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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Visor and Weapon Screens


I actually think this game looks quite good. I'd rather it have a different appeal than say Halo 2 or HL2.


Even though I didn't find MP to be fun, the graphics still looked great, and the music was damn good. I expect the same from this, but also improved gameplay. The multiple targets really have me interested- but I'm coming off a serious Panzer Dragoon Orta high here.
I just might be the lone dissenter here, but I couldn't STAND controls for MP. Coulnd't even stand to play through the the MP2 demo at the store kiosks (needless to say, never played the first).

I mean what the fuck, would it kill them to join the rest of the world and give us a proper 21st century 1st person dual analog stick control scheme that doesn't force the lame lock on scheme that screams kiddy? The game would have rocked with Halo/XB CS/Goldeneye/Turok/etc conrtols. Pushing a button in order to look up and down is so goddamn Duke Nukem 3D circa 1994, and is fucking lame as lame can be. So is enemy lock on button. This is just a pretty game with stilted controls for weaksauce gamers.
Society said:
Play Metroid Prime Hunters, it is a FPS with FPS controls.

And it looks like shit.

Seriously, it should have been the other way around. The DS game should have the MP controls and the GC game should have the Hunter controls. I mean, look at the respective control layout for the hardware!


gonna skip this. I watched the 40 minute demonstartion on IGNinsider and all the bad memories came flooding back.

I'll wait for the Revolution version, im burned out on Metriod for this gen.
Does this look worse than Prime 1? Or is it just that other games have evolved but Prime looks same/worse? Looks 'meh', as already has been said. :\


teepo said:
:) metroid prime is still the best game to be released since 98.

I don't know about 98 but it's definately the best game this gen.

November 26th. Tales Of Symphonia on the 19th, and Paper Mario 2 on the 12th. Not bad.

OH SHIT!!! They're gonna release is THIS year? It's NOT the Nintendo I know!
Project Midway said:
Does this look worse than Prime 1? Or is it just that other games have evolved but Prime looks same/worse? Looks 'meh', as already has been said. :\



meh ?


I remember being in awe of MP's outdoor areas like Talon Overworld and the Drifts. These areas came to life with little details like raindrops and snowfall. I was less impressed with the indoor stuff like the Phazon Mines. But we have not seen any outdoor areas yet, just indoor areas. This kind of makes it look like any standard fps, devoid of these little details which set MP apart from the rest of the crowd. I think if we have seen some impressive outdoor areas, people may be more excited about the game. At least I would be.
Kifimbo said:
Wow, I guess it's just not "cool" to like MP here...

yeps, they talk about MP2 like its just "another" game on the shelf this holiday ..

well.. Echoes is gonna rock my world in a month, and its gonna poop on every other single title out there untill Zelda comes out
radcliff said:
I remember being in awe of MP's outdoor areas like Talon Overworld and the Drifts. These areas came to life with little details like raindrops and snowfall. I was less impressed with the indoor stuff like the Phazon Mines. But we have not seen any outdoor areas yet, just indoor areas. This kind of makes it look like any standard fps, devoid of these little details which set MP apart from the rest of the crowd. I think if we have seen some impressive outdoor areas, people may be more excited about the game. At least I would be.



Project Midway said:
Does this look worse than Prime 1? Or is it just that other games have evolved but Prime looks same/worse? Looks 'meh', as already has been said. :\

Don't wear your xbox goggles during watching the screens, they affect your reality.


olimario said:
I really would like to know why this game is getting such a poor response from GAF.

I stopped trying to figure out why people here pump up certain games for months and then whine about them a week afterwards, or vice versa randomly a long time ago. Makes for less headaches


Console Market Analyst
I'm going to wait for next year to give Echoes a play-through. The first game is one of the best this gen, polished in every way, and satisfyingly deep. Basically, there's not much room for improvement for the sequel, and because of that the anticipation just isn't there.

Halo 2, on the other hand, could only improve on a flawed original. So, it's higher on my play list.

Besides, what's wrong with saving what should be a AAA title for a poor release month?


OH SHIT!!! They're gonna release is THIS year? It's NOT the Nintendo I know!

Indeed. Too bad they screwed it up with the Euro DS release. :(

I'm going to wait for next year to give Echoes a play-through. The first game is one of the best this gen, polished in every way, and satisfyingly deep. Basically, there's not much room for improvement for the sequel, and because of that the anticipation just isn't there. Besides, what's wrong with saving what should be a AAA title for a poor release month?

My thoughts exactly.


almokla said:
Project Midway - sometimes its not the opinion that bothers, its the idiocy behind it... nothing personal though

Don't let the opinions of others bother you.

Buy Metroid Prime 2.

Play it.

Enjoy it.

Halo was meh.

I won't be buying Halo 2.

Halo 2, just like its predecessor, looks mediocre.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Deg said:
Will look nicer in person. :) While the shots are direct they still have aliasing.

Which is why I say NO to VGA gaming on a console...

I took my goggles off. It still looks very mediocre. I'm sorry if my opinion bothers you.

Prime 1 looks mediocre in shots as well. However, once you see it in person, it looks wildly different...
The thing that pisses me off the most in Echoes is the change they made to the Scan Visor, instead of using the gorgeous 2D concept art layout from the original, they changed it to fugly 3D models with inferior layout... I know it'll sound like a really small issue to get pissed off over, but it does bother me.




Like many other people here, I'm not overly excited about MP2 for some odd reason, since I absolutely loved the first one and swear by it all the time... I played MP much later after its release, and it didn't win me over instantly, I picked it up again after letting it collect dust on my shelf for a long time, and that's when I REALLY got into it, everything about the game suddenly clicked for me and I became one of its biggest fans.

I was really looking forward to a sequel, the thought of playing an improved game over the Godly Metroid Prime seemed too good to be true, but for some reason after seeing the screenshots and playing the demo, my anticipation for the game died down a great deal. However I am pretty positive that the minute the great reviews start coming in, I'll be dying to get my hands on it, and I have no doubt in Retro, MP2 will kick ass kinds of ass and then some... I just don't feel it right now.

My favorite screenshot of the bunch:


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Damn, I didn't even notice that. Considering the amount of scanning required in the game, I would have preferred if they stuck with the 2D drawings...

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Project Midway said:
I took my goggles off. It still looks very mediocre. I'm sorry if my opinion bothers you.


Sure about that?


Project Midway said:
Does this look worse than Prime 1? Or is it just that other games have evolved but Prime looks same/worse? Looks 'meh', as already has been said. :\

All the hands on previews i have read so far are praising it as looking better than the first. Crispier texture work and added effects.

I think if your interested about the game check out some of the high quality videos. Its the only way to appreciate.

I don't understand why Nintendo or Retro don't throw out some Hi Res buffer shots with the 8xAA etc, and the cinematic camera angles. I mean we get Hi Res buffer grabs of Mario Tennis, but not this?

Doesn't bother me too much but it might help guys like you who don't check out videos and therefore cant see underneath the quality of the scans themselves.
Leviathan said:
Don't let the opinions of others bother you.

Buy Metroid Prime 2.

Play it.

Enjoy it.

Halo was meh.

I won't be buying Halo 2.

Halo 2, just like its predecessor, looks mediocre.

and yeah, I will check out some high quality vids later today. Maybe they will convert me =)


Looking good, not the leap over 1 that I was hoping for (Halo>Halo 2 level), but still an interesting game. I'll obviously pick it up, though probably after I'm done Halo 2. MP2 looses out on that though mainly because Halo 2 is releasing before it.

How much does this suck though? The weekend Halo 2 comes out I'm going to be out of town. The next weekend? Out of town. The weekend after that? Thanksgiving, again out of town. When am I gonna be able to play the damn game?
adelgary - i know what you mean exactly ..

Echoes will never have the hype thats Halo 2, GTA(the new one), and MGS3 are getting for some reason ...

I think its Nintendo to blame here, or maybe not.
almokla said:
Echoes will never have the hype thats Halo 2, GTA(the new one), and MGS3 are getting for some reason ...

I think its Nintendo to blame here, or maybe not.

One, based on sales figures, MP 1 was not as popular as either Halo 1 or GTA III/VC.
Two, there is relatively non-exisitent marketing for such a major title...especially the biggest one on GC this year.


I loved Metroid Prime but for some reason I'm not that excited about this one. I'm still going to get it though. :)

AssMan said:
Xbots bash on MP2 in a MP thread and Nbots bash on Halo 2 in a Halo thread.

It's the circle of life...


almokla said:
adelgary - i know what you mean exactly ..

Echoes will never have the hype thats Halo 2, GTA(the new one), and MGS3 are getting for some reason ...

I think its Nintendo to blame here, or maybe not.

It's definately Nintendo to blame here. It's like they don't care if it sells or not. No hype about it, no HQ pics, nothing! I mean Metroid Prime scored better than Halo and many many other overhyped games and nobody knows how good it is due to the lack of hype. Nintendo pisses me off a lot nowadays.
Nintendo hype revolves around frustrated nostalgia.

Metroid Prime had a lot of hype because a new Metroid game was SO overdue. The new realistic styled Zelda is getting hype because of the frustration around Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time nostalgia. Mario 128 is anticipated because Sunshine frustrated.

Metroid Prime 2 is too close to the last one for people to care.

It doesn't really matter that it's shaping up to be an incredible game, Nintendo gamers are more interested in fanboy politics than actual games.


Che said:
It's definately Nintendo to blame here. It's like they don't care if it sells or not. No hype about it, no HQ pics, nothing! I mean Metroid Prime scored better than Halo and many many other overhyped games and nobody knows how good it is due to the lack of hype. Nintendo pisses me off a lot nowadays.

Nintendo is smart.

Hype can make a game.

Hype can break a game.

Metroid Prime 2 does not need any hype.

Metroid is a well known brand.

Samus Aran is a well known name.

The game will sell well on name alone.

If Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer is good, the game will continue to sell well over time.

That is what happened to Goldeneye 007.

That is what happened to Halo.

That is what happened to Super Smash Brothers: Melee.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Leviathan, you're just as bad as those hating on Prime 2.

Why not enjoy both games or at least acknowledge that both games will be incredible?


almokla said:
I just wonder sometimes, what if Prime was an XB game !!

thank god I'm a gamer and I "know" about this game lol...

Many people know about this game. I recomended it to my ultimate casual friends (bought their cubes for MArio kart and Zelda)

Most of them thought it was boring. Didnt like the controls, the combat, the walkiing from A to B parts.

They just dont enjoy the Prime formula. And dont trust me when recomending games :/

aoi tsuki

adelgary said:
The thing that pisses me off the most in Echoes is the change they made to the Scan Visor, instead of using the gorgeous 2D concept art layout from the original, they changed it to fugly 3D models with inferior layout... I know it'll sound like a really small issue to get pissed off over, but it does bother me.
Same here. Add to that the dumbing down of the visor with color coded objects. It was far to simple to spin around a room trying to cover everything to see if it was something of importance in the demo. i prefer the style of the original, where you'd be stumped and then try scanning the area for clues. While i'd put my trust in Retro to make the color-coded visor actually important and not just a simplification, i think it's just that for those who found the original visor not blatantly simple enough to use when looking for objects to scan. i'm still hoping for an option to turn the color coding off, like with the help system in the first game.

Progressive scan is a given at this stage, seeing as how the original and the MP2 demo both had them, i don't see them dropping that. 16:9 is up in the air, and frankly i don't see it being added with other developers like Factor 5 stating the time it takes getting the framerate solid in 16:9.


dark10x said:
Leviathan, you're just as bad as those hating on Prime 2.

Why not enjoy both games or at least acknowledge that both games will be incredible?

Different strokes for different folks. Many people love Halo, but I do not. I consider the game to be mediocre, many others do not. I don't hate Halo, I just don't care about the franchise. Have you ever seen me in a Halo/Halo 2 thread?
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