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Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Visor and Weapon Screens


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Leviathan said:
Different strokes for different folks. Many people love Halo, but I do not. I consider the game to be mediocre, many others do not. I don't hate Halo, I just don't care about the franchise. Have you ever seen me in a Halo/Halo 2 thread?

It isn't mediocre, though. One can dislike a game and realize that it is AAA...

For example; I didn't enjoy Wind Waker very much, but I won't deny that it's a AAA game.


Prine said:
Many people know about this game. I recomended it to my ultimate casual friends (bought their cubes for MArio kart and Zelda)

Most of them thought it was boring. Didnt like the controls, the combat, the walkiing from A to B parts.

They just dont enjoy the Prime formula. And dont trust me when recomending games :/

Yeah sorry I don't believe you but how can all your friends not like MP? I mean it's one of the highest rated games ever. Mayby I don't believe you cos every single time you talk about Nintendo you're sad and bitter while when you're talking about xbox you're all glowing from happiness. Anyway your opinion matters to me is as much as Leviathan's. You're both way too biased. And to Leviathan: I didn't also like Halo but I don't advertise it all the time and most of all I certainly don't know if Halo2 is gonna be a mediocre game or a GOTY.


dark10x said:
It isn't mediocre, though.

It is mediocre to me.

One can dislike a game and realize that it is AAA...

I can dislike a game, but I can also appreciate the fact that many others like it. In my mind, Halo is not AAA. It's just my opinion. Don't let it bother you.

For example; I didn't enjoy Wind Waker very much, but I won't deny that it's a AAA game.

I can't consider a game to be AAA and at the same time NOT enjoy it. Maybe you can, but I can't.
Looks fucking awesome! Nobody replied to my fellow European on the PAL date though... any news? Nintendo still has it as Q4 2004 on Nintendo-Europe.com

Donkey Konga... Check
Paper Mario 2 The Thousand Year Door... Imminent
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap... Foam
Metroid Prime (2) Echoes ... Foam OVERLOAD!

Might buy an Xbox this november, play through Halo to prime myself for Halo 2. Low expectations (I've been burned by hype before) should see me be pretty pleased with the game methinks...


My excitment for the game is less than the first because it's coming so soon. Add in two GBA Metroids and I'm starting to get sick of Metroid. The demo did raise my interest a bit--besides the game looking cleaner and more detailed geometry wise, I dug the creepiness of the dark world. I'm really interested in seeing how Retro has intergrated the two worlds.
What they had last time was so good that I bet they'll have a much more tight and clever game. Last time the laid out the game. Now they'll do something to wow us.
And to do this they've really improved the underlying technology, rewriting the engine to support a more expansive world comprising of larger rooms and areas. So, I'm totally hyped.

king zell

radioheadrule83 said:
Looks fucking awesome! Nobody replied to my fellow European on the PAL date though... any news? Nintendo still has it as Q4 2004 on Nintendo-Europe.com

Donkey Konga... Check
Paper Mario 2 The Thousand Year Door... Imminent
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap... Foam
Metroid Prime (2) Echoes ... Foam OVERLOAD!

for Europe :

12 Nov -- Paper Mario 2
19 Nov -- Tales of Symphonia + GC bundle
26 Nov -- Metroid freaking GOTY prime 2 Echos

GC's Nov in Europe > all


dark10x said:
Prime 1 looks mediocre in shots as well. However, once you see it in person, it looks wildly different...

IAWTP. The screens are kinda boring, and so were the original Prime's. Doesn't mean the game won't rock while playing it...
king zell said:
for Europe :

12 Nov -- Paper Mario 2
19 Nov -- Tales of Symphonia + GC bundle
26 Nov -- Metroid freaking GOTY prime 2 Echos

GC's Nov in Europe > all

05 Nov -- FlatOut
11 Nov -- Halo 2
26 Nov -- Pro Evolution Soccer 4
26 Nov -- ESPN NHL 2k5

Xbox Nov in Europe > all.

Too much live goodness for me and my limited time. :(


There's probably not much hype because everyone knows the game will rock. I mean, the first one is still the highest rated game this gen according to Game Rankings, right?

And those complaining about the graphics, are crazy. The ammount of detail in the whole game was awesome, especially when combined with the visor. The drops of water on the visor, the condensation, the face reflection, everything was gorgeous.

And this will be better...

I can't wait!


Maybe they ought to delay the game to like August of next year for the U.S. That way, it could be in development an extra year (like Halo 2) and not get totally swamped by Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, San Andreas, and a host of other bigger games.

Despite being more vibrant than the demo, these screens are still showing that Echos looks a bit "dull." The colors are just dull. Didn't a key artist or someone leave Retro right after Metroid Prime was completed?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
The first Metroid Prime remains, to this day, probably my most beloved game, so I'm anticipating this sequel greatly. I'm a little concerned with how they're going to keep the series fresh, but I have faith in Retro, they have shown themselves capable of producing an incredible looking, enthralling AAA title...
It was either stay with 60 fps or go 30, which would have made it easier to make the leap. But I like the 60fps. RE4 wouldn't be as fluid at 60 like the Rogue Squadron games.

Halo2 and MP2:E formulas are no different than the originals, the devs just added new capabilities to the main characters, etc.

The hype around Halo2, comes from the long dev time, the fact that its a fun game and multiplayer. The sad part is Xbconnect, Xlink, and any other LAN connection devs could find themselves without any users come Nov 9th.

MP2:E will be a great game, I'm looking foward to it. I think the graphics look great and I'm interedt in the multiplayer.

I feel the same way about Halo2, I just can't stand the flood. I hope there's less flood in Halo2 compared to the first one.


MP2 looks far too similar to the first to warrant any hype. When the teaser was shown at E3 2003 people were excited at the prospect of another MP, but when the screens came the following year, all hype dropped.

The four most hyped games (Half Life 2, GTA SA, MGS3, Halo2) of the year all feature drastic changes from their predecessors. When looking at MP2 it doesn't seem as if anything has changed at all.
It will probably be a great game. However the praise, ratings, and lovefest for the first one doesn't hold for this one. That was nostalgia out the arse because there hadn't been a home console Metroid in years. The sequel just doesn't have that, and the competition for the Game of the Year is five fold more this year.


Insertia said:
MP2 looks far too similar to the first to warrant any hype. When the teaser was shown at E3 2003 people were excited at the prospect of another MP, but when the screens came the following year, all hype dropped.

The four most hyped games (Half Life 2, GTA SA, MGS3, Halo2) of the year all feature drastic changes from their predecessors. When looking at MP2 it doesn't seem as if anything has changed at all.



miyuru said:
Prime was a good game, but from these pics, it feels like the game isn't really going anywhere. Visor this, visor that, the whole fucking game revolves around these annoying visors.

Ummm... Super Metroid had "visors" but they were implemented in a 2D fashion instead of be depicted in 3D. So what do you have to say to that?
Insertia said:
MP2 looks far too similar to the first to warrant any hype. When the teaser was shown at E3 2003 people were excited at the prospect of another MP, but when the screens came the following year, all hype dropped.

The four most hyped games (Half Life 2, GTA SA, MGS3, Halo2) of the year all feature drastic changes from their predecessors. When looking at MP2 it doesn't seem as if anything has changed at all.

As much as I'm looking forward to MP2, I reluctantly have to agree with this post.
I'm pretty positive that MP2 will be my game of the year, even over Halo 2, but I absolutely adored the first Prime and even more of the same still appeals to me.
I'll admit that I'm not as hyped about this as I probably should be, granted that MP1 rocked so hard, but we'll see how things turn out...


The four most hyped games (Half Life 2, GTA SA, MGS3, Halo2) of the year all feature drastic changes from their predecessors.

??? MGS3 maybe, it has some smart new ideas. The rest no. Except if by "drastic changes" you mean better graphics.


I don't think there was a whole lot Retro could do in terms of graphics without making the framerate sacrifice. MGS3 looks incredible, but they had an element that was integral to MGS2's presentation. I guess Retro didn't think would be a worthwhile choice with all things considered.
This game looks absolutely fantastic, I think. Sure, it's not a massive improvement over Prime graphically, but I still vastly prefer it aesthetically over Halo 2. I'm greatly looking forward to it's release.

I haven't been talking about it much because I pretty much know exactly what to expect from it, and that's not a bad thing, folks.


The environments in Echoes don't seem to be as interesting as in the original.

Areas like this are why I loved the first game:





She has awfully broad shoulders for a woman or even a human, doesn't she?
Well, it's probably the cause of the same technology that lets her roll into a ball without breaking every bone in her body.
It would be nice though if Nintendo came out and said it officially, so we know she isn't a horribly deformed freak underneath the armour.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Nah, pop her into a paint program and try painting a body to match what you see of the face. It works if you do not have her arms centered in the armor (more armor on the ouside of the arms than the inside) Plus, Samus is fairly muscular!


There is some old Super Metroid art floating around that shows how she fits inside of her suit, but I can't seem to find it. =/

Buggy Loop



Damn, seeing these MP2 shots, makes me want to go back and play MP :)
MP2 having hype or not doesnt matter, the original had very late hype, not until the reviews hit the web actually.


Matt-ign if MP2 is a GOTY contender.

I have to agree completely. Game is set to best the original Prime in just about every way.

Really, you haven't seen nothing yet. There are way better looking, still-not-shown areas, some truly amazing still-secret upgrades, and more. The sheer variety of levels in the game. Wait until you catch a glimpse of some of this stuff. Just gorgeous. I absolutely cannot wait to play it.

I don't understand.

Metroid Prime has been my favorite game this generation by a long shot. While I have had more enjoyment out of more replayable games like Halo, SSB:M, Burnout 2, etc - the 30 or so hours I spent with this game were the 30 best hours I've spent on gaming since Chrono Trigger...yet, I somehow couldn't care less that it'll be here within a few weeks.


Forgotten Ancient said:
I don't understand.

Metroid Prime has been my favorite game this generation by a long shot. While I have had more enjoyment out of more replayable games like Halo, SSB:M, Burnout 2, etc - the 30 or so hours I spent with this game were the 30 best hours I've spent on gaming since Chrono Trigger...yet, I somehow couldn't care less that it'll be here within a few weeks.

I am hyped for Echoes, but I could say the same for VJ2.


bridegur said:
The environments in Echoes don't seem to be as interesting as in the original.

But remember, some of those amazing environments in MP1 were never known until the week of release. Barely anything of interest was shown other than the common blurry screenshot here and there. It wasn't until people got the game in their hands that they realized how lush and varied the world really was

I don't think MP2 will dissapoint.


It's obvious why there isn't as much gushing for MP2:E as there was for MP. The series just isn't as fresh anymore. Metroid Prime was the first metroid experience for many since Super Metroid. We were in awe of how well Retro took the 2D gameplay mechanics and beautifully transferred them into 3D. Ever since then, we have been bombarded with Metroid games in the last two years (Especially on the GBA) and that has diffused some of the enthusiasm. While the fetch quest nature is good, I'm worried it is going to be the same way for Echoes. Lose suit augmentations, must find them gameplay mentality. Oh, and don't forget about Halo 2.

Goreomedy said:
I'm going to wait for next year to give Echoes a play-through. The first game is one of the best this gen, polished in every way, and satisfyingly deep. Basically, there's not much room for improvement for the sequel, and because of that the anticipation just isn't there.

Halo 2, on the other hand, could only improve on a flawed original. So, it's higher on my play list.

Besides, what's wrong with saving what should be a AAA title for a poor release month?

:lol :lol :lol

This is funny. Mr Nintendo Prime himself going to take up Halo 2 before MP2:E, but yet still manages to slam Halo 2 in the process! :lol

Levathian said:
If Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer is good, the game will continue to sell well over time.

That is what happened to Goldeneye 007.

That is what happened to Halo.

That is what happened to Super Smash Brothers: Melee.


I wouldn't even compare multiplayer with MP2:E with those other games. Now I know it is going to be hard to resist that sweet, sweet lock on goodness. But I don't think it'll be able to top Halo 2. :lol

Don't forget about Halo 2 either. It has been 3 years since Halo, so anticipation factor is going to be higher for Halo 2 and is going to disperse some of the anticipation for MP2:E. Not to knock Retro or anything because they did a hell of a job with MP and MP2:E will be sweet, but Halo 2 just sounds like a much more ambitious game overall. And it should be too. 3 years development time >>>> 2 years development time.


Mrbob said:
I wouldn't even compare multiplayer with MP2:E with those other games. Now I know it is going to be hard to resist that sweet, sweet lock on goodness. But I don't think it'll be able to top Halo 2.

You're an idiot.

Notice I said "if".

I haven't played multiplayer Metroid Prime 2.

You haven't played multiplayer Metroid Prime 2.

It may be great.

It may stink.

If the multiplayer is great, the game will have very good long term sales.

If the multiplayer stinks, the game will still sell well, but only in the short term.

Don't talk to me about Halo 2.

I won't buy Halo 2.


For me the formula of constantly switching visors and weapons, even just to open doors again and again or kill the same pattern-based enemies that respawn over and over, got tiresome by the end of Prime. Even though there are new visors, weapons, and enemies I feel like I know how it's all going to work already and I've had my fill of it.


MrCheez said:
There is some old Super Metroid art floating around that shows how she fits inside of her suit, but I can't seem to find it. =/

If I remember correctly, some of the MP artwork portrays that Samus is more connected to her suit than what other peices of art have shown.


Leviathan said:
You're an idiot.

Notice I said "if".

I haven't played multiplayer Metroid Prime 2.

You haven't played multiplayer Metroid Prime 2.

It may be great.

It may stink.

If the multiplayer is great, the game will have very good long term sales.

If the multiplayer stinks, the game will still sell well, but only in the short term.

Don't talk to me about Halo 2.

I won't buy Halo 2.


You crack me up, man. Keep up the good work.

MrBob have you played Metroid Prime 2 or Halo 2 multiplayer?

I've played Halo multiplayer so I know the game will expand around that greatly. Don't get me started on Metroid multiplayer though...!


Mrbob said:
I've played Halo multiplayer so I know the game will expand around that greatly. Don't get me started on Metroid multiplayer though...!

Have you played MP2 multiplayer?


Is Halo 3 and 4 going to suffer the same fate? As it looks now the people in America would suck a mans dick if they could get the game in their hands immediately afterwards. The amount of hype Halo 2 has is sick.

I'm also in the same boat as most people, I'm looking foward to play MP2, but I not really hyped for it like I was the first game. There's really only one game I'm really hyped for and that's Half Life 2.


Mrbob said:
Just wait a month to see. I can't say any more...

Oh for god's sake have you played it? Have you seen any preview that describes it? I want to know if it's good or not.


Mashing said:
Is Halo 3 and 4 going to suffer the same fate? As it looks now the people in America would suck a mans dick if they could get the game in their hands immediately afterwards. The amount of hype Halo 2 has is sick.


If Halo 3 came out next year, yeah I could see the hype being not nearly as high as Halo 2. Halo 2 hype is huge because of the length of time we have had to wait between Halo and Halo 2. Plus it is the sequel to one of the biggest games of this generation.

Oh for god's sake have you played it? Have you seen any preview that describes it? I want to know if it's good or not.

Is it good? That depends. What other first person shooters have you played multiplayer? Split screen only is for the ice ages. When you are stacking about against Counter Strike: Source, Tribes Vengeance, and yes, even Halo 2, it is going to be a disappointment.


Mrbob said:
Is it good? That depends. What other first person shooters have you played multiplayer? Split screen only is for the ice ages. When you are stacking about against Counter Strike: Source, Tribes Vengeance, and yes, even Halo 2, it is going to be a disappointment.

Hmmm... I'll have to wait and see then...

Justin Bailey

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Mrbob said:
You crack me up, man. Keep up the good work.
Is there anything wrong with what he said? Makes sense to me.
Is it good? That depends. What other first person shooters have you played multiplayer? Split screen only is for the ice ages. When you are stacking about against Counter Strike: Source, Tribes Vengeance, and yes, even Halo 2, it is going to be a disappointment.
Answer the damn question. Have you played multi-player Echoes or not?
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