I played none of the extreme missions and still progressed the story. I just roamed and did side ops.
Thank God
I played none of the extreme missions and still progressed the story. I just roamed and did side ops.
Can you actually killOr did just waste my time developing a tranq sniper for no reason?quiet?
Yes, what i mean is that that was a bad way to use spoilers.The "Visit Quiet" side-op. It's in Chapter 1.
I have GZ and TPP installed. Played GZ on release. Played MGS, MGS2, MGS4, but none of the Big Boss instalments.
Would you recommend I get myself up to speed? I know the major plot points, but I'm tempted to watch some of the cutscene compilations if this game relies on previous knowledge for impact often.
I want to have the best experience possible (playing the BB games is not an option, unfortunately).
I'm thinking of getting this, but how reliant is the game on the shittastic base building and soldier recruiting from Peace Walker? Is it a huge part of the game/gameplay?
You'd be very hard pressed to ignore it and have an alright time progressing. I let the MB sort itself out after i futon enemies and it seemed to work fine however. But you'll need to fulton like crazy if you want the staff to get good upgrades
It's essential, it's part of the upgrade progression system.
I'm thinking of getting this, but how reliant is the game on the shittastic base building and soldier recruiting from Peace Walker? Is it a huge part of the game/gameplay?
I don't think it counts if quite raises an alarm, neither does it counts towards your score if she kills someone on her own (cover fire).
Hang back. Let them all focus on her before moving in. It's okay for them to be alerted to her, as it's not tied to you. They'll be so focused on the sniper picking them off they won't notice the man coming up behind them with a ticket for a free balloon ride.
But my strategy is to Fulton literally everyone and fire the crappy soldiers later in most cases so perhaps you won't find that advice so useful.
Anyone? About to start GZ, I'd like to know if the other stuff would make it much better or not. Thanks.
Well if alerts by her don't count against your score then I guess maybe I need to play differently with her, where it's OK to alert the base and then take them out from behind. In fact it's probably a good idea in that situation to put her directly into attack mode right before I start my attack.
If you repeat a mission and do the 100% of the tasks -which is weir there's no way to know early before the miss finishes-, it will bring you someting else? or it's just for fun/complete as much as you can?
If you repeat a mission and do the 100% of the tasks -which is weir there's no way to know early before the miss finishes-, it will bring you someting else? or it's just for fun/complete as much as you can?
There's an achievement for doing every single task in the game, and if you do all of the tasks for a mission it will give you an emblem part.
Well if alerts by her don't count against your score then I guess maybe I need to play differently with her, where it's OK to alert the base and then take them out from behind. In fact it's probably a good idea in that situation to put her directly into attack mode right before I start my attack.
I'm at 11, there is certainly some occasional conflict between "Snake" and Miller. Two notable examples so far that I've noticed. I air quoted Snake because, it's really up to you as the player to take Miller's advice or leave it for some objectives, and it's up to the individual player whether they consider their in-game actions canon.Miller basically decides everything for you, which is hilarious. BB is a gun and Miller points him at whatever he wants.
I've not once heard BB interrupt Miller and tell him something along the lines of, "no, we need to do X differently." You'd figure that would happen since BB is supposed to be this mastermind behind OH/Zanzibarland once MGS5 finishes and we get to MG1+MG2's timeline. But he's a brooding quiet mansoldier.
Sutherland really feels like he's phoning it in. It also sounds like he and the other maincast VOs weren't in the same room during recording sessions because his energy is always so flat. That and he mispronounces unfamiliar words right after Miller says it, sometimes! ("Hamid" is one word I've noticed this happening.)
I'm really waiting for the plot to pick up and for BB to make some of his own calls because it's been really annoying being Miller's lapdog this entire time. I get that all of this is probably narrative hooks for the game's open world design, but I feel it really could've been done in a better way that could make BB a participant in plot decisions.
EDIT: Yes, I'm listening to all of the tapes. I just finished main mission 6. 16 hours total time.
So why do these wandering soldiers run like that? lol
One of them ran and tripped onto a mine and I failed the side ops...meh
Is there any way to upgrade your suppressor, or you just unlock better ones as you progress?
So why do these wandering soldiers run like that? lol
One of them ran and tripped onto a mine and I failed the side ops...meh
you can grind side ops, like 3 side ops + 1 replay mission apperently.Is there any way to unlock missions at the end besides theextreme versions?
They seem to unlock randomly, some after missions, some after side ops. I'm mainly trying to unlock mission 4. Can I avoid doing3.extreme metal archaea? I straight up loathe it
Do I get to recruit Quiet in a mission/side op? I heard some guards chatting about a naked woman near a Power Plant so should I go there myself and not wait for some mission to pop up?
They're affected by.the skulls
Did my 1st wandering soldier side op. That mofo laid my ass out cold even with I tried to put him down with a stun arm attack
So why do these wandering soldiers run like that? lol
One of them ran and tripped onto a mine and I failed the side ops...meh
Has anyone else been completely screwed over by the checkpoints? I was running around my Mother Base and doing one of the target trials and accidentally fell. Seriously wiped out over an hour of progress. And when it reloaded, I didn't have any of the upgrades I had done, lost the GMP I had spent developing weapons, suits, and equipment. Why on earth was it not saving any of what I was doing? Do I really have to go to ACC after I do anything to ensure that I don't lose progress? If so, that's terrible.
Quiet just killed A+ soldier that I was trying to capture....
I know I have done most of them already, I have a tranq sniper and I can shoot them from far away with no issues.Only way is to sneak without them seeing u, and headshot with a tranqui.
Actually you don't even need to do anything. Just hide in the box and sneak to him. Eventually he will notice and salute you, then you can fulton him.
Only way is to sneak without them seeing u, and headshot with a tranqui.
Only way is to sneak without them seeing u, and headshot with a tranqui.
Curious to see this video..but...any spoilers in it? Cause that's a no go for me.
Curious to see this video..but...any spoilers in it? Cause that's a no go for me.
Got a question regarding the suits you use, looking at the sneaking suit it provides quieter footsteps and looking at any other suit they give you camo for the enviorment... does this mean that the sneaking suit doesnt give camouflage for the enviorment ?