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Metal Gear Solid V SPOILER THREAD| [EXTR3ME] Such a lust for conclusion, T-WHHOOOO


So Quiet got burned alive and got the parasites that keep you sexy on the outside, even when your insides are all burned up.

And Skull Face didn't?

Also, shouldn't it be really hard to talk with burned up lungs?

Vocal cord parasites


So Quiet got burned alive and got the parasites that keep you sexy on the outside, even when your insides are all burned up.

And Skull Face didn't?

Also, shouldn't it be really hard to talk with burned up lungs?
I don't know, but Kojima taught us a valuable lesson.

It's not about how ugly you are on the inside.

It's about how sexy you are on the outside.


Gold Member
So Quiet got burned alive and got the parasites that keep you sexy on the outside, even when your insides are all burned up.

And Skull Face didn't?

Also, shouldn't it be really hard to talk with burned up lungs?

Different generations of parasites, I imagine. The tech must've advanced quite a bit, remember that Skull Face got fucked up long, long before Quiet.

He also wanted to keep the appearance, so he didn't want a proper skin. Similar to Miller rejecting any prothesis for his arm or leg, I suppose.

I don't know, but Kojima taught us a valuable lesson.

It's not about how ugly you are on the inside.

It's about how sexy you are on the outside.

Big Boss must think Huey is one sexy motherfucker then.


So Quiet got burned alive and got the parasites that keep you sexy on the outside, even when your insides are all burned up.

And Skull Face didn't?

Also, shouldn't it be really hard to talk with burned up lungs?

Shhhh, don't think too hard. This game had to have some boobs in it, silly things like plot coherency had no right to get in the way.


Skull Face actually says in his talk with Zero that he chose to keep his "broken visage" as a "reminder of what he lost."

Same reason that Kaz refuses to have bionic limbs. For him, the phantom pain helps him remember his lost brothers.
All this Metal Gear madness has led to me digging out my Wii U from retirement, buying a copy of Super Smash Bros. and setting up the homebrew channel in order to play MGS: Twin Snakes on my Wii U with my nice Pro Controller. Pity my save doesn't carry over, so no stealth camo or infinite ammo. It's strange going back to the first game seeing Psycho Mantis and Liquid together. My first thought was "hey, don't scold Mantis for killing Sigint, Liquid. He's your childhood friend and deserves better than your dismissive anger." Oh, Kojima, you and your retroactive connery. Still, it's nice to go back to the beginning and pick out new details in the context of post MGSV. Some work quite well, others not so much. Also, you know, Twin Snakes....... it's alright in my book.


So Skull Face asked the magical parasites he encountered as a child to heal up his insides but leave his skin scarred?

Got it.


Gold Member
All this Metal Gear madness has led to me digging out my Wii U from retirement, buying a copy of Super Smash Bros. and setting up the homebrew channel in order to play MGS: Twin Snakes on my Wii U with my nice Pro Controller. Pity my save doesn't carry over, so no stealth camo or infinite ammo. It's strange going back to the first game seeing Psycho Mantis and Liquid together. My first thought was "hey, don't scold Mantis for killing Sigint, Liquid. He's your childhood friend and deserves better than your dismissive anger." Oh, Kojima, you and your retroactive connery. Still, it's nice to go back to the beginning and pick out new details in the context of post MGSV. Some work quite well, others not so much. Also, you know, Twin Snakes....... it's alright in my book.

....but Ocelot killed the DARPA Chief, not Mantis... Mantis was unable to read his mind.

So Skull Face asked the magical parasites he encountered as a child to heal up his insides but leave his skin scarred?

Got it.



So Skull Face asked the magical parasites he encountered as a child to heal up his insides but leave his skin scarred?

Got it.
He cured his insides so he can live, but he kept his outer disfigurement as a reminder of how he had been wronged. It serves as his motivation.

It's a coherent plot reason. I mean, we know the -real- reason why Quiet looks sexy is Kojima likes pretty girls. But the plot reason for Skull Face is fine.


Mantis and Liquid's relationship is one I can believe.

I can see Liquid not giving a shit about Mantis, but keeping him around for his usefulness. And I can see Mantis only really having one friend in Liquid, so sticking around with him.

Maybe Liquid used Mantis to possess Ocelot. Hmm.

He cured his insides so he can live, but he kept his outer disfigurement as a reminder of how he had been wronged. It serves as his motivation.

It's a coherent plot reason. I mean, we know the -real- reason why Quiet looks sexy is Kojima likes pretty girls. But the plot reason for Skull Face is fine.

I'm more wondering how he can manipulate the parasites to that level of nuance, especially when his scarring took place as a child.


Just rediscovered the tape with Ocelot plainly saying everything that had occurred with the parasites, XOF, and Sahalenthropus was already being buried and forgotten like it never happened. I like V well enough, but Peace Walker's original 'MGS5' moniker fits better than this game managed.
So Skull Face asked the magical parasites he encountered as a child to heal up his insides but leave his skin scarred?

Got it.

I mean.... It's metal gear.

Modern day > future game = lol nano machines son.

Anything earlier = lol parasites son.

That's basically all you need to know.
....but Ocelot killed the DARPA Chief, not Mantis... Mantis was unable to read his mind.

Oh yeah, crap, you're right. I can't even play attention to the details any more and I only played it a short while ago. Still, Mantis got quite the downgrade. From being able to control a giant Metal Gear and now the poor guy can't even read some dude's mind. Witcher 3 ain't got nothing on MGS1 Mantis.


Just rediscovered the tape with Ocelot plainly saying everything that had occurred with the parasites, XOF, and Sahalenthropus was already being buried and forgotten like it never happened. I like V well enough, but Peace Walker's original 'MGS5' moniker fits better than this game managed.
Honestly, I don't think of this game as MGS5. I think of it as MGSV, the "V" standing for "Venom." And that doesn't diminish it in any way. It's just that the series was already complete when MGS4 wrapped the timeline. Everything since has been a side story in my eyes. And that's fine.


I'm more wondering how he can manipulate the parasites to that level of nuance, especially when his scarring took place as a child.
Skull Face doesn't "manipulate" the parasites. He's not actively controlling them. Scientists applied them to him, and that was that. An older generation of parasites from when he was a child, applied to his internal organs to form a symbiotic relationship that supports his vital functions. His epidermis (or lack thereof) was left untouched. He acknowledges he could've had it fixed later (suggesting the procedure improved) but he chose not to for personal reasons.

Again, I totally agree it's a double standard to make the parasite girl hot, and the parasite man not. But the plot reason works well enough for me.


Because that's what it is. PW was MGS5.
I go with their final titles, not the working titles they might've had in production. It's fine if you choose otherwise.

For me, the numbered installments are MG1, MG2, MGS, MGS2, MGS3 and MGS4. Together, they tell a functionally complete story.

PO, PW and MGSV are side stories in my eyes. MGSV being Venom's tale. One last look into an MGS secret.
So Skull Face asked the magical parasites he encountered as a child to heal up his insides but leave his skin scarred?

Got it.

It's like going to a hairdressers. "Yes, I'll have the full body heal, inside but not out. I want to keep my face as it is. Yes, yes, I needed to be reminded of my skull for a face by keeping my face as a skull. Oh, but I'll have shaved back and sides please. Thank you magical parasites."

I imagine had he chose a different career path, Skull Face could have been a great stand-up comedian. I can see a HBO special somewhere down the line.


It's like going to a hairdressers. "Yes, I'll have the full body heal, inside but not out. I want to keep my face as it is. Yes, yes, I needed to be reminded of my skull for a face by keeping my face as a skull. Oh, but I'll have shaved back and sides please. Thank you magical parasites."

I imagine had he chose a different career path, Skull Face could have been a great stand-up comedian. I can see a HBO special somewhere down the line.
I can picture Skull Face being an informercial salesman or motivational speaker with all of his hand gestures.
I can picture Skull Face being an informercial salesman or motivational speaker with all of his hand gestures.

Whatever his career choice, I know co-workers would hate car pooling with him. Those awkward silences after he rants about Obama trying to take his guns away from him. Soooo uncomfortable.


Gold Member
I can picture Skull Face being an informercial salesman or motivational speaker with all of his hand gestures.

Skull Face at an AA meeting..

"My name is Skull Face and I have a lust... FOR REVENGEEEEE!"

Skull Face the motivational speaker at a salesmen convention..

"Who can sell me this pen? WHOOOOOOOOOOOO"
I'm walking around motherbase as a female soldier and this one solider salutes me and say "Boss! Whoever you are, I'll always follow you." or something like that. Thought it was interesting.
I'm walking around motherbase as a female soldier and this one solider salutes me and say "Boss! Whoever you are, I'll always follow you." or something like that. Thought it was interesting.
Yes, it makes no sense

The soldiers on MB should have no idea it's not Big Boss because that scene where Venom finds out hasn't happened yet.


Mantis and Liquid's relationship is one I can believe.

I can see Liquid not giving a shit about Mantis, but keeping him around for his usefulness. And I can see Mantis only really having one friend in Liquid, so sticking around with him.

I wouldn't think Liquid could come out of V being completely apathetic towards Mantis; but at the same time, there's not really any grounds to believe they had much of a personal connection - Mantis may not have said a single word to him before they parted ways. And considering the ways in which they'd interacted in the past, it'd make sense for Liquid to still view him as more of a tool than a person decades later, despite him seemingly saving him of his own will.

The original title of MGS2 was 'Metal Gear Solid III', and the logo would use the New York skyline for the 'III'. Kojima wanted to skip a number to confuse fans.

Between that and the original cut of Arsenal Gear crashing into New York, it's amazing just how awkward MGS2 would have been if it had met its initial release window and came out immediately before 9/11.

Still, it's nice to go back to the beginning and pick out new details in the context of post MGSV. Some work quite well, others not so much. Also, you know, Twin Snakes....... it's alright in my book.




Junior Member
So I've been really thinking about why this game disappointed me so much a lot the last couple of weeks (like the nerd I am) and I think I've been able to figure it out. At first I hated the Venom twist, then I hated the story in general, but what it all really came down to was the game didn't surprise me at all.

-The body double theory has been around for a couple of years now and I knew a lot of details surrounding it. So when I finally saw the twist for myself I couldn't believe that a fan theory turned out to be true. I refused to believe Kojima would have the twist that easy to figure out so that's why I ignored all the signs that you were a body double in the game.

-99% of the cutscenes were in trailers. Man I'm so bummed out by this. I know Kojima is bad for spoiling a lot in his trailers and I told myself the whole time the game was so big that I'm not seeing much. Turns out I was wrong and every time a cutscene ran I knew exactly what would happen. And from these trailers me, like many other fans, try to theorize what the plot would be. Turned out none of us were right and we got the most straightforward plot imaginable. Also all of the new characters were shown in the first e3 trailer.

-All the buddies were shown pre launch. Once again I was sure there was more since they showed them all pre launch and once again I was wrong. All of the buddies were shown in depth and all their gameplay "secrets" were given away in demos.

-The two locations were shown pre launch. I always figured that there would only be Africa and Afghanistan as open world spaces but I was convinced there would be other standalone levels like Camp Omega.

-All of the interesting late game unlocks were shown pre launch. So before the game came out we knew about the different arms (rocket, stun, and hand of jehuty) and things like the wormholes and the active decoys. There were no other neat late game unlocks besides those and they were all shown in demos.

I've been following MGSV closely since it was first unveiled as Ground Zeroes 3 years ago. I've watched all the trailers, demos, interviews, etc. Any piece of news I could get my hands on I got a hold of. And it turned out I was severely punished for this. There was little to no surprises in the game for me at all. You could say this was my fault for following the game this closely but really it comes down to this game being announced way too early and KojiPro being stretched out for material to show off. This is probably the most disappointed I've ever been with a game. It really makes me step away from hype culture in general.

Anyway sorry for the long post but I think I finally pinpointed the reasons for my dislike of the game and I wanted to get it down :p


Mantis and Liquid's relationship is one I can believe.

I can see Liquid not giving a shit about Mantis, but keeping him around for his usefulness. And I can see Mantis only really having one friend in Liquid, so sticking around with him.

Maybe Liquid used Mantis to possess Ocelot. Hmm.

I wouldn't think Liquid could come out of V being completely apathetic towards Mantis; but at the same time, there's not really any grounds to believe they had much of a personal connection - Mantis may not have said a single word to him before they parted ways. And considering the ways in which they'd interacted in the past, it'd make sense for Liquid to still view him as more of a tool than a person decades later, despite him seemingly saving him of his own will.

That's another relationship that we could've gotten more out of. I think both of your views are pretty valid, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it was presented like Liquid cared, but was too busy focused on "Muh vengeance and recessive genes". Pls Japan just localize those novels so we can know the truth.

The Adder

So we can all agree that the moral of this game series' story is "Don't feel bad about sexing your step mom, Hal. Your father totally deserved to die."

Because seriously, fuck Huey.


Gold Member
I'm walking around motherbase as a female soldier and this one solider salutes me and say "Boss! Whoever you are, I'll always follow you." or something like that. Thought it was interesting.

If by interesting you mean "sloppy", then yeah.

The MB staff's comments don't change if you walk around as a random Diamond Dog soldier.

In fact regarding that specific comment, MB staff isn't even supposed to know that Venom is NOT Big Boss at that point. It makes no sense.
If by interesting you mean "sloppy", then yeah.

The MB staff's comments don't change if you walk around as a random Diamond Dog soldier.

In fact regarding that specific comment, MB staff isn't even supposed to know that Venom is NOT Big Boss at that point. It makes no sense.
I think they are supposed to be speaking to you the player, not the character in the game.
Reading through the complaints, one things hits me. I am so glad I didn't bother with hardly any trailers. So much of the disappoint is predicated on the promise of these fantastic trailers. Watching them in retrospect, they spoil a ridiculous amount of plot, promise a game that doesn't exist and just generally outright lie about MGSV's content. As I've got older, I've binned my hype train golden ticket and, now, I'm just content to stand on the platform and watch the passengers burn the train to the ground. I've earned my jaded cynicism. In time you'll earn yours, too.
So I've been really thinking about why this game disappointed me so much a lot the last couple of weeks (like the nerd I am) and I think I've been able to figure it out. At first I hated the Venom twist, then I hated the story in general, but what it all really came down to was the game didn't surprise me at all.

I can definitely empathize with this. Don't get me wrong, I think the game itself has major, major issues, but the fact that they showed every cutscene, every interesting new item, every buddy, both areas, every character, and all the new gameplay twists ahead of time definitely didn't help things.


Honestly, I don't think of this game as MGS5. I think of it as MGSV, the "V" standing for "Venom." And that doesn't diminish it in any way. It's just that the series was already complete when MGS4 wrapped the timeline. Everything since has been a side story in my eyes. And that's fine.

Yeah, the game makes this more than obvious when all is said and done, I'm just reflecting on how it added almost nothing to anything and then blatantly admits so in tapes. "Just in case it wasn't clear, NONE of this mattered." Sounds good, but holy shit.


I can definitely empathize with this. Don't get me wrong, I think the game itself has major, major issues, but the fact that they showed every cutscene, every interesting new item, every buddy, both areas, every character, and all the new gameplay twists ahead of time definitely didn't help things.

You have to wonder what was Kojima thinking. Usually when trailers spoil a lot of the story it's cause marketing doesn't understand the movie and what to show and what not. Kojima on the other hand, directed mostly all the trailers right? Edits them too right? He knew what he was doing and I have no clue as to whether it's because he didn't have much to show or he lost his damn mind.
You have to wonder what was Kojima thinking. Usually when trailers spoil a lot of the story it's cause marketing doesn't understand the movie and what to show and what not. Kojima on the other hand, directed mostly all the trailers right? Edits them too right? He knew what he was doing and I have no clue as to whether it's because he didn't have much to show or he lost his damn mind.

"I'll try to not make this last trailer too spoilery"

*shows Sahelanthropus transforming into its upright form, and using its whip sword thing*


"I'll try to not make this last trailer too spoilery"

*shows Sahelanthropus transforming into its upright form, and using its whip sword thing*

I'm so glad I decided against watching the launch trailer.

Sahelanthropus standing up in Mission 12 was maybe my one "Holy shit"/"Oh fuck" moment in the game, then when I completed Chapter 1 I went back to watch the launch trailer and realized Kojima had spoiled that.


So Quiet got burned alive and got the parasites that keep you sexy on the outside, even when your insides are all burned up.

And Skull Face didn't?

Also, shouldn't it be really hard to talk with burned up lungs?

Nooo you dont understand, Skullfaces treatment was a long time ago before wolbachia copulation from male to female existed and parasites then werent the parasites now.

Real talk tho she fell out the window so maybe that extinguished the flames? Skully got burned by hot oil, that is pretty hard ore


Junior Member
I'm so glad I decided against watching the launch trailer.

Sahelanthropus standing up in Mission 12 was maybe my one "Holy shit" moment in the game, then when I completed Chapter 1 I went back to watch the launch trailer and realized Kojima had spoiled that.

I was the exact same lol. That mission is my favorite just because it was the one time I was actually legit shook.


Gold Member
You have to wonder what was Kojima thinking. Usually when trailers spoil a lot of the story it's cause marketing doesn't understand the movie and what to show and what not. Kojima on the other hand, directed mostly all the trailers right? Edits them too right? He knew what he was doing and I have no clue as to whether it's because he didn't have much to show or he lost his damn mind.

I can't think of a single moment that DIDN'T get spoiled in a trailer somehow.
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