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Metroid Prime 2 Echoes 1UP review - 8.5


WarPig said:
No, this would imply that I am swass, which I am not. Dougulus Kaien is swass, not me.

I maintain you're rather swass, particularly compared to certain hyper-choads. Either way, you've definately got a Posse on Broadway.



FnordChan said:
I maintain you're rather swass, particularly compared to certain hyper-choads. Either way, you've definately got a Posse on Broadway.

This is not possible. A Posse on Broadway requires five fellas, 22 freaks, and a Benzo. I have none of the above.



WarPig said:
This is not possible. A Posse on Broadway requires five fellas, 22 freaks, and a Benzo. I have none of the above.

Nonsense. Five fellas should be easy to round up, 22 freaks less so but still doable, you're rolling in your hooptie 'casue the Benz is in the shop. There's no reason for you not to have your very own Posse on Broadway.


Sho Nuff

Lemurnator said:
"David Smith, the biggest whining jackass to ever review a video game.

8.5 is probably the highest score he's ever given a game."

Is this true?

This is the equivalent to Lisa Simpson freaking out over getting a B+ in Gym.


is it true that 8.5 is the 5th highest score ever on 1up? Halo2 has the highest ever.

Suddenly it doesn't sound that bad..


paul777 said:
Backtracking is inevitable in hub world-based games. It happens in GTA, it happens in Zelda. The only way to get rid of it is to completely change that characteristic of the game into level-based. Problem is, Metroid is not a level-based game. Never has been, never will be.

How about adding the ability to teleport from one save point to another (as long as you have visited it before)? That way you can minimize the backtracking without removing it. I enjoyed Metroid Prime, but backtracking in 1st person is a lot slower and more boring than in the 2d games.


Matlock said:
Pfft, ruin a theme why don't ya?

Sue me.

Jigen wouldn't have anything to do with Phil's av anyway -- that's Hiromi Ouka from Aim for the Ace. And she shares some of the same traits of steely determination as Duke Togo.



i love backtracking... it's the reason i remember the older Metroids so well... they feel like home to me now. Metroid without backtracking is just Megaman.

As for Dual analog... yeah, i did feel constrained because i like to look around while i walk. There are awkward ways around it, because you can lock your angle and jump or move around while looking that way, but it's not as pleasant. however, considering the need to have access to all the thumb buttons instantly, i'm not sure there's a way around it


Jagernaut said:
How about adding the ability to teleport from one save point to another (as long as you have visited it before)? That way you can minimize the backtracking without removing it. I enjoyed Metroid Prime, but backtracking in 1st person is a lot slower and more boring than in the 2d games.

Actually, that's not a very bad idea. Maybe Retro will come up with something similiar for the next installment.


Project Midway said:

That's the funniest thing I've ever seen on a videogame forum! I actually *ahem* Laughed Out Loud!


GamerXL said:
That's the funniest thing I've ever seen on a videogame forum! I actually *ahem* Laughed Out Loud!

The full clip is even better with batman doging around nuns and pregnant women.


Screenboy said:
^The problem is that Retro have actually done the unimaginable by making a decent game out of a FPS game using the Metroid franchise.

Everyone wanted Retro to fail and even I had my doubts, but what they've done is create an amazing game with the Metroid franchise.

People can't accept it, won't accept it and stop other from doing so.

Nintendo in genral make good games, but it wasn't Nintendo that created this, it was Retro.

And next week, it will be mine :D .


Yeah, i know what your talking about. Remember when the first prime came out and almost every reviewer gave it substandard scores.

They just couldn't accept it and tried to stop others from doing so... wait, what?


After reading this thread, I have come to the following 4 conclusions:

Conclusion the First: Nintendo fans are mammals.
Conclusion the Second: Nintendo fans whine ALL THE TIME.
Conclusion the Third: The purpose of a Nintendo fan is to flip out and scream at people over the internet when real or imagined(mostly imagined) slights are "inflicted" upon their precious company.
Conclusion the Fourth: I won't be buying Metroid Prime 2. Mostly because I sold my gamecube today to finance some new games.


Raoul Duke said:
Conclusion the Fourth: I won't be buying Metroid Prime 2. Mostly because I sold my gamecube today to finance some new games.

Message the Fifth: You think you can buy "finance" more than one game with $40.


Well, there was the matter of the three extra controllers and four games that I traded in with it. Let me pick up Halo 2 and pay down the rest of what I'm gonna owe on KOTOR 2.

So in an odd way, my gamecube has given birth to beautiful children!


Raoul Duke said:
Conclusion the Third: The purpose of a Nintendo fan is to flip out and scream at people over the internet when real or imagined(mostly imagined) slights are "inflicted" upon their precious company.

This happens with fans of everything.


8.5 seems like a reasonable score for the game. Probably a bit too high for my tastes, if it doesn't change much from the original. Same goes to other games out there if they don't stray too far from the original *stares in Halo 2's and UYA's general directions*

The only game I'm really hyped for this year is KOTOR II. That's pretty much the last game. I feel can become my GOTY.


AniHawk said:
This happens with fans of everything.


thank you. No fan group is better or worse. It's the same.


SantaCruZer said:
thank you. No fan group is better or worse. It's the same.

Er.. not really. Nintendo fans are the most vocal group. Second, I'd say would be the Sega fanboys out there. Sega fanboys have long since hid in the background, mostly behind the Xbox since it's actually doing well (comparative to previous Sega efforts), and they can "pick on" another company/group of people who were once in their position. It's as if they feel they're paying everyone back for all the pain they caused when Sega was still "alive."


Nintendo fans are by far the worst. Xbox fanboys are rapidly catching up, it must be noted.

Honestly, has it ever occurred to you that maybe you'd be better off just enjoying each great game that came along and not giving a shit which system, developer or company was involved? Enjoy the finished product or don't, but don't be a fucking cheerleader for a videogame company. That's insane to me.
Raoul Duke said:
Nintendo fans are by far the worst. Xbox fanboys are rapidly catching up, it must be noted.

Honestly, has it ever occurred to you that maybe you'd be better off just enjoying each great game that came along and not giving a shit which system, developer or company was involved? Enjoy the finished product or don't, but don't be a fucking cheerleader for a videogame company. That's insane to me.

Post of the year.


Raoul Duke said:
Nintendo fans are by far the worst. Xbox fanboys are rapidly catching up, it must be noted.

Honestly, has it ever occurred to you that maybe you'd be better off just enjoying each great game that came along and not giving a shit which system, developer or company was involved? Enjoy the finished product or don't, but don't be a fucking cheerleader for a videogame company. That's insane to me.

I can't understand that, but I can understand people not wanting certain franchises/game series to die. I think a lot of Nintendo fans are looking at what happened to Sega, and feel that it would be a far worse thing to go third party than to limp along for how many more generations and hopefully experience the last and finest games of those series.

If Iwata makes good on his threat/promise to just go all out ala DBZ and spend the war chest to stay afloat/get back in instead of going third party, then great. But if they go third-party, Nintendo will still be extremely profit-minded, and will have to let many people go as their main source of income will be gone. This means truly half-assed Mario and Zelda games. I'm not talking Wind Waker or Mario Sunshine types, I'm talking Vexx or Spyro (now).


AniHawk said:
I can't understand that, but I can understand people not wanting certain franchises/game series to die. I think a lot of Nintendo fans are looking at what happened to Sega, and feel that it would be a far worse thing to go third party than to limp along for how many more generations and hopefully experience the last and finest games of those series.

If Iwata makes good on his threat/promise to just go all out ala DBZ and spend the war chest to stay afloat/get back in instead of going third party, then great. But if they go third-party, Nintendo will still be extremely profit-minded, and will have to let many people go as their main source of income will be gone. This means truly half-assed Mario and Zelda games. I'm not talking Wind Waker or Mario Sunshine types, I'm talking Vexx or Spyro (now).

exactly, That's what I am afraid. I was a HUGE Sega fan when I was a kid, I loved the Master System, I loved the Genesis, I loved Wonderboy etc. But damn SEGA is not what I remember them to be...I have a feeling that Nintendo is walking slowly the same path.

Their Mario and Zelda games have taken a small dive latley, and we don't need them to get worse. Nintendo needs to succed with their new Zelda.


I don't think Sega's turn to third-party was its downfall. Sega's games started sucking overall WAY before that happened. For all the hoopla and mindless raving about Sega's Dreamcast games, they sure did suck. Sure they were "quirky" or maybe even "innovative" to some small degree, but they weren't fun. Sega's sucky games on Dreamcast was just as much a part of the console's failure as any other component.


snapty00 said:
I don't think Sega's turn to third-party was its downfall. Sega's games started sucking overall WAY before that happened. For all the hoopla and mindless raving about Sega's Dreamcast games, they sure did suck. Sure they were "quirky" or maybe even "innovative" to some small degree, but they weren't fun. Sega's sucky games on Dreamcast was just as much a part of the console's failure as any other component.

I can't really name a sucky game Sega made for the Dreamcast except Illbleed, and I never played that title (oh, and Shenmue).

Even the Sonic Adventure games had some fucking great levels for Sonic/Tails/Shadow


sega's DC games werent sucky. they just ignored solid single player action/adventures ala RE, DMC etc. i mean where was shinobi, vectorman, another deep fear styled game? consoles need these to keep ppl interested. just arcade ports wont do.
most were arcade ports, which were decent to excellent, depending on your tastes.
one f*cking rpg (sigh), which was godly. ONE!!!
and then there were the single player quirky stuff like JGR, which were again decent to excellent, depending on your tastes.
but they tried, it was a lack of 3rd party stuff that killed it ultimately.


AniHawk said:
At least Capcom tried, though.
they tried with one game, and it sold well. RE:CV.
rest was a bunch of arcade ports of 2D fighters, which i loved, but those aint gonna sell systems. ppl were already lining up to buy DMC and Onimusha.
kinda ironic that DMC2 sucked and Onimusha lost its huge initial sales numbers.
this gen has been one puzzlement after another. never in my life i'd have thought GTA to be the biggest gaming franchise...hell i played GTA when it was a PC exlusive and didnt think much of it!!
It's weaker in a few areas and leaves some of its predecessor's flaws uncorrected. But it also shares many of its unique strengths, which are more than enough to justify seeing it through to the end.

OMG he says it's a good game, but he secretly doesn't and hates NINTENDO! Time to analyze the review to the smallest grammatical mistake to retroactively justify my love for the perfect game I haven't even played yet!

Come on people, he says it's a good game. If you liked Metroid Prime, you'll probably like this one.


hyperbolically metafictive
zombie revenge? floigan brothers? fighting vipers 2? crazy taxi 2? both of those godzilla games? and so on. there were plenty of shitty sega games on dreamcast. i maintain that their post-dreamcast output has been much better than their dreamcast output. though neither period holds up to their saturn/model 2/model 3 pomp.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I think it was a well written review. I believe he was in a camp that I do not belong too. Some of things he mentions here as flaws or hints at being flaws were in the first game, and I didn't consider them to be flaws (controls, backtracking, artifacts), etc. And he's obviously not pleased that these "flaws" weren't "corrected." But, he didn't butcher the game for still having these, uh, features.

A well written review from someone who probably greatly enjoyed Metroid Prime, but probably wasn't a gung-ho rabid addict like some of us are! ;p


SantaCruZer said:
exactly, That's what I am afraid. I was a HUGE Sega fan when I was a kid, I loved the Master System, I loved the Genesis, I loved Wonderboy etc. But damn SEGA is not what I remember them to be...I have a feeling that Nintendo is walking slowly the same path.

Their Mario and Zelda games have taken a small dive latley, and we don't need them to get worse. Nintendo needs to succed with their new Zelda.
See, I think you're missing my point.

When I think back about older games, that's just what I think about: the games. You're apparently held up about what system they were on. I loved Phantasy Star, not the Master System and Genny. I loved Super Mario 3, not the NES. And so on.

I think you would all be a lot better off if you would just let go of your tribal system associations and enjoy the games that come out on the systems. There's certainly enough good content coming out these days.

Well, that's it for me in this thread. I rarely post in the gaming forum these days, and to be brutally honest threads like this are a large part of the reason why.


Matlock said:
So it is, so it is. My apologies, I originally thought it was Fujiko.

Ah, but Hiromi's cat is named Goemon, so there is a connection after all!


Meanwhile, G13 would make one hell of a tennis coach. And Ochofujin would make a really great assassin.



drohne said:
zombie revenge?
Data East.
floigan brothers?
Visual Concepts, owned by Sega but then again not really the same as if it came from Sega of Japan.
fighting vipers 2?
OK, just another average Sega fighter but not terrible. Not released in the U.S. anyhow.
crazy taxi 2?
Hey, it wasn't that bad.
both of those godzilla games?
Not Sega, those were developed by General Entertainment.
there were plenty of shitty sega games on dreamcast.
That list don't qualify as plenty... ;)
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