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Metroid Prime Trilogy |OT|


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Metroïd Prime's level design could be the best I have ever seen in a game. I loved MP3 controls but the structure of the levels lacked the genius of the first. I never played Echoes as I had quit videogames at that time.

I think I will get it to see if the magic of MP1 is still there, and I may try Echoes afterwards, though I expect to be somehow as disappointed as I have been with the merely very good Corruption.


GrotesqueBeauty said:
I'm actually glad about the new difficulty levels. Don't get me wrong, I'll still be playing Prime and Corruption on veteran my first time through, but Echoes always felt tedious to me because so many of the enemies are damage sponges for no good reason. You get the basic beams fairly early on and never really progress far enough in power after that to make going back to old areas and picking off enemies satisfying in the typical Metroid fashion. Even when you finally get the
a lot of enemies are more easily dispatched with some other beam combination. Bleh. I'm all for difficulty in games if it means thinking things through or having fast reactions, but not when it amounts to endless button mashing while tears of boredom roll down my cheeks.
MP2 was insanely hard, I guess it was Retro's way of saying 'fuck you' to people who thought the GameCube wasn't hardcore enough.

marc^o^ said:
Metroïd Prime's level design could be the best I have ever seen in a game. I loved MP3 controls but I the structure of the levels lacked the genius of the first. I never played Echoes as I had quit videogames at that time. I think I will get it to see if the magic of MP1 is still there, and I may try Echoes afterwards, even if I think I will get somehow as disappointed as I have been with the merely very good Corruption.
To think they had a different environment designer for all three games. The guy who did 3 was obviously a fan of the first game.

Spoilers ahead:
This guy made some of the Metroid Prime 3 environments and was hired by Retro in 2005, he didn't work on Prime or Prime 2 and yet captured the original feeling so well.


Magnus said:
How are some of you playing MP2 already, if it requires you to play MP1 first to unlock 2?

Also, I'm a little bummed that the original Metroid Prime 1 start menu + music has been removed; I trust the same is the case for the sequels once I unlock those. :(

Cus you don't need to beat MP1


While it isn't a deal-breaker, it's a real shame that the European version of MP Trilogy seems to be considerably less of a 'Special' Edition than the North American one.


Death Prophet
Yay! Picked it up today! Shame I can't play it yet, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I really want to get started on Prime. Never played Echoes and played Corruption up until the very end. :D


Oxx said:
While it isn't a deal-breaker, it's a real shame that the European version of MP Trilogy seems to be considerably less of a 'Special' Edition than the North American one.
Has there actually ever been any confirmation of this, besides that PAL boxart picture that was rather unclear about it being in a tin or not?
Quick impressions:

Steelbook style case is gorgeous.

Played 1 hr of MP1 and MP3. MP1 plays better with new controls. MP3 looks much better than MP1. The lighting is pretty great. I played all 3 games before but the difference in visuals is bigger than I remember.


[Nintex] said:
MP2 was insanely hard, I guess it was Retro's way of saying 'fuck you' to people who thought the GameCube wasn't hardcore enough.

Not really. I didn't find Metroid Prime 2 that hard at all, and this is coming from a guy who could only get through Killzone 2 on easy.


Oh my, this is really something great. I had low expectations for the art booklet and it looks amazing!


When I went in to pick up my game around noon today, the guy said I was the first one to pick it up. Unlike some of the other stories of stores giving away all the shirts and posters ahead of time, my gamestop had tons of them. Apparently, everybody going into the store today is there for Batman.


MP2 is great because of the Screw Attack and because of iPod Samus..

unfortunately you have to play the game with dark suit samus for like 2/3 of the game..


Epic Tier 3 Engineer said:
Metroid Prime 2 is hard?

I don't even remember these alleged hard bosses. Show pics or something. :\

Boost ball guardian video:
This guy gave me trouble at least half the times I've played the game. He does a lot of damage for the relatively small amount of health you have at the time you face off against him.

Here's a pic of the Spider Ball Guardian area:

Never had a problem with that guy.
Touchdown said:
Today I got an email from gamestop saying it was backordered and the free shirt that comes with it is also backordered and that the poster that I was supposed to get with it is not available any more, so instead they are going to give me a 10% coupon on my next gamestop purchase online. I don't want a stupid 10% coupon, I WANT MY MOTHERFUCKEN METROID POSTER! Why advertise stuff that you don't fucking have!!!?????? :mad:

Yup I fell the same fucking way. Plus I called when I first got that email and the lady said Gamestop wasn't getting any posters. Now I read on here people pre-ordering the day before in the store and getting both t-shirt and poster. I pre-ordered on the fucking day that offer went up and Im not getting it, but walk in the day before and here you go. Fucking Gamestop sucks.
[Nintex] said:
MP2 was insanely hard, I guess it was Retro's way of saying 'fuck you' to people who thought the GameCube wasn't hardcore enough.

It's not that hard once you understand that you can charge your shot, and that you have to use the light gun against dark enemies and the dark gun for the light enemies. In the end the standard shot was pretty useless... I guess that most people that think MP2 is too hard were playing it wrong. Some boss are pretty challenging though :D But that what makes them so awesome.


Desiato said:
Has there actually ever been any confirmation of this, besides that PAL boxart picture that was rather unclear about it being in a tin or not?

The description on Amazon UK says:

"One Disc, packaged in an exclusive sleeve"

And I haven't seen any mention of a t-shirt or poster at any retailer.

hatchx said:
Not really. I didn't find Metroid Prime 2 that hard at all, and this is coming from a guy who could only get through Killzone 2 on easy.

I only ran into trouble with the Spider Guardian...but that was enough to abandon the game for two years.


Prime 2 wasn't hard. It was tedious. Even the supposed hard bosses weren't that hard. In my opinion, Prime 2's biggest problem was giving the player the motivation to do things, not the actual act of doing them. It all just felt like busy work between boss fights.


what in the.....

how can spider guardian be difficult? that shit is just boost and lay bombs when the thing is passing and then head to the bomb slot to make him damage himself. rinse and repeat.

even the grapple guardian gave me more trouble in hard mode.

i gues people suck at morph ball travel.


:lol ah crap, i knew i forgot to pick something up.

and Spider Guardian took a few tries, but it wasn't that hard. I had more trouble with the BBG
Osuwari said:
what in the.....

how can spider guardian be difficult? that shit is just boost and lay bombs when the thing is passing and then head to the bomb slot to make him damage himself. rinse and repeat.

even the grapple guardian gave me more trouble in hard mode.

i guess people suck at morph ball travel.
I've never had any trouble with the boss either, so I could never quite understand the dread for it.


I guess we'll have to see how I handle the Spider Guardian this time around...

I just remember it being quite tedious and fairly boring. And just brushing the Guardian seemed to do an inordinate amount of damage.


Couldn't get my copy today. The gamestop said something about a reserve list( I reserved mine) and the shipment didn't show up.
RockmanWhore said:
It's not that hard once you understand that you can charge your shot, and that you have to use the light gun against dark enemies and the dark gun for the light enemies. In the end the standard shot was pretty useless... I guess that most people that think MP2 is too hard were playing it wrong. Some boss are pretty challenging though :D But that what makes them so awesome.
Get off it. I understand exactly how Echoes is supposed to be played. I've beaten it several times and "get" the quasi-rock/paper/scissors system (which was muddled and somewhat arbitrary in practice despite the seemingly straightforward theme of light and dark). It's a matter of tedium, not challenge. The "difficulty" comes from all the wrong areas (i.e. - convoluted design choices) not from "playing it wrong". The game lacked a true progressive power scheme. Your best options halfway through are by and large still your best options at the end. It was just one of a half dozen pacing issues that dragged the game down.


Never finished the BBG...mother fucker was an asshole.

Killed my desire to finish the game. Not sure where I ended up on MP3...about 30-40% in...

Annnnd, MP1 I have bested a few times.

I need this trilogy, so I can play through.

How's the audio on these games? Finally have a good set up that can take advantage...I know the music is terrific, but other than that?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, the case really is that sweet. Almost makes up for the hideous MP1, MP2, and MP3 cases for the original releases. It looked nice in pics, but once I had it in my hands... :)


While I'm here airing my dirty laundry, bemoaning the fact that it isn't out over here for another 11 days, I'll also say that - although I appreciated the mechanics of the Chykka boss battle in Echoes - it was the one place in the first two games when I felt that the control system was too unwieldy for what the game was asking of you.

I wonder if it will feel more graceful with the Wiimote/Nunchuk.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
Get off it. I understand exactly how Echoes is supposed to be played. I've beaten it several times and "get" the quasi-rock/paper/scissors system (which was muddled and somewhat arbitrary in practice despite the seemingly straightforward theme of light and dark). It's a matter of tedium, not challenge. The "difficulty" comes from all the wrong areas (i.e. - convoluted design choices) not from "playing it wrong". The game lacked a true progressive power scheme. Your best options halfway through are by and large still your best options at the end. It was just one of a half dozen pacing issues that dragged the game down.
this is as untrue as they come.

the mere traversal of the dark world, for chirst's sake, screams 'power progression' from the top of its lungs.

from the moment when you first enter it and you have to run for cover, literally, your weapons are highly inefficient against the ing warriors, to the moment when you're at the top of the food chain there. sheer power progression, in its purest form.
Iron Toaster said:
The artbook isn't really a book, more like a mini-poster of concept artwork. I was hoping for an instruction booklet-sized book with art, but meh.

My thoughts exactly, it's more like an "art pamphlet." It's still a nice little bonus though (my fave is the Chozo drawing) but considering there was obviously a ton more concept art than that (some of which you can find online), I definitely feel short changed.
blu said:
this is as untrue as they come.

the mere traversal of the dark world, for chirst's sake, screams 'power progression' from the top of its lungs.

from the moment when you first enter it and you have to run for cover, literally, your weapons are highly inefficient against the ing warriors, to the moment when you're at the top of the food chain there. sheer power progression, in its purest form.
Disagree. Besides the stiff as cardboard version of the screw attack you're more or less stuck with the same manner of attack from less than halfway through the game until the end. Even the secondary uses of the weapons are clunky and mostly useless (although this particular gripe isn't isolated to Echoes). Also, just going from an energy drain in the dark world to normal isn't exactly an amazing progression. It's all on the defensive side of things. There's a difference between actually gaining progressive powers and merely not being completely gimped. When the supposed height of your abilities is being neutral it's not that empowering imo. It's like Retro took the lava element from old Metroid games and completely overused it to the tune of half the game. Just another part of Echoes I chalk up to tedious design choices.
MP 1 is one of my favorite and most nostalgic games of all time (I'll never forget the first time I tried the morph ball in 3D when I went to E3 '02, my jaw dropped at how tight it was). Then, when I bought the game in Nov 02 and landed on Tallon IV in the rain and started exploring the tunnels and seeing little sights like the Zoomers on the walls, ect, I thought to myself "Wow, this really does feel like Super Metroid in 3D. " It was a magical moment and the fact they got Kenji Yamamoto to do the soundtrack only further confirmed that feeling (especially Phendrana drift's theme, wow).

I never got around to finishing Echoes after beating the spider boss (not so much out of irritation just too many other games to finish, my brother got 100% and only had to use Gamefaqs once, he insists it's his fave in the series) and was just getting into Prime 3 when a little game called Mario Galaxy was released and I didn't stop playing until I got all 121 stars then got further sidetracked by Brawl, Mario Kart and games on other systems in my backlog. So this trilogy is perfect for me. Very disappointed about the missing title screens/themes however (especially for Corruption's incredible opening music). Guess my standard copies won't be going on ebay after all (I would never ebay my GC copy of Prime 1 though, freebie NES Metroid and the Fusion suit are nice keepsakes).

edit: Oh yeah, was disappointed but not suprised they removed Prime 1's sequence breakers (didn't know they existed until I watched the youtube vids so never got around to trying them) and yes, the Collector's edition is the most premium Nintendo packaging we will probably ever see. Got my shirt AND large, thick print glossy bonus poster. :D


blu said:
this is as untrue as they come.

the mere traversal of the dark world, for chirst's sake, screams 'power progression' from the top of its lungs.

from the moment when you first enter it and you have to run for cover, literally, your weapons are highly inefficient against the ing warriors, to the moment when you're at the top of the food chain there. sheer power progression, in its purest form.
this this this this this. listen to this man.
Still lttp and catching up on the thread. Not happy at all about the new default easy modes in Prime 1 and 3 (Echoes is another story obviously). Now I either have to beat the games on easy or wait until a gamefaq save is posted just so I can select a decent diffculty setting? Rediculous.
Just picked it up an hour ago. Talk about nice packaging. Extra "booklet" was on the small side, but the art and info contained was pretty cool.

I only played up to Talon over-world and I am quite impressed by the controls. Everything felt intuitive and seemed much more natural than using the GC pad.

Although I own them all on GC (never beaten any of them), the new controls and widescreen display make it very worthwhile. I feel like Nintendo really did us a favor by releasing this compilation.


Agent Unknown said:
Still lttp and catching up on the thread. Not happy at all about the new default easy modes in Prime 1 and 3 (Echoes is another story obviously). Now I either have to beat the games on easy or wait until a gamefaq save is posted just so I can select a decent diffculty setting? Rediculous.

You can start with either Normal or Veteran.

Normal=The new Easy Mode
Veteran=The regular mode from the original games

Once you finish the game in any difficulty you unlock the Hard Mode, which is the same as the Hard mode from the original games. The only thing they did was add an easy mode, they didn't remove the original modes. I don't understand why brains are melting over this.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Mejilan said:
Yeah, the case really is that sweet. Almost makes up for the hideous MP1, MP2, and MP3 cases for the original releases. It looked nice in pics, but once I had it in my hands... :)
Did you get it working with your loader? I don't have the game yet and would like to know.
[Nintex] said:

You can start with either Normal or Veteran.

Normal=The new Easy Mode
Veteran=The regular mode from the original games

Once you finish the game in any difficulty you unlock the Hard Mode, which is the same as the Hard mode from the original games. The only thing they did was add an easy mode, they didn't remove the original modes. I don't understand why brains are melting over this.

Ah, sorry. Thanks. I just noticed the answer on a previous page and was going to remove my question but got hit with the 'ol NeoGAF "500 internal server error" before I could eliminate the stench of redundancy I posted. :p


Running off of Custom Firmware
For us USB Loading fools, I've been exploring how to play this game properly off the HDD.
The game comes with 5 .dol (executable) files.

main.dol (default) = select/create your save, set options & configure settings (shared by all 3 games), check/exchange vouchers (for all 3 games), check/unlock extras (for all 3 games). Electing to launch the single player or MP2E multiplayer modes reboots the Wii. By loading main.dol, the game requires a (any) disc in the drive to work. If that issue was ever overcome via Cfg USB Loader, I'd love to learn how...

rs5fe_p.dol = seems to be identical to loading main.dol. I imagine that the "fe" stands for front end, but if the front end requires a separate dol reload, I don't understand how loading main.dol even worked...

rs5mp1_p.dol = Metroid Prime. Loads straight into the game, presumably using the previously set up/selected save file. Skips straight to introduction. No disc required in drive. Perhaps a menu's missing? I didn't see any way to change the difficulty level... and some of my settings didn't persist.

rs5mp2_p.dol = Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Loads straight into the game, presumably using the previously set up/selected save file. Skips straight to introduction. No disc required in drive. Perhaps a menu's missing? I didn't see any way to change the difficulty level... and some of my settings didn't persist.

rs5mp3_p.dol = Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Loads straight into the game, presumably using the previously set up/selected save file. Skips straight to introduction. No disc required in drive. Perhaps a menu's missing? I didn't see any way to change the difficulty level... and some of my settings didn't persist.

After playing MP1 up to the first save spot, I see why the settings didn't persist. Reloading main.dol shows me that progress was saved into slot 1, which is now some form of half-created slot. It shows that I'm 0% and 14 minutes into a Veteran MP1 run, but shows no Mii in the Mii slot. Woops. Trying to select this borked slot results in an error message stating that the Mii associated with this file (there wasn't one, since I had set up slot 3 as my preferred slot) has been deleted, and that a new Mii must be selected. I deleted slot 3 and reused my preferred Mii, and now things seem to be working correctly.

The alternative dol trick seems to mostly work, as we can access all 3 campaigns (but seemingly, only 1 of the 3 save slots); but it looks like some game-specific menus might not be available this way, or the MP2E multiplayer mode. I'll continue playing around with this later tonight, and compare it to the straight up legit disc-load method the game expects of us.

Edit - Ok, loading from the disc, I don't see any menus that I wouldn't normally have access too. It looks like if you try to load a new single player campaign for any of the 3 games from the usual menu, you'll be able to select your difficulty level there. Of course, the game will reset instead of continuing. But you can then use the alternative .dol trick to load straight into the core MP game you're were trying to run. Settings should persist if you stick with save slot 1. Still can't figure out a way to load the multiplayer.


This is out?
When the hell did it get a Collector's Edition?
Is Amazon the only site with it? Can I get it somewhere else? In Canada?
K bought trilogy and the conduct from TRU toady, now to start the long journey to beat these games(plus Red Steel and Wario are in my back log)


D.Lo said:
Meh, I don't have trilogy yet but...

Complete Jp + PAL(AU) collection.
Ok dude you win, I'm not going to even bother lol! I will say, you're missing some Nintendo Power Metroid posters though. :)~
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