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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PC Version |OT| Violence Breeds Violence


Anybody have the issue where the game won't recognize Blade Mode during the very last Armstrong QTE? Literally had him at 0.1% and ready to do the blade mode parrying, then the game just won't recognize my input at this point.

There have been a bunch of camera issues that make it tough to rely on my old PS3 Rising skills. The camera is just off center all the time when you go into Zandatsu/Blade mode. On the PS3, you just go into blade mode during the Zandatsu prompt and usually your blade is already for a perfect cut, just push X/Square. Now its always off by a bit to the left. Maybe its a mouse issue overriding my controller camera?

Not Spaceghost

Yeah, I gave up on mission 4 (got up to the GRAD) after being stuck on it for a couple of days. I'm not even sure anymore if I'm just bad, or the camera is

its probably both

The roughest one for me is always the last one that's like a ton of enemies and at one point it's like 4 mastiffs and 2 fenrirs.

Also the one where you're on that platform fighting and you get knocked off by any hit and you've got flying dudes you're trying to hit also brings upon my inner fury.

The VR missions in this game love to make you angry. After every failed attempt all I can do is blame myself but you always feel like they're out of control as well.

Sams little VR missions are just devilishly hard.


Just finished my first run on normal mode, from here i'm jumping straight into Very Hard.
I loved every second of my eight hours in my first run, it doesn't hurt that I'm a huge Raiden fanboy, ever since MGS2, and I loved all the little callouts to MSG2 and 4 in the codec calls and such. Platinum makes the best action games, i swear. i couldn't be happier with this game. haha.


It's kinda funny going through this again with a clean template, starting from scratch. I remember Sam kicking the ever loving fuck out of me on Hard for my first run, and resorting to all kinds of cheesy tactics to get the upper hand. I just cleaned him up ten minutes ago, and so far haven't died on any of the bosses once.


See how you do against Armstrong. That motherfucker beat seven kinds of shit out of me cos I fought him with no nanopaste.

Frankly 3 hammer bros was actually a bit of a challenge when I was hurting for nanopaste.

Raiden pre-upgraded sword really blows at DPS against armoured enemies


Raiden slashes his sword when he dodges, so it's a good way of avoiding an attack while keeping up the pressure on an enemy. You've probably noticed with Blade Wolf that if you just parry an attack he'll bounce off you and land out of attacking range, giving him a chance to attack again. If you dodge his attacks instead you can keep chipping away at him the whole time. There's a neat video of a guy destroying him without ever parrying, just always dodging so he manages to keep Blade Wolf in sword range.

Generally, a perfect parry (which is when Raiden automatically counter attacks after a block) is the best way of taking out an enemy quickly, but the timing's really tight on higher difficulties and I've never been able to pull them off at will. Plus I don't think every attack in the game can be perfect parried, and even if they can a lot of enemies will jump around so much that your counter attack won't hit them. The elite soldiers you'll meet up with soon will actually counter attack your counter attacks, too. It's a good idea to get used to a combination of parrying and dodging, just try it out on various enemies and see what works best for you.

Some enemies will have un-parry-able attacks, too, and those you'll need to either dodge or Ninja Run away from. They're telegraphed by a yellow flash from the enemy (whereas parry-able attacks will flash red), and it's usually a grab move of some kind that you'll need to clack the stick side to side to break out of.
That's an excellent fleshed out piece of advice. Thanks a lot!

Dr Dogg

It's kinda funny going through this again with a clean template, starting from scratch. I remember Sam kicking the ever loving fuck out of me on Hard for my first run, and resorting to all kinds of cheesy tactics to get the upper hand. I just cleaned him up ten minutes ago, and so far haven't died on any of the bosses once.


Yeah I know what you mean. Been about 8 months since I last went through. After the Prologue saying I was a little rusty would have been an understatement but by the time I got to Mistral I had totally blown the cobwebs out. Monsoon, first try, only a couple of sloppy parries.

Like riding a bike.

Sod's law I'm going to get stomped by Sundowner now


That security room where there are suddenly 6 enemies and all those turrets if you fuck it up is slaying me, I can't do it.


heh sundowner was a fun lesson in dodging.

After the first few tries I didn't even bother cutting up his armour, just laid a quick combo in and dodged.


Neo Member
Just to be sure on naked and unloved title, everything is ok except health, fuel upgrades and endurance from boxes right?
That Monsoon encounter. Got the gist of it for the majority of his fight, but I keep choking at the last 15% or so when he switches it up with attacks from afar / different seperate parts of his body. I'll finish him off eventually, since he's not too hard with decent timing on your parries and EMP 'nades.

there's not much you can do at the moment.
try to stun 1 of them as fast as you can.
perfect parry are useless because they can dodge them, unless they're legs are blue.

so it's either stun them or cut their legs as soon as you can.

ah, you can parry their vulcan cannon just like regular blows. It's the same for the gekkos.

You can easily stealth kill the ones in the sewers by jumping them from up above.

Wait, I'm probably thinking of a different enemy. If it's the ones that can shoot the purple EMP stuff you mostly have to pick your moments and attack them during their recoveries. Keep a distance if they do the purple orb attack.
Yeah, the one with the purple EMP blasts.

Figured you needed to counter them at an opportune moment since the game has been teaching you to do so generally speaking, but even with a succesful parry you end up whiffing them. Perhaps they'll get easier on a replay once I unlocked more weapons, since at best I'm only getting B ranks (on Hard) whereas other area's usually vary from A to S if I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.

Not Spaceghost

The freight elevator part is fucking frustrating. The most annoying enemies flying around and confined to small spaces.

I used all my nanopaste in my first encounter, learning the ropes. When I reloaded, it was all gone.

Lol speaking of the freight elevator part, something happened to me as I killed the last mastiff and he "despawned" instead of died and then this glitchy thing happened.


If you can't spot the glitch, you need to kill to get zandatsu points, but I also was awarded the no kill bonus despite the fact that I most definitely killed every single thing in that room.


Lol speaking of the freight elevator part, something happened to me as I killed the last mastiff and he "despawned" instead of died and then this glitchy thing happened.


If you can't spot the glitch, you need to kill to get zandatsu points, but I also was awarded the no kill bonus despite the fact that I most definitely killed every single thing in that room.

Are you sure the hammer bro didn't de-spawn? UGs don't count as kills.

Speaking of which, if anyone plans on S-ranking the Sam DLC, go for no-kill bonus as often as you can (cutting enemies' legs is a good way of making them harmless while you're waiting for them to de-spawn), there are enough UGs in general that you can afford to get a lower Zandatsu ranking. This will make quite a few encounters a LOT more manageable as you can avoid having to rely on the no-damage bonus, especially that one VR mission where you have to fight waves upon waves of enemies (you basically have to fight all the non-boss enemies in the game).

Also, there's a pretty awesome combo you can do to get rid of hammer bros really quickly: taunt them, and then do one normal charged attack. This will weaken one of their arms and stun them. You can then decide whether you want to kill them or just cut their arm to make them de-spawn.


I also had that glitch in my playthrough yesterday spaceghost. No idea why it happened, but the hammer brother despawned.

Not Spaceghost

Are you sure the hammer bro didn't de-spawn? UGs don't count as kills.

He honestly may have been the one to despawn, but regardless I had killed two flyers during that encounter.

The enemies were 2 flyers, 2 mastiffs and 1 hammer bro. I definitely killed the two flyers because I took their gatorade. I definitely killed one of the mastiffs because I used my ripper mode to do so.

So even if the hammer bro despawned which I think may have been the one to do so, I still had 2 cyborg flyer kills under my belt for that encounter.


He honestly may have been the one to despawn, but regardless I had killed two flyers during that encounter.

The enemies were 2 flyers, 2 mastiffs and 1 hammer bro. I definitely killed the two flyers because I took their gatorade. I definitely killed one of the mastiffs because I used my ripper mode to do so.

So even if the hammer bro despawned which I think may have been the one to do so, I still had 2 cyborg flyer kills under my belt for that encounter.

Did you try getting his left hand? I did that and he despawned, which is why I think I got the no kill bonus later on.

Not Spaceghost

Did you try getting his left hand? I did that and he despawned, which is why I think I got the no kill bonus later on.

I did but I definitely ended up getting the hand from him. So yeah I guess that encounter is just weird. It's strange though because even though UG's like mastiffs dont count as kills the cyborg flyers definitely should.


Do you get any bonuses for being stealthy when your buddies suggest it? Seems a bit pointless when just fighting the enemies is more fun instead.


Do you get any bonuses for being stealthy when your buddies suggest it? Seems a bit pointless when just fighting the enemies is more fun instead.

Nah, you'll even miss some encounters. There's an achievement for finishing the first part of the last level without getting spotted though.

You get bonuses for sneaking in the Blade Wolf DLC, which is why it sucks imo.
I just beat it on normal. Fuck that last boss. I tried the do DLC and I think someone at Platinum really loves 4 legged animals. When are they going to make another game where you play as a dog?, Wolf reminded me of Bass' dog, Treble, from Mega Man. Which made me imagine a Platinum game like this in the Mega Man X universe in which you play as Zero. But that will never happen.


The only times I've ever had issue with the camera is if I get too close to walls and corners, so I try to keep the fight to open space as much as possible.

My issue with camera is blade mode. It seems that when I press blademode Im just spinned to random direction.
dem NES textures

I'm considering updating the drivers for my HD5850 hoping to get better framerates. I'm still on 13.4 and the latest is 13.12. I can't even get 60FPS on lowest 720p. I suspect my i3-2100 is really holding me back since changing the settings barely have any impact on my framerate. I keep Zandatsu stuff low.
dem NES textures

I'm considering updating the drivers for my HD5850 hoping to get better framerates. I'm still on 13.4 and the latest is 13.12. I can't even get 60FPS on lowest 720p.

That can't be right mate, I'm using a much more inferior card than you are and I'm getting 60FPS during most scenes (at least in the first prologue chapter) with the exception of the Zandatsu bits which are perfectly acceptable. I'm also using even older drivers than you are. (11.11a performance drivers released at the end of 2011 lol)

My specs:-

Intel Core 2 Duo T9550 @ 2.8 GHz
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670 @ 843/882 clocks
Windows 7 SP1 64bit

I finally got the game up and running (bloody download took ages from Steam thanks to my crap 'net), and it runs like a dream on my junky 4.5 year old laptop lol.

Everything low except for Shadows Medium, Anisotropic Filtering 16x and resolution set to 1366x768 and I get 55 - 60 FPS in most places. Running it in windowed mode and using Task Manager side by side, I noticed that even my Core 2 CPU is not really strained until one starts slicing things into tiny bits (even the trees, cans and boxes)

The title screen (where you hit the start button) is surprisingly capped at 30 FPS, but fortunately the rest of the game goes to 60 FPS.

Bravo on a bloody well optimized game Platinum! Your minimum requirements are really conservative, and must be for running at 1080p with Zandatsu/Zantime at anything higher than low or something, but even jacking it up to 1080p, my old ass rig can still get 30+ FPS.

Some screenies:-

Settings used

Performance screenie


Finally managed to download this without issues.

Only just started playing past the initial tutorial but sweet jesus I love this game already.
That's strange. Can you stand on the exact spot in this screenshot?

Staring across that hallway gives me 50FPS, all lowest settings at 720p (windowed or fullscreen).

I will when I get there, I'm still in the first proper chapter for which the performance is still excellent. My earlier comment was reflective of my experience with the prologue (even with the MGR fights) and the beginning of the 1st chapter.
He honestly may have been the one to despawn, but regardless I had killed two flyers during that encounter.

The enemies were 2 flyers, 2 mastiffs and 1 hammer bro. I definitely killed the two flyers because I took their gatorade. I definitely killed one of the mastiffs because I used my ripper mode to do so.

So even if the hammer bro despawned which I think may have been the one to do so, I still had 2 cyborg flyer kills under my belt for that encounter.

Only the hammer dude counts as human. The sliders (fliers) that fly without a human attached do not count as kills. Robotic enemies also do not count as kills. If you cut off the limbs of a humanoid enemy then run away from them they despawn, thus not counting as a kill.



I'm in this place full of turrets and alerts and enemies with bazookas and tight spaces where the camera goes crazier than it usually does (which is a lot!). Not really fun :-/


dem NES textures

I'm considering updating the drivers for my HD5850 hoping to get better framerates. I'm still on 13.4 and the latest is 13.12. I can't even get 60FPS on lowest 720p. I suspect my i3-2100 is really holding me back since changing the settings barely have any impact on my framerate. I keep Zandatsu stuff low.
Running an i3 2100 and 5670 1GB and get a solid 60 FPS. I'm not sure about the settings but it looks alright to me. I'll find out and report back.


Nah, you'll even miss some encounters. There's an achievement for finishing the first part of the last level without getting spotted though.

You get bonuses for sneaking in the Blade Wolf DLC, which is why it sucks imo.

I keep on missing encounters, where can I find them? Kinda annoying when you have a really good score only to see it being bumped down to a bad one because I missed encounters.



What a FIGHT! Just beat that freaky dude Monsoon on Hard and holy shit I parried so much my arms hurt, my 360 pad is about to break and I'm still sweating. He wasn't that hard but holy shit he was fast. If by the mech dog you don't learn to parry that guy surely gives you the time of your life with the mechanic.

Freaking loving this game so far. The QTEs irk me a bit but Blade Mode is just so goooood. Cutting people into chop chop choppy little bits until nothing is left...

Guess we are all Mr. Jack the Ripper inside.

Ready to keep dying with a re-vengeance. If Vanquish and Bayonetta are half as good if not just as awesome as this, I want them right now on the comp... :(

Personally I think they're both much better. They had to work against the clock in Rising.

I really really hope we get both on PC, that would be amazing and I'd love to see your reaction playing them.

The Stains of Time is the only song I don't like, mostly because of the vocals.

I don't like it either, but the UNTIL IT FINDS MY DREAMS HAVE DISAPPEEEEEAAAAAA-A-A-A-A-A--A-A-AE-A-AE-A-ERED part is fucking amazing
GAAAAAAWD that freight elevator jeez. I never have more trouble with the camera than that fight with the Hammerhead, two Mastiffs and two Sliders. Raiden always targets the Hammerbro, even when I clearly want to be Killer Bee-ing the Sliders, so I can never manage to take them out before the Mastiffs show up, and then it's pretty much all over for me and I'm just scraping by. I need to get better at manually switching lock-on targets, I think, so I can at least get the Sliders when I need to.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Fucking C.

Only died once on the last boss.


I'm at the last boss, fuck that boss. Beat all other bosses in two tries but that last one, man... Had to take break because I got too angry.
Anyone know what the chances are of a patch adding 120Hz, 120fps support?

I would probably get the game if it offered that support. 60fps look pretty choppy to me these days for some reason.


I want that shit and I want it to be canonical as fuck. The fight at the end of MGS2 doesn't live up to what Raiden and Solidus histories are. Raiden vs. Solidus rematch? And if Solidus kills Rose and kidnaps Raiden's son at the beginning of Rising 2? And Solidus' main intention is to turn Raiden's son into the prodigal child solider/solider?

The hypest, the hypest.

SHIT, I started to hear THERE WILL BE BLOOD-SHED in my head. So fucking good.

The only way to make it better is if they successfuly turn your child into a killer.

More people should give a chance to Killer is Dead if what they want is the hypest shit, that final boss, HGNNNNN


Metal Gear Ray on Hard in Sam's DLC is no fucking joke. Instant laser beams, continual headbutts. If Raiden had to face Sam's modified Ray he'd be lying on the floor wimpering, jesus christ. (Though Raiden's a better parryer than Sam, apparently, cos Sam seems to have a massive vulnerability window after his parries - he's better off dodging)

Honestly, the Ray was way harder than the final boss in Sam's DLC. Jesus christ. (Though I had nanopaste for the final boss)


I want that shit and I want it to be canonical as fuck. The fight at the end of MGS2 doesn't live up to what Raiden and Solidus histories are. Raiden vs. Solidus rematch? And if Solidus kills Rose and kidnaps Raiden's son at the beginning of Rising 2? And Solidus' main intention is to turn Raiden's son into the prodigal child solider/solider?

The hypest, the hypest.

I wouldn't want to buy the game if that happened =/.
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