Coming from a recent play of super, scan pulse is such a better version of the x ray visor.
What do you do to get this supposed ending I'm hearing about? 100% items and Metroids?
Is this only for online pre-orders? I pre-ordered in store.Did anyone order online from GameStop and not receive the keychain with the game? According to my order status, the keychain hasn't shipped yet (???).
i don't get the joke too. Metroid is older than Castlevania.
Diagonal aiming with ZL/ZR would have been a nice addition, but overall, I'm loving it! It definitely just feels like a brand new Metroid rather than a remake.
Is this only for online pre-orders? I pre-ordered in store.
I hoped I would be able to enjoy the game by pretending it was in no way related to Metroid 2, but I still can't help getting annoyed at all the changes. It doesn't feel like there is much love for the original; just keeping some of the superficial stuff out of obligation, while doing nothing to capitalize on what actually made the original great.
This should really have been an original game instead of a pseudo-remake
It's definitely in store, I didn't preorder the game but I went into Gamestop to pick it up today and they gave me the keychain.I'm pretty sure it's for online and in-store. I've had experiences at GameStop where I had to explicitly ask for the preorder bonus.
I'll make sure to ask them. Just waiting on the 3DS XL to get here. And need to wait for Best Buy to restock those Amiibos, and I'll be set.I'm pretty sure it's for online and in-store. I've had experiences at GameStop where I had to explicitly ask for the preorder bonus.
It's a 3DS game that requires your fingers to be glued to the shoulder buttons. It's going to wreck your hands, get used to it.
I wish I could use the Dpad for movement and the circle pad for the abilities. It's not uncomfortable for me, but I much prefer to play 2D Metroidvanias with a Dpad. Too bad 360° aiming makes this impossible.
Sorry if this has been asked and answered already, but am I cool playing this on a 3DS without the little right stick thingy?
yeah its not used except for scrolling the map in the pause screen
Those are some weird complaints. The original game wasn't very good.
Plenty of people would disagree. The atmosphere is still unmatched by any other game in the series and the gameplay holds up fine.
What's even the point of doing a remake when you're changing everything? It could easily have been a new game. The superficial stuff it keeps from M2 aren't that interesting, and it's not like the story matters in Metroid so there's really no point in retelling it. Calling it a remake does nothing but disappoint the people who actually do like Metroid 2
Yeah this one should be tons better than that old GameBoy game.You could never really remake Metroid 2 for the purists (however many there are) and get away with it. No music? Points down. Zoomed in too much? Points down. Make it more playable? Somebody complains. On and on we go.
My one issue with the game is the controls. I've never been a big fan of the 3DS ergonomics and playing a side scrolling game with the circle pad isn't all that great.
Otherwise, the game is fantastic.
Sorry if it covered already but don't wanna browse incase spoilers.
Could someone tell me exactly what Fusion mode is now the game is out so not just speculation about how it is different.
See, that's the thing: I don't know that I enjoy the game enough to get used to it. I'd rather be playing Shovel Knight or Axiom Verge. I keep waiting for the "good part," but I just don't know if I can wait that long. My Metroid counter is at 35 or so.
Yeah... I really wish they hadn't forced it, though. I would've been okay with not having the 360 aim. It's also clunky not to be able to get out of morph ball mode with the jump button.