it means they're new and you haven't punched them in the face yet.
By that do you mean they haven't been assigned?
Or they haven't gave me a salute?
it means they're new and you haven't punched them in the face yet.
By that do you mean they haven't been assigned?
Or they haven't gave me a salute?
Yea I know which mission you are talking about. It sucked ass to have that immersion breaker.Facepalming at cliffhanger missions that have me reappear at the ACC helicopter or whatever it's called at the end only to reappear at whatever dangerous cliffhanger i was at in the next mission. What an immersion killer. ffs kojima.
I want to second that sentiment about returning to the ACC after completing every mission. This game's open world just isn't one you're going to want to explore for hours, soaking in the atmosphere. It's a big empty nothingness that creates space between the bases, nothing more. Ain't shit to find or experience out there, no RDR-style randomised events, no neat caves with hot quests inside; every interesting part of the world was created for a Main Op or a Side Op, and exploring them during your free time when the bases aren't so heavily populated and you don't have an objective is just... kind of a waste of time.
I ran out of Cassette Tapes to relieve the monotony hours ago, and having to constantly spur on D.Horse is too aggravating (fucking keep running you worthless gluebag). I find it much better to run the entire operation from the ACC and only set foot on the ground when I'm on a mission.
You'll need it forequip upgradeDD
I'm fucking loving this game so much.
It's incredible how little I care for most people problems with the game:
- Silent Venom Snake
- Sparse story during missions
Just finished Mission 11, and now I'm doing Mission 10.
By the way guys, I noticed my Side Ops are out of order, and there was a Side Op that I was going to do that is gone from the list.
Did I fuck up or will they return?
What is with sideops that I've already completed but get a blue dot to their side? They are checked for being completed but yet some of them are highlighted again and have the "new" blue dot.
I redid one of those missions and even got GMP for them. Hmmm.
I did the legendary gun Smith side op but still have no customization. Is there something I'm missing? There was no tutorial and I don't see it under customize.
I'm so excited for you. Shit starts getting really good a little after mission 10!I'm fucking loving this game so much.
It's incredible how little I care for most people problems with the game:
- Silent Venom Snake
- Sparse story during missions
Just finished Mission 11, and now I'm doing Mission 10.
By the way guys, I noticed my Side Ops are out of order, and there was a Side Op that I was going to do that is gone from the list.
Did I fuck up or will they return?
I find it a little annoying that you can't see mission objectives the first time you do a mission. It basically guarantees that you'll have to do everything at least twice.
Okay now i'm just really confused on the end game:is defeating Metal Gear Pacific Rim the actual end? I have more story missions and it says chapter 2 AFTER the credits with a tease of more story but now they just seem like harder versions of missions i've already done. Is the main game actually over now despite how oddly it ended? I'm already mad I jumped into the spoiler thread while the fuckin END credits were rolling only to get kojima'd and quickly noped out of there
Okay now i'm just really confused on the end game:is defeating Metal Gear Pacific Rim the actual end? I have more story missions and it says chapter 2 AFTER the credits with a tease of more story but now they just seem like harder versions of missions i've already done. Is the main game actually over now despite how oddly it ended? I'm already mad I jumped into the spoiler thread while the fuckin END credits were rolling only to get kojima'd and quickly noped out of there
Okay now i'm just really confused on the end game:is defeating Metal Gear Pacific Rim the actual end? I have more story missions and it says chapter 2 AFTER the credits with a tease of more story but now they just seem like harder versions of missions i've already done. Is the main game actually over now despite how oddly it ended? I'm already mad I jumped into the spoiler thread while the fuckin END credits were rolling only to get kojima'd and quickly noped out of there
I think it's fine but in disappointed. It would have been easy to explain with just some throw away dialog about the coma affecting his ability to speak or something stupid and it'd be a lot less of an issue.I an probably in the minority here but I think silent snake totally works and fits the character after the events of peacewalker/ground zeroes. His longest line of dialogue at the start of V is something likewhich sold me on the character's silence from then on. It also doesn't hurt this is by far the best Metal Gear from a gameplay standpoint.TELL ME WHAT TO DO KAZ LIKE YOU USED TO
Yeah, it's how ive been going from mission to mission instead of running halfway across the map. Sometimes I find my self in the mood to ride DHorse to the location and throw on some music or listen to some new story tapes I got and the option is there.m, but mostly I just hit the ACC and drop right into the next mission.Any reason not to just hit 'Return to ACC' whenever you decide you need to travel far, rather than call the chopper and wait? As long as you didn't do anything important after a checkpoint it's fine, right?
Any reason not to just hit 'Return to ACC' whenever you decide you need to travel far, rather than call the chopper and wait? As long as you didn't do anything important after a checkpoint it's fine, right?
Any reason not to just hit 'Return to ACC' whenever you decide you need to travel far, rather than call the chopper and wait? As long as you didn't do anything important after a checkpoint it's fine, right?
This is 100% true and incredibly awesome.I had no interest in Metal Gear Solid until I just saw Brad Shoemaker's tweet about D-Dog,he said you could outfit the dog with a sneaking suit and a knife. And the dog will stab people for you.
If this is true, I must play this game.
I had no interest in Metal Gear Solid until I just saw Brad Shoemaker's tweet about D-Dog,he said you could outfit the dog with a sneaking suit and a knife. And the dog will stab people for you.
If this is true, I must play this game.
I did the legendary gunsmith sideop, but how do I access it? Can't find anything new in the menus either. Menus in this game are so complicated sometimes.
Trying to do EXTREME mission forand it's hard as fuck. One shot killquiet
Ah. I've done so much shit in this game I must've completely spaced out during that. Lol. Thank you.There are two more, if you notice Kaz tells you that it wasn't him but his apprentice or something like that.
Are there any tips for using Quiet as a buddy? I know you have to manually send her to each base/outpost to get in position but my main qualm with her is that her initial weapons don't have suppressors so the moment she takes a shot it alerts the entire base. It's super annoying because she automatically takes a shot the moment a guard is alerted to you even if it's possible for you to CQC him before he raises an alarm.
I also realized while typing this and using gender pronouns that although you can use female soldiers in the field, all of the enemy guards are male.
Is there any way to unlock missions at the end besides theextreme versions?
They seem to unlock randomly, some after missions, some after side ops. I'm mainly trying to unlock mission 4. Can I avoid doing3.extreme metal archaea? I straight up loathe it
Hang back. Let them all focus on her before moving in. It's okay for them to be alerted to her, as it's not tied to you. They'll be so focused on the sniper picking them off they won't notice the man coming up behind them with a ticket for a free balloon ride.Are there any tips for using Quiet as a buddy? I know you have to manually send her to each base/outpost to get in position but my main qualm with her is that her initial weapons don't have suppressors so the moment she takes a shot it alerts the entire base. It's super annoying because she automatically takes a shot the moment a guard is alerted to you even if it's possible for you to CQC him before he raises an alarm.
I also realized while typing this and using gender pronouns that although you can use female soldiers in the field, all of the enemy guards are male.
Is there any way to unlock missions at the end besides theextreme versions?
They seem to unlock randomly, some after missions, some after side ops. I'm mainly trying to unlock mission 4. Can I avoid doing3.extreme metal archaea? I straight up loathe it
My new buddy that won't leave me alone.