really succeed in. Again citing bayonetta as that's the game i'm most knowledgeable about, knowing how moves affect the multiplier is key for getting PPs in higher difficulties. I've seen people abusing Kilgore glitch still fail to meet certain combo requirements lol.

Me? I just stayed the heck away from the boss on the other side of the screen and kept shooting him with Charge Shot 3 over and over, ended up with an A rank (iirc I didn't get a S because I didn't bother with collecting orbs, since I wasn't going for rank). Was it the game's fault or mine?

The game's. DMC4's has its problems too. (specifically the red orb requirements of some missions)

but even so the scoring system would have reflected the difference between you and him in stylish points and he'd be much higher on leaderboards. So it's still better than Rising's, which not only has a cap on potential points each mission but has requirements and bonuses that are seemingly contradictory of each other in certain encounters.

Bayonetta is also not a very challenging game, even on the hardest difficulty (aside from those assholes Gracious and Glorious (?) when they are golden).

Yeah everybody says this, but alongside that statement I commonly see people telling new players to use Evil Harvest Rosary or Pulley's butterfly for completion of it, so I mean....

and are you saying this suggesting Rising is any more difficult? I don't think Rising is very difficult on higher difficulties outside of ranks and visibility issues(camera + multiple mastiffs/rocket launcher guys = bad time)

and on top of that Rising has items that completely and absolutely neutralize all difficulty in the game.(RP nades effect is literally making all enemies stand still and stop attacking you.) and unlike Evil Harvest Rosary in Bayo, Rising's items don't sacrifice any scoring potential at all. They just trivialize the whole game.

I'm sorry, but what you're talking about here is rare. The scoring system in actions games almost never encourages fun, ingenuity, or the integration of the game's best gameplay mechanics. Bayonetta is the only real example that's viable. DMC never did this successfully, really, and I fully admit this despite it being one of my favorite franchises of all time.

I disagree. I said "DMC to a lesser extent" because while I don't think DMC games reward natural play like Bayonetta, the ranking requirements are pretty well designed(in 1 and 3 at least) and challenge the player to think about the game in a different way. and ignoring them the in battle ranking system is pretty rewarding to optimize in itself.

Rainbow V's in VJ are pretty fun too

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member

Of course but, assuming I have no Ripper or RP grenades, do you have any further suggestions...? I'm thinking of particular moves or combinations that work for you guys. I don't tend to rely on 2ndry weapons and Ripper mode isn't till later in the game. Also? I love this game but I suck Darth Balls at it.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on the Rising issue I guess.

Yeah everybody says this, but alongside that statement I commonly see people telling new players to use Evil Harvest Rosary or Pulley's butterfly for completion of it, so I mean....

And yet...

RP nades

Ripper mode

quickest way to kill anything in the game actually


Of course but, assuming I have no Ripper or RP grenades, do you have any further suggestions...? I'm thinking of particular moves or combinations that work for you guys. I don't tend to rely on 2ndry weapons and Ripper mode isn't till later in the game. Also? I love this game but I suck Darth Balls at it.

Iirc I just spammed the triangle, triangle air attack for the polearm lol.

Found this though:



Santa May Claus
Man, Retro. You really will not cease shitting on this game. Based on your posts, you make it sound like the worst thing to come out this year. I don't see a difference in how the ranking system is different from DMC1&3 aside from the style meter. No damage bonus, time restrictions. Honestly, you're bashing the game solely because it's difficult, tedious, and sometimes unwieldy to get S-ranks.

Of course but, assuming I have no Ripper or RP grenades, do have any further suggestions...? I don't tend to rely on 2ndry weapons and Ripper mode isn't till later in the game.

Utilizing the dodge and moving away from EMP blasts. Keep an eye out for when limbs of the Raptor turn blue and you can chop them off using Blade Mode. It'll severely handicap the raptor's attacks.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Man, Retro. You really will not cease shitting on this game. Based on your posts, you make it sound like the worst thing to come out this year. I don't see a difference in how the ranking system is different from DMC1&3 aside from the style meter. No damage bonus, time restrictions. Honestly, you're bashing the game solely on the purpose that it's difficult and sometimes unwieldy to get S-ranks.

I guess he/she/whatevz doesn't rike it.

Utilizing the dodge and moving away from EMP blasts. Keep an eye out for when limbs of the Raptor turn blue and you can chop them off using Blade Mode. It'll severely handicap the raptor's attacks.

Nice one, thank you. They are absolute bastards.

Iirc I just spammed the triangle, triangle air attack for the polearm lol.

Found this though:


Awesome, thanks muchly! Here I was thinking Google was all broken :)
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