I think he meant that the chopper picks you up and drops you in real time with no loadings. There is this hidden fast travel feature.
Thanks, I should have guessed it would be something ridiculous. Love this game so much.
I think he meant that the chopper picks you up and drops you in real time with no loadings. There is this hidden fast travel feature.
I haven't been following the thread too closely out of fear of spoilers, so bear with me if this has already been answered. I just got my copy of the game and i'm getting an error trying to redeem the MGO additional content code, it says it's no longer valid. Am i correct in assuming the code doesn't work because MGO hasn't launched yet, or should i be able to redeem it already? The game was sealed and the code for the Sp content worked.
Learn to just hit pause and choose 'Return to the ACC' the instant you start feeling bored by the open world.
Last night I had the most fun I've ever had with the game (almost on Episode 20) and that's because every time I was getting board I just used the 'Return to the ACC' command and did something else. It became so much more focused and awesome, like no filler.
I'd recommend everyone do this.
Secretly hoping for Danger Zone and Mighty Wings. I might have to end up adding the Top Gun soundtrack myself.The game better have Careless Whisper or else I will be sad
Can you learn how to spoiler tag pleaseOmg, just beat Hellbound. That was too intense.
I'm loving the game so far.
How about you.Can you learn how to spoiler tag please
Thanks for this.![]()
How about you.
When interrogating some soviet early in the game he says 'our specialist is posted here' and the map should be updated. But it never is, there's no new markers.
What's up with that? Am I missing something?
When interrogating some soviet early in the game he says 'our specialist is posted here' and the map should be updated. But it never is, there's no new markers.
What's up with that? Am I missing something?
One "ending" and then the true ending. There is a bunch of additional story after the first ending to view the true ending. I would say the post "ending" story is the best part of the game.
3(Technically 2 but you'll understand when you get the game)
Secretly hoping for Danger Zone and Mighty Wings. I might have to end up adding the Top Gun soundtrack myself.
look on the map, he'll have a little yellow mark in the corner of his icon.
the soundtrack is amazing so far a lot of the songs I know .
Do I need to scan them first though? Or should a new triangle appear?
Do I need to scan them first though? Or should a new triangle appear?
Also, I found Tears for Fears.
whaaaaa? is there a chance someone would miss the true ending then? or does the game clearly and heavily imply to do something additional after the one ending?
I sure hope i steal a tape with Invisible Touch on it!
Also, I found Tears for Fears.
either way.
You'll get the triangle, they tag them for you. Just look on your iDroid map and pan across the base until you see a little yellow dot. It'll be next to an orange triangle. Place your own marker on the orange triangle and go get the guy.
So I developed thelast night and took it for a spin on a side op.first tranquilliser sniper rifle
TBH I'm not really sure I'm using it correctly. I though the whole point is to be able toso I give away my position every time I use it.snipe enemies to sleep from distance in order to clear a base undetected yet the rifle isn't silenced
If that's the case what would be the recommended way to use it? I need a.silencer
Do the legendary gunsmith side op, you'll unlock weapon customization and add a silencer to any of your sniper rifles.So I developed thelast night and took it for a spin on a side op.first tranquilliser sniper rifle
TBH I'm not really sure I'm using it correctly. I though the whole point is to be able toso I give away my position every time I use it.snipe enemies to sleep from distance in order to clear a base undetected yet the rifle isn't silenced
If that's the case what would be the recommended way to use it? I need a.silencer
Well, the late game stuff gives you more than a few already finished story missions but on a higher difficulty, good thing is that when you beat one you unlock another story based one. Basically it's the only shitty thing in the game because they are locking progress of the story behind this, like PW(Peace Walker)
Well, the late game stuff gives you more than a few already finished story missions but on a higher difficulty, good thing is that when you beat one you unlock another story based one. Basically it's the only shitty thing in the game because they are locking progress of the story behind this, like PW(Peace Walker)
Dear god, I didn't realize how long I was going to be playing this game this week. I already played 41 hours and I haven't even done main mission 20 yet. I really get sidetracked exploring at doing side ops. Already did 60 of the side ops.
Still loving the game though.
Dude the next step along on the development tree is the silenced version.
Make sure you look closely at the development tree before you plan your purchases. I have the tranq rifle but I haven't equipped it once. I'll be doing so once I have the silenced version.
Do the legendary gunsmith side op, you'll unlock weapon customization and add a silencer to any of your sniper rifles.
So I developed thelast night and took it for a spin on a side op.first tranquilliser sniper rifle
TBH I'm not really sure I'm using it correctly. I though the whole point is to be able toso I give away my position every time I use it.snipe enemies to sleep from distance in order to clear a base undetected yet the rifle isn't silenced
If that's the case what would be the recommended way to use it? I need a.silencer
I just finished a side-op where right at the start while I was scouting things out the AI driving a truck ran over another soldier and then the entire command post went on alert because of "evidence of hostile activity".
I didn't play any of those retread missions and still got the true ending. Just look for the yellow dot in the missions/side ops and it progresses the story towards the true ending. If you don't see any yellow just play a few side ops or go to mother base and it should trigger the next story sequence.
Cool. Guess I'll work towards unlocking that then. I'll pop this rifle on the back burner for now and use it sparingly.
It's one of the first side ops in the new location you unlock. After story missionNice. When does that side op open up?
that dude must be a Skull in disguise if he can dodge that.![]()
"Thanks for that, Boss!"
She... er, she died. Hand hit her and she fell into the sea lol.Damn I need a cybernetics expert/specialist
it means they're new and you haven't punched them in the face yet.What does the little blue dot flashing next to your staffs name mean?
Got a question about a sideop. It says "recover the Stun Arm blueprint". but I already researched the Stun Arm. Is the blueprint for some sort of further upgrade? Or did something bug out and give me a research I shouldn't have yet?
WellThat's damn good, more people should know. I didn't know you could play side ops to unlock the story missions.