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Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt - First Screen


Shikamaru Ninja said:
The single player game is not going to be ao much exploration based, but action based. Every mission is a bounty, some missions you will have to bounty 7 Metroids, or 3 Space Pirates, etc. There will be several one on one boss-enemy battles. Probably a mix of bosses from Metroid 1-2-3-4-Fusion-Prime-Prime 2.

Now that sounds really cool. After not caring much about it, this game is quickly starting to gain my interest.
Memles said:
Holy shit...they're like making four million of them, aren't they? Wow.

No, they're not. Only Nintendo of America has said that the DS is coming with this game. The Japanese aren't into FPS games near as much as we here in the states are.

Nintendo is shipping 4 million DS units for the launch. The breakdown is probably something like this:

Japan - 1 Million
USA - 1.5 Million
Europe - 1 Million
Australia - .5 Million

So that means 1.5 Million copies of First Hunt. However, there is a possibility that the other regions will ship with some sort of demo game also. I'd assume Europe and Australia get First Hunt also. But, I doubt that Japan will use the game, as the Japanese aren't as into FPS games (or Metroid) as much as the rest of the world. Perhaps they'll get a demo of Super Mario 64x4.

So yeah, they probably are making 4 million demos, just not all Metroid.


StrikerObi said:
No, they're not. Only Nintendo of America has said that the DS is coming with this game. The Japanese aren't into FPS games near as much as we here in the states are.

Nintendo is shipping 4 million DS units for the launch. The breakdown is probably something like this:

Japan - 1 Million
USA - 1.5 Million
Europe - 1 Million
Australia - .5 Million

So that means 1.5 Million copies of First Hunt. However, there is a possibility that the other regions will ship with some sort of demo game also. I'd assume Europe and Australia get First Hunt also. But, I doubt that Japan will use the game, as the Japanese aren't as into FPS games (or Metroid) as much as the rest of the world. Perhaps they'll get a demo of Super Mario 64x4.

So yeah, they probably are making 4 million demos, just not all Metroid.

Damn you; I was going to put two but decided against it after figuring in everything you just said and deciding "fuck it"'. It's all your fault.

First off...I think in the Conference Call Harrison said that it was about 50% North America. Second...the issue is that Mario 64x4 will be a launch title. Thus, a demo of it serves less purpose. I'm expecting that we'll see Hunters launch in Winter 2005. I can see another game being worked in as a demo in other territories...I was just making an assumption that was obviously far too broad.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Australia isn't big enough to get that many units. You could say rest of the world though.

Is that 4 million figure for everywhere then and not just Japan and the US? I better check that other thread.

EDIT: Ok, so it's for the end of the fiscal year worldwide.


Shikamaru Ninja said:
Wario Ware DS might be the game demo'd for Japan launch.

But this will surely be a launch title...I still think the better idea would be to preview titles that aren't being released at launch, but Wario Ware is demo material, and would be awesome for the Japanese market.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Surely Wario Ware will be ready for launch. I dunno if they're going to want to pack in a demo of a game already out there.

Maybe they'll pack in a Mario Kart demo. Just to piss us all off outside of Japan.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Surely Wario Ware will be ready for launch. I dunno if they're going to want to pack in a demo of a game already out there.

I don't think Nintendo will release Wario Ware DS a month or two apart from Wario Ware 2 GBA.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
On the old board there was a poster called EAD Ninja who had links to Nintendo. Reliable ones too generally. Now he's called Shikamaru Ninja.

I could reveal who he really is too (I don't mean he works for a magazine or anything, I just know his real name), but I don't see why anyone would need to know it.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
I work for Microsoft ....

Seriously I'm not anything close to a big shot. Just a fan, who somewhere down the line became a historian. I've spoken to a few NCL employees in my past, and a few NOA employees. Nowadays, I don't have those ties anymore. But I still know my shit and everynow and then hear a few things.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Who is EAD Ninja? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Ninja. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


So it is confirmed that a Metroid Hunter DEMO will come with the DS, not an actual Metroid Hunter game?


jett said:
Maybe Nintendo should bundle the DS with a game that actually exploits its unique features.

Like the touch screen? Hunters does.
Like the second screen? Hunters does.
Like the wireless multiplayer? Hunters does.



being watched
olimario said:

To show off what was in the darkness.

Good job. What is it with video game screen grabs and the love of darkness?


jett said:
Maybe Nintendo should bundle the DS with a game that actually exploits its unique features.

I think Picto-Chat and Hunters show off plenty of features.


Please add hardware texture filtering before launch, Nintendo. Please. Don't let this be what 8-bit sound output was to the GBA.
this is going to be interesting. Personally ain't big fan of FPS but MP was fun. Screen looks fantastic and I can't wait to see more.

the fact that we can get demos of portable games is going to change handheld gaming - for one; I'm sure it'll help to boost sales - the extra room on the carts might also be a good thing for demo pack ins. Imagine magazines with DS games packed in. Publishers will LOVE this.


snapty00 said:
Please add hardware texture filtering before launch, Nintendo. Please. Don't let this be what 8-bit sound output was to the GBA.

God, don't let this become that, Nintendo.


Shikamaru Ninja said:
The single player game is not going to be ao much exploration based, but action based. Every mission is a bounty, some missions you will have to bounty 7 Metroids, or 3 Space Pirates, etc. There will be several one on one boss-enemy battles. Probably a mix of bosses from Metroid 1-2-3-4-Fusion-Prime-Prime 2.
On one hand, this wouldn't interest me much at all. On the other hand, I'm not sure I'd trust NST with a traditional Metroid single-player game.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
olimario said:
God, don't let this become that, Nintendo.

Hah, yes. I haven't heard anyone complain about the GBAs sound in a long, long time.


Queen of Denmark
olimario said:
God, don't let this become that, Nintendo.

Although I laugh while simultaneously hoping for an improvement in the texture filtering myself...
Holy shit, that looks much improved over the E3 version. I love the touchscreen interface. Now there's easy thumb access to missles and beams. Great idea. And I'm betting L and R are used for strafing seeing as this is primarily a multiplayer game.


StrikerObi said:
Japan - 1 Million
USA - 1.5 Million
Europe - 1 Million
Australia - .5 Million
500k for AU would be overkill (PS2 is just over 2 million in the region now, Xbox around 500k)... more likely...

2M~ North America
1M~ Japan
1M~ PAL regions

...Nintendo mentioned thay might ship more than 4 million though depending on several factors...


(more a nerd than a geek)
Insertia said:

*shakes head*

some of you have terribly low standards.

Given that you seem to be basing that entirely upon the graphics of the system, all I can do is laugh.

Then again, I wasn't overly fond of the gameplay...


Insertia said:

*shakes head*

some of you have terribly low standards.

what standards ? whose setting the standards here ? NINTENDO gave the specs out a long time ago and this meets them.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I hope 3rd parties don't do what I expect them to, and just use the second screen as a permanent and glorified pause menu.


Unconfirmed Member
SantaCruZer said:
sounds like a cool idea. The "real" metroid game is coming for Gamcube anyway.
Rewind a few years ago and 75% of us were saying the exact opposite :D


olimario said:
Like the touch screen? Hunters does.
Like the second screen? Hunters does.
Like the wireless multiplayer? Hunters does.


Uh, using the the second screen as a glorified menu isn't what I would call "exploiting its features". I'll give you wi-fi. :p I was thinking something along the lines of Wario Ware.


Unconfirmed Member
BuddyChrist83 said:
argh, i can't tell if there's a wlan switch there due to IGN's watermark.
Well it looks like there is something there (and I don't mean the mic port). I have no clue what it is though. Wouldn't the obvious place to put it be near the power switch though like select start?


scola said:
Well it looks like there is something there (and I don't mean the mic port). I have no clue what it is though. Wouldn't the obvious place to put it be near the power switch though like select start?
I dunno, I think it'd make more sense for the WLAN power switch to be on the lower right hand side, but that's just me. Don't want to confuse people with too many power switches in the same spot.


Unconfirmed Member
BuddyChrist83 said:
I dunno, I think it'd make more sense for the WLAN power switch to be on the lower right hand side, but that's just me. Don't want to confuse people with too many power switches in the same spot.
Yeah I guess it wouldn't hurt that it would be by a port prospectively used for online communication either.

I fully believe we will se at least one app try and use the WLAN feature, that is simply too much to build in there if it doesn't use it. Plus as I have stated before I see the DS as a sort of no fault testing ground for features they would be otherwise reluctant to try, since if it bombs it is a) not their home console and b) not the game boy brand.


scola said:
Yeah I guess it wouldn't hurt that it would be by a port prospectively used for online communication either.

I fully believe we will se at least one app try and use the WLAN feature, that is simply too much to build in there if it doesn't use it. Plus as I have stated before I see the DS as a sort of no fault testing ground for features they would be otherwise reluctant to try, since if it bombs it is a) not their home console and b) not the game boy brand.
Well, the WLAN protocol is supposedly used when actually playing Hunter, it's just used in a very local fashion. I honestly wouldn't be suprised to see some kind of DSConnect at launch.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Well, the WLAN protocol is supposedly used when actually playing Hunter, it's just used in a very local fashion. I honestly wouldn't be suprised to see some kind of DSConnect at launch.

I'm wondering about this myself. That one NDS shooter game by Shin'en (Nano something or another) uses the WLAN for multiplay also. I do see that becoming the standard way to multiplay. If that is so, and since the NDS can accept both GBA and NDS games at the same time, (and since Nintendo has said that they're talking to wireless companies for software development as well) couldn't someone make a cart that works like Warppipe and turns LAN play into internet play?

Anyway, Metroid Prime Hunters is looking great. I can't wait to see more.
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