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Metroid Other M |OT| You're Not Supposed to Remember Him

I am the only one who thinks this is one of the first times that the world was done considering normal human beings or other races could live in it, and not like the rest of metroid games where the whole world seem to be made just for samus to patrol?

All the stairs, the rooms that look like real scifi rooms with the furniture and how all its placed...
For example, the transport horizontal things, that are clearly a tribute to the ones you use in Zero Mission, here they are design as platforms above the natural areas so the scientists could use to go form one place of the room to another studing the animals.
Or all the places where samus can go with the morphball, are like rails, vents or natural holes, but they seem to be there for a real purpose besides samus using them as passageways (air vents, pass of fluids, transport of garbage...). There are even rooms for the people to sleep, restrooms, rest area...

Even if games like prime had better design, Othe m beats them in trying to be a real world.


D-Pad said:
Thank you to whoever said to let there be invisible check points. The
hornet queen
boss was hard, and I only had half a tank of health left. I'm about to pick up again from the save room after, but I just want to say that so far, I am impressed with everything but the music. Atmospheric, yes, but nowhere near the awesomeness of Corruption.
King Kihunter
* :p


SpacePirate Ridley said:
All the stairs, the rooms that look like real scifi rooms with the furniture and how all its placed...
For example, the transport horizontal things, that are clearly a tribute to the ones you use in Zero Mission, here they are design as platforms above the natural areas so the scientists could use to go form one place of the room to another studing the animals.
Or all the places where samus can go with the morphball, are like rails, vents or natural holes, but they seem to be there for a real purpose besides samus using them as passageways (air vents, pass of fluids, transport of garbage...). There are even rooms for the people to sleep, restrooms, rest area...

Even if games like prime had better design, Othe m beats them in trying to be a real world.
This right here. This is a detail mostly overlooked.

While I really admire the art direction of the Prime games, I think Prime 1 and Other M capture the sense of a living, breathing quarters overrun by "extraterrestrial" forces to create some sort of futuristic ruins. It's like when you saw Phendrana Drifts for the first time and saw the "watchtower" temple completely covered in snow, and upon entering you are naturally greeted with an antechamber and a ceremonial statue in the center. Other M captures the whole human side of the "lab" aspect, almost as if Fusion's setting was fully fleshed out. I will admit that some corridors reminiscently remind me of Metal Gear Solid, but that's only because it consists of steel corridors and some rather sparse concrete tainted with rust, then you end up in an engine room of sorts with heavy machinery, infected by ferrocious bugs. It's clearly an area which is off-limits to a few and shows little maintenance.
Wren said:
My biggest complaint with Other M is that it seemingly assumed you read the manga. In fact seeing as the main purpose of the story was to explore some of the major events in Samus' past in order to flesh her out as a character, I'm baffled as to why they didn't focus what happens in the game around what happened in the manga. Instead were stuck with a bunch of ho-hum flashbacks regarding her brief time in the galactic federation and her feelings towards some ex commander. Now I didn't think the story was bad by any means I just feel as though they really should have elaborated a bit more regarding some of the events that transpired.

For example I didn't find out about the manga until after I beat the game. So the first time I came across the now infamous
Ridley scene I was completely baffled at Samus' reaction. To me Ridley was nothing more than a recurring boss that appeared in a majority of Metroid games due to fan service. Not some seemingly un-killable nightmare from her past that decimated her planet and killed her parents. Had they at least touched on that I would have understood what they were aiming for when they made that scene. It wouldn't have been how I envisioned Samus all these years, but her reaction would have at least made some sense. Instead all I saw was Samus, a women who had just recently committed genocide, freaking out over seeing the same space dinosaur that shes blown away in every game so far no sweat.

Plus the manga touches on things that seem really important to address in at least one of the games. How she gets her suit, her relationship with the Chozo, and the Origins of Mother Brain to name a few. Not to mention that in turn raises questions that if elaborated upon could create a far more interesting plot than the overused
conspiracy and biological weapons
storyline they decided to go with. How does the federation react to an individual running around with superior alien technology? What happens to the Chozo between her getting the suit and going off to do her own thing? How does she go about becoming a bounty hunter, does she ever actually collect bounty? Any of these things would have made a better story in my opinion.

Other M just seems like such a missed opportunity. Samus apparently already has a detailed backstory, and this would have been the perfect time to either show or elaborate upon it.

Also apparently Ridley talks? I know it would probably give people aneurysms but I would love to see some Samus/Ridley banter.

Im thinking, the could have done an special edition of the game (or icluded with all the game) with the two volumes of the manga.
And the Ridley talk... well im not against, in the manga he is one of the best nintendo villians ever, but i dont how that would work in the game and not feel stupid. But if they could pull it through, it would be awesome.
sfried said:
This right here. This is a detail mostly overlooked.

While I really admire the art direction of the Prime games, I think Prime 1 and Other M capture the sense of a living, breathing quarters overrun by "extraterrestrial" forces to create some sort of futuristic ruins. It's like when you saw Phendrana Drifts for the first time and saw the "watchtower" temple completely covered in snow, and upon entering you are naturally greeted with an antechamber and a ceremonial statue in the center. Other M captures the whole human side of the "lab" aspect, almost as if Fusion's setting was fully fleshed out. I will admit that some corridors reminiscently remind me of Metal Gear Solid, but that's only because it consists of steel corridors and some rather sparse concrete tainted with rust, then you end up in an engine room of sorts with heavy machinery, infected by ferrocious bugs. It's clearly an area which is off-limits to a few and shows little maintenance.

Yeack, the incenration room, the boilers, the garbage disposal, the living quarters...
The bottleship was design like a real living and fuctional space station.


I could see Ridley talking if it was a completely different language. Otherwise, nah.

But it's a touchy subject, better leave things as they are.

Though in Other M he is probably a teenager that doesn't have a clue about what's going on. :lol

Van Owen

I just got the epilogue ending and wasn't finished collecting
. Is that bad? I can still unlock all the art and stuff, right?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Put a few more hours in tonight, slowly working my way through. Still liking the gameplay and cutscene direction, still hating Samus' monologue. Also, I'm still working through the Biosphere, just finished the giant room with the trees and the four legged flipping mini-boss, and I have to ask: does it ever get less linear at all?

Van Owen

Yeah, I just saw it started me at the beginning again. Wasn't expecting
that last fight.
Figured it would only trigger when you got 100%. :lol


The_Technomancer said:
Put a few more hours in tonight, slowly working my way through. Still liking the gameplay and cutscene direction, still hating Samus' monologue. Also, I'm still working through the Biosphere, just finished the giant room with the trees and the four legged flipping mini-boss, and I have to ask: does it ever get less linear at all?
Yes but by then it might be too late...


heringer said:
I could see Ridley talking if it was a completely different language. Otherwise, nah.

But it's a touchy subject, better leave things as they are.

Though in Other M he is probably a teenager that doesn't have a clue about what's going on. :lol

I read somewhere that there is an implication that Ridley has genetic memory, which is why he took such an interest in Samus while in his other forms.


The_Technomancer said:
Put a few more hours in tonight, slowly working my way through. Still liking the gameplay and cutscene direction, still hating Samus' monologue. Also, I'm still working through the Biosphere, just finished the giant room with the trees and the four legged flipping mini-boss, and I have to ask: does it ever get less linear at all?

Not really, the entire game just felt like going from one room to the next, all of it perfectly laid out so that you couldn't really ever get stuck. Pretty much my biggest complaint about the game aside from the complete lack of music.


I'm at the
Madeline Bergman
boss fight and I'm not sure what to do. I'm stuck in this chaotic boss fight in First-Person mode with
a bunch of big ass alien bugs rushing at me from all sides. I fired a missile at the first bug that got in my face and it backed off, but what do I do after that ? It doesn't look like the charged beam shot will be of any use given how fast the big bugs move an surround me on all sides (plus the inability to move in FPS only makes things trickier). I also tried firing normal beam shots but they don't seem to have any effect at all and before I know it, I see the game over screen

Any tips ?


Ramirez said:
Not really, the entire game just felt like going from one room to the next, all of it perfectly laid out so that you couldn't really ever get stuck. Pretty much my biggest complaint about the game aside from the complete lack of music.
That's an odd thing to complain about :lol

(yes I know Metroid is the only series that doesn't do that and not having it here is a mild disapointment. It's still a pretty well designed map)

Hiltz said:
I'm at the
Madeline Bergman
boss fight and I'm not sure what to do. I'm stuck in this chaotic boss fight in First-Person mode with
a bunch of big ass alien bugs rushing at me from all sides. I fired a missile at the first bug that got in my face and it backed off, but what do I do after that ? It doesn't look like the charged beam shot will be of any use given how fast the big bugs move an surround me on all sides (plus the inability to move in FPS only makes things trickier)

Any tips ?
Point to the center of the room.
To Mellisa
John Harker said:
You had to try and die in the Prime games. At least here, despite the awesome dodge move, enemies actually pack a bit of a punch. Combined with the fact that enemies don't drop health or items, you have to prepare sometimes before going into unknown areas. And there are a spattering of instant kill places that keep you on your toes. What you lose in exploration over Prime, in my opinion, you gain in tension.

I died 4 times. This game is way, way easier than any of the Prime games.


the game is pretty easy (at least on normal), especially when you learn to tappa tappa tappa.

I would say it's on par with corruption for difficulty.


Leondexter said:
I died 4 times. This game is way, way easier than any of the Prime games.

Prime 2 is definitely harder but I'd say Prime 3 is easier and the original prime is around the same.


Thanks for the help! Funny how something that seemed so hard turns out to be ridiculously easy.

Just beat the game. I actually really liked the gameplay and story. Although, the the whole
MB thing felt like something out of a Resident Evil game
. I'd love to see another Metroid title done in this fashion but with improvements made to it of course.

Sakamoto, next time, do without the detective and over the shoulder modes and don't make things so subtle! They didn't help.

Two thumbs up. Wait, one thumb down... if you know what I mean. :D

Only managed to find 51% of the items.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Boney said:
The combat gets hard, but I guess I won't be able to convince you.
it kind of never really did.

I just finished, and a lot of it was mash d-pad until two attack animations finish then let go of charge beam, then either finish them off with a finisher move or jump on top for an overblast.

so yeah, finished the game. haven't done any post credits shenanigans yet.


Rez said:
it kind of never really did.

I just finished, and a lot of it was mash d-pad until two attack animations finish then let go of charge beam, then either finish them off with a finisher move or jump on top for an overblast.

so yeah, finished the game. haven't done any post credits shenanigans yet.
I was talking about hard mode...

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
it would help if I read the quote stream, I guess


No additional functions
tomjenkins said:
Has anyone heard about what Team Ninja is planning next? Are they going to make another Metroid game, or pass the gauntlet on to a new dev?
At E3 there was a Ninja Gaiden game announced for 3DS. No information was given that I know of, it just showed up on a list of games coming out for it. IIRC Hayashi directed Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword so it makes sense that they might head to 3DS next.

Threi said:
accidentally beat the
extended playthrough
, they went out of their way to please metroid fanboys there (which i'm not so it didn't really phase me either way), and yet it is the least discussed aspect of the game. Rather interesting. Shows what the priorities are for these so-called "fans".
This threads been moving so fast you probably missed it, but the end section has been discussed quite a bit. I think everyone pretty much finds that section the redeeming part of the game. The funny thing is, there's very little use of first person perspective, there's very little talking done by Samus and there are no "Where's Waldo" moments. It seems like everyone has admitted the flaws, but they just want to look over them now. That's fine, but it doesn't change the fact that they are there and the entire game could have and should have been as good as the end section. I hope Sakamoto and Team Ninja take a second chance at getting the formula right. It has a lot of potential and it would be a shame if we are never able to see what could have been.


No additional functions
I asked this a few pages back and I never saw if it was answered. How has the reception been for this game in Japan? I saw a YouTube video of some dude destroying his game. I'm curious why Sakamoto didn't take a Monster Hunter 3 approach and make the game use the classic controller. It seems like they're pretty popular over there and it's almost the same controller used on Super Metroid. It's not that much more complicated than holding the Wii Remote like an NES pad. Maybe next time.
Boney said:
The combat gets hard, but I guess I won't be able to convince you.

I can believe it's harder, but I doubt it would be any more satisfying. But what I was responding to was a claim that this game is harder than the Prime games. I disagree. It certainly should be, since there are no health powerups. But it isn't. Actually, maybe that's a good thing. The combat system is so over-automated, I think it would take a large degree of cheapness to make it hard. I think a classic controller with a dedicated dodge button, grab button, and missile button would go a long way to making this a great Metroid game. A potentially even better game would be a complete overhaul with nunchuck movement and pointer aiming.


Neo Member
I mean Nintendo had the vision, but Retro had the means to make a great, GREAT product. Nintendo would have produced their own Metroid game if they really could.

But Retro got the challenge, were told to fix things and did manage to produce something remarkable. All they needed was a little nudge. Great artistry and design. The credit has to go to Retro. They handled the challenge extremely well.

I'll never forget reading the credits all the way through and realizing that even Retro knew they created something awesome.
MadOdorMachine said:
I asked this a few pages back and I never saw if it was answered. How has the reception been for this game in Japan? I saw a YouTube video of some dude destroying his game. I'm curious why Sakamoto didn't take a Monster Hunter 3 approach and make the game use the classic controller. It seems like they're pretty popular over there and it's almost the same controller used on Super Metroid. It's not that much more complicated than holding the Wii Remote like an NES pad. Maybe next time.
Well, I was in Akiba after its release and nobody seemed to care about it, but um, that's pretty normal for Metroid.

MK2 is like a reader review aggregate site that can give some insight into how the nerdcore otaku are reacting. Right now MK2 has it sitting at a C so far, compare to an A for Metroid Prime, a C for Metroid Prime 2, an A for Metroid Prime 3, a B for Metroid: Zero Mission, a B for Metroid Fusion, a B for Metroid Prime Hunters, and a D for Dragon Quest 9 (included for being funny).

Ultimately I would say that Japan doesn't give a fuck, as usual for the Metroid series. We'll know when the MC numbers come out, but I really wouldn't expect much. Metroid is as big a franchise here in Japan as like, Etrian Odyssey is in NA.


No additional functions
Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, I was in Akiba after its release and nobody seemed to care about it, but um, that's pretty normal for Metroid.

MK2 is like a reader review aggregate site that can give some insight into how the nerdcore otaku are reacting. Right now MK2 has it sitting at a C so far, compare to an A for Metroid Prime, a C for Metroid Prime 2, an A for Metroid Prime 3, a B for Metroid: Zero Mission, a B for Metroid Fusion, a B for Metroid Prime Hunters, and a D for Dragon Quest 9 (included for being funny).

Ultimately I would say that Japan doesn't give a fuck, as usual for the Metroid series. We'll know when the MC numbers come out, but I really wouldn't expect much. Metroid is as big a franchise here in Japan as like, Etrian Odyssey is in NA.
Thanks man. If Other M has an average of C, would you say most peoples reactions are similar to over here? It seems like a fair grade to me, but people over here writing reviews do seem to be apologists giving the game a more positive spin. Also, it may be more popular in the west than in Japan, but there are a lot more popular series over here. Do you think if they would have including a classic controller with it, it would have helped the marketing in Japan?


Junior Member
Don't know if this has been posted yet, but somebody at Nintendo or Team Ninja needs to explain themselves:



RedSwirl said:
Don't know if this has been posted yet, but somebody at Nintendo or Team Ninja needs to explain themselves:


There was a long (and very pointless) discussion about this when the image was first released. In the end what does it matter?
sphinx said:
The one time I paid full price for a game that lasted around 12 hours was Prince of Persia: Sands of time and while the quality of the game made me not regret the purchase, it did feel like I didn't get enough bang for my buck.

I stand by my statement: I am not paying $49.99 for a 12 hours game, period.
How the hell did you take 12 hours to finish Sands of Time?!? That game was generally lambasted for being an oh so short (but incredibly sweet) ~7 hour game! :p

I'm actually quite suprised by how long Other M is though - in game clock says I took 10:30 hours and ~45% items to finish it the first time, but the Wii dashboard counts it at about 14 hours. Absolutely loved the game though. The cookie cutter anime stuff was okay (I was expecting some really bad shit after reading some reviews) but the gameplay was just so much fun. Dodge->charge shot->instant missile is pretty much the rule throughout the entire game and it was so satisfying. It's great that they shook up the formula for this installation, and I really do hope that Team Ninja stick around for the sequel.

(I do find it odd that there was bearly a mention of TN - just a small logo at the end credits, not the usual fancy splash screen at the start of the game like so many other devs and games and also a tiny logo at the back of the PAL box.)

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
wackojackosnose said:
(I do find it odd that there was bearly a mention of TN - just a small logo at the end credits, not the usual fancy splash screen at the start of the game like so many other devs and games and also a tiny logo at the back of the PAL box.)
yeah, when I saw their logo at the end of the game I was like... oh yeah. them.

After playing through 97% of the game
beat the "first last boss" and watched the credits and am out collecting until I get tired of it and head to the "second last boss".
I have to say that anyone who rated this game poorly could not have actually finished the game because it just gets better and better as you go. The G4 review honestly makes me think they played the first hour and then made the review.


King Chozo said:
After playing through 97% of the game
beat the "first last boss" and watched the credits and am out collecting until I get tired of it and head to the "second last boss".
I have to say that anyone who rated this game poorly could not have actually finished the game because it just gets better and better as you go. The G4 review honestly makes me think they played the first hour and then made the review.

Well that's a lie as we all know it doesn't become sexist until near the end of the game.
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