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Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes |OT| Kaz, I'm already a demo


So I decided to look up some footage of the Guantanamo Bay level in Splinter Cell Blacklist (takes place in 'Camp Delta').

It's uncanny how similar the two games look.
The side missions are (with 1 very short exception) all around the same length as GZ or a bit shorter. Some of them are very good, particularly the one just underneath GZ. I've found a number of different weapons/vehicles, can't say for sure how many there are.

For the most part it plays more intuitively than any MGS before it, but a couple of bizarre design choices keep it from reaching its potential. For example, while crawling on the ground, touching a wall or other obstacle will sometimes- but far from all the time- cause your character to sit up. It's not like the old mgs games where they squat into cover, either. It seems to happen for no reason, and it's gotten me spotted

Another issue which is probably an extension of this: on the ground, you can aim and strafe, and when you click the left stick ("dash button") on top of this combo you will roll from side to side. A bit more intuitive than it was in mgs4, but once again if you hit a wall it will cause your character to.... GET UP AND START SPRINTING! since you're holding sprint, which is GUARANTEED to get your character spotted by anyone in a 100 yard radius. VERY frustrating to sacrafice your ranking just because the game insisted on making such a nonsensical decision. Bottom line, when the player chooses to crawl they should be locked on the ground until they hit the stance button again. Seems like common sense.

There are others but those are the ones that stuck out most. Cover is extremely stubborn. What the game needs is either a mgs 1-3 system where it's very clear you're in cover and you're fixed in it until you cancel, or an uncharted type system where a button press has the same effect. This tomb raider auto cover thing is just not cutting it. It's stubborn about when you can get into cover, and once you're in, don't even think about moving around. So you want to sidle over to the corner of a wall to peek around the corner? You better be damn careful as you approach that edge, because the game doesn't just cut you off before you expose yourself like every other mgs- you'll get spotted as soon as one polygon passes the corner.

This might not be a big problem if you were able to very slowly move your character like in mgs 3 and 4, but it seems to be, you push the control stick 20% in the direction and nothing happens, push further to 40% and nothing happens, go to 60% and suddenly he just hurls himself forward. There seem to be only 2 speeds - half press and full press, and it's not very fun trying to slowly approach those corners when all I can seem to do is clumsily flick myself around.

There also seem to be a couple of strange bugs (ps3 version). Mostly when you're spotted, you can run away and hide, if they lose sight of you they'll go into search mode within a few minutes. Well sometimes they just keep firing at the place you were spotted. I snuck all the way around the base and watched from far behind their backs as they shot at nothing. Totally concealed. When all of a sudden, they immediately all knew where I was for no reason, and all came slowly running across the base towards my completely obscured location.... that was weird.

In spite of all this I think the engine really shows a lot of potential. You can tell it will really shine in an open-world context. I'm being critical because I want TPP to be as good as it can possibly be. As for story/Sutherland impressions, I will save it until everyone else has the game

Thanks for these impressions. I'm really curious how drastically the game is allowed to change between GZ and TPP based on feedback given they're releasing it in this format. If things really still need improvement, I hope they don't shy away from making some gameplay changes outside of just extra "toggle this on or off" options or including an item from previous MGS that was absent in this outing.
The side missions are (with 1 very short exception) all around the same length as GZ or a bit shorter. Some of them are very good, particularly the one just underneath GZ. I've found a number of different weapons/vehicles, can't say for sure how many there are.

For the most part it plays more intuitively than any MGS before it, but a couple of bizarre design choices keep it from reaching its potential. For example, while crawling on the ground, touching a wall or other obstacle will sometimes- but far from all the time- cause your character to sit up. It's not like the old mgs games where they squat into cover, either. It seems to happen for no reason, and it's gotten me spotted

Another issue which is probably an extension of this: on the ground, you can aim and strafe, and when you click the left stick ("dash button") on top of this combo you will roll from side to side. A bit more intuitive than it was in mgs4, but once again if you hit a wall it will cause your character to.... GET UP AND START SPRINTING! since you're holding sprint, which is GUARANTEED to get your character spotted by anyone in a 100 yard radius. VERY frustrating to sacrafice your ranking just because the game insisted on making such a nonsensical decision. Bottom line, when the player chooses to crawl they should be locked on the ground until they hit the stance button again. Seems like common sense.

There are others but those are the ones that stuck out most. Cover is extremely stubborn. What the game needs is either a mgs 1-3 system where it's very clear you're in cover and you're fixed in it until you cancel, or an uncharted type system where a button press has the same effect. This tomb raider auto cover thing is just not cutting it. It's stubborn about when you can get into cover, and once you're in, don't even think about moving around. So you want to sidle over to the corner of a wall to peek around the corner? You better be damn careful as you approach that edge, because the game doesn't just cut you off before you expose yourself like every other mgs- you'll get spotted as soon as one polygon passes the corner.

This might not be a big problem if you were able to very slowly move your character like in mgs 3 and 4, but it seems to be, you push the control stick 20% in the direction and nothing happens, push further to 40% and nothing happens, go to 60% and suddenly he just hurls himself forward. There seem to be only 2 speeds - half press and full press, and it's not very fun trying to slowly approach those corners when all I can seem to do is clumsily flick myself around.

There also seem to be a couple of strange bugs (ps3 version). Mostly when you're spotted, you can run away and hide, if they lose sight of you they'll go into search mode within a few minutes. Well sometimes they just keep firing at the place you were spotted. I snuck all the way around the base and watched from far behind their backs as they shot at nothing. Totally concealed. When all of a sudden, they immediately all knew where I was for no reason, and all came slowly running across the base towards my completely obscured location.... that was weird.

In spite of all this I think the engine really shows a lot of potential. You can tell it will really shine in an open-world context. I'm being critical because I want TPP to be as good as it can possibly be. As for story/Sutherland impressions, I will save it until everyone else has the game

Thank you for this.

Exactly what i mentioned.

Peeking is a bitch and can get snake running full speed onto the open area and seen.


There is no way that's a spoiler lol. He didn't even say what happened in the trailer, just that there was one.

That's like saying wait until after the credits in the new Thor or Captain America movie to see something extra.

The fact that there was supposedly new PP content at the end (even though I know there isn't now) is a spoiler to me. I want to be surprised by those things.


Please don't post info about the game if you've completed. There is a spoiler thread for this. If someone is asking please spoiler tag and answer with tags too. There's very little at this point we don't know and I'd like to keep it that way.
I see there is an option to capture images (which comes handly conaidering you can't on X1). Is the option already active? How do I link my phone to the game?
For what its worth, I was at Walmart today and they had this game on the shelves for all 4 consoles.

I got them to grab me the PS4 version, got to checkout, and was denied by the register until Tuesday.

There is no way that's a spoiler lol. He didn't even say what happened in the trailer, just that there was one.

That's like saying wait until after the credits in the new Thor or Captain America movie to see something extra.

Is there at least a shocking phone conversation where ocelot reveals something shocking that will shake the foundation of my understanding of the game i just played?

....Mr. President
For what its worth, I was at Walmart today and they had this game on the shelves for all 4 consoles.

I got them to grab me the PS4 version, got to checkout, and was denied by the register until Tuesday.


same thing happened to me with smash bros brawl, but it was a different store i forgot the name.
Geez, I'm really considering buying both the PS4 and Xbone versions of the game so I can play the exclusive missions. Damn you Konami, your working that DLC. Ehhhhh, I'll beat it first on PS4 and see if that extra Raiden mission is worth it based on some impressions. How many of you are getting the Bone version?


Gold Member
Wait, so taking cover is not a button toggle but a contextual automatic movement?

Why would they do that?
I know just a few hours ago I complained about posting screenshots in this thread, but I'm going to do it now :p

I'm just embedding one screenshot, in which I tried to match the exact location and angle of the following one that DieH@rd posted earlier from the PS4 version. The one below it is from PS3.

PS4, 1920 x 1080 uncompressed png:

PS3, 1280 x 720 uncompressed png: (edited it in the updated shot to match the light, here's the previous one)

It's interesting how divided people can be on the degree/quality of the visual upgrade on PS4; for some it's "night and day!", while for others it's "Just up-rezzed".

Which camp are you in? Obviously static screens don't tell the full story; in motion the difference should look more drastic, in theory at least.

Here are some more shots I took for those interested, all from the first part of the first mission:




Same as above but caught the lightening strike: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2746/13180786745_9729be614e_o.png




I'm able to take these using a homebrew tool on CFW.

Generally I think The Last of Us does lighting better than GZ on PS3 (how the torchlight bounces off every surface in the game is one example of definitely being superior). In cutscenes I'd give the edge to MGS though, since not only do they look much better than the in-game stuff IMO, but they're also real time while TLOU's cutscenes are not.


Honestly, if 1080p60 is maintained throughout with little to no drops and screen tears, I'm perfectly fine with the game looking like it does on ps4. That smooth as butter footage they showed us 2 years ago when it was unveiled is what I want to play and, while it might not fit the definition of 'next Gen', it still looks pretty damn good.
in the older mgs you just have to push the characters against the wall for them to take cover. no, i imagine you gravitate to the nearest wall in gz

Yeah, I still hated the push against the wall in the metal gear solid games. It felt like I needed to have octopus hands in order to do a corner shot.


It felt like that at least.


love on your sleeve
Honestly, if 1080p60 is maintained throughout with little to no drops and screen tears, I'm perfectly fine with the game looking like it does on ps4. That smooth as butter footage they showed us 2 years ago when it was unveiled is what I want to play and, while it might not fit the definition of 'next Gen', it still looks pretty damn good.

I agree. If you're going to give me a last gen game on a next gen console, the least you can do is make it 1080p with a rock solid 60fps. Phantom Pain could end up looking mighty dated come 2015 but those are the breaks I suppose.
these are all ps3 shots right?


I can't wait to play the daylight mission(s). I'm not a fan of the dark and rainy look, but I've been having difficulty finishing the first mission, haha. I keep getting spotted and I retreat.

i'm continually surprised that it looks so nice.

My friend thinks it looks terrible. I think it looks alright, but there are games that look better on PS3. Which is a bit disappointing cause we're used to Kojima's team being on-par with the best first-party studios can produce on Sony's consoles.


in the older mgs you just have to push the characters against the wall for them to take cover. no, i imagine you gravitate to the nearest wall in gz

I wonder if someone can elaborate. There is footage out there where it looks like you "snap" into cover like you do in MGS4 but I also don't see any button prompts appear that tell you this. On the other hand, I've seen a few people compare it to Tomb Raider, which I have a hard time imagining in an MGS game. Tomb Raider cover system was so.... Automatic.
I wonder if someone can elaborate. There is footage out there where it looks like you "snap" into cover like you do in MGS4 but I also don't see any button prompts appear that tell you this. On the other hand, I've seen a few people compare it to Tomb Raider, which I have a hard time imagining in an MGS game. Tomb Raider cover system was so.... Automatic.

Yeah, I'm curious about this now myself. Tomb Raiders cover mechanic worked really well in my opinion and I'd be okay if they implemented something similar.
I think the cover system works like it does in The Last of Us, which I'm used to and it doesn't bother me. I don't know how it is in Tomb Raider.


Junior Member
Smart if they deliberately made the chain fencing thicker for the lower resolution versions so that it's sub-pixel further away and at fewer angles.

Was it GTA or some other game that draws overhead cables as anti-aliased lines in screen space to avoid the sub-pixel issue?


What's with the grass in this screen?

I guess objects gradually disappear as they get too close to the camera

EDIT: I noticed the same rendering error in the PS4 version. It's big-boss's mullet clipping through his right shoulder. It looks like that model is ready for a pony-tail swap!

I don't think his mullet is clipping into this shoulder, its just that the lighting is cut off right there so the hair below it is hard to see.

It looks like he is about to finish Portable Ops too. He's a very good player. His fight with Boss in MGS3 was awesome, he just face rolled her. He's definitely the best MGS player I've seen.

All three of them are pretty good, but I still think 3dogg is the best :p
If you feel like getting in the mood for GZ the guys behind all the marathons are doing it again over on Twitch.


It looks like he is about to finish Portable Ops too. He's a very good player. His fight with Boss in MGS3 was awesome, he just face rolled her. He's definitely the best MGS player I've seen.

All three of them are pretty good, but I still think 3dogg is the best :p

I've never really watched anyone stream games, I've seen maybe a handful of them but maybe I'll check out this 3dogg you mention.
They all play on the same stream. They usually switch out every now and then during these marathons.

I'd imagine then that they've got to switch out sooner than later right? As this is a 100 hour stream and I think after PW they go straight into MG1 and then MG2.

Speaking of which, would a MG1 playthrough be interesting to watch? I'm wondering if I'll be able to stomach it.
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