How do I go offline? Can't stand the loading time for the iDroid.
Well first it wasn't closer to MGS1, it was something on its own and secondly, way too linear...really?After all these years, I now think MGS2 is a master piece in mindfuckery.
Not what people were expecting after MGS1, but still. Amazing
People rate MGS3 so high because it was closer to MGS1, but I felt it way too linear
I wont even talk about MGS4.
Peace Walker was a fun game for the PSP
MGS V is the extension of that concept to eleven and it's extremely fun.
Complete a wandering soldier Side-Op, then head back to med bay. Go up the stairs in front of you, head left. Door will be open.
Just visit your Medical strut every now and again. Look for a room you can enter. ok.
Is there some kind of requirement to get it or do I justexplore the Medical Struts on MB?
Alright, thank yougrind side ops or do the hard mode missions.
check you don't have any new missions calledthe truth
Eh, it's still pretty tasteless and I would say his handling of it is rather poor and exploitative.I'm not going to defend it much, but war criminals systematically do worse things on a daily basis in the real world.
This stuff is covered widely and frequently in prose fiction (in far deeper detail, too). Why can't it be covered in a video-game?
Well they technically have two teams til December, wonder if Konami sees the DLC $$$ in that.Gameplay feature:. This will be the end of me.gun customisation
I'll spoiler my response because I haven't finished the game myself, and don't actually know the specifics of the content, but the non-spoiler explanation I got regarding this topic is thatapparently a fairly prominent narrative arc is not completely resolved by the end despite obvious expectations that it would be. The bonus disk that comes with the CE has Kojima explore what was essential a final act involving a new area, boss fights, and narrative that was never finished but aimed to bring full closure to the aforementioned arc. The reason for it being cut was likely due to time/budget and the absence of this within the game could be a sore spot upon completion.
One more question about Quiet: how do you actually get her to move to a different location/scout a specific spot? Or do I need a certain buddy level for that?
Well they technically have two teams til December, wonder if Konami sees the DLC $$$ in that.
It's the equivalent of setting your clock forward with The End. It's still not as enjoyable as that fight, but it's pretty fun depending on what you use.
How do I go offline? Can't stand the loading time for the iDroid.
Complete a wandering soldier Side-Op, then head back to med bay. Go up the stairs in front of you, head left. Door will be open.
How do I go offline? Can't stand the loading time for the iDroid.
Alright, thank you
Eh, it's still pretty tasteless and I would say his handling of it is rather poor and exploitative.
I can definitely appreciate that. I felt the way they directed it made it abundantly clear how terrible it was. As such, I wouldn't call it tasteless. It was horrible, and abrasive, but the game wasn't just throwing this grim thing out there without consideration or ramifications. It was highlighting just how barbarous exploitative warfare like this can be. It made you feel that. That's the point. They didn't treat it lightly (which would have been tasteless).
How does saving work in this? Can I quit the game mid mission and just resume from where I was?
Yeah I don't see what's exploitative about it at all. It's not like the game came withadvertised on the front cover. It's a disturbing action by a disturbing character.VAGINA BOMBS!
Gameplay feature:. This will be the end of me.gun customization
It's the equivalent of setting your clock forward with The End. It's still not as enjoyable as that fight, but it's pretty fun depending on what you use.
Be careful. It only saves when you get a yellow spinning circle in the top left. It saves whenever you:
> reach a physical checkpoint (enter/leave a base zone)
> complete a mission
> auto-shuffle your staff (I think messing with them prompts a save)
> send combat unit on a deployment
If you quit the game, you will physically be knocked back to the last actual checkpoint. The last place you stood when you entered/left an area.
If you quit the game after an hour of progress after your last checkpoint, you will lose everything you've done. Every Fulton. Every bit of weapon/item development.
However, if you prompt a save by messing with Mother Base or Combat Unit, you will still physically go back to your checkpoint, but you will keep your Fultons/developments.
Yeah I'd also like some clarification if (Mission 11 spoilers).Taking down Quiet lethally in that boss fight actually kills her. I also stumbled across it (though I was looking for her thinking she'd be at the power plant because some Russian guards were talking about her) but I aborted the mission afterwards because I wanted to do the main story missions I'd skipped over first
Yeah I'd also like some clarification if (Mission 11 spoilers).Taking down Quiet lethally in that boss fight actually kills her. I also stumbled across it (though I was looking for her thinking she'd be at the power plant because some Russian guards were talking about her) but I aborted the mission afterwards because I wanted to do the main story missions I'd skipped over first
Does anyone know if outposts that you clear will eventually be repopulated with enemies?
You might want to spoiler-tag'VAGINA BOMBS!'
A lot of people didn't play GZ
I've cleared a few and I think they only get repopulated if you go back to MB or the chopper.Does anyone know if outposts that you clear will eventually be repopulated with enemies?
Gameplay feature:. This will be the end of me.gun customisation
What chapter does the med bay open up? I just completed episode 6.
I can definitely appreciate that. I felt the way they directed it made it abundantly clear how terrible it was. As such, I wouldn't call it tasteless. It was horrible, and abrasive, but the game wasn't just throwing this grim thing out there without consideration or ramifications. It was highlighting just how barbarous exploitative warfare like this can be. It made you feel that. That's the point. They didn't treat it lightly (which would have been tasteless).
It's done solely for shock value. It's like he watched MI3 and was trying to figure out how he could out-do the hidden-bomb-in-head. Especially when you take into consideration the fact that Paz was 17 (and portrayed very sexually despite that), having aYeah I don't see what's exploitative about it at all. It's not like the game came withadvertised on the front cover. It's a disturbing action by a disturbing character.VAGINA BOMBS!
Stuck on Side Ops 63 -Unlucky Dog 03
Questioned every guard, secured the airfield, searched every nook and cranny that I could and I still cannot find both the staff member and prisoner. I'm afraid that this mission might be bugged.
What chapter does the med bay open up? I just completed episode 6.
Bah, the checkpoint system punishes you for killing friendly soldiers?
Completed a Target Practice exercise, and then went around my Mother Base pod collecting diamonds. An NPC soldier got in my way, so I CQC'd him.... right over a railing and into the water below. Got a game over screen, and the checkpoint put me back before the Side Op I had just finished. Have to do that and all the diamond collecting again? Fuck your karma system, Hideo!
That was tedious as hell. Now, to S those main missions..
About Quiet.
I'm on mission30 and I still don't have her at my base. Can I go the entire game without unlocking her? lol
Cool, thanks for the answers
The medical platform unlocks after episode 7, I just did it last night.
How is that even possible? She's mission 11 which is on the way to mission 12 which has to be done to progress. The only thing I can think of is you ignored her when she did show up? Either way you're very far past the point where you typically acquire her.