If anyone has any tips for episode 31, it'd be greatly appreciated.
I always die just as I get near the end - when Mantis appears, I should shoot him?
Do I get to recruit Quiet in a mission/side op? I heard some guards chatting about a naked woman near a Power Plant so should I go there myself and not wait for some mission to pop up?
d-dog "keep them busy" is also a really good way to keep them still while you line up an easy headshot from a close distance
from my experience, during the daytime if people see you out in the open with the sneaking suit they...can see you from VERY far away. So yeah.
Cardboard boxes and only trying to go out at night have been my workarounds. I don't care about the damage resistance but the quieter footsteps are amazing for holdups.
Does the speaker function on the idroid (and playing music from the helicopter) actually serve a purpose?
Does the speaker function on the idroid (and playing music from the helicopter) actually serve a purpose?
I haven't tried this, but others have, and I recall them saying it's because MGO isn't online yet, so there's no database to access anything from.
Wait til next month.
Also IIRC the SP content doesn't even work if the servers down. Bit of a pain. And iDroid is slower if you're connected online.
MGS donkey takes no shit from nobody.Edit: Apparently animals can get afraid of DD? He spooked some donkey... and then got ran over by said donkey.
Quiet just killed A+ soldier that I was trying to capture....
Yea this is shit.
Despite regularly using combat deployment to take care of helmet, shield and body armour as soon as they pop up (the pop up every hour and take half an hour to finish, so I have like 30 mins before they pop up again wtf) the enemies are still wearing them and have them in abundance.
Something's wrong.
I have two questions.
First, is changing the color and emblem the only options to customize Mother Base ?
Second, I can't findon Mother Base. Spoilertagged character was seen in the gamescom gameplay demo.Emmerich
Edit: I have a third question, when do I get headgear ? I am now over 20 hours in with all 4 buddies and still have nothing to equip on that slot.
MGS donkey takes no shit from nobody.
Does the speaker function on the idroid (and playing music from the helicopter) actually serve a purpose?
Yea this is shit.
Despite regularly using combat deployment to take care of helmet, shield and body armour as soon as they pop up (the pop up every hour and take half an hour to finish, so I have like 30 mins before they pop up again wtf) the enemies are still wearing them and have them in abundance.
Something's wrong.
So can anyone tell me how to actually get Quiet to do things once she becomes a buddy? I have her on a mission with me but I can't actually get her to do anything.
So can anyone tell me how to actually get Quiet to do things once she becomes a buddy? I have her on a mission with me but I can't actually get her to do anything.
Yeah, I was wondering that too. There are two options for me,I don't know what the second option does.[/SPOILER]Kill and Quiet.
Okay, so is the battle dress supposed to have the noise dampening properties of the sneaking suit? I could swear I could move crouched as fast as possible behind the enemies without them hearing with it, can't do the same with the battle dress.
It doesn't say that in the Battle Dress's information field.
It does say that in the Sneaking Suit information field.
So no.
Only thePost mission 31 spoilers:Ocelot says I can deploy the battle gear with my combat unit but I don't see how? Do I just select a dispatch mission that requires a vehicle?
I now know, however, that you can call off the chopper from the Buddy Support menu. Sigh.
Question about rank.
Can I still get S rank and have 1 or 2 kills in my mission? Or does it have to be 0 kills?
They really made killing more enjoyable and easier in this game + I still dont have a sniper tranquilizer + Silencer so i use my other silenced weapons which kill
I've killed tons of people and blew stuff up..still got s ranks. It's really nice, you can sabotage equipment..just dont get caught!
Considering how unnecessarily complex the menus in this game are it's not like you'll do that quickly.
I seriously sometimes have a hard time finding an option and it's really odd that some options like customize are only available in the chopper for no good reason. Also having to confirm lots of things over and over is a bit tedious.
WTF is it with Japanese developers having no grasp of user interface design?
Oh, you're right lol. Wonder why I thought it would.
Gonna stick with the sneaking suit, then.
wow awesome! This opens up many playstyles and playthroughs now!
What's with some side ops still marked as light color even though they also show that I've completed them? Is it because I missed something or didn't do a good enough job or what? I understand that for the MB training missions as there you can improve your time if you want but what about normal side ops?
Do you think there's a prize for finishing the game without killing people? I mean, it wouldn't make sense since the game saves your score and you can have S rank with dead enemies.
Because I love being a hero but sometimes I would like to try some Rambo-style kills.
Is it actually possible to do mission 8 without missiles? Those tanks are tough. Luckily my R&D department got to the right level in the middle of the mission and I was able to get them through a supply drop. I went in thinking C4 and a grenade launcher would be enough, but nope
Thanks. Guess I'm going to blow up something tonight!This stuff is definitely on a mission-by-mission basis. You get rewarded with emblems and maybe trophies/achievements for not killing anyone in many missions but in terms of gameplay rewards or ranks, don't worry about it. You're free to go Rambo-style as much as you want. Each mission is isolated and closed-off, basically.
Pfff, I am not dancing to your tune, Kojima.
(Chapter 11)I put Quiet on the helicopter and then proceeding to go for Emmerich, wondering why the helicopter wouldn't leave. I left the hot zone of foot and was slightly amused when Big Boss apparently decided to walk back to helicopter to travel with her :,D Just force us to come with the helicopter if you want it to happen.
Also: I was hyped when I was suddenly attacked by a sniper and the episode screen popped up. However the fight was a lot less epic that what people here described. I had my tranq sniper with me. Shot her, whereupon she ran, thanks to D-Dog tagging her shortly after I shot her again and this five times until I got her. It was strangely uneventful.
It was especially hillarious because I turned a simple camp raid accidently in a bloody mess due sheer incompetence a few minutes back.