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Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes |OT| Kaz, I'm already a demo


I love how the guards pick their main weapon up from the floor after they wake up, and if you take their weapon they just walk around with their handgun.


Found a method to get a S rank on the "kill two operatives" side op. The method requires a previous A rank to unlock the sniper rifle at spawn.


I love how complex the game allows you to be.
vogelkacke said:
what if you want to extract them ?

Then I imagine you gotta come up with a different plan, MormaPope's method is just a good way to get an S rank.


Found a method to get a S rank on the "kill two operatives" side op. The method requires a previous A rank to unlock the sniper rifle at spawn.

Grab the sniper rifle. Right from the start tranq the first guard you see on the rocky beach on the left side, move his body close to the road so a person driving a jeep can see it. Wait for the jeep to stop and both people to get out. Tranq both of them. Then tranq the guard patrolling around the old POW prison camp. Drive the jeep to the POW camp, break in, take both POWs and put them in the jeep.

Drive on the opposite road, not the one you started on and park 3/4 up the hill/road. Get out and move forward enough so you can see the big guard tower overlooking the supply ruck entrance. Take out the sniper rifle and zoom in enough so you can see one of the targets in the tower. Line up a headshot and cap him. Run directly forward through the camp ahead until you reach another road, zoom in with the sniper rifle through the chain link fence and you should see the second target with a couple of dudes.

Get a headshot, run back to the jeep with the POWs, escape by jeep. The final mission time should be under 5 minutes and you should squeak by with a S rank if you only killed the two targets.

what if you want to extract them ?


I love how complex the game allows you to be.

The best part is the huge points boost from the time, I completed the side op in 4:53 with that method. Without the sniper rifle my fastest time is around 24 minutes.

what if you want to extract them ?

The POWs or targets? Escaping in a vehicle that has POWs on them will count towards those POWs getting extracted. Extracting the targets seems like way too much work, at least for now.
I just S ranked the story mission, on my second try. Took me 21 minutes, no alerts, no kills, no reflex and no prisoners rescued. I got a little over 61k points.

Exactly how many are needed to achieve the S rank ?
Did we ever get a theory regarding Chico's chest earphone port and why he was using it to plug his headphones into?

Also, any idea why skull face was able to use the US base on Cuba for his "prisoners"?

Final question, it appear SF wants cipher dead. Why would he attack mother base, and big boss?
Did we ever get a theory regarding Chico's chest earphone port and why he was using it to plug his headphones into?

Also, any idea why skull face was able to use the US base on Cuba for his "prisoners"?

Final question, it appear SF wants cipher dead. Why would he attack mother base, and big boss?

Answers in order from what I picked up

1. No its strange
2. Skullface may have links to the US
3. To flush cipher out? He did fund much of their activities.


Alright, I've beaten all the ops now and my opinion on the game has changed quite a bit. Wasn't happy with it after playing the core mission.

New thoughts:
I wasn't impressed at all with the visuals at first. This was because it was at night. It looks good in the daytime, and dusk is stunning. Their lighting engine is sublime, I'm constantly stunned by the light in this game. It still looks a bit 'cross-gen' in places, and there's a terrible issue with the 'focus' of a scene being in the wrong place if there's just a tuft of grass or edge of a box in the camera's way. They need to fix that. But overall, plenty of eye candy here.

I almost felt nauseous during the opening cutscene because of the 60fps, I hated it at first. I guess it's just that rare for me to come across it. Didn't feel cinematic at all. Having watched the cutscene a couple more times, I'm getting used to it, it's no longer a problem. If you can do 60fps you should, I suppose. I realise to most people this sounds like a person who has eaten shit all their lives being given a steak and that person saying 'what the fuck is this, it's terrible, it tastes nothing like shit' but that's exactly how I felt.

The game is buggier than I expected and I still find that. Twice now I've had a person on my back get shot and float off into the air. I've seen guards clip through staircases when shot and other things like bodies on the ground falling down when you look at them, as if the game is re-placing them everytime you look away. Sometimes the map doesn't open correctly, and sometimes audio overrules other, more important audio dialogue.

The camp seemed boring to me on my first run-through. Having played again a few times I've changed my mind. It's a good level. Not stunning, but very good, with tons of tactical options.

The changes to the control scheme were the one thing I originally loved, and I still love them. The controls added to good AI and good level design mean that the game plays like a dream. It can be a bit slow at times waiting for people to move on or to drop from stun darts, but other than that it's brilliant, engrossing stealth gameplay, and MGS V should be an amazing gameplay experience. I thought the 'bullet-time' or 'tagging' mechanics might ruin the game, but they've made enemies smarter to compensate and I think they've nailed the overall balance.

The one issue I had with controls was finding out what they were. I played the game through 3 times without realising that you could enter first person. I had to go online to find the pause menu as they didn't make it clear that you had to touch a certain part of the pad, and even when you do it doesn't always register properly. Opening your item menu by holding a d-pad direction was also completely hidden and counter-intuitive. All of the these issues really negatively affected my first playthrough. That was a shame.

The audio is phenomenal. It plays a huge part in the game as you hear engines starting or footsteps on metal stairs and react accordingly.

Despite all of those good points, there simply isn't enough content here for the price charged. All the side missions take place in the same tiny base that you know off by heart after 3 runs through. In a way, learning the camp to such a ridiculous level of detail is fun, but it's just not enough to keep the average gamer playing for more than a couple of hours. Disappointed with how short it is.

And super-disappointed, still (after multiple viewings) with the story, the cut-scenes, and the voice acting. Both the opening and closing cut-scenes were weak as hell. There was no concession made to people who might not know (and therefore care about) Chico or Paz, and if you didn't the mission felt entirely emotionally flat. Kaz's voice actor was terrible, and he constantly spammed the radio with his monotone voice. I'd give anything for an option to shut him up. He also botched his lines in the final cutscene, I thought.

The direction of the cutscenes was poor as well. Both of them are long shakey-cam tracking shots, and there's no particular reason for that, it's just Kojima showing off. But it robs the scenes of some of their emotional impact, especially the last scene. The opening scene spends so long looking at Skull Face travel to and get on a chopper that it's ridiculous. While two unrelated men we don't know talk about people we don't know. Well, *I* knew what they were talking about as I know the entire MGS story so far. But that doesn't make it a good opener and it was boring. Showing Snake and Kaz planning the mission (even if just for 10 seconds) would have been so much more effective on so many levels, as a basic intro to the characters and what was about to happen. The Skull Face travelogue meant practically zilch, and could have been done in a quarter of the time.

Then at the end,
they arrive to see the base attacked, and there's no dialogue from Snake, no real reaction. The music is 'off' for the scene and there's no emotional heft to it, no weight to it. People new to the series or simply those who skipped or forgot Peace Walker will have no idea why this means what it does. Kaz gets upset, but in a ridiculous way. The action is also hurt from being shot from the perspective of someone on the ground... where were the amazing camera angles and action MGS is known for? And then the Paz scene... I don't have a problem with it, it just wasn't particularly interesting.

And that was it. For a retail game, even for a prologue, that was such slim pickings that I could barely believe it, and I was a person who knew the game could be beaten in 10 minutes. It felt entirely like a demo, without a shadow of a doubt. A demo I paid 35 euros for. I knew it would be short going in but I still feel pretty ripped off, and I'm not happy. Better cutscenes or more plot movement would have helped me feel better about it, I think.

But more than anything I just don't think that this dark, serious tone suits MGS at all. It's a silly, funny, over the top series about big important subjects which has always been its charm. It just feels wrong for them to take it this dark, this dull, this humourless at this point. And I never laughed once during the entire thing, which is probably a first for me with MGS. Really worried that Kojima has lost his touch with storytelling here.

Oh well, it plays great. Roll on The Phantom Pain.

Danny 117

Answers in order from what I picked up

1. No its strange
2. Skullface may have links to the US
3. To flush cipher out? He did fund much of their activities.

In response to number 3, I'm on the same page as you with that one. Made a post in the spoilers thread about it. Makes the most sense IMO.
He want's Cipher to come after him so he can find Zero.

He's a sick fucker though.
He basically lets Paz decide if Big Boss lives or dies. That was her reward for telling him the location of Zero. Otherwise he would have killed BB himself.
Instead, he wanted BB to come and watch his base burn to the ground and use that anger to play him against Cipher.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I am not prepared to hop into next-gen yet but can anyone tell me what the PS3 version is like? Don't want to wait till I eventually get a PS4 to get my MGS fix. Cheers.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I just S ranked the story mission, on my second try. Took me 21 minutes, no alerts, no kills, no reflex and no prisoners rescued. I got a little over 61k points.

Exactly how many are needed to achieve the S rank ?

55k I think.
I am not prepared to hop into next-gen yet but can anyone tell me what the PS3 version is like? Don't want to wait till I eventually get a PS4 to get my MGS fix. Cheers.

Runs very well, and looks great. Only problem I have with it is some pop-in issues, but they can mostly be ignored.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
what if you want to extract them ?

I did it by sneaking to the stairs that lead to the big communication tower, taking out all the guards up to that point. Then I tranquilized the 2 guards and the target and made my way back to extract the target. After that, I stalked down the second target, which is either already near the eastern prison camp, or still in the western refugee camp and did the same. Wasnt really hard, just took me a few tries and there is no necessity to s-rank it when you already s-ranked it before. Simply extract them and take however many retries you need.


This game is endlessly replayable. I'm digging it a lot. Super light on story, though. And the tone is too dark for your typical MGS game, but the mechanics are pretty awesome.

One thing that's changed in my mind from playing it more and more:
Regenerating health and reflex. At first I hated them both, but now I don't mind. For one,

Reflex is kind of essential in this new system, as it's very possible for a guard to be around the corner without you having the slightest idea unless you approach every situation very, very slowly (which is boring).

As for the health, I get why they did it because planting Rations everywhere would've been lame and eventually the player would have to hunt for them. This style the player can go from sneak to combat to sneak, which I find appealing. You could kind of do this in MGS3 via their health regeneration and camo system, but it took a while to go back to sneaking (with the long alert phases and whatnot). In MGS4, inevitably when you went from sneak to combat you just went all out on combat and there was no going back until you murdered everyone. This is a nice balance. If you get seen, it's not the end of the world and you can deal with the threat and then immediately try to go stealth again, which is nice. Less restarting than previous games, in my opinion.

The only thing I don't like about the game are twofold:
- Too short (obviously) and not enough exposition
- Lacking weapon variety

Other than that, the mechanics have really grown on me. I'm a fan of the new systems in place and CQC is still very solid (although lacking a few minor features from MGS4's system).


Reflex is kind of essential in this new system, as it's very possible for a guard to be around the corner without you having the slightest idea unless you approach every situation very, very slowly (which is boring).

Just throw a mag to see if everyone hears it, easy.




I am not prepared to hop into next-gen yet but can anyone tell me what the PS3 version is like? Don't want to wait till I eventually get a PS4 to get my MGS fix. Cheers.

I RedBoxed it for a night. The PS3 version looks great during the main mission at night, but the side missions during day are filled with pop-in issues, to the point where obstacles between you and enemies suddenly faze-in a few yards away.

It's too short to merit a purchase on the inferior systems, but prefect for a rental. I'll grab the new-gen version for a few bucks when I get a PS4 this or next holiday sale season.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Kaz's actor is bad? Wat. It's probably some of the best VA of the series.

And improving scene aesthetics is showing off rather than improving the quality of the work itself?

To be honest the last scene had awesome camera work and didn't really impact the emotional feel of what was on screen.

LOL. Imagine that being one of the main targets.


That agent rescue OP. So good.

I really like their efforts to flesh out the side ops but Kaz is getting on my nerves with his nonstop mission briefings. After placing C4 on a second AA gun he was still talking, and I don't even know about what because the relevant info had stopped ages ago.
Kaz's actor is bad? Wat. It's probably some of the best VA of the series.
Kaz was at his best when he was (spoilers for special side op to unlock)
doing a Liquid Snake impression, an impression of a character who was impersonating Kaz. Delicious irony and he nailed it.


So finished the main mission after picking the game up earlier, I took my time and looked around for stuff, getting a few of the patches.

It was a great experience seeing a new gen metal gear, and that the game works fantastically well. It is overpriced compared to just about everything else, but I will certainly get my moneys worth. I'm glad I bought it.

Sutherland as Snake. Not impressed. The 'kept you waiting' bit was terrible. His lines sounded to me like he sounds in everything else, like little effort was made to portray the character as it has been built to this point. If that was at the direction of Kojima, then I guess that is fair enough, otherwise it sounded really lazy. Bad move.

Hayter is missed.
That bit at the end on the chopper was harder to watch than any other video game moment for me personally and I have no idea why.

I've done the GTA Torture stuff multiple times
I've played all the god of war games.
I perfected all the fatalities in multiple MK games including X-rays and stuff in MK9

I was squirming at the chopper scene in this.

Maybe it was how engrossed I became with the story.

who knows.


That bit at the end on the chopper was harder to watch than any other video game moment for me personally and I have no idea why.

Likewise, even knowing the scene was coming, I was still grimacing and squirming at parts, I think it might be the detail and build up that makes it so effective.


That bit at the end on the chopper was harder to watch than any other video game moment for me personally and I have no idea why.

I've done the GTA Torture stuff multiple times
I've played all the god of war games.
I perfected all the fatalities in multiple MK games including X-rays and stuff in MK9

I was squirming at the chopper scene in this.

Maybe it was how engrossed I became with the story.

who knows.

Agreed. That bit was hard to watch.
That bit at the end on the chopper was harder to watch than any other video game moment for me personally and I have no idea why.

I've done the GTA Torture stuff multiple times
I've played all the god of war games.
I perfected all the fatalities in multiple MK games including X-rays and stuff in MK9

I was squirming at the chopper scene in this.

Maybe it was how engrossed I became with the story.

who knows.

It didn't really bother me. Not saying that it wasn't disturbing. I think the initial shock factor was more back when it was first shown in the extended trailer. Kojima gets excited and shows too much shit in his trailers. I shouldn't watch them, but they are always too good to pass up.
Ok, question for Xbox One GZ users. I don't have a Apple or Android phone/tablet. Can I use Xbox One SmartGlass for the iDroid stuff? The only thing I see on Konami's site that mentions SmartGlass is for the 360. Has anybody gotten it to work or am I SOL until I get an iPad or buy an extra 360 copy?

Edit: When I go into the manual, it gives me this link for SmartGlass support http://www.konami.jp/mgs5_gzapp/en/connect/index.html


That ending scene was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen in a video game.

If what was implied was actually true, damn, Kojima is crazy.


It didn't bother me really, actually, I was surprised how poorly it was done graphically, considering the extreme close up.

I think it's often more shocking not to show that kind of thing. The cutscene in TLoU when Ellie wields a machete was extremely difficult to watch for me.


It didn't bother me really, actually, I was surprised how poorly it was done graphically, considering the extreme close up.

I think it's often more shocking not to show that kind of thing. The cutscene in TLoU when Ellie wields a machete was extremely difficult to watch for me.

I agree. There was no subtlety to it.

I'm very squeamish and get disturbed easily by a lot of stuff but that scene didn't affect me at all. Might be that I don't care for Paz, might be that it just felt needless.

That anime game scene with the witch someone posted the other day was far harder to watch for me than that scene.

Also, it's MGS, she'll come back. The boss was shot in the head point blank and killed, and Kojima still 'brought her back'. They'll find the important parts of Paz and stitch her back together or something.
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