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Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes |OT| Kaz, I'm already a demo

Goon Boon

Did Sutherland cost too much to do as many voice lines as previous games? He barely said shit. And on top of that, it sounds really really flat, like he doesn't give a shit.

If they were going to replace Hayter, they really needed Richard Doyle or John Cygan.


Did Sutherland cost too much to do as many voice lines as previous games? He barely said shit. And on top of that, it sounds really really flat, like he doesn't give a shit.
He says plenty in the tapes. Doesn't sound flat at all.

I like the touch of having it sound like the wind is in your ears when running at full speed. The sound in this game is really well done.
He says plenty in the tapes. Doesn't sound flat at all.

I felt the opposite. Even in the tapes he didn't say much. Maybe 20-30 sentences in the whole game, unless there are tapes with him speaking that I need to find. And I'd say he's certainly flatter than Hayter, but whether that's a good or bad thing is up for debate.

Kojima said he wanted Snake to speak less in this game, and that he wasn't able to do that before because they couldn't do the facial emotions as well before.

I didn't notice an outstanding amount of expression done through facial expressions during the game. Weird.


Did Sutherland cost too much to do as many voice lines as previous games? He barely said shit. And on top of that, it sounds really really flat, like he doesn't give a shit.

If they were going to replace Hayter, they really needed Richard Doyle or John Cygan.



Did Sutherland cost too much to do as many voice lines as previous games? He barely said shit.

Kojima said he wanted Snake to speak less in this game, and that he wasn't able to do that before because they couldn't do the facial emotions as well before.
I think the MVP for best voiced character goes to kaz easily. The range of emotion in the main mission is impressive. You can feel the frustration when he is. And in deja vu with the more comedic lines. So good.


I think the MVP for best voiced character goes to kaz easily. The range of emotion in the main mission is impressive. You can feel the frustration when he is. And in deja vu with the more comedic lines. So good.

His monologue in the E3 trailer was incredible too. I don't remember him being so emotional in Peace Walker.


I'm playing the Bone version, just beat it in 96 minutes, no side ops yet. Love the hell out of it. The rock solid framerate and graphics blew me away, I thought the cutscene was pre rednered and then boom, gameplay looked no different. I think the Xbox One to 360 to ps3 to ps4 comparison thing was screwy because the game doesn't look anywhere near as bad as it did in those screens and videos, the bone screens seemed washed out, and that's not the case here.
I don't feel any gravitas coming from Sutherland's Big Boss, but I don't want to judge until we actually see him talking in-game rather than just hear his voice over. I want to see how the facial capture goes together with the voice, y'know? My initial reaction is that he's a screen actor who doesn't know how to do the things voice actors do to make their performances mean something with voice alone, so he comes off as fairly flat and unremarkable.

The big problem I have is the weird sing-songy inflection he does on more than a few lines. You can hear it in the opening cutscene when he says "A slice of American pie on Communist soil, and out of US legal juris-dic-tion", and the same thing pops up in a few of the tapes, too.


Cleared the main mission and 2 side missions
so far, my reaction is

what I liked:
-graphics are good for PS3. The only issue I had was dithering.
-the new motions look nice, especially the CQC ones.
-enemy AI seems better than previous MGS series. I liked how guards interacted with each other better.
-the overall control/mechanic seems great.

what I didn't like:
-camp omega structure was not really good. Too small and too simple.
-overall mission structure of GZ main mission was not really good. It was really obvious that it wasn't meant to be a stand-alone game when they were creating this.
no boss battles
-barely any story progression.

Well, it leaves me really excited for TPP. Will probably play TPP on PS4.


I felt the opposite. Even in the tapes he didn't say much. Maybe 20-30 sentences in the whole game, unless there are tapes with him speaking that I need to find. And I'd say he's certainly flatter than Hayter, but whether that's a good or bad thing is up for debate.

I didn't notice an outstanding amount of expression done through facial expressions during the game. Weird.
I don't know, he just sounds normal to me. Like an actual dude. Hayter just sounded so one note in the last couple games. Peace Walker got downright ridiculous. Gritty tough guy will always stand out more, I suppose. I'm digging Sutherland's toned down approach.
Kojima said he wanted Snake to speak less in this game, and that he wasn't able to do that before because they couldn't do the facial emotions as well before.

That and Snake's speaking roles while he was still Hayter were already well reduced in Peace Walker. Pretty much all of the supporting characters spoke for him for the most part.


I think the MVP for best voiced character goes to kaz easily. The range of emotion in the main mission is impressive. You can feel the frustration when he is. And in deja vu with the more comedic lines. So good.

Robin Atkin Downes is a fantastic voice actor. The range he has is incredible.
I don't know, he just sounds normal to me. Like an actual dude. Hayter just sounded so one note in the last couple games. Peace Walker got downright ridiculous. Gritty tough guy will always stand out more, I suppose. I'm digging Sutherland's toned down approach.

Oh man, don't get me wrong. I think Sutherland will be pretty cool in TPP, I just don't think I like him -as much- as Hayter just yet. Honestly my biggest issue with Sutherland is that he sounds a little nasally, and pretty unenthusiastic too. I'm hoping both are remedied by the time TPP comes out. I completely agree about Peace Walker, though.
I had a ton of fun with the main mission. Finished it in about 2 hours with a Grade C.

I felt like the game was in my head at one point though. I shot out a security camera and thought "Heh, wouldn't it be cool if someone was watching the feed go out and they sent in a soldier check it out?". I was shocked when it actually happened.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Finished the main campaign - rushed through it, admittedly. Didn't play too stealthy.

Was gonna buy it regardless - but gotta say, I really like the new "feel" of MGS. The open world scared me at first; but Kojima really nailed it. If he can keep this quality and this many choices throughout a 40+ hour campaign, I'll be extremely impressed. I can already tell there will be a bunch of ways to tackle the GZ mission - and I enjoy the options.

Graphics weren't ZOMG amazing like I felt playing MGS2, then 3 and then 4. Metal Gear has always felt like the best looking game ever when each one released. I can't say that here. That said, it looks darn nice. The graphics are more than serviceable.

Sound design is spectacular.

Kiefer is a great choice if Hayter can't do it. But, man, I really, really would prefer Hayter.

Dat ending cutscene. Can't wait(!) for Phantom Pain.

Added this guy to the collection...



Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
So, any word on a PC port? (not port begging, I recall Kojima saying he was interested in bringing it to PC)


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, any word on a PC port? (not port begging, I recall Kojima saying he was interested in bringing it to PC)

No. None. Beg Kojima/Konami/Tora for it.

Anyway: Side-mission: Assassinate Two Targets is pretty tough on normal. Mostly if you're going for 0 kills/0 alerts while going for the achievement attached to the mission.

Couldn't get 0 alerts because they saw the extraction at the end. ARGH.
What makes it tougher is just because you don't have radar or sound indicator that tells you that enemies are close. The hearing indicator in this game sucks frankly, can walk right into guards you never "hear". All my fuck ups are from getting spot by some silent dude that was around a corner or such.

The AI is weak though, its one of the easiest to hide from in a mgs game. I think the open world stuff makes it hard on the AI, while in the past they followed smaller search patterns.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What makes it tougher is just because you don't have radar or sound indicator that tells you that enemies are close. The hearing indicator in this game sucks frankly, can walk right into guards you never "hear". All my fuck ups are from getting spot by some silent dude that was around a corner or such.

The AI is weak though, its one of the easiest to hide from in a mgs game. I think the open world stuff makes it hard on the AI, while in the past they followed smaller search patterns.

Honestly, the biggest reason for my fuck-ups is the lack of a radar in addition to the binos/triggers on the DS3 fucking up and taking me in/out of binos.

Yeah, the AI is pretty easy. I wonder if the AI improves on Hard, but I'm having a damn tough time on Normal right now not alerting/not killing anyone at the moment.

That said, I'm having fun with the sandbox otherwise. If Kojima tweaks it a bit more, it'll be something pretty good I feel.


Neo Member
I played through the main mission last night. The tone is much, much darker than previous games. Very streamlined, maybe a bit too streamlined/modern in the case of items, with most of the changes to movement feeling natural after 15 minutes of play.

I think the only thing I didn’t really enjoy was that it seems harder to press against walls. Many times I would attempt to press against a box, but Big Boss would just clumsily shuffle around the corner (and it got me spotted a few times, which was annoying). Almost seems like it’s toggled now. After awhile I got frustrated by it, though, and just made an effort to not try and press against walls.

Besides that, I expected to not like Keifer Sutherland’s performance. But I have to say I really liked it. His voice matches the more serious thing Kojima is going for and it makes sense for Big Boss’s voice to be different.

Everything felt top-notch. Can’t wait to delve into the side ops tonight.
What's your guys favorite melee move? I enjoy sprinting at a guard not looking at me and by the time he notices I'm coming up to him he gets a Goldberg like spear followed by a kick in the mouth.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Cover's automatic now, my major issue with cover is the lack of being able to "shuffle" while in cover like you could in wall-pressing/MGS titles of the past.

But if you mess around with the automatic cover a little it becomes second nature for Snake/BB to automatically do it while you focus on other things.


Holy Shit GAF.

This is amazing.

From gamersdye: MGS: Ground Zeroes PS4 intro video (no spoileers it's same as the E3 trailer)

That quality, I can't even tell it's on a console. LOOKS AMAZING.

I was tempted to watch this cause I neither have a PS4 nor Xbone, and won't be able to get one anytime soon to play this ):

Really wish this was on PC!!

Now THAT is next-gen! Kojima did not do himself any favors by not uploading the video in high quality like that, how it's supposed to look.

It's strange little feeling seeing a video you captured get linked to on gaf for the first time.


Totally worth the $30 I spent on it. Then again I do love MGS. Makes the wait for the proper game much harder though.


Took me an hour and 50 minutes to do the main mission, it was really fun actually and it makes the wait for The Phantom Pain even harder, now to do the extra 3 missions.


Just Red Boxed this for PS3. Took 77 minutes to beat with a B rank; the new control scheme caused me to goof up a cqc takedown, so I used it as an opportunity to give a run&gun approach a chance before suiciding. God, I wish I could switch the aim/fire buttons to the triggers instead of bumpers.

The gameplay is spot on for being the ultimate Rambo simulator I've always wanted. Sneaking, climbing, diving to the ground, sprinting from cover to cover, all within an intricately defended base. Fuck, it's awesome!

Jack Bauer as Big Boss is amazing. I can't wait to hear Snake/Hayter square off Big Boss/Bauer. Don't fight it.

The graphics are nice on PS3 during the night mission, but there's terrible pop-in during the day. I am bummed Phantom Pain is going to be held back by being cross-gen.


I thought Snake's new voice was gonna be bad but wait until you hear Skull Face. To the people responsible for casting, what were you thinking?!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Was watching the Giant Bomb QL last night, and it looks mindblowing on PS4 (probably because of the rock solid framerate).

Can't wait to pick it up on PS4 tomorrow. :D


Was watching the Giant Bomb QL last night, and it looks mindblowing on PS4 (probably because of the rock solid framerate).

Can't wait to pick it up on PS4 tomorrow. :D

It's a great looking game can't wait to see what phantom pain looks like. I'd like to see a ZOE game on the fox engine.


Rolling Girl
Was watching the Giant Bomb QL last night, and it looks mindblowing on PS4 (probably because of the rock solid framerate).

Can't wait to pick it up on PS4 tomorrow. :D

Yeah it really looks nice on the PS4! Looking at all the little details while exploring the place is nice.
Overall a pretty impressive package. Like others I wish it had been longer but I say that about every metal gear game. Took me 1:35 and I got a B. Time to practice up for all those S runs. Hopefully at E3 we get a solid TPP release date
Was watching the Giant Bomb QL last night, and it looks mindblowing on PS4 (probably because of the rock solid framerate).

Can't wait to pick it up on PS4 tomorrow. :D

It would look mind blowing if it didn't have to run on PS3 and 360, and to a lesser extent Xbone. It still looks good on PS4, but I really hope Phantom Pain ditches last gen.
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