Is there an easy mode for people like me? Keep in mind that I liked DMC2.
There're three difficulties when you first fire up the game. Easy, Normal, and Hard.
Is there an easy mode for people like me? Keep in mind that I liked DMC2.
Scrub mode is available right off the bat.
Seems DLC is region free. Just bought the MGS4 skin on PSN.
Does hard get harder? I mean R-00 and R-01 has been pretty easy so far on Hard outside of me fucking up Parries and having to get into blade mode to recharge health, but nothing too bad if you're willing to game over at times to learn it.
I dunno how bad Revengence or Very Hard would be.
I have an Asian release, bought the skin on US PSN. Showed up on the customize menu for 20000 BP.Wait, that's free in other regions and you can get it for your American copy?
So how do you deal with the Hammer Bros?
I'm a former codebreaker PS2 user , it brought back memories of cheat codes strings i'd enable to OVERPOWER EVERYTHING. I'll never part with my fox blade *__*Fox blade shouldve been 1000000bp. That sword is op as hell.
Also, to give an idea of how Very Hard remixes the encounters, during R-00 (the prologue chapter), and the very first encounter of that stage (literally the game's opening):
Hard: ~6 or so generic human grunts armed with swords and guns. Parry, kill.
Very Hard: ~6 or so generic grunts, one armed with a rocket launcher, a Gekko, and two bladewolves.
Ninja Run to prevent the stray bullets, I'd wager is going to be abused for that mode.
Also, to give an idea of how Very Hard remixes the encounters, during R-00 (the prologue chapter), and the very first encounter of that stage (literally the game's opening):
Hard: ~6 or so generic human grunts armed with swords and guns. Parry, kill.
Very Hard: ~6 or so generic grunts, one armed with a rocket launcher, a Gekko, and two bladewolves.
Stuck on the last boss on hard mode with no nanopastes.
Give it some time to sink in; i've seen this game's title on your psn comment so i know howbpumped you've been. Sometimes it takes a bit for expectations and reality to align so there's hope yet![]()
About what percent of the game have I finished? Just foughtMonsoon.
Jesus Platinum didnt even take the time to have the JP voices match up to the lips of the characters in the game.
The models animations were set to match the english voices.
Talk about cutting corners.
My opinion of the game equals yours and Jett's. Its an 8/10 game from me THUS far, might change on harder difficulties to 8.5.It's an 8/10, a very good game, if not GotY material. Platinum should be commended for turning in a game this good with how short that development time was. Maybe my opinion changes on harder difficulties, but it's below Bayonetta, and around the same level of Vanquish.
Has anyone on the XBOX got their gamestop DLC code to work yet?
should I start on normal or hard?
The demo started off kinda hard for me, but once I figured out how the parry system works, I was parryin like crazy and it get a lot easier, but that was just the demo.
Is there an easy mode for people like me? Keep in mind that I liked DMC2.
Go to Chapter Select and replay the last level to stock up on nanopastes.Stuck on the last boss on hard mode with no nanopastes.
Collectible GuideWhere the hell are all these data storage items? I've searched every level and I'm missing a bunch.
I feel absolutely retarded, I can't get down the parry timing at fucking all. Half the time I block, which I THINK is late timing? A quarter of the time I fucking dash at the enemy and the other quarter I swing the sword hopelessly at my attacker doing nothing. Why does the damn X button have to do everything in the game?