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Michael Shannon Says He Fell Asleep Watching 'Batman v Superman'

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Will CGI body doubles ever look good?

I think it looks much better than the real thing!

(Loki isn't bad. A bit ragdolled and cartoony, but he is being smashed around like wacky inflatable tube guy).


I genuinely wish I'd slept through BvS. It would have been a better use of my time.

My showing went nuts during that scene as well. It was a midnight showing full of geeks though.
Seems to be a pretty universal reaction. I live in a small, decidedly non-geeky town and the place lost it as well. I didn't know Hulk had a line of dialogue after until it hit video.
UK midnight release audience for Star Wars TFA was real lively. Cheering when the title scroll started, when Han and Chewie appeared, when Leia and Threepio appeared, when R2 appeared and just one big collective gasp at the scene in the quoted gif below and when Luke appeared.

I get chills even seeing a gif of this because the music starts playing in my head.
Yup, same. That moment had the added heft of being hugely emotional. The audience went totally bonkers. Still gets me just seeing the .gif.


Drunky McMurder
Falling asleep! Genius! I didn't think of that as a method of escape, but you know how people sometimes miss the obvious under stressful situations.
Such an underrated actor. He had the potential to be a fantastic Zod, instead he was a good Zod in a decent movie.

I really wish DC had picked a different director to steer their shared cinematic universe :/


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I'm really starting to like this guy, which is weird because he's such a convincing creep onscreen.


Even knowing beforehand how bad it was reviewed....
It was the first film that I felt it's trying to insult me, and I really wanted to get up and leave the theatre.
It's amusing to see people commenting as if he said he hated the film. He didn't, he said he was exhausted on an overnight flight and never got the chance to watch the rest of it due to being too busy.

It has to suck to give interviews and then have stuff pulled out of context like this just to create clickbait with false drama. I also love the people congratulating him on his boldness and integrity. Yes, very brave of him to take such long flights at that hour.


BvS was more interesting than Civil Snore which was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on multiple levels


Aftershock LA

Me and my wife saw The Force Awakens three times in the theater, and that moment never ceased to cause the audience to break into applause. My niece, who didn't like Star Wars at all, was like "YES!" when it happened. She fell asleep during The Empire Strikes Back, and while she didn't hate it, she didn't love it as much as The Force Awakens.

Some movies are built around crowd pleasing moments. Batman v Superman's crowd pleasing moments just seemed to fall short.

Another one I remember is Spider-Man 2. Sam Raimi did a risky thing by having Spider-Man absent in the movie for a full 25-30 minutes. In a superhero movie, you expect to see the superhero, but he slowed the pace down and it became a more introspective journey of Peter Parker and his "freedom" from the responsibilities of Spider-Man. I remember hearing a kid in our theater as his parents, "When is he going to become Spider-Man?" The moment that he steals his suit back from Jameson and crashes through the newspaper had the theater erupt into applause. The kick ass train sequence that happened afterwards also had us all hyped as fuck.

BvS just wasn't a crowd pleaser, though it really, really wanted to be.


this is still the best answer Shannon has had about Batman vs Superman

Michael Shannon
I’m so utterly unconcerned with the outcome of that fight. So profoundly, utterly unconcerned. I can’t even come up with a fake answer. I guess I have to root for Superman because he killed me, so I would hope that he would continue his killing spree and become like a serial killer Superman. That’s a new take on Superman. We’d all be in a heap of trouble if Superman was a serial killer. He could just wipe us all out. But then he’d be lonely.

Isn’t he already lonely?
Well, we’re all lonely.
Love this answer, Shannon da gawd.
I almost did too.
Can't say the same about Man of Steel, despite the major flaws that movie had it did at least keep me awake and not begging for it to just end.
Just watched this for the second time, also on an international flight. Dear god, what a disaster. Nothing works in this movie, and I'm even less enamoured by Batman's portrayal than I was the first time around. Just a miserably awful film. Sad!

He is honestly the best part of pretty much every movie and TV series he is on. His character MADE Boardwalk Empire for me, and he was the best part of his Superman movie. I instantly sit up if I hear Michael Shannon is in something.

He's so good in The Night Before. Had me cracking up every time he was on-screen.


I fell asleep in the theater for a good 10 or 20 minutes. One of the most boring comic book films ever. If you fill your action scenes with fake ass CGI I am not going to care, full stop.

Boggles the mind that DC thought going from the hardcore practical effects driven action of Nolan the god's trilogy to Snyder's green screen bullshit was a good idea

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
It was - incredibly - one hell of a dull film.

Shannon was the best thing in MoS. Zod was literally the only character I could remotely sympathise with, which is worrying given his genocidal bent.

To be fair, he was the only character I could sympathise with in BvS too.


Title of the article should've been "Michael Shannon falls asleep while in the middle of an international flight, as Batman v. Superman played in background"

But I guess it's a less zippy headline :p

Nah, the title should be "Actor doesn't even bother to watch a movie he is in when it releases."

BvS was more interesting than Civil Snore which was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on multiple levels




Civil Bore.

BVS: Number of Spidermen making dumb ATAT jokes while swinging on a giant antman while everyone's pretending to fight and there's no stakes or meaning to anything (and the motivations of the characters to make the titular fight happen are even dumber than in BvS): 0

Civil Snore: Number of Batman workout montages: 0

Those aren't the only examples but they embody why I like BvS more :p


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
He's one of the lucky ones. I watched every minute of this dumpster fire opening night with an audience that never clapped, laughed or cheered once. Everyone left the theater like they were leaving a funeral.

And this is unusual?
I wanted to go to sleep while watching his awful Man of Steel movie. Batman vs. Superman had a lot of issues and wasn't 'good' but it was definitely more entertaining that that insomnia medication.


He's one of the lucky ones. I watched every minute of this dumpster fire opening night with an audience that never clapped, laughed or cheered once. Everyone left the theater like they were leaving a funeral.

The only time I remember the audience clapping in recent memory was at TFA, and even then I thought it was really fuckin weird. They seemed to realize after a moment that they were clapping a mindless projector and it died out quickly.


I fell asleep when I watched the extended bluray... Didn't even make it to the Batman Superman fight.


The real story is he relegated watching it to when flying.

That's some Z tier interest. Guess he really has no interest in BvS itseld beyond fulfilling a request to appear in it.

Can't really blame him: guy seems to throw himself into his roles and it must be disappointing to see the final product is scrappy as all hell and incoherent.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The real story is he relegated watching it to when flying.

That's some Z tier interest. Guess he really has no interest in BvS itseld beyond fulfilling a request to appear in it.

Can't really blame him: guy seems to throw himself into his roles and it must be disappointing to see the final product is scrappy as all hell and incoherent.

Hugo Weaving has never seen any of the Transformers movies. He didn't even read the scripts for any of them.
The closest I was to clapping in a theatre, was after Inception and one guy tried to start by clapping. Like two people joined in, while the rest in the cinema snickered. It was essentially the awkward clapping from Not Another Teen Movie.

Swedish audiences tend to be quiet and reserved. How I like it.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
The closest I was to clapping in a theatre, was after Inception and one guy tried to start by clapping. Like two people joined in, while the rest in the cinema snickered. It was essentially the awkward clapping from Not Another Teen Movie.

Swedish audiences tend to be quiet and reserved. How I like it.

Really? After Inception the entire theatre groaned when I saw it.
It thought it was interesting. Not a particularly good movie but it had its moments and I enjoyed Batffleck a lot. The movie would have been much better if it had focused on the clash between Batman and Superman and it had left out Doomsday and the Justice League stuff. A couple of after credits scenes could have taken care of the Justice League setup.
Of course this dude made the thread took a guess and it was on point. Dat context tho, he didn't comment on the quality of the film. Although I'm sure he prolly found it kinda crap

Anyways bless up to Michael Shannon one of the greatest actors alive and certainly the best comic book villain since Nolan films


There were a bunch of kids up front in the showing I was in, and I felt so fucking bad for them having to watch the joyless mess that was Batman v Superman.
There were a bunch of kids up front in the showing I was in, and I felt so fucking bad for them having to watch the joyless mess that was Batman v Superman.

I think the first 15 minutes and the warehouse scene was worth it all to me. As a Batman fan it was beautiful. And in this dogshit genre that is just bland after bland after bland I'm glad I got this which swung for the fences and missed but had some interesting ideas and scenes at least. It's cool. The world hates snyder but he got to make his nihilistic superman and batman movie.

But yeah I definitely feel bad for the kids. It's already a taxing film on adults, God knows how the children felt with Eisenberg rambling on and superman being depressed. I bet by the time the action started they all were sleeping or ready to leave.
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