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Metal Gear Solid V SPOILER THREAD| [EXTR3ME] Such a lust for conclusion, T-WHHOOOO


Well it's all over youtube This was the first result and he's talking English here, I would imagine most regular players get that version because people tend to get weird/fussy about side stuff at times.
It was definitely either Afrikaans or Kikongo in my game, I remember being impressed that his pronunciations sounded good (not that I would know)
Well, I meant a video of the scene where he's not speaking English. :D Would be interesting to see an alternative version of this cutscene if it exists.


I'm fairly sure Miller is crazy.

M: "Shoot those kids Boss, its the job and we gotta get paid."

B: "No, we can save them, like we've done in all the other assassination jobs."

M: "Don't let those kids die or it's mission failed!"

B: "Oh now you care."


I'm fairly sure Miller is crazy.

M: "Shoot those kids Boss, its the job and we gotta get paid."

B: "No, we can save them, like we've done in all the other assassination jobs."

M: "Don't let those kids die or it's mission failed!"

B: "Oh now you care."
He was playing along for the tape for the client.


I'm fairly sure Miller is crazy.
M: "Shoot those kids Boss, its the job and we gotta get paid."
B: "No, we can save them, like we've done in all the other assassination jobs."
M: "Don't let those kids die or it's mission failed!"
B: "Oh now you care."
That whole section is them recording a tape where it sounds like Big Boss just murdered kids like he was suppose to.
Amazingly detailed post, thanks a lot for taking the time to respond, it explained everything for me.
No problem! My explanations were a little long-winded, but I'm glad they were able to answer your inquiries.

1. I felt unsatisfied at how surreal the story was. What I chalked up to hallucinations due to the bone fragmented in Phantom Snake's head ended up all being explained as real.
2. Was the gas-mask wearing child real? How could they fly? Parasites?
3. How are the Snakes' voices exactly the same?
4. We were in Africa and didn't get to see kid Raiden at all? I thought Eli was Raiden at first. Missed opportunity much?
5. Paz just... somehow survives GZ and comes back to sit on a bed the whole time? Something else I thought was a hallucination but seemed oddly real.
6. Same with Volgin. How is this scientifically possible? I'd say it's a hallucination, but tape recordings referred to him as real, unless Ocelot and co. knew about the hallucinations and simply played along with them.
7. Can someone explain exactly what real Big Boss' motives were in the end? Is he working with Zero? What's their ultimate goal? Why does Phantom Big Boss go on to be a villain in MG1 and real Big Boss in MG2?
8. Can anyone remind me of Ocelot's actual alignment? What does he want?
01) It was definitely a missed opportunity to explore hallucinations from the helicopter shrapnel embedded in Venom's skull along with the psychokinetic abilities of the "Third Child." One of the early tape briefings foreshadowed that Venom had difficultly distinguishing between red and white, but the pay-off didn't appear in the final product since the true bookend to the game, Episode 51, was removed and relegated to the Collector's Edition bonus material. It would've been more interesting if Volgin and the Skull Unit were apparitions evoking Big Boss's foes from Snake Eater and Portable Ops, but the doppelganger twist doesn't logically allow for this possibility.

02) Yes, the gas-masked child was actually a young Psycho Mantis who later works alongside Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake as part of FOXHOUND during the Shadow Moses Incident (Metal Gear Solid). After his death at the hands of Solid Snake, he later resurfaces as a spirit, à la fan-service, being channeled by Screaming Mantis as part of Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection (MGS4: Guns of the Patriots). Strangely, Psycho Mantis and Vulcan Raven are currently the two characters whose powers haven't been explained with pseudo-science so they're legitimately supernatural entities for the time being.

03) According to the MGSV strategy guide, the Medic/Venom Snake already possessed an eeriely similar voice to the real Big Boss even prior to the reconstruction surgery. When users datamined the PC version of Ground Zeroes last year, it was discovered that the NPC was being voiced by Kiefer Sutherland with a slight alteration in pitch and the material added fuel to theorists that believed we were playing a decoy in The Phantom Pain. The uncanny resemblance in tone was cited as a reason for the Medic being chosen to serve as the "phantom" of the legendary soldier.

04) Nah, Raiden didn't serve as a child soldier until the Liberian Civil War in the late 1980s. The true missed opportunity was the lacking appearance of Solidus Snake who experienced a stronger accelerated-aging side effect from the cloning process which would've made him a young adult by this point. Just for clarification, Eli/White Mamba was actually a young Liquid Snake.

05) No, her appearance within the game serves as a series of hallucinations hinting at Venom Snake's remorse for failing to find the second bomb. In order to finish her side-quest, you have to complete all ten of the wandering MSF soldier side-ops and you have to return to her room after each mission to hand her a memento. Once you've done finished those visits, a cut-scene occurs where Venom finally comes to terms with Paz having actually died as a result of the events showcased in the Ground Zeroes finale.

06) Apparently, Volgin never died as a result of the thunderbolt that struck him near the conclusion of MGS3: Snake Eater. He was rendered comatose and Soviet scientists managed to recover his body to conduct various experiments over the last decade preceding this game. His mind still harbored a deep loathing for Big Boss which Psycho Mantis successfully channeled to re-animated his corpse from a facility where they were both being housed. His initial appearances could've been interpreted as hallucinations, but an important side-op confirms he was physically being brought back to life through the abilities of the "Third Child." An interesting tidbit from the MGSV strategy guide states that he was physically killed after bring crushed by the mobile platform that supported ST-84 Metal Gear. His vengeful spirit didn't finally come to rest until he realized Venom Snake wasn't the real deal and his deceased body was transferred to Mother Base.

07) Big Boss was discreetly building his own nation of mercenaries. Major Zero was responsible for ordering that the Medic be altered into Big Boss' doppelganger once the legendary soldier awakens from his coma. Zero was defying the intentions of his organization by protecting Big Boss who he still admired as a terrific soldier. In regard to their interpretations of The Boss' will for world peace, Zero believed in totalitarianism where a single government would enforce control over all aspects of society whereas Big Boss sought anarchy where governing bodies ceased to exist and soldiers would always have a purpose in a war economy. Although Zero had intended for his protection to serve as a last ditch effort to make amends over his unauthorized cloning in the early 1970s, Big Boss decided to exploit the situation by allowing Venom Snake to parade on the world stage for Cipher/The Patriots while he built his true fortress of soldiers in Africa and, later, Central Asia. His desire to start anew meant turning his back on his early comrades since he seemingly wasn't interested in leading the effort to take revenge of XOF over his own ideological endeavors. It's believed that Diamond Dogs eventually folds into Outer Heaven in Africa and Zanzibar Land arises from its ashes later on. Venom Snake appears completely devoted to the ideological pursuits of Big Boss so it would be interesting to see a future installment where Miller breaks away after realizing this imitator is dancing right along to Big Boss' tune. At some point in the 1990s, Big Boss would serve was the commanding officer of FOXHOUND under the American government to continue drawing heat away from Outer Heaven while Venom Snake would run his base of operations in his absence. It's during this time that he would train one of his clones, Solid Snake, who he eventually sent to Africa under the impression his body double would defeat him effortlessly. And the rest is history...


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
You didn't finish all of the Extract Wandering Mother Base Soldiers side ops. Complete them, visit Paz after each completed one, listen to the tapes you get. This will reveal the truth about Paz.

I listened to the tapes and saw the cutscene, and tbh...I still don't quite understand what happened.


I have one BIG ASS question about Cypher's (Zero's) motive. For what I gather, it was him who sent those assassin's (including the uber sexy Quiet) to kill Big Boss. But when you listen to the truth tapes, it was Zero (talking with Ocelot) who came up with the plan to have an body double of big boss, to sneak him out the hospital. So...does he or don't want him dead?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I have one BIG ASS question about Cypher's (Zero's) motive. For what I gather, it was him who sent those assassin's (including the uber sexy Quiet) to kill Big Boss. But when you listen to the truth tapes, it was Zero (talking with Ocelot) who came up with the plan to have an body double of big boss, to sneak him out the hospital. So...does he or don't want him dead?

Skull Face sent the soldiers. Zero loves BB, and has no desire to kill him. BB is fighting Zero the whole time, but Zero just wants BB back in the fold. Despite the fact that they all hate him, he still loves BB.

What he REALLY wanted was to crush Diamond Dogs and have BB rejoin Cipher.

By the time TPP comes around, Zero is losing control of Cipher. When Miller suspects that Cipher is being controlled by someone other than Zero, he's right.





I listened to the tapes and saw the cutscene, and tbh...I still don't quite understand what happened.
Paz died the night of Ground Zeroes jumping out of the helicopter with a bomb in her vagina. Venom hallucinates meeting her on Mother Base out of guilt over not being able to save her.

Ocelot and Miller appearing in the first Paz cutscene is to trick the player into thinking it's real.


Did V/BB know about the LET project?

I think I remember a mission, or over hearing a conversation talking about the French? doing an experiment. Then they hint a bunch of times about Eli, and Eli seems to know.

Did I miss something? I know who Eli is, but I felt it would have been explored more.
I feel like a bunch of stuff could have been explored more.

And LOL and Volgin and the Third Boy being psychically linked with..the wrong Boss.


Did V/BB know about the LET project?

I think I remember a mission, or over hearing a conversation talking about the French? doing an experiment. Then they hint a bunch of times about Eli, and Eli seems to know.

Before they do the DNA test, Ocelot mentions to Venom that a product of the Les Enfants Terribles project had gone missing in Africa; so they didn't exactly hide it from him.


Did he know he was a part of the project though?

And the twist "truth" ending wasn't kept much of a secret. The game felt padded at times to be long enough to try and make the player forget about the first mission. XP


Yeah she was originally going to be themed more strongly after the whole "Mother" thing by having one breast exposed as part of her outfit.
Sounds cool in theory as it makes her sound more eccentric, but it would probably have been uncomfortable in reality.

My apologies - apparently, it was supposed to laugh, not slither.

It'd definitely have fallen flat in practice. Look at how awkward it is just watching Kojima explain it.


I'm really glad The Boss didn't end up like that.
Just beat the fucker. I have that MGS2 rage all over again.


I know Kojima is just fucking with me, yet I hate/love him for it. It's not coherent, clever, or well paced. Yet I love it. All of it. I love pouring over every detail trying to find how I can fit these pieces into a needlessly convoluted multi-decade puzzle. This is what S&M must be like. I've been waiting years to see how Big Boss became the villain in Metal Gear - and now after almost 100 hours of playing the same map 100 times I see it was yet another (I suppose almost) clone? The ball gag was Raiden. The leather straps was Liquid Ocelot. The 10ft dildo is forcing me to accept Venom was never hinted at in MG, MG2, MGS, MGS2, or especially MGSIV (where Big Boss himself gives a pep talk to Solid).

Greatest game series of all time. I will miss Kojima. I will miss Metal Gear...

...Mr. President.


Okay, so listening to some of the Truth tapes he did know about the project.

If I already did the SO that starts 150, I am fucked right?
That is fucking stupid.


Okay, so listening to some of the Truth tapes he did know about the project.

If I already did the SO that starts 150, I am fucked right?
That is fucking stupid.
I'm pretty sure that's not Venom Snake talking in the truth tapes, it's Big Boss.


I need to stop playing games..while tired and exhausted.
Especially games with a web of details like MGS.

I would like to replay the game some time, but all that grinding.
I know I could replay all the missions from the ACC, but that isn't quite the same.

And to be certain, finishing the SO, but not 150 is still too late?


I totally finished this.

In its entirety, I'm still not sure it lived up to its potential.
Chapter 1
What a piece of shit story that was. Skullface never reached full potential as a villain and instead was played out to be some kind of mad psycho before being crushed by a Metal Gear. He was laughable at best. If MGSV was just that story, I would have been super pissed. The parasite plotline and WOLBACHIA AND oh my God please no. Big miss story wise for me. The concept is great (Words that kill!), the execution (And Code Talker as a character) didn't do it for me.

Chapter 2
I fucking loved the twist. I sat there with my mouth open during the entire epilogue. Fuck playing through the entire hospital sequence again though. It's a shame though; all the storybeats and decisions never meant anything for the bigger Big Boss story arc, which is actually the only thing I really wanted for this game; Big Boss devolving into a villain. And fuck, thinking back all it feels like now is Miller and Ocelot babysitting Venom while he manages his own PF which Big Boss does the real work.

I mean I really want to love the story and at some points, I do. It really needs a director's cut and remove a lot of the dead air in between and you get a tight, tight story. The gating of the progress is so, so bad. It should not have to be this way.

Man, the "V" stuff is so good though. So technically this game is Metal Gear Solid Vee, and not 5, so there can still be a Metal Gear Solid 5 and shit.

So anyway, is there an overview of things cut? I saw the nuke thing and the king of flies (which is apparently canon so there's that)


So anyway, is there an overview of things cut? I saw the nuke thing and the king of flies (which is apparently canon so there's that)
Nuke ending is not necessarily cut. I suspect it'll trigger once worldwide conditions are met for FOB disarmament. Might even be prefaced by this "Chapter 3: PEACE" title card that the data-miners found.

Kingdom of the Flies is the only real content we know was cut for sure. Everything else is conjecture.

A lot of stuff seen in the trailers but not in MGSV cutscenes, such as the child soldiers training or the prisoners being water-boarded, are actually in the game but they're in real-time (and entirely possible to miss, if you're not aiming for optional tasks).


Soooo uh I guess I beat the game judging from the comments of previous pages? I ain't mad chapter 2 wrapped up nicely but was so freaking sudden, so uh how but that chapter 3 eyyy?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Paz died the night of Ground Zeroes jumping out of the helicopter with a bomb in her vagina. Venom hallucinates meeting her on Mother Base out of guilt over not being able to save her.

Ocelot and Miller appearing in the first Paz cutscene is to trick the player into thinking it's real.

Ok, so I guess I did understand it...


Question time:

1) What was the "Egg" Strangelove put in TheBoss9000? Code for the patriots?
2) What is everyone's take on Huey killing Strangelove?
3) How come Venom has a recollection of MGS3? Or does he not show knowledge of it in the tapes?

Hey, I guess the reason why Big Boss Jack Bauer said so little is because it wasn't Big Boss hahahaahaaaaaaaaaa
So anyway, is there an overview of things cut? I saw the nuke thing and the king of flies (which is apparently canon so there's that)
A bunch of little items were removed from the final product. Courtesy of crazyrabbits, I'll relist everything that I'm aware of into respective categories. Something about a Camp Omega level from E3 2013 was originally on here, but I removed it since it appears almost exactly like the "classified intel" mission from Ground Zeroes.

Narrative/Mission Content:
  • "Phantom Episode 51: Kingdom of the Flies" Mission (TPP Collector's Edition Blu-ray) -- Believed to have been trimmed for release/budget time constraints.
  • "Burning African Village" Cutscene (E3 2014 trailer) -- Removed for unknown reasons. As a note of observation, the charred location is still present in the western part of the map and the kneeling animation "re-surfaces" in the quarantine hallway scene in the second chapter.
  • Revisiting Camp Omega/"Prisoner Waterboarding" Cutscene (E3 2013 trailer) -- Removed for unknown reasons, but speculated to have been a victim of release/budget constraints. Kojima initially promised that players that owned copies of Ground Zeroes would've been able to play new missions upon the release of the main game, but Konami later reneged on his remarks claiming the designer was referring to the level being present as a multi-player map set nine years after the prologue chapter.
  • "African Child Soldiers Training" Cutscene (E3 2013 trailer) -- Sequence can technically be seen the final product via gameplay, but it doesn't transition into a cinematic.
  • "TGS 2014 Special Mission" -- Conference exclusive level.
  • [PENDING] "Chapter 3: Peace" Title Card -- Current speculation believes this element still could appear once players trigger the "Nuclear Disarmament" cutscene.
  • Unused Venom Snake & Paz Interactions -- Muh silent protagonist...
  • Unused Skull Face Interactions (alternate costume attire) -- Speculated to have been a part of either a trimmed boss battle or the character being deployable as a unique character in MGO3. Most likely audio meant for the walking segment.
  • Guard Dogs -- Datamine audio seems to suggest these animals were going to be encountered as enemies on the battlefield. Dogs have been a strange omission from Phantom Pain as early concept art paired Venom Snake with a hound in relation to the appropriate emblem. This has sparked some retrospective thoughts than an actual dog was originally going to be one of your buddies before being altered into DD. Completed models have already appeared in the opening cinematic for Ground Zeroes.
  • Unused "Quiet's Gone" Confirmation -- A brief audio segment of Ocelot acknowledging that your sniper buddy has left the game for good.
  • Unused "Venom Snake" Dialogue -- Various remarks pertaining to the execution of commands on the iDroid among other little tidbits. One file has been mistakenly featured since it activates when using the Hand of Jehuty bionic arm.
Equipment/Special Features Content:
  • 80s film filter -- Removed in pre-production for being system-intrusive on the framerate.
  • "Lisa" Active Decoy (TGS 2014 gameplay) -- Presumably cut for its relation to the cancelled P.T./Silent Hills production. Curiously, a radio chatter easter egg still remains.
  • Deployable Battle Gear (TPP Collector's Edition Strategy Guide) -- In the concept art section, Kojima states the weapon was cut after it disrupted the difficulty balance after several play-test sessions. Datamined voice files from Ocelot suggest it could switch posture to address travel and combat situations similar to Walker Gear.
  • PS4/Steam-branded cardboard boxes (Gamescon 2014 gameplay)
  • Animals and Unique NPCs roaming on Mother Base (E3 2014 gameplay)
  • Missing Delivery Point Invoice Locations in Afghanistan/Africa (TPP Strategy Guide Physical Map)
  • "Paz in Quiet's Naked Attire" -- Some speculated this might have story implications, but I think it simply would've function as an alternate attire for your buddy in a similar fashion to the Sniper Wolf variant. "[Peace] & Quiet..."
  • [PENDING] Various DLC Costumes -- Datamined details from stuff that appears to gradually being rolled out for downloadable consumption. Some have wondered whether the "burnt skeleton" and "Skull Face" apparitions from the launch trailer would appear as optional masks down the road.
What I'm getting from this, is that if they let Kojima do his thing for another year or two, it probably would of been an absolutely complete games with no gaps?


So I just finished the game, watched the "secret ending" and all cut content, as well as completed the Paz side story.

Real fuckin shame...game would have really hit some crazy high notes if the Medic reveal as well as Paz's reveal somehow linked together.

I'm more upset than anything else. The concepts didn't meet the execution, narrative-wise. Gameplay was good, but I come to MGS for the story, and it was thin this time around.

Also I felt really disconnected and pretty empty throughout the entire thing. I couldn't connect to it. Oh well.

Solid gameplay/sound/whatever but I wish I got Kojima's true vision...


[*]Unused Skull Face Interactions (alternate costume attire) -- Speculated to have been a part of either a trimmed boss battle or the character being deployable as a unique character in MGO3.

I actually think it'd be more plausible for those to be from a cut forced walking section; where Skull Face would be a NPC which the player could interact with, but not harm, similar to Ocelot.

What I'm getting from this, is that if they let Kojima do his thing for another year or two, it probably would of been an absolutely complete games with no gaps?

Most games could have used a year or two more. The full scope of the game could never have been realised, and giving him more money and time would probably have just resulted in feature creep - though a few more unique missions in Chapter 2 and maybe some changes in Mission 46 would have helped.

Regardless, MGSV in its current form will sell as well as it ever could have been reasonably expected to. The fatigue caused by dragging out the release for another year, or possibly more; would have done far more damage than cut or unfinished content ever could.
I actually think it'd be more plausible for those to be from a cut forced walking section; where Skull Face would be a NPC which the player could interact with, but not harm, similar to Ocelot.

Most games could have used a year or two more. The full scope of the game could never have been realised, and giving him more money and time would probably have just resulted in feature creep - though a few more unique missions in Chapter 2 and maybe some changes in Mission 46 would have helped.

Regardless, MGSV in its current form will sell as well as it ever could have been reasonably expected to. The fatigue caused by dragging out the release for another year, or possibly more; would have done far more damage than cut or unfinished content ever could.

Possibly yeah. But I do wish there we some things that get answered or whatever because it just feels like it kind of... just... ends. I dunno haha. Love the game, but yeah.


I wonder what Quiets reaction would be to finding out that Venom is not the legendary Big Boss.

Also how she'd have reacted to Solid Snake killing her boyfriend in MG1.


I wonder what Quiets reaction would be to finding out that Venom is not the legendary Big Boss.
She'd like him all the same. She formed a connection with Venom based on his intuitive trust in her. That would still be there.

Arnie said:
Also how she'd have reacted to Solid Snake killing her boyfriend in MG1.
Now this... She would probably try to murder Solid Snake.


Hipster Face, Skull Face's lesser-known cafe-dweller cousin.

The name Hipster Face made me snort real good.

Any easy way to find the timelines at the end of Truth?

Also, why were there two timelines? Or atleast, I recall one describing the stuff between 1984 and 1998 and one that goes up to MGS4 (2014).

Anyway, any place where those were transcribed?


[PENDING] Various DLC Costumes -- Datamined details from stuff that appears to gradually being rolled out for downloadable consumption. Some have wondered whether the "burnt skeleton" and "Skull Face" apparitions from the launch trailer would appear as optional masks down the road.
Not much of the outfit stuff is even a mystery anymore as they were revealed officially recently.

The only mysteries in that department are LIQUID being a playertype in a category that suggests he was going to be playable at one point (Or a buddy, OR he might end up in MGO).

And also the Big Boss corpse mask which no one even knew existed until the launch trailer, so that's kind of interesting for them to go to the effort to model something like that to show ONLY in the launch trailer but never appear anywhere in the game, though I guess since MGS3 Snake was revealed in that trailer it's probably going to be DLC and be reference to BB's remains after being defeated by Solid Snake, Skull face was just symbolism (probably inspired by the modelswaps people did in GZ) so I don't think he'll ever be DLC.

I do want to mention they also never officially revealed the Naked Snake Bandana/Head Option we saw in the launch trailer either, which seems weird since it was made to go with the MGS3 Sneaking suit.

Though it occurs to me that I now wonder if that means we have Eva and Boss head options in the pipeline since all the outfits go together and they modeled "Young" Big Boss's face atleast.
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