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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Visor and Weapon Screens




Dark Visor

Dark Visor on

Echoes Visor

Echoes Visor On

Seeker Missiles




well not really...yet

hahhah what? Another laborious gimmick? Is this going to be used a lot during the game?


Wario64 said:
I think I lost interest in this game. Perhaps I'll pick it up when it goes cheap

What made that happen?
Did you enjoy the first?

I have a feeling this game will take a lot of people by suprise. It's been so low on the radar for so long and it doesn't look to pick up soon because of Nintendo's secrecy with it.


Looks sorta neat, I guess. It doesn't look as gray and dull as the demo version does. I might pick it up next year or when the price drops.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
olimario said:
I really would like to know why this game is getting such a poor response from GAF.

You've got me. Any Metroid game deserves <3 <3 <3
I can't wait.


It's because the first one scored so highly, and because Halo 2's coming out. And because it's not going to sell more than 700-800K copies during the holiday season.

Deku Tree

I liked the temporary hud I saw with the vertical energy tanks which individually faded away from top to bottom. WTF happened to that?


The interface is the best thing this game has going for it. That's the one thing that doesn't really need changing, I think.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
olimario said:
I really would like to know why this game is getting such a poor response from GAF.
I don't know. All I know is that I find it hard to get excited over it. I enjoyed the first well enough, and enjoyed the Echoes demo, but I'm really not anticipating the game. I know I'm a bit sick of the Metroid formula though. After Fusion and Prime, I really couldn't stand Zero Mission. It was boring, easy, uninspiring, and - I thought - downright flawed in some respects. I guess I'm just not really sure how Echoes is going to change any of that, outside of giving me a headache from using that new visor. I don't know. I'm just not feeling it, and I'd guess that's how others are as well.

I just finished Beyond Good & Evil, which I think has to shoot up to my favorite title of this generation of consoles. I'm looking for more fresh stuff like that. I'm likely going to wait and grab Echoes when it drops in price later as well. I'm sure it's great and I'd want to support Retro, but I just don't feel a desire to be playing it any time soon.


Dan said:
I don't know. All I know is that I find it hard to get excited over it. I enjoyed the first well enough, and enjoyed the Echoes demo, but I'm really not anticipating the game. I know I'm a bit sick of the Metroid formula though. After Fusion and Prime, I really couldn't stand Zero Mission. It was boring, easy, uninspiring, and - I thought - downright flawed in some respects. I guess I'm just not really sure how Echoes is going to change any of that, outside of giving me a headache from using that new visor. I don't know. I'm just not feeling it, and I'd guess that's how others are as well.

I just finished Beyond Good & Evil, which I think has to shoot up to my favorite title of this generation of consoles. I'm looking for more fresh stuff like that. I'm likely going to wait and grab Echoes when it drops in price later as well. I'm sure it's great and I'd want to support Retro, but I just don't feel a desire to be playing it any time soon.

I don't know how you can consider BG&E fresh or better than everything else this generation. It was pretty cut and paste action adventure with poor puzzles, poor combat, poor stealth sections, decent controls, and a great story.

I would say Prime is much more polished, much more fun, and much more original than BG&E.


Prime was a good game, but from these pics, it feels like the game isn't really going anywhere. Visor this, visor that, the whole fucking game revolves around these annoying visors.
I'm on board the train to Metroid Prime Echoes. The first one was fantastic and it's surprised me how low this game is flying. With all the shit surrounding Primes release, this seems to be almost unnoticed. It could definitely shock and awe on release. There's bound to be a lot of unrevealed stuff. The concept sounds pretty good to me.


i have a feeling this one's gonna bomb hard, the first one barely broke a million and im sure more than half those people bought it because of the hype and high scores. The rest were probably dissatisfied with the control scheme. I smell another N bomb coming, sadly and that's a shame because im sure it'll be a teriffic game.


miyuru said:
Prime was a good game, but from these pics, it feels like the game isn't really going anywhere. Visor this, visor that, the whole fucking game revolves around these annoying visors.
No shit. That was one of the weakest parts of the original (the emphasis on the visors and scanning), and it looks like they've just amplified that.

Maybe this is some sorta effort to appeal more to the Japanese, but that's a lost effort. They're not gonna buy this game no matter how good or bad it is.


Prime is the best game this gen far and away -- so needless to say, I am looking forward to this immensely.


Two years ago, Metroid Prime's screenshots and movies didn't get me excited and they don't do it now with Echoes. The big hype surrouding Prime can be contributed to lots of factors, but I wouldn't say that visuals was one of those, yet everyone will agree that Pime ended up being one of the most visually unique games this generation.

I'm not too excited about Echoes, because I know it'll rock and I'll buy it anyway. I feel the same way about Halo 2 and I don't see why everyone is riding the hype-train on that one, yet ignoring Echoes. It's probably because it's the only thing on Xbox worth getting excited about.
Coen said:
I'm not too excited about Echoes, because I know it'll rock and I'll buy it anyway. I feel the same way about Halo 2 and I don't see why everyone is riding the hype-train on that one, yet ignoring Echoes. It's probably because it's the only thing on Xbox worth getting excited about.

No. It's just the biggest one this year. Online play, LAN parties, DLC, co-op, and the super-secret storyline and how it ties into the three novels, first game, and even possibly the Marathon universe.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
olimario said:
I don't know how you can consider BG&E fresh or better than everything else this generation. It was pretty cut and paste action adventure with poor puzzles, poor combat, poor stealth sections, decent controls, and a great story.
I didn't say it was better than everything else this generation. I said it was my favorite. There's a difference, most notably that I could never possibly say what the best game is, as I haven't played them all, or even 1% of this generation.

How is it fresh? It's a new universe, a great story, excellent art direction and the gameplay blends many different things well: photography, combat, stealth, racing, etc.

As for combat: fighting multiple enemies was infinitely more intuitive than any other action adventure title I've played.

Puzzles: They made sense within the world and were intuitive. I didn't sit around trying to figure out any lame confusing nonsensical puzzles that a lot of other games include. Figuring out how to avoid guards and whatnot was great.

Controls: I had no problems here.

Stealth: Kicked ass. Certainly better than Zelda and other action adventure games I've played. And no, I haven't tried stuff like Splinter Cell.

It may not be revolutionary, but it was a hell of a lot more interesting than The Wind Waker.

I would say Prime is much more polished, much more fun, and much more original than BG&E.
Super. Originality (Zelda with lasers and a different perspective?) and lots of polish don't make a game fun though. Prime's immersion was its strength, but the arbitrary switching of visors and weapons to combat nearly identical enemies all the time was just a chore. Maybe that's why I'm not looking forward to it. I never even bothered to complete the game because of those frustrating dual metroids at the end and the lame as hell final boss.

But you're going to disagree, and that's fine. I'll stick with my own opinions though. I have fun with what I play, and you have fun with what you play. Just don't get all offended what not everyone on GAF is gagging for even more Metroid. It's not as inexplicable as you might think, and after all, you asked.

Kon Tiki

Certainly the best looking game coming out in November. I just do not know if I can enjoy it like I did the first. I have been a lot busier thanwhen MP1 came out. Fractured gametime on a game like this sucks.


MightyHedgehog said:
No. It's just the biggest one this year. Online play, LAN parties, DLC, co-op, and the super-secret storyline and how it ties into the three novels, first game, and even possibly the Marathon universe.

I'm not arguing Halo 2's quality, nor am I saying there's no reason to get excited about it. Personally however, I don't, for the exact same reasons I'm not too stoked about Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Both are direct sequels to the best games this generation and both will be great and I feel no need to anticipate them. I've been burned by expectations too many times.

What I don't understand however, is why GameCube-gamers aren't as excited about this as Xbox-gamers are about Halo 2. I do feel this is because GameCube-owners have things like Resident Evil 4 and Mario Tennis to get excited about, yet Xbox-owners basically have Halo 2 and a lot of games which aren't in the same league. It was in no ways an attempt to troll..


olimario said:
I have a feeling this game will take a lot of people by suprise. It's been so low on the radar for so long and it doesn't look to pick up soon because of Nintendo's secrecy with it.

It's strange. I absolutely loved the first game. Probably my favorite game this gen and definately very high up on my list of favorite games ever. Additionally, I loved the dual world mechanic used in the Soul Reaver games and MP2 looks like it uses a similar system extensively. Yet, for some reason, I'm just not all that excited about the sequel.


Coen said:
I'm not arguing Halo 2's quality, nor am I saying there's no reason to get excited about it. Personally however, I don't, for the exact same reasons I'm not too stoked about Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Both are direct sequels to the best games this generation and both will be great and I feel no need to anticipate them. I've been burned by expectations too many times.

What I don't understand however, is why GameCube-gamers aren't as excited about this as Xbox-gamers are about Halo 2. I do feel this is because GameCube-owners have things like Resident Evil 4 and Mario Tennis to get excited about, yet Xbox-owners basically have Halo 2 and a lot of games which aren't in the same league. It was in no ways an attempt to troll..
Some of us have both. Imagine that.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
METROID PRIME 2 WILL BE FUCKIN AMAZING! The multi missile thign looks sweat!


It's GOTY for me no doubt. It's like Half Life 2, we've already seen the screens, we're just waiting for the thing to be released so we can play it.
I absolutely adored the first prime and it's probably my favorite game ever. In fact the only real competition it has from this gen is Metroid Zero Mission. However, I'm not anticipating this game in the least bit. I don't particularly know why.

It's probably the burn in the ass from seeing it for $20 new like two months after it was released.


Not sure why... but I've close to zero interest in this game. This coming from somebody for completed the first game despite suffering from Doom induced motion sickness (DIMS).

Deku Tree

I'm totally psyched for Echoes. I loved the puzzles, the platforming and the morph ball not to mention the all around cerebral and incredibly polished gameplay from the first game.

I'm looking forward to the new gameplay moves, more huge boss battles and a hopefully cool story.
Ya know, I keep seeing everyone here mention something that up untill last week I was myself feeling. Just a general disintrest in this title, despite the personal feeling that the first Metroid Prime was one of the best games I'll play... well.. ever.

I recently picked the game back up and started going through it again.. (like today recently)... and I forgot one of the things that made the original so damn great. Atmosphere. You really feel like you are there on Tallon IV. Which is something that I think is hard to convey in screenshots.

I think the other thing working against MP2 is just how similar it looks to the original. Of course the first game was absolutely stellar in looks compaired to almost anything out there. And baring the big guns that are coming out this season, I still think MP2 looks better than most titles. But the big guns are coming out this season, and we as a gaming public inherently expect a leap forward in visuals.

The demo was a good idea on Nintendo's part. It gives people a chance to get immersed in the game and remember that atmosphere is what made the first one so magical. My only problem is.. well the demo doesn't really do that. I'm not sure why. Possibly because it jumps from one world to the next so suddenly. I really can't put my finger on it... I certainly hope that the rest of the game does not follow this pattern...

Which is why I went back and played the first one. Remember everyone doubting that Retro could pull off Metroid in the first person? They did. And beautifully done to. Faithfully done. But alot of doubt. I have alot of doubt about the new game too... but playing through the first one again has reminded me that they can, and will, suprise the hell out of you when you least expect it.


Gold Member
olimario said:
What made that happen?
Did you enjoy the first?

I have a feeling this game will take a lot of people by suprise. It's been so low on the radar for so long and it doesn't look to pick up soon because of Nintendo's secrecy with it.

One problem. Metroid Prime came out a year after Halo, so there wasn't anything similar to draw attention away from the game when it first hit.

Metroid Prime 2 comes out one week after Halo 2. Sorry, but it's just going to be put on the backburner by a majority of gamers for a long time as most people finish up their first run through Halo 2 SP and play on Xbox Live.

It's not Nintendo's secrecy that's keeping it low on the radar. It's Halo 2.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
I can't decide which I'm looking forward to the most: MP2:E, Halo 2, or Forza (and Mario 64 ds with an outside chance)
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