Question abou meeting Quiet :
Is it supposed to be a random encounter? Was just following the road to an important side ops and she started shooting me.
It's done solely for shock value. It's like he watched MI3 and was trying to figure out how he could out-do the hidden-bomb-in-head. Especially when you take into consideration the fact that Paz was 17 (and portrayed very sexually despite that), having awas just unnecessary and cheap, hence why I feel it's exploitative. Sexual violence is on a whole other level to the typical action movie violence and it wasn't handled maturely, shown by the fact that it was used for cheap thrills.bomb in her vagina
by waterfall near mansion , if you've played a certain mech game, you'll have guessed the reward by nowAnyway, does anyone know where the (side op 49)is?Legendary Ibis
I'll tag it because you asked, but we should really not have to tag previous game spoilers. It is expected of the player to know what happened before the med bay scene, hence the mindfuckery of the (apparent) counterfactual of it all.
Thank you! I noticed the save circle thing but I wasn't sure about where I would continue from.
The equivalent to that would be shooting End when you see him before.
Man this is why MGS3 was so good, there were so many ways to defeat the End on it's own, shoot his parrot or hold him up etc. Or the prison escape where you had so many ways to even exit the cell and then escape.
These choices remained everywhere else in the game with everything you do, it was so branched like choices branched off to another set of choices. This is lacking in MGS5, sure you have the choice of going wherever and go stealth, panther (lethal but silent) or commando but not really a lot apart from that.
So uh how do you move Quiet around on PC? She gravitates to the first command post and sits there until it's cleared out. Kind of annoying for the quick side ops.
I'm not saying theIt's actually very clever in that totally fucked up way. Why would people look forafter all? And it might never occur to someone to look there in the first place. It really shows (along with the other tapes) that for Skullface any means justifies his end. I thought Ground Zeroes as a whole did a great job setting up Skullface as a legitimate, threatening villain.a second bomb
Alright, thanksby waterfall near mansion , if you've played a certain mech game, you'll have guessed the reward by now
Almost done with main story...little over 40% completion.I think there are things like that in this game. They're not as tightly designed as examples like that in MGS3, but there are definitely long-term decisions and short-cuts you can take in MGSV. How far are you through?
what side op?Question abou meeting Quiet :
Is it supposed to be a random encounter? Was just following the road to an important side ops and she started shooting me.
[10]Mission 10
I feel incredibly stupid : (
I spent the last 2 days on this mission. I could get the 2 prisoners out of their building but I could never find the guy you are supposed to get for the mission (Malak).
I spent hours and hours on this mission, just trying to get the location from an enemy and I kept dying like an idiot.
I eventually got pissed and just restart and realized I had been going the wrong way.
prisoner location spoilerThe guy is right where you start and IN THE BACK OF A FUCKING JEEP! ARRRRGH.
I just sprinted right there in a sandstorm, ran away and did the whole mission in maybe 5 minutes.
Keep playing. On your way to that side OP, you'll be tracked down![]()
I was checking but it actually disappeared from my list after encountering her. Has something to do with meeting someonewhat side op?
What the fuck
Mission.. I think 13, spoilers:I have to tail the interpreter to find someone called Viscount, but he's not moving. He interrogated two or three prisoners (last one being a girl, I think, who said they should at least talk to the Viscount), then he started wandering around aimlessly.
Now he's standing in a goddamn hut, staring at a wall, with his buddy. Restart?
Just had that cutscene with know which one I am talking about.
I don't think it's really a spoiler statingis in the game. I've only tagged his name so I don't catch the wrath next. I see everyone's mentioning Quiet as a companion openly around here, and I'd argue that's more unexpected if you're going in blind.Huey
This is absolutely true. For example my Motherbase is maxed out at capacity because I can't expand. That's because the requirements to upgrade the base are insane, partially due to almost all the base upgrades require Fuel. At least four upgrades require Fuel. What the fuck. Where the hell does the game expect me to get 18,000 in Fuel three times over?
The game outright expects you to do the FOB stuff and cough up money to Konami. I have no clue how the reviewers didn't catch how absolutely grindy this game is.
I'm not saying thewas bad, as that falls within the realm of standard action movie violence and you're right, the surprise of it shows how devious the person who put it there was. But putting it in hersecond bomb.vagina takes that to sexual violence which is much, much harder to digest than action violence and is also very difficult to portray in a non exploitative manner
It's done solely for shock value. It's like he watched MI3 and was trying to figure out how he could out-do the hidden-bomb-in-head. Especially when you take into consideration the fact that Paz was 17 (and portrayed very sexually despite that), having awas just unnecessary and cheap, hence why I feel it's exploitative. Sexual violence is on a whole other level to the typical action movie violence and it wasn't handled maturely, shown by the fact that it was used for cheap thrills.bomb in her vagina
Feel like I'm way behind most of you guys. I've played a few hours every night since launch and just finished mission 5 last night. I guess I just take way too long to complete missions.
Also I kind of get caught up at the end of a session screwing around on mother base and punching dudes and throwing empty magazines at their heads.
thanksI was checking but it actually disappeared from my list after encountering her. Has something to do with meeting someoneif I remember a power plant
Might've been 10 main apart for you they were a couple of hours apart for me.Raining?
this scene shat on the whole game for me. Not even talking about the fan service approach, but salt water kills Quiet apparently, so wtf is up with the rain water? Surely that's got to have some level of salt content right? These scenes are about 10 minutes apart too and it's not the only part of those scenes that doesn't line up. This is where everything just started falling apart in my opinion.
Just had that cutscene with know which one I am talking about.
I can't praise it enough - the writing is so intelligent
That was tedious as hell. Now, to S those main missions..
this scene shat on the whole game for me. Not even talking about the fan service approach, but salt water kills Quiet apparently, so wtf is up with the rain water? Surely that's got to have some level of salt content right? These scenes are about 10 minutes apart too and it's not the only part of those scenes that doesn't line up. This is where everything just started falling apart in my opinion.
I was worried about mission 8 since I didn't have any rockets or missiles and I didn't trust my skills to use c-4 in close. Why in world did they recommend the explosives at all when - mission spoilerthere is a giant damned rocket truck parked a quarter mile from the target. I mean, there is no way to miss it. I jumped in, dumped a single salvo into the targets and finished the mission in minutes.
I was avoiding that mission for a long time.
Finally got weapon customization. Does anybody know how to get a better suppressor? So far all my weapons have low durability.
Mission 11
i have no idea how your guys beat quiet with a tranq pistol. I had trouble getting her with a Sniper because she'd take off once I got close enough to even see her. Ya'll are crazy.
Mission 11
i have no idea how your guys beat quiet with a tranq pistol. I had trouble getting her with a Sniper because she'd take off once I got close enough to even see her. Ya'll are crazy.
Finally got weapon customization. Does anybody know how to get a better suppressor? So far all my weapons have low durability.
Might've been 10 main apart for you they were a couple of hours apart for me.
Also rain water is not salty, unless there's salt or impurity in the air which only happens near industries.