Any tips on Sam's VR missions? The first 2 I found I can't even do. Lol. I hate how he doesn't have a air to ground move. He just moves forward.
Any tips on Sam's VR missions? The first 2 I found I can't even do. Lol. I hate how he doesn't have a air to ground move. He just moves forward.
Without Raiden's upgrades? I tried doing that on Very Hard, even got the charge-block QTE, but I didn't get the execution prompt after it.
Speaking of the pincers, I know they're supposed to be awesome, but how do you use them right? I tried on Monsoon and he got away every time I tried. So I just reverted to Y, X, X attacks instead with the Murasama.
Any word on a patch? Still having some issues with crashes, and official support for framerates above 60 would be nice.
This game runs like crap for me. 24fps with the GPU at 20%, what the hell?
I've upgraded to the latest Nvidia drivers, I've tried playing it on the lowest graphical settings, I've tried playing it in windowed mode, and no matter what I still never get above 25fps.
My specs are:
Geforce 660ti
Intel Core i5 Haswell 4670k @ 4.10ghz
8gb RAM
Windows 7 64 bit.
What should I do?
Your FPS is capped, son. What you need to do is run it in windowed mode with fullscreen mod, or make a custom resolution. There's more details in this thread.
Just completed the game under 7 hours. Short but sweet. I was surprised to see Sunny. It was one of my favorite characters in MGS4, it was a nice throwback to the fans.
It was fun and I would not mind a sequel at all. Platinum Games nailed this one almost to perfection, specially given the development troubles.
So I've been searching through this big thread for mention of input lag and haven't found much. My problem is that the game has crippling input lag when played in full screen mode. Like nearly a second of input lag. It also seems to be running at perhaps 2/3 of the intended speed. At first I was wondering why everyone was praising the game's play control and smoothness. Shit felt like Heavenly Sword. Then I put it in windowed mode and it immediately felt right and I began to understand.
So here's what I need to know. How do I play the game in full screen while also making it run properly. I've got an nvidia GX670 and I went into the inspector and tried to force off Vsync and Triple Buffering but the game doesn't seem to be respecting those settings. Still runs like complete ass in full screen.
Any suggestions?
so, uhm, I'm at the last fight of the game without full upgrades and no healing items left. can I grind battle points somewhere and go back to try that fight after I'm upgraded?
so, uhm, I'm at the last fight of the game without full upgrades and no healing items left. can I grind battle points somewhere and go back to try that fight after I'm upgraded?
When I played on a higher difficulty from chapter select the points stacked. Not sure if you replay on the same difficulty but I assume so. Also for that fightif you can cut the rocks when he throws them at you you can get like 4 nanopaste, which makes things much more manageable. He'll do it several times too, so just polish up your blade mode skills and it'll help a lot.
ok, thanks. I just didn't notice that you can select chapters from the menu.You can go back, farm other levels for BP, upgrade, and replay the final level through the Chapter Select at any time.
Alternatively, you can also farm Nanopastes during the final fight throughand then saving.cutting the debris that gets throw at you
Any tips on Sam's VR missions? The first 2 I found I can't even do. Lol. I hate how he doesn't have a air to ground move. He just moves forward.
What was with Raidens voice in the first mission? It sounded awful. New body ver. seems more closer to his nice MGS2 voice.
what's the best chapter/fight for farming bps?
It gets so much better when they just go full retard with his voice.If you thought his voice was bad in Mission 1...just uh...yeah, keep playing.
what's the best chapter/fight for farming bps?
It gets so much better when they just go full retard with his voice.
If you have any EM grenades, throw them at him when he goes purple.Monsoon is a ridiculous boss. Close to giving up.
Get health down to 40ish then the stupid splitting crap starts.
Monsoon is a ridiculous boss. Close to giving up.
Get health down to 40ish then the stupid splitting crap starts.
Monsoon is a ridiculous boss. Close to giving up.
Get health down to 40ish then the stupid splitting crap starts.
I'm ashamed It's taken me so long to do this but:
She and Sam are also the only ones i didnt like killing.Mistral is still the best boss fight
I <3 you Mistral.
She and Sam are also the only ones i didnt like killing.
She and Sam are also the only ones i didnt like killing.
She and Sam are also the only ones i didnt like killing.
I've gotten up to Sam and while awesome, I think I'm of the same mindset. That fight was just all over the place. Music is pumping and shit is falling everywhere.Mistral is still the best boss fight
I <3 you Mistral.
u guys remember this?
Mistral is still the best boss fight
I <3 you Mistral.
I'm working in a texture pak for Metal Gear Rising
I'm working in a texture pak for Metal Gear Rising
I'm working in a texture pak for Metal Gear Rising
I'm working in a texture pak for Metal Gear Rising
u guys remember this?