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Metal Gear Solid V SPOILER THREAD| [EXTR3ME] Such a lust for conclusion, T-WHHOOOO


I'd like to know how Code Talker's warning plays out in the other translations. Maybe it's less ambiguous in Japanese?

Because if it really was just a way to hint at Miller's blindness it's almost worse than if it was a legitimate warning of something that was cut.

I mean, it's pretty hard to hide blindness, especially from the people you're around all the time. It doesn't even make sense if it's just for the player's benefit, because Kaz's vision problems are already hinted at when you rescue him, and Miller's milky eyes were shown prominently in pre-release footage.

Not to mention the fact that we don't even know if Kaz does have vision problems, or if he does, when they develop and how much they're impacting him.

I never really thought much about Kaz's vision problems, but there is that one scene after Quiet gets the kids body out of the chlorine gas where the kid's necklace is like on the ground and Kaz just keeps kind of grinding away at it with his crutch until someone picks it up.

It makes a lot more sense if he is blind, but I was like, "what a dick!" It does seem like there was supposed to be something to that storyline and they just never got around to it.


All four parts are finished.





They were going to do one for Liquid as well, but he was cut for time.

How will that even work?

The collar's not wide or high enough for it to get in the way (especially compared to the MGS1 suit); and it doesn't seem to present as many immediate problems as something like wrapping the shrapnel with a bandana.


I thought it was weird that we barely fought actual XOF soldiers. They showed up in the (real) last mission at OKB Zero, but I think never again?


I thought it was weird that we barely fought actual XOF soldiers. They showed up in the (real) last mission at OKB Zero, but I think never again?

They showed up during Kingdom of the Flies as well, but they were a little underused. Kind of weird that we fought more Skulls than XOF soldiers...

Speaking of which, I was always a little disappointed that they didn't find ways to sneak 'End of the Dark' into any of the games post-MGS1; apart from a cameo on the iPod in 4.

Does Ocelot even do the hand gestures in this game?

That Ocelot has way more personality than what we got in the game. One of my biggest disappointments. I kept waiting for something to give and for him to behave a little more like either Josh Keaton or Patric Zimmerman's Ocelot. I don't even just mean the voice acting but the character's behavior. Somewhere. Anywhere. A "You're Pretty Good" here or there without the ham just wasn't enough.

I felt he only had personality when torturing someone or commanding people. When in that low morale cutscene, when he says "Show's over!" sounded very Ocelot-y.

But yeah, friendly Ocelot is too neutral.
And that's all the more reason why I like to pretend that the Quiet/Ocelot model swap cutscenes did in fact, actually occur at some point in Motherbase.

That Ocelot has way more personality than what we got in the game. One of my biggest disappointments. I kept waiting for something to give and for him to behave a little more like either Josh Keaton or Patric Zimmerman's Ocelot. I don't even just mean the voice acting but the character's behavior. Somewhere. Anywhere. A "You're Pretty Good" here or there without the ham just wasn't enough.

Ocelot decided to let the active decoy/BB handle the catchphrase this time around
Ocelot is fine in MGSV. He is home, with the man he loves, so he doesn't need to do typical Ocelot stuff. Also I hated the character in the other games so that helps I guess.
Right, it seems like it would be a smart move for Konami to contract Platinum for MGR2.
With Konami supposedly halting console development, commissioning a MGR2 from Platinum Games should be a no brainer following its initial success and hopefully it'll be something that becomes a reality in the future. It would be absolutely criminal if they just sit on their properties after they made it apparent quality control wasn't an issue, particularly with Silent Hill being batted around different Western studios. Thankfully, Platinum has a lock down on the hack-and-slash design philosophy so no worries with them tackling the future of MGR.

You're right about Zero never telling Miller the truth, he just says that Snake will wake up and he'll need you by his side etc. Zero does tell Miller to co operate with Ocelot and those events happened before even Big Boss woke up. The few times that Ocelot could've talked about it was before Venom woke up / after miller was rescued, after which he would've had to go self hypnosis. If you tranq him during Mission 2 on Motherbase he even utters 2+2=5, the talk must've happened before that.
I'm still convinced that Ocelot and Miller didn't have their epilogue chit-chat until sometime close to the end of Phantom Pain. The phrase "two plus two equals five" sounds like an utterance that came from Major Zero's mouth in the first place since George Orwell was a fellow Englishman. It was likely something Ocelot picked up from their discussions on arranging the doppelganger stunt and he simply recited the Nineteen Eighty-Four reference to Miller once his hypnosis worn off. Otherwise, I think it's strange that Ocelot would postpone his trance-like tricks until he could talk with Miller when it would be most beneficial for Big Boss to keep the two leading figures of Diamond Dogs in the shadows for a long as deemed necessary.

I like your read of it, but I just think it makes the pleasingly simple Metal Gear into this unwieldy mess.
Sadly, the wonderful narrative arc of Metal Gear has been heading downhill ever since Kojima tried to desperately weave all his lore together in Guns of the Patriots as the ultimate bookend. Peace Walker and MGSV continued to suffer as a result of its main storyteller carelessly poisoning the well repeatedly with retro-continuity when matters should've been kept simple and focused, especially with this project being his final hurrah with the saga. Unfortunately, we're left with an incomplete work that suffered from a game designer who wanted to relive his auteurist glory days of MGS2: Sons of Liberty through a predictable, retreaded twist and great mechanics that stubble as a result of his first venture into an open-world framework.

I never understood why there isnt a metal gear game where you play as the boss, winning WWII. You wouldnt have to interfere with the rest of the saga and its canon. Just the boss and the cobras killing some nazis lol. Would have made a perfect mgs v in my book.
Kojima confirmed several years ago that an installment with The Boss at the forefront was one of the ideas still being tossed around in the studio. As much as I'd like to see some more female protagonists in action titles, I think we dodged a huge bullet with it and, hopefully, it'll be passed over for good. Much of her combat history appears locked to WWII (D-Day) and I feel that we'd wind up with something more akin to Wolfenstein on an overall aesthetic level. If it ever goes into full development, I can't wait to discover the untold story of Nazi Germany being the spearheads for bi-pedal nuke tank tech with Metal Gear Panzer.


I actually kinda like how Ocelot was handled in this game.

He's basically a fanboy of big boss, and I think the best scene to represent this state of Ocelot is the one that occurs when he basically parrots the words Snake told him when they first met in MGS3 when his gun jammed to the mother base soldier who is shooting from the hip.

His torture boner is still in full effect here.

I dunno, I think this Ocelot is more in line with the ocelot from MGS1, rather than the oddball from 3 2 and 4.

Then again... Kojima has retconned so much stuff through "hypnotherapy"


I don't know if this has happened to people before or whether it's a first, nor do I know if it's repeatable. But I was playing the Total Stealth version of Pitch Dark (oil facility) and I was going for both the S rank and the objective where you detonate outside of the hot zone.

I got in and out just fine - they knew something was up when I was leaving but all good. I south to the bottom of the oilfield, then detonated. Nothing. Hmm, maybe it was because I put 1 C4 down instead of my usual 2. Restarted. Got in the free car, and about 1/4 of the way there the camera super speed pans away from me, freezes, then throws me into the cutscenes after you press the button. The freezing was presumably loading. It treated me like I pressed the button, so I moved on to the C4 as I noticed the guards are all present and correct. I placed 2 this time. I drove away again, and as I'm driving Miller starts speaking as I hit the boundary of a certain area because it expects me to be on the approach. So I detonated, and once again nothing. I drove back and observed from a cliff, and the tanker was still there but the C4 wasn't.

In terms of the mission, I called in an RPG, blew the thing up from the cliff and finished the mission, getting my S rank and moving on. In terms of the glitch, I wonder if it's repeatable. It was certainly strange. Did some variable not get cleared in the restart? Or set at all, for that matter?

I actually kinda like how Ocelot was handled in this game.

He's basically a fanboy of big boss, and I think the best scene to represent this state of Ocelot is the one that occurs when he basically parrots the words Snake told him when they first met in MGS3 when his gun jammed to the mother base soldier who is shooting from the hip.

His torture boner is still in full effect here.

I dunno, I think this Ocelot is more in line with the ocelot from MGS1, rather than the oddball from 3 2 and 4.

Then again... Kojima has retconned so much stuff through "hypnotherapy"
I agree. He's not playing the villain at this point, and while he's now Shalashaska and into torture he's still with his friend and idol. He doesn't need to be the later Ocelot yet.

Maybe later Ocelot's personality comes from his own Phantom Pain. Thanks, Frank. And of course there's the whole war against the patriots thing, at which point he's in a much more front and centre role. In TPP he's helping his mate out.


It's incredible that, despite having far less dialogue and cutscenes than past Metal Gears, this game is even more expository. Seriously, the "storytelling " is like almost pure exposition with no emotion or buildup.

I'm in Africa now, and Wiki Ocelot just outright tells me that yeah, Zero was bedridden years ago and now Skull Face is in charge. This would be the sort of revelation that would at least have some foreshadowing/buildup/emotional impact in past games, and here it's just a simple radio call from someone on your team.


I actually kinda like how Ocelot was handled in this game.

He's basically a fanboy of big boss, and I think the best scene to represent this state of Ocelot is the one that occurs when he basically parrots the words Snake told him when they first met in MGS3 when his gun jammed to the mother base soldier who is shooting from the hip.

His torture boner is still in full effect here.

I dunno, I think this Ocelot is more in line with the ocelot from MGS1, rather than the oddball from 3 2 and 4.

MGS1's portrayal was anything but dry - it still gave us the "well-greased bullet" line; as well as being the debut of his revolver twirling. There was room for characterising him in a more down-to-earth manner which served as a believable midpoint between 3 and 1 without making him as much of a caricature as Liquid Ocelot.

I also think his rabid affection towards Big Boss makes his calm, unaffected demeanour in V seem more incongruous - it might not make sense for him to be in full 'notice me, senpai' mode like he was in 3 and PO; but the singular obsession that would drive his actions in later games barely comes through here at all.

With Konami supposedly halting console development, commissioning a MGR2 from Platinum Games should be a no brainer following its initial success and hopefully it'll be something that becomes a reality in the future. It would be absolutely criminal if they just sit on their properties after they made it apparent quality control wasn't an issue, particularly with Silent Hill being batted around different Western studios. Thankfully, Platinum has a lock down on the hack-and-slash design philosophy so no worries with them tackling the future of MGR.

I'm still doubtful it'll happen, despite all evidence pointing to Platinum being cheap, fast and reliable enough. At this point, Konami looks like they're far less invested in publishing games than they were even during their outsourcing-heavy last generation - for better or worse, I'd be surprised if they'd even come close to greenlighting a Downpour, Contra 4 or Shattered Memories now.

What kind of heartless sub-human could willingly harm Pequod?
It's incredible that, despite having far less dialogue and cutscenes than past Metal Gears, this game is even more expository. Seriously, the "storytelling " is like almost pure exposition with no emotion or buildup.

I'm in Africa now, and Wiki Ocelot just outright tells me that yeah, Zero was bedridden years ago and now Skull Face is in charge. This would be the sort of revelation that would at least have some foreshadowing/buildup/emotional impact in past games, and here it's just a simple radio call from someone on your team.

It's extra weird to me that so few reviewers picked up on this, seeing as how a common complaint against previous games in the series was the amount of expository dialogue.

Maybe it's because a lot of it is relegated to the tapes, but even so, the cutscenes are mostly just dry exposition.


I don't know if this is the right thread for it, sorry if it's not, but I can't seem to be able to unlock mission 46 :( I have done already mission 47/side op 150, listen to tapes and what not. Frustrating as hell, any help/hint?


Does anyone have a good rant about that jeep scene?

I thought mine was broken because I was playing on PC (we get things like this broken sometimes with bad ports)

Then I watched it on youtube on PS4 and it's the same.

It starts off really awkwardly.

Then you have to follow him, and the mechanics somehow are broken.

Then you just sit across him.

Venom doesn't utter any word.

The whole time you just thinking - is this supposed to be the grand reveal of the main antagonist's motivations or is this just some Kojima misdirection-talk and I don't really have to pay attention as it will be explained away later on anyway?

Then after 5 minutes you start to understand that you probably should have been paying more attention, because this looks like this is it - the reveal and motivations of Skullface.

But the sound mix is so off, and there they are both just sitting across each other.

Then - suddenly, he stops talking.

And that song starts playing. Out of nowhere. And at the climactic point, like it's been building up for it. And then they just sit and stare into nothing again. And you're like wtf, wtf, wft?

Then the song ends and there are a few more weird lines from Skullface and that's it.

And your like...

What just happened?

Black Duke

Neo Member
Does anyone have a good rant about that jeep scene?

I thought mine was broken because I was playing on PC (we get things like this broken sometimes with bad ports)

Then I watched it on youtube on PS4 and it's the same.

It starts off really awkwardly.

Then you have to follow him, and the mechanics somehow are broken.

Then you just sit across him.

Venom doesn't utter any word.

The whole time you just thinking - is this supposed to be the grand reveal of the main antagonist's motivations or is this just some Kojima misdirection-talk and I don't really have to pay attention as it will be explained away later on anyway?

Then after 5 minutes you start to understand that you probably should have been paying more attention, because this looks like this is it - the reveal and motivations of Skullface.

But the sound mix is so off, and there they are both just sitting across each other.

Then - suddenly, he stops talking.

And that song starts playing. Out of nowhere. And at the climactic point, like it's been building up for it. And then they just sit and stare into nothing again. And you're like wtf, wtf, wft?

Then the song ends and there are a few more weird lines from Skullface and that's it.

And your like...

What just happened?

that was very awkward indeed.
and i've seen many mgs-awkward moments..
Does anyone have a good rant about that jeep scene?

I thought mine was broken because I was playing on PC (we get things like this broken sometimes with bad ports)

Then I watched it on youtube on PS4 and it's the same.

It starts off really awkwardly.

Then you have to follow him, and the mechanics somehow are broken.

Then you just sit across him.

Venom doesn't utter any word.

The whole time you just thinking - is this supposed to be the grand reveal of the main antagonist's motivations or is this just some Kojima misdirection-talk and I don't really have to pay attention as it will be explained away later on anyway?

Then after 5 minutes you start to understand that you probably should have been paying more attention, because this looks like this is it - the reveal and motivations of Skullface.

But the sound mix is so off, and there they are both just sitting across each other.

Then - suddenly, he stops talking.

And that song starts playing. Out of nowhere. And at the climactic point, like it's been building up for it. And then they just sit and stare into nothing again. And you're like wtf, wtf, wft?

Then the song ends and there are a few more weird lines from Skullface and that's it.

And your like...

What just happened?

It could've been directed better, I agree. But on the other hand, in MGS4 that scene would've been a 20 minute power point presentation.

The one thing I've found is that scene is much more evocative if you run into it at night, as I did. There's Helicopter searchlights and vehicle headlights everywhere. Giving it a much more interesting look than it does during the day.


Does anyone have a good rant about that jeep scene?

I thought mine was broken because I was playing on PC (we get things like this broken sometimes with bad ports)

Then I watched it on youtube on PS4 and it's the same.

It starts off really awkwardly.

Then you have to follow him, and the mechanics somehow are broken.

Then you just sit across him.

Venom doesn't utter any word.

The whole time you just thinking - is this supposed to be the grand reveal of the main antagonist's motivations or is this just some Kojima misdirection-talk and I don't really have to pay attention as it will be explained away later on anyway?

Then after 5 minutes you start to understand that you probably should have been paying more attention, because this looks like this is it - the reveal and motivations of Skullface.

But the sound mix is so off, and there they are both just sitting across each other.

Then - suddenly, he stops talking.

And that song starts playing. Out of nowhere. And at the climactic point, like it's been building up for it. And then they just sit and stare into nothing again. And you're like wtf, wtf, wft?

Then the song ends and there are a few more weird lines from Skullface and that's it.

And your like...

What just happened?
*Skullface is giving the most emotional speech of his life*

Venom: "My feet hurt. I wonder what Quiet is listening to. Hmm did Ocelot remember to feed the dog? I miss Paz. "
*Skullface is giving the most emotional speech of his life*

Venom: "My feet hurt. I wonder what Quiet is listening to. Hmm did Ocelot remember to feed the dog? I miss Paz. "

I find that the scene is much more entertaining if you imagine Venom is singing the song. Like, Skull Face's words touched him on such a deep emotional level that he just couldn't hold the music in.


If the Missiin 51 cutscene was supposedly 30% finished, the jeep scene must've been 10% of what it was supposed to be but got shoved out the door. I'm sure it wasn't intended to even be in the gameplay engine, but never made it past that point. Maybe the starting and ending location of the drive got changed at some point in development and they didn't get the chance to overhaul the cutscene? But the way it looks in my head is hilarious, it's like Skull Face had his supervillain monologue all planned out but miscalculated how far the drive was, and once he finishes and realizes this he scrambled to kill time, turns on his favorite song, but that ends too and theres still a ways to go so they just awkwardly stare at eachother, Snake gets bored and starts glancing at his phone.


It could've been directed better, I agree. But on the other hand, in MGS4 that scene would've been a 20 minute power point presentation.

The one thing I've found is that scene is much more evocative if you run into it at night, as I did. There's Helicopter searchlights and vehicle headlights everywhere. Giving it a much more interesting look than it does during the day.

I'm not sure that would be a bad thing, in this one case.


I'm not sure that would be a bad thing, in this one case.

As bad as some of the MGS4 slideshows were, I'd have easily taken them over the jeep scene and a couple of the tapes. Though I guess I can live with it if it spared us the result of condensing all of Code Talker's tapes into a nightmarish hour-long slideshow.

Posted? Skullface: In Summary.


Gurp Tacoma @swarthyvillain
Skull Face is my favorite MGS villain because his character is solely that he's very pissed off and concocts bad plans
Gurp Tacoma @swarthyvillain
@swarthyvillain skull face practiced his speech about language for big boss for 9 years and told it to the wrong person, who didn't care


really highlights how awful the design of quiet is. it's just embarrassing.

The weird proportions are more to do with the artist's decisions, not the actual design. The ingame model does a much more faithful job of translating Joosten's facial features.


If anything, Quiet shows why Yoji Shinkawa is the most talented artist in the whole industry. He can take the most crass idea and turn it into something strangely elegant.
Does anyone have a good rant about that jeep scene?

I thought mine was broken because I was playing on PC (we get things like this broken sometimes with bad ports)

Then I watched it on youtube on PS4 and it's the same.

It starts off really awkwardly.

Then you have to follow him, and the mechanics somehow are broken.

Then you just sit across him.

Venom doesn't utter any word.

The whole time you just thinking - is this supposed to be the grand reveal of the main antagonist's motivations or is this just some Kojima misdirection-talk and I don't really have to pay attention as it will be explained away later on anyway?

Then after 5 minutes you start to understand that you probably should have been paying more attention, because this looks like this is it - the reveal and motivations of Skullface.

But the sound mix is so off, and there they are both just sitting across each other.

Then - suddenly, he stops talking.

And that song starts playing. Out of nowhere. And at the climactic point, like it's been building up for it. And then they just sit and stare into nothing again. And you're like wtf, wtf, wft?

Then the song ends and there are a few more weird lines from Skullface and that's it.

And your like...

What just happened?
More or less my experience. By far the most awkward thing I've experienced in the games.

This makes me really want Kojima to do another sprite based adventure game.


After Big Boss sends Emmerich on his way away from MB the Battle Gear hangar still shows up as a point of interest. Battle Gear is finished and all and I've done all the dispatch missions where you have to use it. Should I have done the dispatch missions with it before Emmerich was sent away for something else to happen at the hangar or what? Because the hangar still shows up as a point of interest, but no more cutscenes are triggered when I enter it.


If anything, Quiet shows why Yoji Shinkawa is the most talented artist in the whole industry. He can take the most crass idea and turn it into something strangely elegant.

Nah breh, its still trash just prettier trash.

I used to want a new Snatcher or Policenauts, but Kojima's gone off the deep end restrain wise.


Wow, that fucking sucks.

I don't really understand why, in order to avoid a 15 days delay on PC for the sp, they opted for having a three months delay for MGO.
I mean, I'm not even sure Konami needs three months in order to port MGO on PC, since they probably already have all tools ready and MGO development is done on PC anyway.
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